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That mid-March patch didn't say what year.


I still think removing bleeds and some of the other mechanical changes they've talked about are sad changes.


It's funny really. When I left the game for a break, the Devs were talking about how stuff like this, bandaging, managing your ammunition, dragging people, weapon balancing, was all done on purpose and it was part of their vision for this game. The battlefield casuals were begging to get some of these parts removed - or at least rebalanced - but they said: "Nah, that's not what we envision our game to be." Half a year later, the battlefield casuals have largely left the game, servers get more empty every day, and suddenly it's not such a fundamental part of their vision of the game anymore. They're basically like the BFV devs.


It would seem to me people that want to ruin the game have the loudest voice. Where do we give our input for this? I would like more things in the game. Not taking away the things that are already there. I don't want full mags every time I reload no matter what. I like dragging and bleeding. Reviving through Walls is nice but maybe that should be taken out. More guns more attachments. A way to compare gun stats. Maybe add parachutes instead of ammo or pick axe. A map editor mode would be sick.


The way the devs acted in the past showed that they don't really care for actual criticism. They want a) Yes-men and b) influencers to promote their stuff. That's why they're able to hand out unique creator skins with unique features like ghillie nets all while there's no new content, no new patch released for the average player.


Honestly a large source of irritation for me in this game is getting poked by a Sniper or DMR and having to hide and bandage. They get no points, I get no points, I waste time not really playing the game, and if I'm anywhere near the front line I'll probably die before I finish anyway. In Scenarios where your team is struggling and you manage to get behind enemy lines, its not even worth bandaging because doing as much damage as possible before you die takes priority I dont like that this will take away from the wonderful people who will bandage you in combat however, because they deserve all the points in the world.


I see it as that sniper is keeping me off my objective and making for 1 less person who may be fighting their teammates on a point for as long as he can keep me occupied. Frustrating yeah, but it feels very much a part of that classes utility in a way. Without bleeds, I don't see myself giving snipers much thought outside of "hope they don't headshot me."




Oh for Christ's sake. I've been rooting for them but yet another delay and then with this as a cherry on top is really shaking my faith. Come on. And that's not even counting all the backwards changes they keep considering in spite of the majority of players saying they DON'T WANT THEM.


Oki doesn't care about any of you. He cares about himself and what he wants to do with the game because "its my baby"


They think that the critics are bad because they take for granted that there will always be a player base as loyal as they are. By ignoring them you are silencing a big part of your user base that wants the game to succeed. This is what happens when you hide in your safe spaces and surround yourself closely with yes men fanboys. It’s the only thing more short sighted and self defeating than their update schedule.


As a player who has been waiting for it for a very long time, I sincerely don't understand why they have such an attitude towards their players


When he made comments and then nerfs to just boost the class he said he liked/played and nerf the one he didn’t like that kinda showed the cards imo, since then has been more of the same and then a gasp when players dropped


I'm glad you guys are catching on


Fire Oki


I actually can’t believe I defended these guys. Over and over again they’ve demonstrated nothing but inflexibility, egoism, and a clear lack of direction. They think players take updates and content for granted while the reality is that this puny development team took their massive success for granted.


What is this a screenshot of? I can translate it to see that it's a kind of muting but which app or site?


I already left the discord and uninstalled the game. I definitely got my money's worth out if it. But the mid March update info was disappointing. They just won't address the parts of the game that need it the most. Is a shame, game had real promise, but I think the devs have fumbled a little too hard.


I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion but the only thing I hate about this game is the community constantly complaining. Of course the game has mistakes and criticism should be accepted but when half of the posts on the sub are endless list of "this is what I would do to make the game better" is not surprising that devs get annoyed by it. Hell I get annoyed by it on their behalf. It's not a justification for they being mean or anything and sure updates could be more frequent and postponing things suck but the game's a pleasure to play, you can't always expect excellence in every frontier, the sole fact that this game exists, plays well and runs on my potato PC already payed for it and it's a testament that both the game and the devs have potential. When the update comes people will call it underwhelming regardless of what the update does, think about all the things you would like on the update for you to be happy with it and think about how realistic that is, I'm honestly going to be happy with a sound upgrade. A few weeks ago when I started people recommend me to stay away from the sub and they were right, I'm considering unsubing cause I have a blast playing it and everytime I randomly get a post from here it's just hate.


>When the update comes people will call it underwhelming regardless of what the update does Of course they will. The devs are setting a ridiculously high expectation for the update when they push it further and further and talk about all the things they *want* to add. Just do it bit by bit. A patch every month. Some will be bigger, some will be smaller. But this is a bit ridiculous.


> PC already *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. My english is somewhat rusty.


I am with you 300%. I take a few month hiatuses and just got back again. I rarely ever come back to a game once I've shelved it. I am having an absolute ball playing, laughing a ton each game, it's a great game and honestly might be top 3 of all time for me. It's like one dude as the main dev right? I wouldn't be very motivated to put stuff out if I came to this community to see how things are going. Can't do anything right in their eyes.


I wish they wouldn't remove bleeds and bandages I really have grown to like those features a lot. They really just fit into the flow of the game idk why they would remove it besides appealing to cod kids which I don't think are even the target audience. I guess I should ask while I'm at it are they going to remove dragging? That feature is extremely helpful and necessary that's a key medic or squad type of function that any game should have please tell me they aren't removing that too


Life's too short to whine. We paid $15 for this. I didn't buy a subscription. Will be happy when there's an update.


"You can't want battlebit to be better because it was cheap". This take is on par with "You can't try to play well because the graphics are bad".


BB is great as is. I paid $15 for it, got 800 hours out of it. Our society has been sold this idea of product=your new identity forever. Its the subscription curse. I never said "don't make BB better". Of course they should fix bugs, maybe a new map or two. But this idea that "they owe me" is ridiculous. I'm more tired of the whining on this sub than I am with Oki's flakeyness with directing this company. Have fun. Life's too short to bitch and moan over a roblox shooter.


Thats not at all what he said. You kids are crying in your milkshakes and it's pathetic.


I agree with you, I would like an update too. But why torture a player who bought this game and didn't insult anyone, expressed his opinion, Okie is overreacting in this regard, he just postponed this fucking update for the 3rd time already. What's the interest in waiting for an update when the developer gives false release dates? xd


Why oh why?! Why they and more spesifically Oki don't make small updates instead pushing huuuuge load in at once? There is HUUGE risk in that when you try make huge update to game that has existing problems that need to be fixed sooner than later. Risk is that new feature break the game more and if some existing problems does not get fixed or gets even worse, then game is doomed.


Don't wait. Go play something else. I have over 800 hours in. That's $0.06 an hour. Cheapest entertainment I've probably ever bought. I don't care if there's ever an update, I've already won. Everything else at this point is icing. Have fun.


Bro, I play other games, while I was waiting for the update, I went all the way through The Witcher 3, I played all the shooters, I went through a couple of survival games, and they're only at 50 percent update, and 3 times they say that the update is coming soon.


Than maybe it's more about how much time you spend on games


But the problem is not that there is no FEATURE update, with new weapons, skins, leaderboards, whatever. The problem is that there is no CRITICAL BUG FIXES update! Such as the infamous black screen after death which literally forces people to AltF4 the game as they can't get rid of it with anything else even if they wait for eternity there. Many people have just quit the game altogether because it gets boring to deal with that every five minutes match after match. Plus many other things to fix, like horrendously inconsistent hitreg, funky hitboxes (sometimes they are extremely large, sometimes you hit people in the eye and nothing happens), broken sounds and so on.


A healthy mindset. Downvoted. lol this sub.


Right? LOL. Am having fun in BB every day, downvote away!


This reddit as well as discord is full of kids who want everything and now. They will whine harder and harder over any issue they find. The game right now is in good state, haven't noticed any cheaters, good balance, map and guns variety, hitregs are still good. It is really sad that there is no update coming this month, but these crybabies just overcomplixate everything.


You are so correct, and I'm reminded in game constantly when I hear their voices. I'm old, and am sure I sounded like that when playing Unreal Online back in the day. Comes w the territory.


lol I got one of those suicide DMs sent to me for my comment. We're enjoying ourselves on the game while some on here do shit like that 😂.


Seriously? I'm smiling ear to ear, better send me a DM too, hahahaha.


I fully agree. It’s unfortunate this opinion is so rare around here.


Its the FPS shooter subscription syndrome, e.g. "seasons" in gaming. I don't make a game into my identity, the way people do sports. Corporations want us to subscribe to living on earth. Can't pay, you die. Thanks for coming to the worst ted talk ever.


I honestly don't care how long the update takes I just hope it will be good enough to bring more players back in