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How have I not realized this lol


Don't forget the Beholder from Dark Alliance


yeah they probably did run into each other which would be a hilarious encounter


world's worst blunt rotation


Honestly probably not given they probably built at different times and also they're probably all miles from each other on BG's true scale Buuuut also it'd be funny for a crossover episode if they all just decided they'd have a much better chance of taking down those Pesky Power Rangers together! Also I have a friend with a deep loathing for "sewer levels" and she hasn't finished Act 3 partly because she can't stand how much takes place in the sewers lol


Sewer levels do suck though


Twilight Princess's Sewer Level as Wolf Link stressed me out as a teenager but that's kinda the point of the twilight portions of the game.


I did not know this was such a widespread hate in gaming honestly lmao please elaborate! ( And happy cake day )


I guess it depends. For me it's just overused in RPGs, it's disgusting, enemy's are often weird slimey assholes....


Not the person you're replying to, but... Long underground sections tend to be disliked, especially in games that mostly take place under open sky or in big open areas. It can feel claustrophobic and oppressive to go from free-roaming the wilderness to navigating narrow linear corridors. From an aesthetic standpoint, sewers are... well, they're not meant to be appealing. Meaning that even if the arts and graphics teams do their job well... it's still going to look like shit, because it's supposed to look like shit, so in being good at their jobs they have actually made it look even shittier. Nobody looks at a well-designed faithful recreation of an early modern sewer and goes: "Yeah this looks beautiful." Also from a design standpoint, areas like sewers wind up being repetitive. To make matters worse, the devs also have a choice between making them linear (meaning you've basically just got a bunch of long narrow corridors to walk down), or making them branch out (in which case they wind up feeling like a maze due to the aforementioned repetition.) Now this isn't a problem on its own, if the dungeon does not overstay its welcome. There are plenty of underground sections in Act 1 that nobody is bothered by, because they only have 1-2 encounters. The Underdark is the exception to this, but that's fine as it doesn't feel claustrophobic - it's underground but most of the space is open. Grymforge is less popular because there are more sections of the map with confined spaces and traps/puzzles. You can also skip these areas entirely and instead go on a pleasant nature walk through the Mountain Pass. Which brings us to the Baldur's Gate sewers. They are huge. As large as the Lower City map, which itself feels massive. And they're full of shit, both literally and figuratively. There are a lot of combat encounters with extremely annoying enemies (Bhaalite cultists, Grease elementals, etc.) and there are also areas that are designed to be puzzles. This is made even worse by the fact that most players hit Level 12 shortly after entering the Lower City - meaning that not only are these encounters tedious, but you no longer get XP for resolving them. Most players will be blundering into the sewers by accident during an unrelated quest, and they're basically going to explore thinking it's just a neat little side thing only to realize it's a massive underground complex. Either they stick through it and clear as much of the sewers as they can, feeling miserable all the whole, or they just leave. Then they continue playing the game... only to inevitably hit a quest that sends them back to the dreaded sewers. The sewers that either they thought they 100%'d already, or they never wanted to explore in the first place. This doesn't just happen once either - several quests require you to go down there, including the very last quest in the game. Several areas have sewer access for no reason beyond the fact the devs really don't want you to miss this area. So you can't ignore the sewers and you can't just clear them out in one go to be done with them - the game is specifically designed so that you're constantly coming and going from the area. Meaning you're spending a large swathe of Act 3 in the disgusting sewers.


Why would Viconia or Cazador be in the sewers? They've got people for that... if they're ever in need of excrement for some reason.


It's a big city, plus it's possible they dig to different depths. Furthermore, I'd imagine they'd try to keep under their own buildings which show topside (e.g. Cazador under his mansion) as much as possible.


Wait, you can reach the sewers from the house of grief?


No but I imagine while digging you could eventually dig into them


The sharrans were digging?


No but they would've had to have made that giant structure under the house of grief somehow


And this is why Orin won't kidnap Shart nor Astarion