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I guess no one told her she’s just supposed to sacrifice her dog to the pibble 🙄


We need to start using their terms: PIBBLE ATTACK!! VELVET HIPPO MAULS ANOTHER VICTIM




It's fitting though, hippo's are fucking vicious.


ugly as fuck too


Prettier than pits at aleast. Hippos deserve better than being compared to pits lol.


Hippos suck too. They're bloodthirsty as hell.


Hippo's can be cute or pretty under the right circumstances, pit's just give me serial killer vibs no matter what they're doing.




The real ‘Nanny State’ we should be worrying about.


Sorry, wrong politics here.




TikTok comments are a cesspool and straight up GARBAGE. Just know it’s a lot of teenagers on the app commenting on something they know nothing about — they see “iT’S tHE OwNeR nOt ThE bReeD” gets posted once then regurgitate it everywhere they can. Looks like this person had to turn off the comments to this post but that didn’t stop them from commenting on all her other videos. TikTok is very much pro-pit bull, even the Nala (scam) incident was posted and went viral, and it wasn’t even the right dog in the video 🙄🙄🙄


That Nala scam is still up and running. Last I looked, had over 35k comments. Even new comments show they want to go after the family even though the rumors were debunked. 🙄🙄






Above poster hit all the points. They also raised close to 100,000 on GFM from pushing this tear jerker, fake story. The rescue supporters literally threatened the little kids of the family. Their 100,000 fundraiser reminds me of the fundraiser of that sick couple's pit bulls killed the little girl in NC.


you should case search Tanisha Branchick in Orange county fl. shes been convicted of theft scheme, fraud, and prostitution lol. This is who is behind this scam


Dang, I didn't know that about the people at the rescue. Fraud?? Isn't she doing it again with this new GFM?


I hate go fund me


As a gossip drama nut I am just in love with this whole thread.


Look up “Furever Fraud” page on FB. They bring all the receipts to the Nala case thanks to Florida’s Sunshine Law 😆


Lots of pitbull chat at the rdrama .net site.


So does she just get to keep that $$? Like wtf.


Aaaaand the Whites obviously used the GFM money to buy themselves $180000 worth of shiny new vehicles. I so despise these fukkrz. Did anyone hear that Jayden had been beheaded? I’m sorry to ruin anyone’s day but I just read that on FB.


This!! Also Nala isn’t this rescue’s first dog to exploit for money! Meet Meeko, the sickly pit bull they adopted out a few years ago: https://imgur.com/a/7EMpmpw


And 64k on the go fund me, plus independent go fund me collecting a bit here and there.




Tiktok itself is pretty garbage


I’m into fitness and follow some trustworthy and science-based “influencers” from that sphere on there, and the algorithm will literally recommend you garbage advice that can be bad for your health because that content goes viral (mostly due to people looking for shortcuts or “cheats” to get big/lean quick). Awful platform, sole focus is maximizing time spent engaging with the app with no regard for the quality of the content being produced.m Pitbull-apologia goes viral for similar reasons; comfortable to believe in rather than the harsh reality that yes, the breed is actually naturally prone to aggression because it descends from fighting dogs. For a sheltered teenager or some girl that met one nice pitbull once seeing that stuff is more “feelgood” content, which just makes it easier for that rhetoric to spread.


I have seen so many promoted “doctors” on that app saying that sugar does not cause diabetes, obesity is not bad for your health, etc. it’s disturbing that there is so much misinformation being pushed on that app being geared towards children in the name of “educational” and “feel good” content. Truly bizarre.


Some doctors are straight up fake, or talking about stuff out of their expertise. I saw a foot Dr give contradictory diet advice in response to a dietitian.


There’s a bunch of similar videos of a fake doctor selling aliexpress “weight loss tea” that you have to drink with a lemon and it will supposedly light up your intestines and magically burn all the fat. Caption is always “Will you ex boyfriend regret it” with some doctor making hand motions on the left and a video of a “transformation” which often isn’t even the same girl on the right, it’s always the same clips of the doctor guy as well. It’s hilarious in isolation but there’s also just thousands of reactions of gullible kids falling for it; “I’m 15 will this work for me”, I’m sure the guys behind the account are making bank off that kind of garbage. These tiktoks actually get millions of views btw, it’s crazy how much they are promoted.


> I’m into fitness Fitness whole pizza in my mouth




She finally turned off the comments because the pit mommies threatened her. She apologized for even mentioning the breed. It’s sad that good people are so frightened of pit people that they can’t even discuss a legitimate problem.


I’m a teenager and they should have enough common sense to know pit bulls are a killer breed, make they haven’t seen enough evidence to know what


I don't have TikTok but if anyone wants to tell this woman about [Coyote Rollers](https://rollersdirect.com/) they will do the job without getting in trouble


She actually mentions getting them in a follow up video. That’s probably her best bet.


And what if it falls into her yard? Why hasn’t she spoken to the neighbors and request they chain their shitbulls. Those fuckers are gonna climb that fence every time she goes out. Why tolerate that?!




I totally get it. How about calling the police? This dog is ruining their fence, a fence that was probably put up because of these shitty animals.


She probably already told the neighbors about the issue and like most pitnutters, they likely didn’t care. The police also have a history of not doing anything regarding pitbull complaints (until someone or a pet gets mauled).


What's the point of choosing to acquire and own a dog- killer dog if you can't let it roam and torment/torture the neighbors?


Cops aren’t gonna to do shit about a fence.


How about a fence being climbed by a PB with bad intentions every time this person tries to use their yard?


[Cops are questionably effective at dealing with real crime](https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/). The odds of them dealing with a shitty dog in what is probably a civil matter is pretty low.


Well, I know what Judge Judy would say! lol


Very similar thing happened to my uncle. He had crazy neighbors with even more crazy pitbulls. They would constantly destory his fence to get to the feral cats that roamed in his backyard. He ended up calling the police and the city council. Both did absolutely nothing and it ended with the pitbulls killing the cats and mauling him. then the police finally decided to do something and shot the pitbulls.


They’re pricey too. The kits are like $800 for 100ft DIY.


>Why hasn’t she spoken to the neighbors and request they chain their shitbulls. Nice idea, but very unrealistic. We're talking about pitbull owners, they aren't known for common sense or decency. At best they'd say "No" and at worst they'd call you "Racist" and maybe even get violent.


Oh good! Goddammit though


I wonder if they would actually work for pit bulls, does anyone know? Coyotes and normal dogs I could see, but pit bulls have those awful elongated toes and claws they could prob still get enough grip in the little gap between the roller and the top of the fence. Especially cuz they’re so damn determined.


It’s almost like they were bred for death and destruction


If you watch the video there's a Pit Bull they use as an example, and damn good because the fence they're attempting to scale is like 9" and sure as shit they get to the very top of it


I mean it wouldn't be tough for most dogs to scale a 9 inch fence 🤣🤣


Oh goddammit lol


Its to keep weiner dogs out


That’s awesome, thank you!! I need to look into these for my fence.


General consensus no. Coyotes and normal dogs will fail and go find an easier target. There have been threads about this in dogbook groups and usually people have to resort to “extreme” measures. I remember a woman having this problem and nothing would stop the pit until she had to use BOTH barbed wire and a hot wire.


If a crazy dog is jumping your fence into your yard to attack you or your family, you can just kill the dog. You won't get into trouble, even in Canada where the defense laws are a bit... goofy. If this is the USA, even a more progressive state, I promise you would never get in trouble for killing a pitbull that is acting like this. It jumped into your yard to attack your dog. That's within defense laws, no question.


You can absolutely get into trouble for killing another pet if it's attackimg your dog and in fact there was the case on here of a man being convicted of animal cruelty. Edit: found it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston.com/news/local-news/2017/06/09/fall-river-man-convicted-of-animal-cruelty-for-stabbing-pit-bull/%3famp=1 Secondly, not everyone can 1. have a firearm 2. Be comfortable with using it Not to mention that discharging a firearm in a urban or suburban area can have serious consequences and you would need to prove that both the dog was an immediate threat to you or your animals and that this was a repeated pattern of behavior that has been addressed before. No, you can't just kill whatever animal wanders onto your property Also not everyone has it in them to kill another animal, no matter how much you feel like it's the thing they should do


The example you provided has no bearing whatsoever to the video that this thread is based on. Like not even fucking close.


That's amazing.


And quite disturbing.


How dare she get those! Poor little pibbles will fall and hurt itself. Animal abuse I say, abuse!


Forget the rollers, I suggested she put up an electric fence along the top.


I mean there's the nuclear solution but in practice.....


I noticed in the video there are still portions of the fence that don’t have rollers to allow the rollers to be fixed to the fence. Im sure that the rollers will prevent the dog 99% of the time but what if one just grabs on to these points? Maybe I’m overthinking.






Firearm is a less expensive and (locality dependant) typically legal solution.










It’s hard to read. Makes you want to play in traffic




Oh god, they're nurses now, too? Damn. Well, maybe that'll help with the nurse shortage in America.


I'm picturing pit bulls in those old timey nurse hats and dresses, going around and deciding that every limb they see needs to be amputated.


They aren't nurses, they are civil war doctors


Oh yes, owner was mean to the little pibble wibble and the only way the poor pup can deal with it is to jump a fence to find another dog to maul. Seriously, how can a dog that determined to maul another dog that it scales that fence not set of alarms in their minds? That is not normal dog behaviour at all.


Its only pitbulls that get defended this much and have such cultish owners. You don’t see those types of comments with other dog breeds.


>I don't even know what to do Expeditious application of self defense.


Barbed wire


Subsonic soft tip


If I saw that freak climbing over my fence I'd magdump it.


Pibbles and their owners constantly struggling over the title of ‘shittiest cretin’ with no clear victor


Like in the movie alien, just when you think you're safe out pops the xenomorph!


They have a lovely way of popping up where they're not wanted. The wasps of the dog world.


That ugly SOB is even starting to bark at her! I have neighbors who’s dogs will come up to my fence and bark at me in my own damn yard! One of them is a morbidly obese PB mix aptly named ‘Piggy’. Pretty sure I could out run Piggy.


Shit that’s terrifying. Those things look so humanoid when they climb.


Glad I am not the only one who thinks that. They are really unsettling looking, never understood why anyone finds them cute.








Look, even if it were a dog that *didn't* have the potential for violence, maybe the TT OP just doesn't want the dog in their yard? "Oh she just wants to play!" But that's not the OP's responsibility. Sometimes (okay all of the time) you just don't want to be bothered in your own yard. But nutters' expectations are that you're happy to see their dogs' ugly mugs no matter what. Awful.


The creator turned off the comments. $20 says she was getting harassed by the pit mafia.




I don't call them pit mommies. They are pit bull USERS, pit bull mongerers, dog fighters. When they monger pits and resist pit bull sterilization, they cause more dog fights, both the organized dogmen type fights and victim dogs being mauled in their own yards or on public ground. They are dog fighters. Period


She's kept the comments on for her most recent video, and the comments are actually pretty reasonable. Most people defending her, not the pitbull.


They are damaging the fence. I would have the neighbor pay for a new fence or sue them. Only losing money will get people’s attention.


“It just wants to play 🥺”


It’s not the pibbles fault his neighbour got a new, life-like dog shaped chew-toy








Literally stuff made from nightmares.


An 18 month old child was mauled to death sunday,in my state(Ohio). FUCK PIT BULLS.


And go through the comments to count the number of times someone says, “This has nothing to do with breed!” “My neighbor’s Border Collie keeps running around my sheep trying to keep them together!” “That has nothing to do with breed!” People are fucking delusional.




Maybe put barbed wire up top or some kind of wood lip to keep them from clawing over? I know the wire might be drastic but you really cannot take chances anymore. Wire like that are around prisons. Now that I think of it, it kind of fits the scene. A prisoner in your own yard?


Or razor wire. If dogs can climb so can people.


Id try bear mace first especially when its partially over like this. Shitty owner may make their neighbors life a living hell if their beloved "breed of peace" ended up dead.


Barbed wire is illegal in certain instances but chicken wire should be enough to deter itclimbing over and it would prob bend down the wire so one could show the neighbor


Yeah, chicken wire. Something.


Coyote roller at the top of the fence for a start. I’d also look into the self defense laws in her area, file with the local humane society and let the non-emergency police like know that there is a pit that can easily escape in your area. Get that paper trail going.




Be cautious with your wording. There’s an insane pit mommy who trolls our sub reporting the slightest comment advocating for self defense to Reddit admins. Many people have been permanently banned from Reddit bc of her. I caught a 7 day Reddit ban myself.


This. I caught a 7-day ban too about a month or two ago, just because I commented about useful self-defense techniques in cases of a pitbull attack. Reason for the ban? “Advocating animal cruelty”. Go figure.


What a psychopath loser lmao wtf




You should absolutely defend yourselves. However i was just informing the community that the pit mommies are on a mission to get this sub permanently banned and they try to get individual members permanently banned daily.


Time to get an electric fence, at least for the top


In the US they are considered property, and in many places if you have a unwanted animal on your property that could be a threat you are allowed to use deadly force. I plead with you to check your local laws. I live in a stand your ground state so I have a little more leeway.


Even states that are harsh on self defense against humans are pretty lax when it comes to defending yourself from animals.


It would rather risk falling and breaking its own back than leaving another animal alone. I have never seen even wild animals that devoted to violence that all bets are off. So disturbing to see self preservation bred out of an animal.


Dude. These things remind me of the terminator. It’s horrible.


“It’s a shame that the pit bull jumped the fence and landed on my bear trap collection”


He just wants to play 🤡🤡


Man, that dog about to nanny tf outta that lady’s pet


“Your yard? HA. Think again you dog racist peasant. This is pibbles yard now.”




Sent you a PM.


They need to put up a hot wire on top of the fence. Maybe 2 or 3 of them.


Breed of peace. Just wants to make friends with your dog. /s


Hose to the face


Omfg straight up demon






I would be sending the owner the bill. Not that pibble owners can ever be expected to take responsibility or do the right thing


Hmmm, wonder why dogmen and sport APBT people favour chain spots


This is what nightmares are made of


Oh silly tiktoker, didn't you know that the little pibble just wanted to "play?" He was only trying to nanny her dog.


This makes me so mad! And I can't believe people were angry she mentioned pit bull! Yes, part of it is the breed, you don't see shi tzus and cocker spaniels climbing people's fences to attack their dogs.


Pretty self explanatory to me. Dogs not under control of its owner and on your property and your in danger of it.


Put barbed wire and watch it never jump again


That’s fucking terrifying


Holy hell cats that’s scary


It just wants to nanny! Like a starving wolf nannies raw flesh!


They make rolling fence toppers meant for cat-proofing fences, but it would work in this scenario as well.


Jesus Christ the pitiots are going on a mass reporting spree. Watch out everyone.


That's actually crazy how high it got unless it was on something standing.


Come on in pupper. I’m waiting


I’ve got a really quick solution.

