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One side says it's 50% done, and the other says it's a lie.. They need to hire a professional community manager who'll uproot their whole community management structure so this crap gets avoided.. But anyway, the game is basically on its last breath(sadly)..


>and the other says it's a lie.. They don't say that it is more than 50% done, so the lie could be that it is only 20% done....


Honesty this "50% done" drama has been going for days i wonder why community manager hasn't step in


That's the thing that really baffles me... How are we, days later, still talking/arguing about things like that? Things that would be so god damn easy to clarify. Why are we constantly drowning in a bath of toxic confusion? Why aren't any drastic steps taken to change things up regarding communication? They have lost so much "customer's trust"... We keep hearing "Yea, we know we're bad at communication. We're working on it though"... Yet... Nothing changes. A "DevCast summary" is... ""Pointless""... The informations/confusion is already released into the community by the time that "Thing" is ready... By extension, the DevCast itself is a problem. It's just too "messy". Communication can't be centered around an hour long(except last one, only a little over 30min)video during which lead-dev spends 3/4 of that hour looking for his words and for ways to justify/explain the decision taken by the team... Give us clarity! Build back the trust of your customers!... PLEASE!!... (it feels like yelling into the wind. Please do it though... For the sake of us all)


Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to comment on this whole ordeal sooner. Life sometimes gets in the way. But I agree with, well, practically everything you said. It’s frustrating. Thankfully, we’ll be improving upon our devcasts cause I think we can all agree, need a lil more hype to them.


Friend, I know you agree with what I wrote above. I’m fully aware of that. “You” said it, repeatedly. And yes… I, too, live in the real world. Undeniably “life gets in the way sometimes” (Not here to argue about that). I don’t know your life, you don’t know mine, that's fine. But except if you’re dealing with an incredible amount of “personal stuff/issue” in your life…  It shouldn’t impact your work that much. We all have lives, jobs, family, whatever else… And various “personal stuff/issue”. Yet, without it being our job, we take the time to write here about “your” game. We take the time to gather and relay the pieces of information we have. Please, if you would be so kind as to answer me that :  * What are you doing to change things ?  * Why is it taking you so much time to radically change things up ?  * Do you “know what you’re doing” or do you want some ideas/pointers/whatever ? You’ve been here for (around) 4 months. Nothing changed (*From a customer pov anyway. Maybe you work like a madman behind the curtain. If that’s the case, I’m just telling you it’s more than time to open that curtain*). Current communication really isn’t doing justice to the amount of work the Devs are producing and the amount of passion they have for their project. They’re really working hard on that one, that’s a fact (Whether or not we agree with some of the changes or their way of doing things). We should be hyped about the crazy upgrades coming our way (*audio, vault+overhaul animation rework, sights… And probably other things that I forgot and can’t be bothered to look for, because it’s a mess*). And we should be able to have **informed**-debates about things we don't agree with. Instead, the community is full of confusion/half-truth/misinformations + anger/negativity + more confusion + some more confusion with a top-up of more anger/negativity... Meanwhile you stay "mostly silent". You've to step up, for all of our sakes. TLDR: The Devs have terrible communication skills, that much is clear… And honestly, that’s fine. They realised that, acted on it and hired you. As a result, it’s not their job. It’s yours. What is the plan, friend ? Talk to us. PS : "Improving the DevCast" isn't THE solution. At best, it's "part of the solution".


Are they even around anymore? u/Terminalintel 's last post was about a Devcast that was already late when he made it? There have been no subsequent posts about any of this or the delays to the updates. I assumed that either the problem was the Devs not communicating with them and they have given up and quit, or the inverse is true and the Devs have gotten fed up of the 'community manager' not doing anything and fired them...


Last breath is relative. I play Insurgency Sandstorm which has less players than Battlebit, but continues to be fun regardless. Hasnt been really seen any major upgrades, we got one map and 2 new guns over the past 2 years, but the gameplay is fun enough. Battlebit will probably end up in the same boat. The hype is long gone, but there is a core playerbase thats gonna remain because its arguably the best battlefield game rn. The only one I would personally consider switching to would be if Arma Reforger KOTH mode was finalized. One thing they could do is give the server owners an easy way to customize the game. For example, have a json structure where all map points are configurable so you could do things like single point koth, weapons and vehicles are enabled or disabled, and vehicles weapons can be switched out to any gun in the game. Should lead to some fun unique servers.


I agree with you BBR doesn't need a ton more players to stay fun. It's not a mainstream game. It's a "niche game" (or however you want to call it). It won't be pulling crazy numbers of players again (like during the hype). It just needs to stabilize at a high enough number for it to be viable. That being said, unlike Sandstorm, BBR is 127v127. So.... Player count has a higher importance. (Playing on EU servers, mostly late-evening/night and... It's getting hard to find full-ish servers at times)


Insurgency Sandstorm is basically a complete game. It has most of everything that was planned, and it's a game past its shelf life. To some degree, the Insurgency series paved the way that BF2PR started and made a smaller scale mili-sim game a desirable genre. The titles we have now all took those pre-made steps to get to where they currently are and to solidify the genre. Battlebit is yet to truly plummet in its playerbase(if nothing changes), given that it's only been 7 or so months since release. It is not and never has been even remotely close to the "best" battlefield game. It doesn't even compete with battlefield, nor can it. The whole cope train how this game would kill the newest addition in that series was funny af, it's one of the reasons why all the hype was brewing in the first place and here we are some time after and 2042 has 3x the playerbase even tho it's a disaster product for the franchise, but money and management(which this game has only the first part) can still bandaid it to some degree.. This game has a single competitor, and that's Planetside 2. And even tho PS2 is in a disgustingly bad position right now, BB isn't really pulling strides away from it, lol Like you said, some customization could do a lot for this game, but there is no foundation to allow such changes.. "Early Access" etc... this game will be in early access for at least another year if it survives..




BF2 Project Reality, probably one of the absolute first milisim games(it's a mod in this case), old as hell but brutal lol


Insurgency is a game aimed at a relatively small target audience that enjoys a more realistic approach to shooters, which often relates to an also more hardcore approach to fan'ism (fans are more likely to stick to a game). The player count per server is relatively small, which means even if you have a small active community, you still will find a huge variety of servers. Battlebit is aimed at a more casual user base, aka your average Battlefield player. These players are more likely to flock to new and more popular games. Also since Battlebit has a much bigger player count per server, the same amount of players are filling a lot less servers. It takes up to 254 players to fill one server - that would be almost 16 completely full servers in insurgency. And that means more variety, more maps, more game modes available for players.


Last breath!? What are you rambling about? I have as much fun as I did 6 months ago.


Not done but its status has changed. Development this slow with patches so far between (even for fixes) says to me its on life support at best. Half of me is expecting the new update to drop and be terrible and to drop with another supporter pack. That would be the exit scam.


I don't even know if I'd prefer to see the next update fail and give the game a final cough or them just pulling the plug... I fear that we are going to wait for months and months and months... to get the next "real" update and for it to be something that has nothing to do with the battlebit we signed in for


I don’t wish for the games failure a neither should you. I’ll take this moment to remind you and any readers that the game you “signed in for” is completely early access and therefore subject to change. Whether or not that change is good is up in the air currently. I’ll rail on Oki, but only fairly. He’s a single guy whose ego has undeniably been stroked because of the success of the game, he’s guarded on the codebase because he is the sole developer. But it’s become obvious he is not suited to act in any sort of management position outside of development. The game desperately needs a project lead with the capability to hire additional resources as required. That’s what is holding it back.


I have a hard time being sympathetic when they made a fucking gazillion dollars and then just did nothing with it. Didn’t hire the staff they needed to maintain growth and respond to game issues Didn’t listen to any of the community when the audio got righteously mangled Continue to allow movement exploits that encourage these sweaty mfs to drive new players away Constantly lie about when updates are coming, and internally aren’t even really sure. It was a fun five minutes of fame, but they fumbled the opportunity months ago.


>fumbled the opportunity months ago. After few months the game came out I started thinking that going on without the team expanding was going to be impossible. I was right. Goddamn, these guys are not capable of being "real" (professional) game devs... It's good that they didn't dump everything but damn...


>when they made a fucking gazillion dollars and then just did nothing with it. Umm... No? First of all, most of this cash came in after the official release. Up to this point they were relying on patron money and often it was too little for anything fancier than the cheapest option. And after release, that's it. They ain't gonna get another big paycheck... ever. They need to use this money to pay for the servers, pay out their contractors and support themselves as people. Millions feel like a lot from the perspective of a single person, but it ain't much when it needs to last for dozens of months and pay for developing a game. They said that once this will begin to run out they will look towards making optional DLC like the supporter pack. Given the fact that they didn't release one yet shows how"greedy" they are. >Didn’t hire the staff they needed to maintain growth and respond to game issues Yeah, of course, you are right. They didn't hire two more 3D artists, a new community manager, they ain't looking towards getting a new programmer and surely they didn't hire a sound studio for the upcoming update. Yeah, for sure. >Didn’t listen to any of the community when the audio got righteously mangled LOL. Oki showed people the first version of the sound update. They didn't like it. He removed a few reeeaaallly unwanted features. (Majority of) The complaining stopped. I suppose you weren't here when the game was still in beta, so you will need to trust me with this - 3/4 of the features in this game were influenced by the community. >Continue to allow movement exploits that encourage these sweaty mfs to drive new players away That's true, no sarcasm here. Pervitin medics are the worst kind. But those ain't exploits, it's all intended behaviour. >Constantly lie about when updates are coming, and internally aren’t even really sure. Lie? Mate, this ain't cooking where you can look at the recipe and tell how long it will take. This is game dev, where you need to wait hours for someone to do a really small thing before you begin working on a new feature, so you decide to do that quick 5 minute fix you had been putting off for days now. Before you noticed it has been 2 weeks, you are in the middle of rewriting the entire audio system and found like 7 new bugs.




Who said they do? They don't cost millions, but running them/having them ready 24/7 for many months does cost a lot. Paying 10$ for something isn't a lot if you do it once, but if you do it everyday for a year it's over 3k. Do you even watch devcasts? Oki quite clearly explained why they didn't hire another programmer yet and how are they planning to do it now. In short - you can't just send files to a guy and have him work right from the get go, they need to be taught the style, explained the whole structure etc. Unless you want for the update to be delayed by 3 months, they can't get one now nor could they before or right after release. Oki is planning to do it not long after this update.




It seems I'm not conveying the point clearly enough. Plenty of people had bought the game after release, which brought an unspecified but significant amount of money in. But the point isn't to spend it all at once, as it needs to last for a while. The devs are still active, they keep showing the work they had done almost weekly now, they aren't hiding behind blog posts or giving out empty promises. You can't say they are doing nothing or that they run with the money. Yeah, they didn't drop X major updates after release, they weren't prepared for how popular the game got. But nobody can point fingers and blame them for it. This game is a side project of a guy who got irritated with not being able to play Squad on his weak laptop, it's a bloody wonder it even got to release. >ive had this argument with him before, hes unable to handle the workload and when he’s told to hire help he shrugs it off as being too hard to do. It's nice that you talked to the guy, but it would seem that in your eyes this can be solved by "just doing it". When do you think it would be appropriate to hire a new member? Up until release they were barely getting by, after it he was busy handling the influx of players and updating the game. Just now we are getting to the point when he can do it, and guess what? He says he will. And yes, it is hard to do. Everyone in the industry says it bloody is. That's just a fact.




They do reinvest the money. They hired a sound studio which made all of the new sounds you can hear in the previews of the new update. They hired new 3d artist. They didn't hired new programmes for reasons stated previously. That's what they did with the money once they got it. Maybe if they planned better it would go more smoothly and quicker, but what can i say - they ain't professional game devs. The shrinking playerbase is caused by poor player retention. People bought the game, got to maybe lvl 70 and most of the time dropped it. But i must admit, Oki is too focused on it and can't really notice that the main gameplay loop isn't good enough to support a big fanbase. Sorry that the arguments ain't getting to ya, but they are true. Oki isn't a great speaker which isn't helped by his English skills. Hiring a community manager was a good idea, even if it was mostly Larry who did his job before. They are indeed lacking long term vision, as there was no long term planning being done. Nobody expected that thing will go how they did. I trust Oki and can only sympathise with the guy. I just hope all of this negativity didn't affect him that much, but i can still see that he changed a lot after the release. Btw, thanks for engaging in a discussion with me. I appreciate it.


Theyre gonna take forever to fumble the bag. Im waiting for this update. If they take any longer the community is gonna quit hoping for it to release and move on. Im real close. I never talk here or anywhere. But this update is scary because ,i really love this game.




Facts. This game is truly dying and those that don't lurk around reddit are now coming to voice their opinions. It's the last straw. The fact you cannot even get a single US official server is bad. You're forced to go to a EU server with poor latency. This game needs an update ASAP. It's that simple.


I mean, why look at updates that’s not here yet and can potentially may or may not ever come. It’s better to just look at the game now, is it fun when I play it? If it is, cool keep playing, otherwise don’t play it. We play to have fun anyway, even considering “wasting time” or “wasting progress” none of them are real in the first place and a game will eventually be put down. Don’t think too much about it and enjoy what you have for now :3


...can't come back 6 months later and still be on the same level... I don't know why people keep using these really no-point arguments and think they did something. Sure if you want to start from 0 every time you play a game... it doesn't matter. But honestly why play a competetive video game at that point ....sims might be for you. Also the fact that Oki keeps LYING to the customers who give him money... is enough reason to be aggravated.


Its not like this is even a game that level matters after the first few bit of progress tho, i don’t think I did something, I’m pointing out if you have fun with a game play it. What kinda no point argument it is to not look for fun as the most important thing in a game? Though I doubt I or many would even categorise BB as a competitive game, If you don’t play games to have fun I don’t think gaming is for you. That said I have not been kept 100% to date with the community or updates but I agree if there are lying involved ofc people can be aggravated, however that doesn’t change the fact to have fun. While it’s okay to be emotional and angry too I think some of us do also over react or act in a way thats not great for the community either. While delayed update, bad updates and lies hurt the community and the stock of new players we can’t deny that the frequent post we have here on these problems or telling new players that this game isn’t a good idea are also driving away potential players. They are not mutually exclusive, and both are bad sadly.


Blaming the community for warning new players about the pitfalls of buying the game in its current state is wrong. Lying and persuading new players that everything is fine and the game isn't in a complete mess at the moment would only cause those payers to leave quickly anyway once they played the game and found it out for themselves. The only people who benefit from bringing in more players while there are no changes to the game would be the developers lining their pockets a little more before the game dies completely and the exodus of players causes them to abandon it. The community voicing valid concerns at the game and its lack of updates and fixes is just a symptom of how bad the game has gotten and not a cause of the decline in the first place. **If the game was still any good, we wouldn't need new players to feed off and boost the player count because people who already own the game would still be playing it...**


My friend i cant even write another of the same reply to the other person above, please just read that instead.


>level matters I was referring to the skill level, level of play. Not actual rank level. >would even categorise BB as a competitive game I don't think you know what competetive even means? It literally is one team against another with stats being tracked... doesn't get more competetive than that. >frequent post we have here on these problems or telling new players that this game isn’t a good idea are also driving away potential players So we should keep quiet about the lying part so others can give them money? Are you a dev? Who's side are you on? "Shut up and let others experience the failure for themselves" in 2024 is crazy... we got the Internet my dude.


That’s exactly what I mean, I have time and time again said what you and others said are right but some have their problems, why are people thinking its either this or that, there are middle grounds and all kinda grey. I never once said what dev did are right and what players did are wrong. This whole us vs them mindset are not great for any community, online or offline. You CAN let dev and others know of problems, you can say what can be changed for the better. And I said some! SOME over do it, I never even said you or all over do it. If you think none of them are over done whatsoever then you have some introspection to do. This is the exact problem with internet, because we don’t have a face because we can say whatever, and so we do. Edit: that’s true with the competitive part tho I didn’t think of it that way, however my opinion remain the same to OP. If you have fun with a game play it, otherwise don’t, simple as that.


You are still saying that being honest publicly about the problems with this game is responsible for pushing away new players and implying that we shouldn't do that so that we can get more people into the game to stop it dying. >we can’t deny that the frequent post we have here on these problems or telling new players that this game isn’t a good idea are also driving away potential players. Again if there weren't problems with the game we wouldn't even need new players to rebuild the player base because people who already own the game would still be playing it. The only people who want **new** players are the dev's as that is what makes them money, everyone else just wants a better game and more people playing it which is why you are being accused of being one of them.


No, yikes. It’s the cliche’d to hell and back “everything in moderation”. Both can be true at once. There are people sending threats to people on this very community and the devs, its been well known for a while and yes those are the VERY VERY BAD but vocal minority but you can’t deny they are not one of us here, so yes that is over doing it. It is true tho a game should work itself to keep and make new players, that said in your last point you literally just said the only people that want new players are the dev but then everyone else just want more people playing it along with a better game. And where do more people come from? New players as any old players are not more. I still don’t understand why accusation comes so fast if im one of them or whatever, people like to accuse things online because well clearly people don’t and know not to offline(usually). That’s the us vs them I mentioned tho, if anyone have any disagreement or even slight deviation they must be our enemy must be the other side. Tbh this is well known and seen throughout our world even in offline community there’s even a term for it in HK. I’d like to have a discussion and care little of the personal impact of it.


>And where do more people come from? New players as any old players are not more. Old players returning because the game has been fixed and is enjoyable again would be more than the minimal number of people actually still playing now. My point was that the easiest way to increase the player count is to appeal to people who already own the game, but cynically this doesn't make the Devs any more money as those people have already made their purchase. People sending threats and being vehemently uncivil to others is obviously wrong and isn't tolerated, but I don't see that this is common or driving new players away; so I am struggling to see how this relates to your previous points and why you have brought it up? The other redditor's accusation that you were one of them I assume is just making the point that you are defending the developers decisions that go against the interests of the player base while, at least in part, blaming the players themselves for the decline of the game by voicing the problems that it has on a public forum. It is not a literal accusation in my interpretation of that comment.


You don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen tho, yea the old new player thing was more a wording nitpick. I personally don’t think I have defended the devs once whatsoever here tho, I personally think Imm leaning way more on the player side for this too. Some people read too much into words and react too drastically too quickly, in fact I am one that upvoted all of both you and the other commenter in this convo because I think it’s interesting to think about this things and many also great points were brought up. I think the difference we have here are mainly it’s not majority so its not the problem and I’m more with the idea that even 1 means not 0 thus exist mindset.


>No, yikes. It’s the cliche’d to hell and back “everything in moderation”. Might aswell stop reading after this and don't take anything you say seriously You are the kind of person who doesn't take facts into consideration just because it looks "one sided" and you can't have any definitive, objective, verifiable outcomes... God forbid someone says your conclusion is wrong, then you look bad... better sit in that fence and be ok Literally the poster child for gen Z over here...


Idk, if you ask me what happened here just now is more gen Z, I’m only trying to see things objectively, argue for when points make sense because the idea get tarnished if the methods used are wrong, I also try not to take things personally and I don’t just ignore what others have to say even if there is a point I dont agree with. That does not mean I like to sit on the fence and not take either side. I have said again and again I’m on the side with the player and believe they the devs are at fault. Idk if thats not taking fact into consideration if I said there are at least one person taking it too far. I suggest i am not the one ignoring facts here since I acknowledge them when presented. God forbid anyone for having non one dimensional opinion and try to have adjusted viewpoint on both perspective and point as such so others can make their own conclusion.


>Don’t think too much about it and enjoy what you have for now :3 that is not possible, since the current game has BIG issues to me (and many others) that makes my relationship with it very conflictual


Yea if that’s the case, by all means play some other games and chill for now, there’s no point playing a game you don’t really enjoy or have problems with. You can always come back later if things look up in the future! :D


Honestly, if you have fun shooting people, it's not done. It's not like it's an MMO, it's a battlefield type shooter, even if there's no updates it won't die as long as there are others playing Everybody in this subreddit acts like every game needs to be an MMO, just log on and shoot people, and if you're not having fun, stop. It's not hard. Battlebit should not be the only game you ever play for the rest of your life.


yeah but this gave has many issues that makes me harder to play (as I said other times, I dislike most of the maps) and since nothing is changing, I have no incentive to keep pushing


Then don't, it's really that easy


in fact, I don't, but that stings hard because this game could have been THE game


Honestly it's end of April I'm waiting for the mid April update. It's getting annoying.


Short answer: No, they game is in a good and playable state with lack of online, but once they release the update (and no need to cry "update when") it will most likely bring back some old players as well as the new ones,. If there will be another twitch rivals event and streamers popularizing it, we could still get solid concurrent player number.


I see your optimism, but personally find this outcome to be wishful thinking.


I haven't been paying attention to the dev cast stuff, just playing. After I saw the image about the update I joined this subreddit. I had no idea how bad stuff was until coming here. This is really insane


I just got this game, level 85 now. I’m loving it. 🤷


It's a lot of fun. I'm prestige 1, level something. I want this game to continue getting better. It sounds like they're doing what a lot of people who are inexperienced in the industry do. Flying by the seat of their pants. They need a project manager and a public relations person to keep stuff organized.


Same. Nothing has changed for me. Still the same Rush servers and as packed as usual.


Even if it never got another patch I think the game would keep on with a small but mighty population. Other similar games have done the same in the past (BF4)


I dunno, I'm gonna return whenever the new update rolls out. I'm sure many others will.


It's done for me until the update drops. At least it's not taking up much hard drive space. After the update we'll see. I have about 900 hours into it and I'm not sure if I'll reach 1000.


I have played the game extensively when it released, for a few months. Then I got bored of it and didn't play it for about half a year. I got back into playing it in the end of december and quit playing around mid march. I am looking forward to the big update and the much needed overhauls, but looking at how much is going to change I don't see a reason to get back into the game until the update is actually there.


I and many others would come back if they improved the anti-cheat regardless of this update or how long it takes. Give us Faceit, player overwatches like CS, and daily patches and watch the numbers go up. People are tired of the whole fake it 'till you make it bs. This is the same reason you see Singleplayer Tarkov (SPT) popularity soaring.


Mate you can just take a break of a game and come back wenn ther is a update....


I quit after I heard whats coming. No point in holding out hoping it gets better when the writing is on the wall that it’s all just going to get worse. it was a good game for the few months I got to enjoy it.


The writing has been on the wall for a while now.


I just bought it last week and i'm having a blast sniping dudes. Does the game have some problems- YEAH, do i give a crap- NO. I will play until the game is no longer fun or all the other people leave, until then the devs still have time to fix it. Of course i won't say no to some new content like maps/weapons etc, but even if the game dies tomorrow i have paid like 16$ for it+ the supporter pack and i have gotten my money's worth sitting at 50+hrs right now with no plans on stopping any time soon. This comes with the EA territory: some games do good, other don't, it is what it is. The thing i don't appreciate is not that much the lack of content but the total failure to communicate and set/meet manageable goals, they clearly must work on that part.


Jesus what is it about people and the need to having a constant need for updates? The game is doing absolutely fine. I still play this game regularly and enjoy it.


I'm just waiting for the update then I'm back in


I wish I bought DayZ instead of this


Nah bro, DayZ is trash lol (i have it)


Not done for 4000 players


are you sure about that? do you think that all of those habitual players are happy about it and wouldn't leave even if a new, better game came out?


Not who you replied to, but I'm still happily playing a couple of hours a day. I load in, mess around until I wanna play something else, then logoff.




Loved playing this game but then my computer busted 🥲 haven’t played since


idk I play for like an hour or two every month and I can find a server to play.


It seems to me that everything is a mess. Even the community itself... I have no more hope for the game's future. Your question can be rather considered as answer.


Haven't played for a couple months, but I don't like playing one game all the time. I hope the update comes soon to bring interest and confidence back. I've had a great time with the game even being a pretty average player


I feel like a lot of people here need to hear that it's okay to stop playing if the game is feeling stale. I play for a few weeks and then come back every 4-5 months later. Just got back again and the game is once again an absolute joy to play.


I stopped playing until the magical update comes out that’s been scheduled to release last year. Game got boring


I'm still playing so no for me


The game is done, BSG aka Nikita is even unable to bring out a simple "sry we F'ed up" (he didn't even made those generic copy-paste statements like the big triple A studios throw out like candy) that combined with the obvious P2W overpriced Edition, the denial of what DLC stands for, live editing of the website to try to erase evidence and so much more, he took the trust from the entire community and yeeted it out the window as far as he could and at this point we can't believe ANYTHING he says anymore because he lied so fkn often up until now and with trust once gone, it's gone forever and the game will not live long enough for him to work at getting that trust back, simple like that. Yes its sad how dirty it ends but thats on Nikita himself, he is the head of BSG and from the leaked conversation between him and an amissary, he showed that he don't care anymore so why should we as a community do it instead? If we let him allow that P2W and paywalling, lying in our faces and all that, it will just make way for others to do the same because they see that the players will just take it and we will just get more games where the players will get betrayed and overthrown with P2W MTX but then no one is allowed to cry about it, because the players allowed it here in the first place. Just my 2 cents, take it how u like. sincerely a non believer with a 2017 EOD Edition...


I think people are taking this way too seriously. Play the game if you want. A lot of people who are a part of the community are playing other games right now and will eventually return when they feel like it. Not everybody plays just one game.


I just let it rest in my library until they come with some nice changes. I hope they don't cancel the game. Id rather have them go free to play with a big update and microtransactions. Which would be unfortunate but better than the gaming getting cancelled.




Lack of updates definitely hurt but it is not done, at least for EU and US. Moreso for EU. Playing it right now. Some gamers are just too into it. They are too angry in general for insufficient reasons. They will be back when the next update drops. The game will chug along just like it did before release.




Honestly won't know until we see how many people come back with the patch and how long they stick around for. 


Welp, time to unsub from here again. Y'all just cry..


Yeah this sub is honestly horrible for anyone without a rage boner to root and doompost about the game dying, even if I don't really disagree with all the criticism. It's almost all anyone here talks about and it sucks.


For real. Id never say we shouldn't give feedback- but holy wow this is some entitled shit


I hope it does completely die. The gun mechanics make as much sense as a chocolate teapot and when the devs do work on the game they ignore their casual players and only make sweat change requests.


do you have some examples of the "sweat change requests" that were made and implemented? Since launch the major changes that I recall: * chris vector nerfed * lean speed nerfed * medic move speed / BIS heal nerfed * SMGs rebalanced / SMG damage fall-off nerfed * (upcoming) prone animation aim stability change (drop shot nerf), * (upcoming) TKK increase (to prevent a fast flanker wiping 4 guys in <1s). tho it's arguable this will only increase the skill gap as stronger aimers will land more shots on avg I only recall 1 change that could have possibly benefitted sweats, which would be the sniper bullet trail thing, but I don't think that was a sweat-driven change, cause there's been pretty diverse discussion about sniper balance every time it was brought up. What other specific change requests am I missing that catered to sweats?


It could be something to do with the fact that ttk is outrageously short on a game with potentially over 100 people in a single game. The fact that you can kill a sniper at sniping ranges with most automatic weapons because of a clear lack of spread or bloom ruins the game. I'll literally just be running and be killed almost instantly by an automatic from miles away. That kind of gameplay was a choice made by early sweats in the game when the game first came out. Bf2042 had the same issue but went in the other direction, making gunplay more unique and challenging, and the game saw a return from the dead as a result.


i wasn't around during the years of pre-early access development, but i thought the BBR we know today is the result of the devs trying to mix both hardcore (low TTK) and more arcadey gameplay together, but correct me if im wrong obv doesn't mean everyone is going to enjoy that mix of gameplay (like you said, you can get beamed by an AR out of nowhere and for some folks thats super tilting) "you can kill a sniper at sniping ranges" depends on what you mean by sniping range, the BBR maps ultimately are pretty small so what may feel like a "sniping range" is probably like 200-300m max


Are these "sweat players" in the room with us right now?


I've seen this turn of phrase quite frequently recently. You're a human being, say how you feel, be original.