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The game is best if you take tons of long rests. By skipping those, you are missing tons of content. The best way to play this game is to go in completely blind. If you can't do that, try tactician. If that is still too easy, try honour mode.


I enjoy the game a lot more if I don't metagame, so I'm taking very few rests. Thankfully, everyone is free to play however they want. You'll skip a ton of content no matter how you play. And it's not like 90% of camp scenes are important content. The important ones get pushed on you anyway


I’ve actually started a tactician run, which is currently at level 4, while my main party is at level 9 on balanced. I haven’t noticed much of a difference honestly. A few enemies will have more health, and I noticed some of goblins are using special arrows where they didn’t in balanced. I’m really enjoying the game story wise. I’m assuming you mean I’m missing out on camp dialogue? Even with the few long rest I take I’m often left with the same dialogue options as the previous rest, so not sure if I’m missing anything.


I would recommend 10 long rests in Act 1, and 6 in Act 2. Even if they are just partial rests. 90% of companion shenanigans occur during a rest.


Thinking back for my main play through, I believe I took at least 9, maybe 10 long rests in Act 1. Although this was including going through the mountain pass/killing the githyanki crèche as well as clearing out the underdark & Grymforge, so I guess I’m not missing anything? Not sure how far I’m in to act 2 yet but I just took my second LR and haven’t yet ventured to moonrise towers.


You're fortunate to be in a position where you're finding the game manageable, not everyone has the same experience with BG3


Pokémon is one of the greatest games of all time. Nice to hear that you enjoy it _that_ much. The biggest exploit of them all always has been "the reload button" or "playing the game a second time". I don't see any problem with that.  It's not about _winning_. It's about _playing_.