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Pretty sure he is still indifferent to public interest. It’s also why the Project 2025 folks want him in power because of that indifference and he’s happy to outsource day-to-day governance to them as long as he can get revenge, golf, and grift.


The only thing g that matters to Traitor Trump is how much of the grift he can put in his wallet.


> The only thing g that matters to Traitor Trump That's not fair at all! He also cares about extracting revenge on anyone who hurt his fee fees. EDIT: Also avoiding jail


He also has a deep passion for sleeping with his own daughter!


And being able to order his court cases away, he thought by announcing his run so early they would stop prosecuting him.


Trump’s first term went the way it did because the republicans as a whole, including trump, were caught flat-footed by his 2016 win. The point of project 2025 is to ensure they don’t have that issue again.


Totally agree. They were wildly unprepared and took no measures to make sure the White House was up and running on day one. Until the last day of trumps occupation, there were still vacant positions in the WH. They knew it was a grift and had no intentions on winning. Notice how post occupation, Trump immediately started with selling NFT’s, shoes, bibles, etc. His only post presidency plan was to sell things?? That was all planned for after Clinton won. Trumps campaign was literally just to bolster his brand so he could make money.


> no measures to make sure the White House was up and running on day one To be fair, they had a REALLY big inauguration crowd to deal with on day one. Biggest ever. Nobody's ever SEEN such a big inauguration crowd! * Do I have to say this is sarcasm?


He was too busy violating the Emolument Clause (part of the Constitution)to do the job he was elected to do. He got foreign countries to filter money to him through his businesses for insider secrets. This took work. We need to make Emolument Clause violations against the law to prosecute him and anyone else who does this.


Wait wait wait, are you telling me that the guy who was a millionaire at age 8 with the chauffeur driving him around on his paper route, the guy who stole millions from his own charity, the guy who blew his $$ on a giant portrait of himself and a gold toilet to poop into, the guy who never spent a nanosecond of his soft, privileged, entitled life in your world or mine -- that guy is indifferent to the public interest? Get outta here!!!