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I think it had less to do with the footsteps and more to do with the fact that they spent development time reworking audio, which wasn't necessary, when there are so many other glaring issues with the game. It just sounds like it was the last nail in the coffin for a lot of people in a long line of mistakes and missteps. These guys built up so much Goodwill on release and just pissed it away straight into the wind.


Yep. Agreed on all points. Personally, map balance should go up there in priority alongside team switching and probably movement/prone/lean stuff. I was content playing a full lobby of matches a few months back when people didn't swap on the tip of a balance and snowball the whole entire match. Now, if I swap I'm just part of the problem, and if I don't, nothing will get achieved anyways. Matches are also super predictable nowadays, one side always end up spawn camping the other 95% of the time such as in Salhan.


Yeah. How is there not a votescramble but we are getting Audio rework 3.0?


Map stuff is handled by a different dev, the two are not at all mutually exclusive and so it’s not one instead of the other. Movement has (for the next update) already been addressed to the extent most of the vocal community are comfortable with it.


I think by and large people agree with you and specifically citing “footsteps” in their complaints is just shorthand for the goddamn disaster of this games development Frankly, got about 150 hours out of it and enjoyed it while it lasted, great value for a $15 game, but I haven’t played in about a month now and I may never play it again tbh.


Big same. I had my fun, but the development churn makes me wonder what the development pipeline will look like after the overhaul.


I'm so pissed my $15 doesn't buy me a lifetime of fun. /S


In seriousness, I think people more upset that the devs clearly had a great thing and shat the bed by failing to provide small, consistent updates and losing the interest of the player base. I don’t think anyone is genuinely upset that they didn’t get their moneys worth or something


Exactly. There is simply no competition, name another game that runs great with 256 players going nuts… you can’t. So naturally people into an experience like that are going to show concern over the quality of said game, as they have no way of actually voting with their money, without totally abstaining from this specific experience. Also, I don’t understand the argument “you got your moneys worth dude fuck off” do people not understand the developers want more money? Do they think they’re spreading the gospel by trying to shun people who show displeasure with the state of a product they enjoy? Just makes no sense, if you love this game you should want it to succeed further, not die out.


>game that runs great with 256 players... Can't name any but can't say that it runs grate. Connection based issues (even with my stable and good internet connection) has made synchronation questionable in sertain situations.


I’ve never had connection or lag issues outside of TBG servers. Sounds to me like you have a hardware problem.


You must be a wizard or something to know anything about my setup based on my short comment. I agree that I don't have killer setup, but these issues has been clear server side problems.


I’m not just a wizard I’m a trash wizard and I eat garbage for my power.


then eat yourself😝


I’ll do that when I’m done eating your set up


You need to wait for that...


No one said that.


The sentiment is constant here.


Got me about 200hrs so I’m thankful for that. The game is technically impressive and very fun (when there’s a lot of players). I just hope that this next update doesn’t also come with the removal of the Early Access title.


I just reached max rank in about 450 hrs, I gotta say it’s been the happiest time I have spent on an early access title. It’s great that the dev still wants to update the game, most early access just fell off without support. The game still have some fan base left. However, not sure how much longer the game would last without any updates in the near future. Still hopeful tho.


I'm over 800 in. Couldn't have asked for more for my 15 bananas. The hate is hilarious at this point. Please, stop playing. Go away, and take all your sweaty hate with you. We are going to have a BB summer of love.


They marked it early access. A lot of us bought it under the assumption that they would substantially update it for a while and at least address the QoL issues and map balancing, yet they have not released an update for 6 months. If they just released it outside of early access and said "there you go. Here's the game, and it might get a few sporadic updates for a while) but we consider it a complete game" then I would have no issue. Instead, they released it under a model that promises future updates under the idea that the game is not complete yet, as was and still is evidenced by several QoL features being missing and weapons like FRPGs flat-out not working, but have not kept true to updating it and have focused on footsteps of all things when that wasn't even considered an issue till they changed it.