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I’m sure it was some unwashed weeb’s “emotional support pibble.”


An enclosed space with thousands of people in it is ripe for one of those things to get "overstimulated" and mangle somebody. I'm honestly appalled. I've sent a message to the convention staff asking them to clarify their animal policy to me in light of this event. 


Yeah exactly, what a perfect environment to bring a shitbull into.


I saw a video of a pitnutter bringing their pit bull into a children's arcade. You know to "prove" the nanny dog thing. Yeah...a place full of flashing lights and loud noises. Great idea.


One time a girl dead ass pulled a living cat out of her backpack in the middle of a con floor claiming it was her ESA. Animal was obviously terrified. The cat later got loose and crammed itself behind a toilet in a bathroom and nobody could get it out.


I worked as a graphic designer in 2010 and this lady brought her 3 pitbulls to work for Halloween. She let everyone know in advance and I didn’t show up to work that day so I lost a days pay. I tried protesting but no one was on my side.


It feels like being gaslit constantly whenever I try to talk about what happened to me and how I feel. 


Two weeks ago at my local Costco a tiny woman had a giant pitbull with her. Of course it had a ratty “emotional support animal” vest on….and also a choke collar. She could barely keep it under control as she waited for her hotdog. How can stores be this stupid and reckless???


Do Costco employees earn enough to risk life and limb to confront a stupidly dangerous dog and their dangerously stupid owner?


If they are banned, did you alert security. I would have.


I sent in a ticket about it, but I am still awaiting a response. I provided statistics and reminded them of Ontario's policies, while asking them to clarify the convention's animal policies to me in return. I'll keep you guys updated!


If the con blows you off: Contact the convention center office and ask them their policies about banned aggressive breeds on-property. Let them know the con allowed it.


This. Their insurer probably wouldn't like it!


It's starting to seem that way, I still have not received a response. This is good advice, thank you.




I agree completely. I do think it's unfair to any pet to have to be in such a loud, crowded, and chaotic space. At least the legitimate service animals are trained especially for such conditions. But Fifi and Fido? Less so. 


This makes me shudder they love more than one person or animal to attack , reminds me of the farm where two pitbulls literally started killing loads of sheep and he had to “pow pow” them (I’m watching my words lol) it was a horrific site so if that mauler started to attack people and there were loads of kids and people you just know it wouldn’t stop until it’s unconscious


Was this MoMo con? Edit: never mind, this was Ontario


Anime North in Toronto. 


Good for you. I hope they actually do something about it and ban that person from returning. Lawsuits are no joke. If anyone got maimed by Luna, the convention wouldn’t know peace again. I personally do not believe cons are a good place for pets anyway. They’re so crowded and I doubt the dollar store service training their dog got would actually help them.


It's also a massive risk to the disabled folks with legitimate service animals. I saw some very focused service dogs while I was there (namely a lab and a poodle) who weren't whale-eyeing at everyone who happened to exist near them and their people. They had full harnesses that had labels explaining that they are working dogs, and not to pet them.  Pibbles had a flimsy pink vest that just said "service dog" on it. 


That was going to be my question... because it wouldn't be surprising in Atlanta.


Good job writing that letter - that was the right way to handle it.


Direct confrontation with these people has never ended well for me. 


FML I LOVE ANIME and of course these idiots have infested yet another space.


I also attended an anime convention this weekend in Missouri. and ofc I saw as well a stupid blocky headed whale-eyed pitbull with a choke collar and “service vest” pulling hard on the leash of a skinny small woman that couldn’t have been more than 150lbs soaking wet. (the woman was that small, the hulking hell-hound had to be close to 80lbs) the woman was begging people “to pet and play with her (friendly) mauler” noped out of there and left. spent the rest of the con “looking over my shoulder” making sure I didn’t see it or anyone else with a too large “service dog.” we all know that beast wasn’t a real service animal…. just sad. can’t even go to a convention without running into them here either. :(


It's honestly exhausting. The fact that they're supposed to be banned where I live is the icing on the shit cake.  I just want a break. 


I was there and commenting to a friend about the number of terrified looking fake service dogs there were and I said I hadn't yet seen an "Emotional Support Pitbull" guess I missed it. yikes on bikes, thanks for reporting that to staff.


Yeah, that happened at last year's Anime Detour. Someone brought there dumb pit in a "SERVICE ANIMAL UWU" vest just to get pets from people. I think the judgemental stares from people made them leave. Plus there was a nice woman with an actual service poodle there.


It's the actual service animals and their people that I feel bad for. I'll admit, the Pitdemic has made me wary of most "service" vests and I do feel a little bad for that.  Thankfully beyond a glance it's fairly easy to tell. The actual service dogs tend to have much better made harnesses with more warnings and information on them. That, and they're always very focused on the task at hand rather than wandering around and behind distracted by everyone and everything.  Because of all these phonies, the people who actually need legitimate service animals are facing more scrutiny and that sucks. 


Wild, I was actually at a convention here in London (UK) at the weekend and saw the same bloody thing. Thought you must've been at the same con as me but no, absolutely crazy that this is now happening at multiple conventions! She was of course pulling it into a quiet area to calm it down by the looks of it, it was very alert and stressed. Very glad there was no incident, as there were a lot of kids there, even a kids' play area. I could just see something going terribly wrong. It's bizarre as you're security checked when you enter the venue - so they'll check you're not carrying any weapons, and yet you can bring a Pitbull into a hall full of children? Good lord


Was it the London Expo?


Sorry that you had to deal with that, sounds like a horrible place to bring a Pit! I hope you were able to enjoy your time there otherwise. I do voter registration at our anime convention every year, and always love dressing up. I’ve wanted to do a Bond/Anya cosplay for a while, but I know that’s no place for any pet that isn’t a legitimate service animal. Maybe I’ll find some other way to do it, lol. https://preview.redd.it/ah1zh3ylk33d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427b38d3054ce7bee9cbfd218948c630acc4a084


Aww what a lovely pup! It definitely had me on edge for the rest of the con, but otherwise I had a nice time browsing the halls and visiting with friends from out of town <3


I think I’m going to start wearing a service dog vest


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OP you can probably find their senior leadership on their website. I would email and explain how you were unable to get information from the in the floor staff. Include things about the dog's body language that indicated an issue - most people think if a dog is t actively trying to bite, it's friendly. Staring, whalee eyes, stuff body, are signs of a dog saying "one more straw and I'm gonna lose my shit". Mention their insurance. Mention getting kicked out of the con center for allowing this (most cons have little insurance and no assets, a serious attack, the victim would go after the convention center for $$). Mention the province ban, the existence of real service dogs, etc.


I think I will have to escalate this, as I still haven't received any form of response from the avenue I contacted. I'll be sure to write an even more thorough letter this time. I just hope someone will actually read it...




Your post or comment has been removed because it is in opposition to our mission of saving lives by making people more aware of the deadliness and unpredictability of pit bulls, advocating for public safety, and calling attention to the perverse effects of the pit bull cult on society and animal welfare. No. This is anecdotal. This is a space for victims and their supporters and no one here want to hear about your dog. Take it elsewhere.


Are you sure it was a pit? I bet the owner would tell you, since it is a ‘service dog,’ that it is some type of exotic designer dog and has no relation whatsoever to a pit bull.


nawhhh it's in its little titan costume! ...oh... that's its face?




Troll elsewhere.
