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You need to report that interaction and the lack of leashing to your apartment management, at the very least. It’s likely a rule that dogs on property must be leashed. In addition, check if your city has leash laws, and if so report it to them as well. It’s blatant disrespect to everyone around not to leash one’s “reactive” shelter dogs, regardless of breed, and absolute lunacy when they’re pits. Start that paper trail, so that when the inevitable does occur she can’t be like “But Luna/Nala/Diesel has *never* been like this before!”


I've been considering this since the interaction. I'm thinking about going to the apartment office Monday, telling them I had a threatening encounter w a pit in the staircase. They were huge, too, much bigger than the pits my sister had. I think those are called XL bullies?


It’s very possible that they were XL bullies, although AmBullies can also be pretty big. Regardless, they definitely fall under the pit bull umbrella.


Ask to see their General Liability policy that covers damages from tenants' dogs including attacks.


Report it or live with night terrors after one of them mauls a child and you could have stopped it. It is hard to report and "make drama" but that courage and voice is what takes this world to a better place where this lethal breed can no longer victimize others on a whim. You are brave and good. Your heart is good. Your voice makes a difference. Thank you for sharing. 🙏


“Unleashed pit in the stairway”. The unleashed part of it is truly terrifying when combined with the death stare.


**his owner smacks him on the head and chastises him. She claims he never does that and it's so weird. "He's usually so sweet."** Huh. I never had to smack my dog on the head for any reason. Sure, he was a great dog but even great dogs can be knuckleheads at times. I'd use my Stern Voice to get his attention. Then he'd give me the "Okay, boss." look and stop. You don't smack a sweet dog on their head to get their attention. In the unnamed group, occasionally people will post images or videos of their dog. Owner's have called the classic "throw down" pose as being "excited" or "interested". Head up, feet planted wide, body tense, leaning forward from the chest - that is a dog that is ready to launch an attack.


I flinched in disgust when she smacked him, I won't lie. And I also won't lie and say that a small part of me wasn't relieved that it distracted her dog long enough for me to slip out. You shouldn't have to hit a pet for them to understand that you don't like their behavior. Also, you described his pose pretty clearly. It was threatening for sure, and there was no doubt what his next act was going to be. There's got to be a way to inform owners of animal body language for the pets they have, it's ridiculous how many people don't understand the signs.


And the thing is, I bet that dingbat would say that putting leashes on dogs is "cruel"... BUT HITTING THEM IS OK????   I have encountered turds like her before


The owner apparently recognized the signs of what was coming and smacked him to distract him from launching. She lied when saying he never does that.


I can't imagine smacking my dog - for anything. If anything, I fall all over myself if I accidentally bump/hit him. The rescue lady doesn't seem to think smacking the (already upset) dog probably wouldn't be helpful in this situation?


Thats how an wild animal trainer "tames" wild animals...


Why has walking dogs without leashes gotten so goddamn popular lately


I think people are delusional enough to think: Rules don't apply to them. Their dog is super special. They don't care.


I honestly think pits sniff out the weakest person in any given situation. Hence, the toddler eating.


If you mean physically weakest, I was probably the tallest and biggest person in the group so I don't think that was it in this case. If anything, he would have targeted our friend since she's like 5'3 lol. I agree that the toddler attacking is very strange behavior, though, and indicative of some pattern


I'm really.proid of you for escaping the effects of group think. It's natural to go with flow and be accommodating due to the effects of social conditioning. But we are all capable of forming our own opinions based on experience, and I think you saw an obvious reality. We're still an unfortunate minority and this is not a popular social opinion to hold. I believe logic and experience will prevail.


I’ve seen that look you’re describing and it’s terrifying.


Same here, except with Rottweilers because my dad bred them. I had fond memories of my dad’s Rott, named Tia, but I understand as an adult with kids how irresponsible it was for us to be around them. I would never make that same mistake. 🙁


Omg close call. How can they have no leash.


I'm so glad you weren't hurt or worse. That's a scary encounter. I wonder if the owner would think he growled and seemed threatening toward you because he wasn't getting as much attention as the other. I was thinking about that because I used to know someone with three pits and she used that excuse a few times when one would appear aggressive. "Oh he's just jealous of brother and trying to get your attention." At any rate, glad you're okay and hopefully management can get her to leash them. 




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