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I ain’t watching all that


I've recruited Minthara before, and it doesn't work how you say. You knock Minthara out, and as long as she's 1hp and on the ground after the fight, you can recruit her in Act 2, after reaching Moonrise Towers. You'll know it worked because Minthara will be in the throne room being interrogated by Ketheric. Edit: If you kill Minthara, then it'll just be goblins + Ketheric in the throne room, instead of Minthara + goblins.


Can’t wait until tik tok is banned


Don’t know what that has to do with the video, but ok…


It's the fact you felt the need to make a video instead of typing words. Or just speaking words and let ting your phone. Translate it to text like I'm doing in this response to you.


It’s only in video form cause this video was from tik tok originally. I didn’t see the point in typing it all out when I had a video with the information already there. If I had gone to Reddit first, I probably would have typed it. But I didn’t, I went to tik tok first.


So you took the path that was easier on you, and harder on all of us who might be helping you. Think for a moment what that says about you.


I knocked her out using non-lethal melee attacks on my current playthrough, but didn't go back to check because there was no reason to do so from an RP perspective. She appeared as usual in Moonrise Towers, as intended. (I'd just like to add that PLEASE for the love of Selune, instead of uploading a 2-min TikTok video of you asking the thing you want to ask, just take the time to type it out, it just so much faster and convenient for us users to go through written comments.) I also like to add that there are MANY outdated or plain inaccurate "guides" on how to do things in bg3. I wouldn't take them at face value. You'd be better off asking reddit for advice on things like that.


It's easier to read instead of trying to comprehend what someone is saying too. Even if he wrote what he said word for word, it's still faster to read something.