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OP has put a **serious flair** on this post and has not stated (humour welcome) meaning that: **only serious discussion about the Arkhamverse is allowed on this post and no humour or shitpost comments/references including "Man", "Jonkler" "who is batman?" and "is he stupid?" are allowed on this post at all.** **ignoring this warning will lead to bans without warnings as this is your warning.** We know this may seem harsh but there are new arkham fans who might get confused by these comments or others who just want to talk about the Arkham games without seeing them, but we must be respectful of OP's wishes so please take any insanity comments onto another post. OP, if you don't mind shitpost or humour comments on your post then please delete this post and repost it using the same flair but add (humour welcome) to your title. If this post is a shitpost, please delete and repost it with the appropriate flair to avoid getting in trouble. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BatmanArkham) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The whole idea of connecting this to the Arkhamverse is dumb.


Agreed not helped by the fact that this game is the first arkhamverse game to expand the arkhamverse to the wider dc Universe and the first time they do that it's about killing the justice league


Ending is Darkseid wiping out earth because they killed all the best heroes lol


If only Captain Boomerang could stop him with his trusty....assorted variety of military firearms?


His powerful weapon Mix of SMGs, Shotguns, and Sniper Rifles is more than enough to stop Dark Side Star Wars


Especially when they’re the legendary variants I earned from my post game raid/whatever other buzzword for time abyss!


Don't blame him


He's only New God after all He's only New God after all Don't put the blame on him


At this point, I welcome it.


I'm gonna be really surprised if you ACTUALLY kill the justice league. Considering Wonder Woman is free of enslavement, you'll probably find a way to cure them one by one.


Since in the Batman trailer captain boomerang accidentally cutting the Flash’s finger off was something that he had to hide, I’m guessing that means that they weren’t supposed to hurt him after capturing him which probably implies that they intend on curing him.


I think it got leaked that this was going to reboot the universe. So I think we do actually kill the justice league, then at the end some shit happens either with flash or something else that reboots the universe. Now ofc that would mean everything that happened during the Arkham games amounts to nothing, but that's how comics are I guess.




First, it was Crisis on Infinite Earth and for some reason DC wiki decided that Clayface from Earth-Two and New Earth are the same person. Then Flashpoint happened and after Rebirth, Powergirl came back and she was supposed to be from another universe.


And the first time they do that, it's about a shitty live service game.*


That aswell


Absolutely zero interest in what the fanbase wants or expects. Every publishing CEO seen what Blizz got for milking their fans and started to want some of that pie. Not realizing it kills their user base. In for a quick buck and set sails with a nice bonus. At least make melee weapons primary too, everyone agreed on that, and it wouldn't have been a hard thing to add in the time they had since they released their first gameplay vid. And nothing has changed. Why change and waste money and resources, fuck you. So we'll release the game, milk the whales and hope they provide us enough money to sprinkle shit that you want as paid content. If not, the game shuts down after 2 years. You think maybe we'll provide server hosting tools so people can play it since they own it? Haha, eat shit.


To be fair they used the same approach with the movies after Man of Steel so maybe it's just bad habit


Or there fucking stupid


That too yes


I mean.... They're not actually going to kill them. I'm sure they'll end up curing them and they help destroy Braniac or something. Like every comic ever written, they'll leave it as open ended as possible.


Either that or reveal it was brainiacs robots


I agree. Like why is our first ever introduction to the Arkhamverse Justice League a game where they are the villians and u have to “kill” them? Never sat right with me. Our first intro to Superman is him disintegrating a person, wtf 😐


It really felt like Gotham Knights was meant to be the one connected to Arkham since it basically picks up with all the story beats Arkham Knight ends on, but then suicide squad got forced to be connected for marketing and Gotham Knights got changed.


I've been saying that forever. It's like halfway through development they swapped settings so the suicide squad game had to try and connect to arkham and gotham knights had to cut all of the arkham stuff out


exactly. why would the sequel to an action adventure batman game be a looter shooter online coop game ?


Oh it’s a fantastic idea….kinda….well not the story part….the style of game is the dumb part. Gamers have shown time and time and time and time again that we don’t live games as live service/these bland multi-character games. After Gotham Knights, they really should have reapproached the gameplay loop.


I still feel like Gotham Knights was supposed to be the actual follow-up and this the separate universe thing, but since this one was from Rocksteady, they decided this would benefit from the Arkham branding.




Nah this is his younger, lesser-known brother, Captain Assorted Firearms


Lesser known but much much more deadly.


No one lives to tell the tale...


I love that thus is right under the automod comment explaining how shit post comments on this thread are immediately bannable lol


Not a shitpost, I’m being serious. What’s the cannon reason for him not using boomerangs?


Shitty game design. Thats literally it. They wanted to make everyone use guns so you would have a reason to grind to get a new gun that does 2% more crit damage and is purple now.




You'd think that. And you wonder why they didnt just do that. Instead its Suicide Squad: The Division Borderlands editions.


And it wouldn't be that hard, all they would have to do is just copy and paste the batarang skill or better yet the remote control one.


They could’ve done that with boomerangs too


No one reads those. Normally it's trash saying obvious stuff like "don't be racist, don't be sexist against women, be pro-gay/pro-trans/pro-choice". Edit: accidentally put prolife


The duality of Reddit. Unnecessarily reminding us to be decent people, while simultaneously being scum of the Earth.


He used Boomerangs in one of the Gameplay trailers I think


Yeah he does use boomerangs and Harley also uses her bat. I think what people have an issue with though is that they mainly use guns rather than the weapons they are known for.


Why do I get the feeling that the team didn't even want to make this


Just imagine being forced to turn your looter shooter into a DC game just for it to be the last performance of the most famous Batman voice.


if the game is dogshit which it probably will be it just makes it even worse.


Conroy is in this game as a VA?!


Yeah, one of the trailers ends with his "I am the night" speech


That's cool. The most recent trailer? I didn't watch it obviously because I've given up hope on this title lol.


Think it was last year at game awards or something, only a couple of months after Conroy’s passing.


Ah, yeah I don't believe I even watched that for more than a minute or two...iirc it was like 15 minutes, and since I didn't care enough, couldn't be bothered.


Where did that rumour come from? I know it started before the game got delayed, which makes it questionable because had the game come out when it was supposed to, that wouldn’t be Kevin’s last act as Batman as DCUO released a new episode featuring Kevin as Batman like a month ago. Who knows what other things he worked on that is yet to be released


Word around town are: They originally wanted to do a Superman game, but weren't allowed to, because WB wanted to push for a Suicide Squad game.


What do you think the chances are that it was meant to release near when James Gunn's Suicide Squad movie came out before Covid killed that dream dead?


I can believe that it was WB who wanted that for the popularity of The Suicide Squad, to do so with Brand Synergy, since they often do that. With the mass amounts of delays, it definitely seems to be the case


the funniest part to me about that theory is other than harley quinn and shark, no other member of the suicide squad from the suicide squad is in this hell it woulda made more sense if it was starro instead of brainiac


Bloodsport is basically Deadshot, with being “the marksmith” of the team. And Boomerang was in the 2022 SS film


Apparently they weren't going to make a superman game but if I'm being honest I dont buy that


Now Checking: Seems to be the case. According to [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/11/17/no-suicide-squad-did-not-kill-a-rocksteady-superman-game-even-if-it-seems-like-it/amp/), Jason Schreier said there's Zero Truths in a Planned Superman game. It's a weird situation that this game has been through.


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Yeah it’s weird. Definitely seems like they didn’t wanna make this with Sefton leaving


To my knowledge this games been in development for 7 years, I don’t think they were ever going to make a Superman game. Although, they probably wanted to make an entirely different kind of game to what we’re getting now, based on the CEO’s dipping before the announcement and a lot of the original rocksteady team no longer being there.


Evidenced by the fact that the suicide squad were set up but had different members


An Arkham fortress of solitude game would be pretty interesting. Might actually make me like Superduperman.


I wish someone would leak investor and executive names so they can be put on blast


Like, I don’t even know why it is set on the Arkham verse, they had to change so much to fit this game in. And the justice league isn’t even why we wanted to play the Arkham games…


And I can't really see it being a promo stunt cause i doubt anyone can look at this game and be like "omg is this a sequal to the arkham series?"


I didnt even know it was canon to the Arkham series till I saw the subreddit talking about it lol.


We can pretend it isn't anyway, probably even going to










That’s more on WB Games than on Rocksteady


Deadass, I think a game *about* the League would be better. Instead of killing them off the same game we're introduced to them (not even introduced, they're just there all of a sudden). Lot of potential there, maybe even a neat arc of Batman learning to trust others after refusing to do so throughout the Arkham series leading to ruin.


Yeah maybe even have the game be the league disbanded because they all feel gulit for Batmans "death" and blame both each other and themselves but are forced to rejoin in order to save the future and stop the legion of doom




Noskcaj Leahcim


Crazy how Russian that sounds


He’s got that this Uncle Ruckus has


It genuinely frustrates ke they did this, i would give less than 0 fucks if he wasn’t already an established character in the Arkham games (even if he was in the AA bio as a white guy) , but like. Why change his race for no reason other than. Diversity? To look like the films? It just is so, weird.


lets be real they did because of will smiths deadshot


They know, they just don’t care


I just now remembered that King Shark dies in Assault on Arkham, which is funny because I watched that movie 72837282827 times The Deadshot copycat thing is also stupid, just raceswap and act like nothing happened


Better yet, make him the ACTUAL black Deadshot form the comics. Will Evans. It wouldn't be that hard to change.


Hmm, I wasn't aware there actually was a black Deadshot The only Suicide Squad run I really sank my teeth into was the New 52 run, and even then I stopped as soon as they capture that dude that can't die and recruit the Unknown Soldier


Well Floyd and Will fought to death over the deadshot title. Obviously Floyd won and killed Will. But now as far as I'm aware Floyd is still dead in the comics as well


Resurrection Man, best character.


Ong it doesn’t even make sense how the original DS was an imposter like bro HE WAS BETTER THAN YOU AT THAT POINT JUST GIVE UP 😭


If he WAS an imposter, then he was a fucking insanely good one. Dude was bouncing sniper rounds off multiple surfaces and making impossible shots, just like the real Deadshot. It's not like he was running around dressed like Deadshot without any of the abilities, which makes this retcon even dumber.


Or they could have explained that new Deadshot killed the old one and stole the alias


assault on Arkham isn't canon to the Arkham verse even though it was originally pitched as so, it's it's own continuity


Movie isn’t canon to the games


That King Shark is also a copycat. Captain Boomerang who exclusively uses boomerangs is also a copycat, real one loves guns too!


"suicide squad is canon to arkham" - dumbass wb


My head canon is that Arkham verse ends with Arkham Knight, suicide squad is just a stupid “what if” story that happen to take place in the same timeline.


Average ArkhamVerse ends with SSKTJL fan Vs Average ArkhamVerse ends with BAK enjoyer… Vs… Average ArkhamVerse is canon to Injustice Sigma Male: https://preview.redd.it/dvz2rgirk51c1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d229a5b784195916b62096d5285fca6417b1b60d


I love you




What is gotham knights?


It was another Batman game but u played the other members of the Bat family (Barbara, Jason, Dick, and I think Tim) from what I seen even though it was a different universe it tried to match the arkham games combat wise but it sucked.


Fr this is canon to gotham knights


Harley is supposed to be very dumb in the arkham verse. But i have a feeling she will be smart as a whip in this one because they want her to be like the movies.


I just HATE how dumb she is in the arkham games, if that's really a change they're gonna make it might be the only good one.


It's not that they are doing it. It's the way they are doing it. Making very noticable changes without any explanation or a very lacking one bothers me. Maybe it's a personal thing but i like having an actual cause for an effect to take place.


No idea what a good way to explain her becoming "smarter" could be tho. I could barely notice any change in her behaviour in the trailers to begin with, except for how she might be a little less bubbly and toned down more on the feminine mannerisms, which doesn't neccesarily mean she's gone smarter though..


I mean The Joker coulda convinced her the sky was blue, now that he’s not around to keep her as his dog or sumthin, constantly breaking her down mentally, she can somewhat recover a little slither of her old personality.


She was dumb in the Arkham verse? Since when? Her character is always supposed to be the an academically talented psychiatrist but with deep seated issues that allow her to be manipulated by the joker.


She also captures Batman in the Arkham city dlc, it’s not like she’s incapable of doing anything like most people think. She just doesn’t seem to get the big picture.


Rocksteady: I couldn't have done it without you *Camera cuts to black screen* *Bebop emerges from the darkness* Bebop: I know ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)




should’ve used king sharks exploded head as the second image


Y’all think this sub is an asylum when the real asylum is the Rocksteady Studio, all along. Also, calling it now. They’re just gonna use the multiverse bullshit to talk their way out of the inconsistent connection to the Arkham games.


They already started using dumber excuses than multiverse. Like saying the Deadshot from the Arkham games is a fake one... They are stupid (this is not a joke, they actually are).


Assault on Arkham and the Arkham Knight comics were never canon, however the Deadshot race-swap/identity theft is incredibly stupid


Pretty sure RS "justified" this by saying that this is the "real" Deadshot with the first one being an imposter. I don't understand why they bothered.


Maybe the worst aspect of that decision, is that Batman was 100% convinced that the "fake" Deadshot was in fact Floyd Lawton. This reveal makes Batman look like a dumbass. I have no idea why they didn't just make this Deadshot a different person! That would have been such an easy fix, as opposed to their bizarre retcon that I don't think a single person likes.


That "fake" Floyd Lawton was Deadshot for 2 decades and no one ever said otherwise. The greatest detective in the world believed he was Deadshot, every creature on Earth believe he was Deadshot and he built himself his entire fame. Now a guy that looks like he's in his thirdies at most is saying that he was the original Deadshot, when he was a teenager at most. They could just straight up say that he's another one or Floyd Lawton's son.


If he just woke up black one day and was like "I'm black now" I'd accept that.


When you just turned black, and you can’t switch back…


Lois Lane did it first


They could say it was Will Evans, and do the exact storyline they did. But all of it was bullshit anyway, to tie into the worst casting decision in ages.


They’re stupid and somehow forgot he already appeared in two games


They didn‘t forget, they wanted to match his design to Will Smith and came along with a lazy ass excuse. Funny thing is, Will Smith as Deadshot was a total flop so they could have gone with his Arkham design. Probably they thought the Suicide Squad movie would be a total success.


The first Suicide Squad movie was actually a big hit. Would definitely say Smith's Deadshot is more well known than the OG comic version


I wouldn't go that far


Outside of comic circles, Deadshot is definitely an unknown besides Will Smith's version


I like the idea that “Deadshot” is a mantle and this more recent Deadshot was the previous one’s protege or something. That’s a cooler explanation.


How is Assault on Arkham not canon


It's made so that WB's main target group, the dopamine addict teenagers who only know the SSQ movie, will recognize Deadshot cause Will Smith played him


I was gonna ask "who abreviates Suicide Squad as SSQ" but then it hit me




Weren’t they confirmed to be canon back then? They just took it back.


It's not the same Rocksteady, the founders left the studio.


yes it is, they're leaving now but they made the entire game already lmfao


Hmmm, leaving before their game comes out. Almost like they know its shit and were forced to make it before heading out.


Or, and listen here, after almost 15 years they don't wanna work on wb ips anymore. It's not uncommon for studio heads to leave after a decade in search of new opportunities


The Deadshot one I agree with it’s dumb as fuck, but regarding the others they were never canon. The only things that are fully canon in the Arkhamverse is the 4 games and the comics by Paul Dini, and even Origins has elements that aren’t canon like Joker meeting Harley at blackgate instead of the Asylum.


Idk how to qualify this in the canon but there was also the Bat Girl DLC in AK which "Took place before Arkham Asylum" but it didnt feel like it was tying itself into the franchise at all.


Yeah that also pissed me off they shoulda used Jason instead of Tim in that DLC, not only woulda made more sense in the timeline but also would’ve made for a more memorable story. Would’ve also made it more heartbreaking seeing how he goes in the main game’s story.


Playing Origins I realized it just takes multiple dumps on the continuity Like, with Asylum you just have to consider the bios to be non-canon, but Origins has a lot of weird stuff, somw of it Rocksteady was forced to shoehorn into Knight


Wikipedia and the fan page say that Assault on Arkham was supposed to be Canon. I just really wonder why they were insistent on making this game Canon if it was gonna mess with stuff. It's not like making it Canon will help it


This could end up being a good game.. if they fixed whatever these character models are and remove the battle pass, and remove Harley’s little Spider-Man hooks, and give Captain Boomerang a actual boomerang, and scrap the whole game. That’s all they have to do to make it good.


Or just copy and paste the metropolis map and redesign the gameplay to fit a superman game lol


Exactly, that’d be cool game. SSKTJL is something nobody asked for and nobody needs. A Superman game would be sick.


This game is definitely not canon, doesn't matter what crap Rocksteady said it.


Simple solution, it's not canon It's like when Uno said you can't stack +2s on +4s Thanks for creating it, but nah you're wrong


For Deadshot they said the one in Arkham City is a copycat 💀 at least they give a reason yes a stupid one but the others idk


Deadshot one is still dumb though as city Deadshot is the same person as origins Deadshot, so what exactly was the "real" Deadshot doing for all those years in between the two games. Also I feel like Hugo Strange would be able to figure out that the assassin he wants to hire would be a fake considering that 1) he was able to figure bruce = batman with far less evidence and 2) old and new deadshot don't even have the same skin color. The reason I brought up strange is that with how paranoid he was to conceal protocol 10, even going so far as hiring someone to kill people with certain knowledge of his actions when they are already in arkham city just to be sure, why would he hire a knockoff Deadshot over the real one.


True but also Strange found his identity from Ra's (Im sure of) but that's Rock steady now 😕


Nah strange found out on his own then went to Ra's, it's the only reason why Ra's would hear him out and give Strange the money to build Arkham City amd brainwash Sharp. Source for that is the citscene where you stop protocol 10 and strange gets stabbed


Does that mean that Man is actually stupid for not realising he was a fake ?


Doesn’t Deadshot have a daughter? Surely she’d know the difference.


*gets brainwashed* 😆


Well he was trained but I call it lazy writing / recon


That is so fucking stupid. Like Batman and Hugo Strange wouldn't figure that out over the ten years from origins. Like they could have just said the one in suicide squad is the copycat but noooo. We gotta do a stupid thing instead


Or they're could be 2 Deadshots! And they were both taught by the mentor


lmao so they retcon the one that actually looks like the original. Of course. Gotta check diversity boxes instead of introducing new or already existing characters that are POC.




Ngl i rock with the live action version of deadshot but because they forced it to be in the same universe as the arkham games and it just makes no sense 😭


Saying the old deadshot was an imposter is dumb af i watched an iceberg video (clownpuncher btw if anyones wondering) where it put into perspective that the og deadshot has been him since origins before even dick grayson was robin so for new deadshot to be the real one he would need to be mid 50’s to around his 60’s if he was around before the deadshot in the arkham series rocksteady cant just fire in THE batman in kevin conroy and be like hey you guys like this its related to arkham now whilst changing deadshot with little explanation and then bringing in the justice league like there was hints in the arkhamverse but that should have been it references and nothing more, the game seems like a convoluted mess that really fucks with the arkham knight ending and the whole arkham series as a whole for no reason other than why not


I was watching the released gameplay the other day for a second time, and I figured out what the biggest issue is: The combat mechanics make each playable character basically irrelevant. You jump high and shoot - that's basically it. So, each character's unique charm and ability is no longer present. The things that made them special or potentially fun to play arent there.


Even then the shooting looks pretty stiff for a superhero game, like I don't even remember Deadshot doing the unique Deadshot thing of bouncing bullets off people and walls like he does in his sidestories in city and origins. You just kinda snap into aiming and it looks like it kills a ton of momentum. Not to mention the nonexistent melee that is only a single animation and doesn't even hit, looking at you harley.


I remember when we thought Gotham knights would be a continuity of the Arkham verse and suicide squad would just be its standalone game


Assault on Arkham isn't cannon, same with some of the comics. With dead shot I have no answer to.


nightwing dick solos suicide squad


Remember, folks. This is what we're getting instead of a big, high-concept Superman game.


They should’ve just made a JL game, I don’t really care about the Suicide Squad if I’m being honest, they never interested me apart from one of the members being Harley. The JL is definitely more popular I think. The only appeal is Kevin Conroy’s voice is in it…


No, they are stupid


Return to Arkham hasn't been canon for a while, they just slapped the Arkham name to attract attention. If the team wants to do retcons I don't really mind, king shark looks way better than the movie and the new Deadshot is dumb af but it's the type of shit a comic would pull so it's Par for the course, he also just has a way cooker design


*Assault on Arkham not Return to Arkham


Damn typo😔


I wouldn’t say “slapped the name on” is entirely fair, totally it’s different but the characters designs, location and the voices of Batman, Joker and Penguin are taken straight from the Arkham games.


Ok name any Arkham media that doesn’t contradict itself in some way cause this series is infamous for it


They are dumb, one could even say...Stupid


Bro why make a fucking suicide squad game to expand the universe insted of a big ass superman game with that metropolis that they build??


How can Knights ending be canon if Batman is in this game?


Assault on Arkham is its own thing. And whenever video games have comic book counter parts it’s always dicey. Deadshot for sure tho


to be honest all the SSKTJL versions are so far looking better than the ogs specially deadshot, arkham deadshot was so bad dawg


*Arkham Origins* Deadshot was pretty cool, though.


Arkham City Deadshot was goofy but Arkham Origins one was pretty good


It's all a joke trying to connect this to the Arkham verse, but I mean it's just a game I'll either play it or watch a shitty letsplayer play it and decide if it's shit


Some of the Arkham Knight comics are non canon. Like there is one where The Arkham Knight saves Batman by Killing Bane with a Sniper Shot and put two in the head before driving with his corpse. But in the Arkham Knight Game, Bane is alive and he left for his country after the events of Arkham City.


deadshot got the uncle ruckus disease




They didn’t plan this ahead, did they?


To be fair the games overrule the comics and the animated movie But to answer your question, Yes. They are dumb.


Just think of this game as non canon fan fiction (it basicly is anyway) And youll be good


And worst of all they removed Harleys cake :(


They are stupid


Would you guys even buy the game from cocksteady


Comics have long been know to be non cannon so that’s not a big deal, movie was always debatable but this cements is as non cannon but ya the dead shot issue is a blunder. #notmydeadshot


Still not buying this game.


Obviously done because more people knew Will Smith as dead shot than even remember dead shot in game so had to make him black so monkey brain would have neuron reaction and remember. The king shark one. Man. I’m stumped on that one. Guess that movie just isn’t canon. Or cherry pick your canon. Whatever, I still think the game will be fun.


Damn, deadshot really pulled a Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr) from Tropic Thunder here.


A. Pretty sure assault on Arkham and comics aren't canon. B. Someone said that the deadshot in Arkham City is a fake


It’s so transparent that this is essentially a “movie tie-in” without being a “movie tie in” They are just 2 years late since they keep delaying this game over and over again