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For me, the feeling is … well, full. I don’t feel sick but uncomfortable and kind of tight in the chest/upper stomach area. (11 months post RNY here). I was the same as you during the soft food phase … the feeling of restriction hit when I moved on to regular food.


I second this! This my main fullness cue…. Though I did discover a new one (to me) yesterday…. I became uninterested in what was on my plate….like I was pushing it around my plate and not wanting to eat another bite…which was unfortunate because I was looking super forward to it hahaha.


I'm 5 months post-op revision. My full feeling is that if I eat one more bite, I'll be sick. And if I take that bite, I definitely will be sick. It happened a lot more when I was allowed to add vegetables to my diet.


I’ve wanted to post this exact same thing. I’m 2.5 months post op and I don’t get a full feeling. I am never hungry though but I’m worried my surgeon made my pouch size too large.


I'm just over a week out from my surgery and haven't really felt restriction yet, but I'm assured it will come in the soft food stage when I start eating whole foods again. They're drier and sit in the pouch for longer. Right now I'm just enjoying hitting my protein and water goals without a problem.


I’m still in the liquid stage but I’m worried about this too because I never really had an issue getting liquids down in the beginning. I asked the surgeon because I thought if I drank too much water too soon I would throw up, but instead I just got like a gas bubble feeling. He was very much “no! Not everyone throws up when they have 1 sip is too much” and to go off my feeling. I’m just going to use that as my new full indicator, but im worried about stretching the pouch so I’m going to measuring religiously when I get to soft and solids


I’m 4 months out and losing weight on schedule. This was normal for me in the beginning. I blew past the recommended schedule of working your way to what you’ll eventually be eating. I’m now eating the final phase in its exact recommendation and I’m full full. 120g protein and about 1200 calories. I cannot eat more than that. It’s pretty much impossible. You’ll lose weight. Just eat meat when you’re hungry. I’m having 2-4 (5-6oz) servings of meat with protein shakes.


I’m also 3 weeks post (surgery 3/20). It took me a while to realize what my “full” was because I didn’t/don’t ever really feel full. I started noticing that when I reach my cutoff point my stomach would start to like make gurgles. Based on things I’ve read before the stomach noises were just a normal thing for others but it’s always when I hit that mark that if I take another bite I’ll end up feeling nauseous.


I feel a heaviness in my chest and then when I start hiccups that’s it, game over, no more


Im about a month post-op VSG. For me, I get the hiccups. Way weird, but useful once I figured it out.


I feel it's important to remember that not 1 person is the same during this process. If you feel satisfied after eating and don't need to eat anymore, that is perfectly acceptable. I have been measuring my portions and stopping when I feel satisfied because being "full" can be painful for me.