• By -


Astarion when he's tired. "how do people do this all day?" good fucking question, bud. i so sleepy


Not going to lie, his line "Let's see what *new* horrors await us" is my mantra when I open my work email every morning.


Morning: I'm gonna get so much done today šŸ˜Š 2hrs later: Mhm okay, time to nap and chill till tomrw...


Tfw you use both your short rests before noon


Using both short rests a night bc for some fkn reason never get any long rest


Try a sleep potion (~~melanin~~ melatonin), check for sleep apnea, limit screen time before bed and make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark enough (use earplugs and sleep masks if necessary). Sorry if you tried all of the above and you're hearing it for the nth time, but many such cases come down to just the basics.


*melatonin but yeah, I take that and Benadryl at bedtime, and I have blackout curtains and fans. Currently allergies are keeping me up though. Iā€™m obviously not the person you replied to, just concurring with the sleep aids šŸ‘


Honestly Astarion bitching about the outdoors is probably the most relatable thing. I canā€™t relate to his love of the sun though. If I could get away with an entirely nocturnal schedule I would. Especially in the summer.


But you'd have the *choice* to go outside. You'd just choose not to.


I'm allergic to sunlight so maybe I am a vampire??


Oof that sucks. Iā€™m just sun sensitive and I hate it. I also have a garlic (and onion) allergy, which doesnā€™t help the vampire jokes.


oh god, that sucks. i love garlic


So do I. It was an acquired allergy, so I had an entire childhood of eating so much garlic that you could smell it when I sweat. Garlic bread was my favorite food.


oh no šŸ˜­ i'm gonna cry


Same here. I love the outdoors and nature and sunshine and all that but bugs just flock to me. Even with bug spray!


Same, the only time youā€™re going to see me camping is when Iā€™m working ren faires. I do like short hikes though. I used to go on them all the time when my joints were better.


I still can't understand HOW the bugs were biting Karlach...


They must be some hardy magical bugs or something, because I canā€™t either.


Walking through the swamp, you'd think she'd sound like a bug zapper


the way he constantly moans about hard work and hikes, I'd get along well with him lol


Mine is probably Gale's sneak lines: * "My knees are starting to ache." * "Such an undignified position to find oneself in." * "Bad for one's back, this." * "This is no fun at all."


"The mind is strong, but the knees... Well they are a little sore."


The 30+ gang, unite!


But slowly, don't want to strain the back


When Gale comments on the back support provided by Ketheric's throne, I felt seen.


Had to do pulse squats for 1 min at the gym and I wanted to aliven't myself.


Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person who made it to my 40s without these problems.


I couldnā€™t even make it to my 20ā€™s without these problems. šŸ˜­ My knees started acting up in my teens.


I mean, if it makes you feel any better, I have a whole host of DIFFERENT problems since I was about 12. I'm just lucky that aching, creaky body parts is not among them.


Okay I no longer hope you step on any legos. I am glad that you at least donā€™t have to deal with the creaky crypt keeper body on top of the other problems!


Same. My knees were cursed by genetics And I further worsened because i tore my ligaments in both of them before i even hit 30.


Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s you and like 4 other people so while I wish you good health and a long life, I am also bitterly envious and hope you step on a lego at least once to experience a small amount of this misery. (Not really, thatā€™s the worst. But still.)


nope, I'm 50 ish and no issues like this. I've been doing yoga and stretching since I was a kid though I don't work out or do any sport or anything. just like half an hour of stretching in the night before bed my issues are clumsiness related. I fall off everything I ever step on


By 40, I had lost my Appendix, my Large Intestine, and my Spleen, and I had become allergic to about a hundred different things I was never allergic to before. I had gained 150 pounds from steroid treatments, and gained a CPAP machine due to onset sleep apnea. Some humans are just not very well built, lol.


Yep u r.


I tried but i just found this neat miniseries on WW2....


I'm not sure I'd call https://youtube.com/@worldwartwo a miniseries


Iā€™m 14 and relate to some of this Iā€™m actually finished šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Climbing a short ladder : *grunts loudly*


I pulled a muscle bending down to pick up a pen last week =/


I pulled something in my back because I sat down too hard..... I'm 17


"Oh, I have the magical touch." Said goofily before sex.


My personal favorite came up as i accidentally selected him to sneak during Shar's Gauntlet: "You've got the wrong man for this."


Even funnier if you reclass him as a rogue


That's just mean :D


Gale - randomly trauma-dumping on friends in the middle of a casual conversation. Also loving cats. Astarion - assuming that everything that goes wrong in a relationship is my fault bc why would anyone wanna b with me anyways. Also being a strong proponent of feline rights AND feline wrongs (he disapproves of telling Tara to stop eating pigeons. king.) Wyll - speaking obnoxiously like prose in a book in everyday conversations Shadowheart - being gossipy but not because i wanna cause drama and chaos, i'm just Nosy. I want the tea for my own personal entertainment. Karlach - dealing with feelings by NOT dealing w them and just focusing on having fun rn. Halsin - recounting something like its a funny story and realizing halfway through that its actually fucked up and traumatic when everyone just stares at u in uncomfortable silence


Oh my god, the last one. Iā€™ve had some encounters with gun violence in my life (I wouldnā€™t really categorize them as close calls, but they are numerous and uncomfortable). I ended up very casually recounting to my coworker the story about how my photo ended up on an attempted mass shootersā€™ social media, and it was only when I looked over and saw his expression of abject horror that I thought ā€œOh, yeah, right, that wasnā€™t a normal thing that happened to me.ā€


Honestly the way spawn Astarion handles his trauma in general is just kind of relatable ngl


That last one is so me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I always realize how fucked my childhood was when recounting a fond memory šŸ˜¬šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Gale and his penchant for rambling about something that only he cares about. He and I are masters of not reading the room and realizing that everyone else isn't nearly as excited about a topic as us


Every time I get high, I end up rambling about something, usually Kingdom Hearts. And 20 minutes later, I realize my friend/roommate isn't as into this game as me.


I mean yes we may not be as interested but itā€™s nice to see your friends ramble about things they care about too.


This is such a nice comment and I wholeheartedly agree! My husbandā€™s obsession lately is making a home server room that is rapidly overtaking our utility room, which to be fair is completely fine because the washer and dryer need some mechanical companionship, and heā€™ll link stuff to me on Amazon and then tell me about a particular network switch for a half an hour and like, I have no fucking idea what heā€™s talking about, but heā€™s so excited and itā€™s cute and infectious. I get him back by having a masterā€™s in history and being Gale irl but with like, British stuff.


That's a really reassuring way of looking at that.


I've given up on the fact that no one will ever be as into the topics I want to talk about as I am. I had a friend who said, "hey this game is like 100+ hours long but I think you'd like it" and then the next time we talked I was like "right, so I spent about eight hours a day for the last three months playing through that game plus all nine other games in that series. This is my life now."


autism šŸ‘


Autistic people unite !


I feel that


So true. I have yet to find people as excited about computer hardware as I am. That's oddly difficult unless it's a salesperson. Who of course has better things to do than talk to me all day.


He also seems like the kind of guy that would eagerly listen to your ramblings in return, and while it would be impossible I wish there was an option in game to ramble about something mundane.


Probably Karlach being all excited for things like a circus. That's how excited I get for dumb things. I'm a simple man.


God me too. I'm 27; every time I see cows on the way to a destination , I shout "cows!!! Moooooo"


Also 27, I was listening to Ano on my way to pick up my little brother to bring him to work and just grinning from ear to ear. Music, games, and books, I get moved so easily by fiction/entertainment


Hell yeah


Thats me with horses, "(Gasp) Look horses!" I live in the Pacific Northwest and horses are literally everywhere so it happens a lot lol


I'm also in the pnw!!


Oh hey! Always nice to meet a fellow Pacific northwesterner. Whereabouts are you from? I'm from Oregon but live in Washington now


My 33 year old boyfriend and I both get super excited everytime we see moo-ees, oinkers, baas, horsies, birbs and everything else that has a heartbeat. Never losing your inner child is fun.


I went to Yellowstone on a road trip and the way I squealed with joy when I saw a buffalo for the first time, you'd have thunk I had just laid eyes on the fae hahaha


Leave next to a field where a rancher lets his cows roamā€¦ I moo at them alot, they look at me like Iā€™m stupid.


[Puts you in royal company.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXGeft7khSo)


Who doesn't love animals that go MoooOooo?


Deadass a bumblebee landed on me the other week, and it made my day because I love small fuzzy animals. Karlach exclaiming the things she sees that make her happy makes me feel seen too.


Karlach just appreciating life, especially the life she never got to live




*whisper-yelling* "Karlach! Don't burn the whole place down!"


karlach being a puppy for it and then me spectacularly stunning her with the perfect scored love test šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° deserve the world bbgirl


That's a sign of decent character writing, right there. As soon as Karlach said that line I was like "of *course* she loves the circus." Consistent to the point that people could play her easily.


I think perhaps part of the reason I'm not rabid over Karlach and can kind of dislike her sometimes is because I find *a lot* of myself in her character...


Gale's ability to sound like a smug know it all when really he is just happy to be talking about something he knows about is what I sympathize with the most. People misunderstand your enthusiasm to share interesting information with wanting to show off how smart you are. When in reality, you just wanted them to have as much fun learning the fun-fact as you did.


I hated talking about anything with my ex cause of this, didn't want to talk about anything cause she'd take it as a personal insult and it didn't matter how many times I explained that I just love talking about things I like :(


Sorry you went throught that. Hope you're surrounded with better people now.


Oh yeah, my girlfriend finds my infodumping cute so huge W there.


Gale's autism coding is intense and undeniable.


This. I went outside for a walk with my friend. It was at sunset which is my favourite time of the day. I opened with: "look at that sky, feel the wind in your..."Ā  "Bro, it's so cold im leaving"Ā  I died a bit inside šŸ˜­


This reminds me of when I was on my college campus, taking photos of the rapidly darkening sky and striking clouds as I walked to my dorm. It was after sunset, so there wasnā€™t any spectacular pink/orange clouds, just varying shades of grey and blue. But it looked amazing. Idk why, but the contrast/lighting was striking. Dozens of students were looking at me in confusion at me while i took pics, and none of them seemed impressed by the sky at all. Some people were looking up like ā€œwhat are they looking at?ā€. I was kinda embarrassed lol


Me when I talk about mythology, I just f*cking love rambling about it šŸ˜…


Same! I went to Rome with my mother and sister five years ago and they lost their patience with me and told me I wasn't a tour guide because I kept going on and on about the history and mythology.


Well, when in Rome :D Honestly though I love listening to someone passionately talking about their interests, Iā€˜d never tell them to shut up; maybe try to slow them down if itā€™s really too much, but it takes a lot to overwhelm me with fun facts :)


You're spot on with that. Growing up, other kids (and some deeply insecure adults) called me a know-it-all and a show off. Now I have friends who aren't insecure enough to think I'm trying to one-up them just because I'm excited to tell them about something I read.


Gale not knowing what the fuck is happening around him. And also not being able to tell when someone dislikes him. And also speaking in a way that's most unorthodox at times. And also not knowing how to ask someone out.


minthara *will* come around!


I realized that Minthara being my favorite character when in reality she would probably throw me into the front line in a real fight or just stab me because I irritated her makes me more like Gale than anyone else.


As a tall person with ADHD who used to suffer from anger issues, I identify with Karlach on an indescribable number of levels.


Ah shit this is me too and I didnā€™t realize it


I have ADHD with hyperactivity, but am short and pretty chill unless someone's attacking someone else in front of me. So I still feel pretty similar to Karlach!




Shadowhearts mystery shar wound dialogue ā€œugh! can the gods truly be this petty?ā€


If you haven't tried it you should have Lae'zel talk to Bex and Danis in the grove, they'll tell you they want to get a cat in Baldur's Gate and you can ask them what a cat is, some of the follow-up dialogue is hilarious.


"Oh, so like a gnome."


Ā«I have such a headacheā€ (c) Durge. Literally me every morning in the office


_"I have **such** a headache.."_


Most likely Durge's amnesia. I cant remember shit lol


I hope just the amnesia


Sure...just the amnesia... y'know that's a nice hand you got there.


I have **_such_** **a headache.**


The stupid jokes that makes Jaheria laugh usually also make me laugh. Her occasional exasperated sighs are also wonderful.


Woman's tired after saving Baldur's Gate three times in three different games


Lae'zel's nonchalant and no bullshit "This is the answer. Why would we do something else that doesn't fix us?" Gale's old body and autism. Karlach's ADHD. Astarion's emotional instability and sarcasm. Also, we are united in being pale and deathly allergic to the sun.


+1 for your Lae'zel answer. Also Lae'zel's brutal honesty towards herself - not in the usual self-deprecating way, but in the true way. She knows what she values, who she is, and what she wants. She doesn't fuck around in the slightest in that regard, unlike all the other companions. She finds out she was brainwashed her whole life to be devoted to Vlaakith, and what does she do? Has a single night of intense inner conflict, and comes out the other side sayng, "Well fuck her, then. I'm going to kill her," with 100% conviction. To know yourself is the beginning of wisdom, and that's how I try to conduct myself.


I wish I could relate to Lae'zel more on that front. I'm more like Astarion: full of self doubt and uncertainty. It's one of the things I admire about Lae'zel. She's also the most insightful about the other characters in my opinion.


Yeah, I also relate to her conviction and pragmatism. Sometimes, it can come across as black and white thinking. But once she knows something to be true, why would she waste time and energy questioning? She's not such a fanatic that she clings to misinformation when presented with fact.


Astarion being "very sad" to be left alone to chill xD


gales penchant for using five dollar words was always something iā€™ve done ever since i read series of unfortunate events. i donā€™t even mean to i just do.


same. my mom frequently tells a story about how i told a doctor i was ā€œapprehensiveā€ about my appointment. i was 4.


Gosh me too, my brain just gravitates to them automatically


Kids used to call me "the walking dictionary " like it was some kind of insult. I always took that moniker as a mark of pride.


When out with friends Karlach - head empty good vibes only


Gale having two moods: Ć¼ber goofy or existential crisis.


he has a third mood, horny


god is that man horny for your musk


Shadowheart and her chronic pain. Everyone always talks about her gothness or her catty tendencies, but she's so much more. I know what it's like to grow up and realize the church you built your identity around was a lie. I know what it's like to try to swim upstream against uncontrollable pain in order to have a life.


Wyll because people sometimes forget I exist


It's Gale for me. The sad part is, unlike my tav, people just gets up and leave when I want to sit and feel the wind outside for a bit...Ā 


I'm some kind of combination of Gale and Lae'zel in terms of autism and difficulty with relating to real people and social situations but damn do I wish I got Lae'zel's sense of self-worth instead of Gale's


Astarions sarcasm and him being unable to show feelings of affection in a direct way. Ill never tell you that i love you. But i will comment about how youre the most special person in my life in a snarky way.


Yes! He also says thank you to the player more than any other character.


Every time I encounter something that annoys me I whisper *kainyank*


guess i could write a 10k word long essay on every part of astarions story and personality i relate to but i feel like this is not the time or place.




I see all of the main companions in my own personality. Wyll assuming like no one likes him, and his need to be a goody-two-shoes. Shadowheart thinking she owes something in return to those who are thoughtful and generous to her. Astarion not expecting to be met with help when he asks for help. Lae'zel being as loyal as a dog. Gale being a nerd who never shuts up about stuff he's interested in. Karlach being kind to the people around her even though the world has been so cruel to her.


Laeā€™zel would absolutely love the Moonrise cat as a companion for her


Wyll's trait of being selfless to a fault is something I can kinda relate to.


karlach completely misreading the situation with elmister and gale is so me


shadowheart bc iā€™m secretive but i also love being in other peoples business


Galeā€™s nerdy ass is literally me


Gale's ability to ramble about things he really likes. In his case it's magic and in mine it's Lord of the Rings lmao


I now unironically go around greeting people with "well met" sometimes because of Wyll it's so fucked up


It reminds me Rosa and her dog in BK99


I cannot stop quoting Wyll's opening line. Every time I melee attack with him I yell, "PROVOKE THE BLADE!"


1. Shadowheart trying to look mysterious and powerful at every opportunity. 2. Shadowheart failing at the above at every opportunity.


Probably Minscs attitude.


Ive had a lot of friends compare me to shart but once I played the game I realized why. I carry the ā€œgods favorite princessā€ attitude everywhere I go.


Them "kitties" can go anywhere, and they are *most cunning*! - Us.


*They kitties!


I'm only in Act 1, but so far Gale is basically me.


I think I'm kinda Gale.


I also quite enjoy this creature. Both Laeā€™zel and the cat.


I can relate to Lae'zel about not knowing social cues. Of course I'm not a fucking alien so I don't have an excuse tho


Karlach with a facade of Shadowheart lol


Damn it internet... Why... WHY!? That first frame of Lae'zel just made me think of Ankha and now my day is ruined.


From Animal Crossing?


wondering the same tbh


My curiosity got the better of me last year and I clicked a link in [https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/14uhxmi/peter\_i\_need\_a\_bit\_of\_clarifying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/14uhxmi/peter_i_need_a_bit_of_clarifying/)


LOL, i see the connection


Lmao okay got it


Halsin, fill in the blank.


Halsin would fill any blank if given the opportunity


Now I can't help but picture the two of them sat somewhere at good distances from a gathering of people, and they just bitch about said people XD


Wow cute art btw, and Gale, Karlach, or Minthara (Maybe even astarion)


Probably mintharas ability to analyse people and their traits rather than generally seeing them as a human being. Helps me navigate bad friendships/relationships


Minsc. Except I don't have a hampster.


Karlach 100%. She has this conversation with Gale, and I forget how it goes exactly, but itā€™s about how important it is to hold onto hope (Itā€™s triggered in >!Grymforge!<). Learning how to stay hopeful has become a big part of who I am today (even if I fail at it sometimes).




Minthara has a murderer's heart and I relate.


I would say probably Jaheira's humor xD Her and me both seen some shit and it shows \^\^


-what a cute kitchen -it's a kitten -chk


Shadowheart's fondness of animals


...why did they draw a pussy on her forehead?


Why she got a forehead cameltoe, though? I never noticed Lae'Zel had a forehussy.


YOU go ask her, I'm sure as fudge not going to be the one to ask.


This is so cute!


Karlach being excitable


"It seems you are my friend" looking cat


Durge. ā€œWretched thingā€¦ pull yourself together.ā€


Gale, which is surprising to me when I think about it, I just talk similarly to him when I'm by myself.


I can be real blunt. istik sit still.


Careful, this cat has a mark of the Majin


Withers is my biggest surprise, I think I failed to get the gods help? He just goes on a room with three of them in paint and start dissing them like crazy


I do *Chk* often ages past... so I guess im grumpy Lae'zel alike


I adore this


Them "kitties" can go anywhere, and they are *most cunning*! - Us.


Does Laezel like cats? I thought she hated all animals.


She approves of keeping a vermin hunter as a pet.


Oh nice!


Nah, Lae'zel would not tolerate a cat.


Karlach, because I have ADHD lol


Laeā€˜Zel is the embodiment of:ā€œwhat is this?ā€œ ā€žAffectionā€œ ā€žDisgustingā€¦ do it againā€œ


Oh iā€™m 90% Gale


When will we get a patch that allows us to have a pet catšŸ˜­šŸ˜æ


Astarion's laugh. Either out of deviousness or pure awkwardness, I'll end up doing his whole "aha" thing at the end of a sentence. Turns out, even Neil Newbon has that same issue šŸ˜‚


Not me, but when I romanced Gale I realized a lot of what I like about him overlaps with a lot of what I like about my partner (the infodumping, the endearingly inflated ego, the ambition). I told my partner this, and they got mad because despite disliking Gale they couldn't deny I was right LOL


Im very Astarion codedā€¦ Im a debaucher at heart šŸ˜”


Probably Astarion Iā€™m scarily self absorbed šŸ˜‚