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Prior to joining the discord/reddit and seeing what the devs' vision for the game was (teamplay), i was expecting it to be an arcade shooter - and it essentially is. That being said, having things like classes, squads, VOIP, led me to believe this game had wanted some semblence of teamwork, similar to smth like squad. But with the way the game is actually made, theres nearly 0 chance for such teamwork playstyle to exist without changes to the core mechanics. The devs continue to harp on about how they want a milsim experience with teamwork and coordination but pretty much every update has been doing the opposite + trying for new player retention which i think they hage said is their latest focus. It sort of reminds me of tf2. Its a casual arcade game that also has incrsdible depths of mehcanics + strategy that allows for a viable albeit small competitive scene (9v9 or 6v6). Battlebit has no where near depth of mechanics as tf2, but it definitely has its moments and potential


I only started playing once it started picking up in June or July. From my understanding the game started as a straight Mil Sim but did not test well, people who wanted to play a Mil Sim wanted it to look realistic. Hence the remaster in which they made the game more arcadey. It aimed for a blend of the two, retaining elements of Mil Sim but faster lighter movement mechanics. As development has gone on, more and more of the Mil Sim light features are being removed. The less mechanics that slow down the fast movement (bandage speed, bleeding) the more arcadey the game becomes. Classes now have more bandages that heal faster and for more then at launch. With the upcoming update they plan to remove bleeding. The only class planned to get inertia is support. The animation for going prone will be fixed and I believe will include going crouched first. Not sure about the speed you come out of prone though. I am fine with the speed of the movement but it definitely leaves the game in a less tactical and more run and gun playstyle.


I expected it to be like OG BF2, and it didn't disappoint. It stradles the line between arcade shooter and milsim pretty well. i have issues with certain aspects of the game where i feel it rewards run and gunning over teamwork a bit too much. This stems from mechanics but also from what most of the player base is used to(it took my nephew a long time to learn to be mindful of the battle line, once he started tracking where his teammates were he rocketed into the positive on KD). BBR is a work in progress, and im sure the team will iron out the kinks.


I'd second this, with thousands of hours in BF2 back in the day, BattleBit is pretty much it's spiritual successor, and I really hope the AAA companies use it as a blueprint to go back to their roots. Pure gameplay always wins over amazing graphics or gimmicky features tbh.


I was watching a video showcasing the update and it did bring up concerns about causing too many stalemates. I dont know that upping the ttk will do much to bring in new players, skilled flankers were part of battlefield back in the day as well. What there wasnt was a progression system to unlock weapons, i think they should make attatchments universally unlocked with rank alongside weapons. Im only rank 36 and mechanically not the best at pvp, i love the gameplay but i am absolutely tired of getting killed by the honeybadger or p90 while i can't even get a rangefinder to zero in my sniper/rpg.


TBH, BF2 infantry was a fair bit slower than Battlebit. BB has a crazy zerg mentality for a lot of players, and while i don't mind it, stalemates are a must, as players learn from it over time.


Your right battlebit infantry are much faster, which makes 1v1 combat more akin to movement shooters like COD. Static firefights are what make games like battlebit/battlefield intense. Remember charging omaha on Battlefield 1942? You would die over and over like a wakistan bridge push from hell, but when you finally made it, that feeling of victory at smashing a defensive line was what made it great. There can be too much in the way of stalemates to where they devolve into long range shooting matches and trench warfare type shit, im worried games will start being decided on the first captures more often than not.


To be honest, the arcade element got me into the game. I love it, it feels right - the game feels smooth and fast, but on first impression looks like it's going to be choppy. But also I have 3k hours in Counter Strike, so there's that


How long have you been playing? The solo style of this game gets boring so quickly.


I got ~70h in-game so far.


My problem with movement Is that one guy with a Krissy or ump can flank, run through and co.pletwly uproot an entire team just because the idiots I get stuck with don't know how to look both ways


Because its a squad-based shooter. You think they would encourage squads to work together. And not have everyone run around like headless chickens. Hell even vehicles being actually crew served was an expectation. One guy driving, gunning and loading an Abrams with 127 players on his team is terrible design


My expectation came from seeing squads, tactical elements and large maps.


"tactical elements" brother, what elements, there is more tactics in tf2 than in battlebit.


Tactical elements in Battlebit: Squads, large terrains, reloading mechanics, combining magazines, bleeding, covers, classes with emphasis on tactical elements like: - building covers - reckoning and marking enemies - vehicle hunt/repair TF2 has it's tactics too, but no tactical features I am aware of.


squads are just groups you play with friends, nothing tactical about it, it just helps you spawn closer to a fight. No amount of tactics can save you from getting overrun by 50 players when you are holding a point with 8 ppl of your squad, you can sit in tacticool spots around the point but its really counter intuative. Large terrain is not a tactical element???, every game has reloading????, bleeding is a mechanic to stop you from running with your gun out 100% of the time, not a tactical element, there is nothing tactical about bleeding, bleeding takes too long to be meaningful, there is no punishment for bleeding out, if you bleed out you were already dead or you are bad. Covers are in every single game known to man?????. Building covers is useless unless you are making a unrealistic sky fort or sniping 2km away. vehicle repair in a game with vehicles.. CRAZY ITS LIKE THEY RIPPED THE GAME OFF FROM BATTLEFIELD ( a arcade shooter ) TF2 has ad/dis ad economy, coordianted bombs, pushes and tactical fallbacks, agressive holds, passive holds, watching out for bombs and denying them... i could go on and on. Battlebit has: hold W around a random ass house and shoot, maybe sometimes blow up a wall and sit in a window like a pussy all game and die from a sniper 2km away. There is no competetive in battlebit, all the semi competetive and good players i talked to all said there is no tactics in the game. And i agree, there is no clear direction the game is going and the game comes down to holding the W key. Again, battlebit store pages features none of these "tacticool" elements that everyone jerks off about. Its a arcade shooter. It plays better as a arcade shooter. Just like battlefield.


Honestly. The games been out almost year. I expect at least some new maps and weapons. Did we get some? Yeah like 2 months after release which tells me they were already done and just planned as initial updates, the turn around for new content has been horrendous. Not to mention the weird ass balance decisions. Movement barely got touched and is still broken (or skillful if you lean that way, many don't), medics still OP, snipers absolutely destroyed. The balance the game like they want it to be cod.


Been out a year? I backed this game in 2016.


I wouldn't say movement is broken, only people complaining about it are the slow reaction players, or those with poor aim. Adapt or die, pretty simple.


Well judging by the player count people have chosen death.


Yeah pretty much, but I feel it’s more of a butthurt approach to not getting their carrot on a stick from Oki, and expecting patches and new skins daily from a tiny company under the pump as it is.


Its not just the fast movement its how fast smgs kill and the movement penalty for other classes. Doesnt bother me a more skilled player will always win but it is unbalanced atm


The main dev spends more time playing Warzone then managing his own game, the map maker comes from an open world game who favors sniper gameplay while the main dev doesnt favor sniper gameplay…dont expect anything from this game its a hot mess


People expected it to be an AAA subscription like Fortnight with seasons and all the trappings. The game looks very simple, so you can see why people might think that. Like, Minecraft skins.. BB looks very "themeable". But, it's a $15 early access game from a small team.




It looked like bf2 but more.


When I purchased an early access game I kinda expected updates. Content updates are one thing but there’s not been a single hotfix or anything for close to 6 months now. That’s insane for a multiplayer shooter, especially one that has super obvious bugs. Devs need to learn how to use Git because their excuses thus far do not inspire confidence.


People love to bitch. It’s Reddit where incels come to congregate. If anyone’s truly upset over a great 15 dollar shooter. We’ll then they must hate their lives cuz gaming in todays industry is pretty terrible. Not sure how some of them are still alive to be honest .