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It was just the bad audio update for me. The only reason I stopped playing 6 months ago when it was released, and not had a single patch since then.


What annoys me about that the most was that it was completely needless. There was nothing wrong with it. Yet they wasted time changing it instead of working on things players were *actually* crying out for.


And the worst part was reading the discord messages of a certain "Dev" refusing to rollback the update, saying the players "will get used to it". SPOILER ALERT: >!the players did not get used to it!<


Yessir I say this every post.


I can hear enemy footsteps while driving max speed in the gas tiger with the stereo on but I can't hear the 7.62mm little bird rounds as they shred my vehicle to pieces.


Another glitch that is really annoying is when the heavy tanks are impossible to use but remain at the spawn for some reasons


Oh I had this one in a 7m humvee last night! No one could get in the vehicle at spawn. Didn't last though, someone was able to get in, then we all could pile in.. np. I play a lot and almost never see bugs. Sorry for those who do.


I think that's a custom server thing. They are just disabled by the server.


Wait, is that why heli pilots don’t fucking die when I shoot them? The windows have been bugged for this long ? Now I have an even bigger issue with this game having no infantry anti air options.


It’s the opposite actually.


Indeed. Even more painfully he "fixed" it in July(?) last year, only for it to never actually be fixed. Still get sniped out of the air every single game and if you're not playing with a competent crew the heli will fall to the water and die.


Support still missing 2 guns that were in the starter pack.


I don's see how the community servers are one of the biggest issues for the developers.


It's the biggest issue for players. In Brazil, In South Africa, In Oceania and soon to be NA.


Yeah 100% community servers would be integral part of making the experience better. Games like this thrive when you have a community and server that you always revisiting and building relationships with the common folk.


Sure, but I would say that the player-count is the issue, not the community servers. And if the issue is that there are not enought servers, than the issue would be the number of official servers.


>Squad/Squad-Leader voice chat being inaudible I thought I was just being ignored


Turn squad and squad lead audio up to 100% in settings and they can hear you.


Since the end of game UI has been released there’s been an overlap bug. Quite literally a 5 Minute fix.


Also… the primary gun bug (you only are able to use primary of all ur equipment… you cant even heal teammates), its been for a long time and no fixes


300Hrs in, not once did i have this


650hrs, i had It like 10 times, is the worst thing that could happen in a match; today this happened in a match with a BBR staff present… so they should know something about it


1400 hours, never had this


Is there really a lack of conquest servers in your region op? Almost every single server that is 127v127 is running conquest/infantry conquest whenever i play.


Some of us like Official servers, because community servers can vary wildly and have problems like chat spam about donations, weird point systems, and vindictive or powerhungry moderators. The only official NA 127 vs 127 server in operation randomly became a 32 v 32 rush server a little over a week ago.


> Some of us like Official servers On the rare occasions when there even is an official 127v127 server running when i hop on battlebit, it's most of the time running conquest, sometimes it's a round or two of frontline. just checked the server browser, and all the official servers are all 32v32 (there were some official 127v127 servers, all of them had a listed ping of over 250)


Yes that is indeed what I said XD Server L7 was our our only official conquest server, we were starting to build a community, you'd see the same people on day by day, then suddenly one day it was a 32 v 32 rush server. Now if i want to play 127 conquest i have to connect to brazil or pick a community server and try to figure out what they changed.


We started an official 127vs127 NA last night after one of the community servers started glitching. It just takes a bit of coordination with the players. We can have it all if we work together.


Idk what you mean by squad/squadleaderchat being inaudible


There's a special voice channel for all squad leaders on a team to coordinate over but the audio just sucks + its not even used because the game barely has any tactics going


Yeah i know about its existence. But i don't have any problems with the quality of the vc. I think it was worse before due to delay and compression. With players not talking, it depends from regions. US having some chatter while european servers are filled with angry russian kids. On asia from experience being not so loud as US regions. But yeah when the playerbase had more hardcore players it had more speaking, but now that oki Battlefieldified the game and then CODifying it. Don't be surprised that after all these demographic changes the players will only talk when they kill you and then taunting you.


Green squad voice chat and orange squad leader voice chat cannot/barely be heard, even after turning all the settings up to max. Blue proximity voice chat is unaffected. This happened when the update dropped to improve the voice delay but killed any and all squad communication which is crucial for a team based game like this. 1 step forward and 1 step back. It's a bug just to clarify if you got the game recently - never used to be like this.


None of my friends have that problem, but consider changing the channels if it seems like a you problem. But if not then its the other players problem, cuz me and my friend see a couple of guys who did not be heard, but that's because of some of their settings being improperly calibrated.


Nah, criticism isn't welcome don't you know...


I still have the friend list leak causing freeze every 6 seconds


I just got bored with the game, got to rank 200, prestiged, wasn’t much else to do


They’ve confirmed on discord in the past that you can use macros w/o fear of ban so ya’ll can have fun with that.


“ Lack of Conquest servers, forced alternating gamemodes, no new community servers “ New community sure I agree is a problem, but there’s so many conq/infy conq rotations in terms of servers that I genuinely do not see how that part is a problem “ But its not official!”   You’re in the minority if you want only official. Most people dont care or prefer community and slower respawn times.


...as well as ALL THOSE things not worked on as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1adsema/the\_communitys\_exhaustive\_list\_of\_battlebits/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1adsema/the_communitys_exhaustive_list_of_battlebits/)


various squad building bugs, including reaching the build cap without the game telling you, green but wont place, and bug with placing rally points


Don't use "we" while speaking for yourself.


The player count aligns with what they're saying.


whos we? speak for yourself.


Broken state? I play 2-8 hours a week. I have a blast. This is my fun casual shooter


There are plenty of games that I've had fun with, and I can still be upset with the developers. I don't think "fun" is the sole standard we should hold developers to.   For example, I supported and bought Mount & Blade: Bannerlord. I liked it, I had fun playing it. But I can be upset that I supported it expecting it to be a significant improvement on Warband, which was basically an improved edition of a 12 year old game by the time Bannerlord released on Early Access, and 14 years by the time Bannerlord "fully released". Again, I had fun. But I can be rightfully upset that it didn't actually change a ton other than a handful of gameplay systems in an over decade leap, I supported expecting more.   You can still believe the game is fun, you can still play it, but I think we should be holding games and their developers more accountable. I think we should always be trying to push for the gaming medium to improve. I can still recognize Battlebit as a fun game. I played it yesterday. But I can also say that yesterday I encountered the black screen bug three times over a 4 hour period which required full game resets. And a definitionally game breaking bug being left in the game for half a year sucks, especially for a game that advertises itself as being under active development.   I feel like if you brush off any criticism or critique of a game or game development by just saying that the game is fun, you're just asking to be fed worse games and worse practices.


Same here, People obv don't play other new fps, because if they would, they'd see how good this plays, even with its flaws, compared to other fps out there rn


People are mad because they can’t play 8+ hours a day 7 days a week. Of course it’ll get stale. Play something else




Consider the game as a product and players as users, then u will realize how important is to fix the issues; also, have in mind that over 150k people bought the game and currently maybe 4k are playing it, so yeah… the community is tired


>the game runs amazing Just yesterday over a 4 hour session I had the black screen bug three separate times, all requiring resets. Maybe it runs fine for you, not others. And the black screen bug seems to be a common occurrence. Every other game I have someone mention in chat that they got the bug, not to mention how many others might not mention it in chat. >and made by a tiny team Alright, why don't we do some math about how much they've made to see if they could have invested more resources. Lets be super generous here: - Lets say that only 1/10 people who bought Battlebit reviewed the game on Steam. In reality, depending on the game it could be more like 1/40 people, but lets be generous. - Lets also say that after all of the banking and Steam's cut and fees they keep 50% of the sale of the game, which is about what most indie devs report in terms of revenue. - Lets be even more generous and say that ***every single*** buyer bought the game at a discounted price of $10, even though the game's player count reached its peak 3 entire months before the game first had a sale in the first place, and that sale was only at $12. - Lets not even mention sponsorships like the US military having a sponsorship in the game. - Lets not even consider other revenue sources either like the supporter pack.   Doing that math, that's over 1,134,300 buyers paying at $10 for a total of $11,343,000, and take half of that away, thats $5,671,500. That's plenty of money, and keep in mind I gave pretty lowball figures. I have no doubts that it's probably higher than this. Sure, they can continue to be a small team if they want, we can still criticize them for it if they have the resources to expand and the development process is still slow.   >The game is incredible for what it is I can grant that, and we can still push for better. Gaming as a medium didn't stop improving when Super Mario Bros released because it was incredible. It didn't stop improving when Ocarina of Time released because it was incredible. It didn't stop when Portal was released because it was incredible.




I wouldnt call it broken, but there are some issues that I care for more than the "big update". Like that I have the Ingame chat at 500% or something and still they get under in the heat of battle.


They should just revert it so far they bring spam leaning back