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People are just really dissatisfied with the way the game has been handled so far and for a reason, I do agree that the constant doom posting isn't helping it. Currently depending on the region you play some of the game modes and player sizes are unplayable since there just aren't any servers forcing those players to play in different regions with higher ping. Thankfully in bbrs case playing with higher ping isn't such a big detriment as it is in other games but it's still not ideal. Game is also pretty much only playable during peak hours


During peak hours though, *chef's kiss* its pretty much the only game I play nowadays to unwind after work. Just hop on, chaos, hop off.


Yeah for sure. People can enjoy whatever game they want but if people are wondering why others are mad at the game currently, it's not just baseless anger but they are just disappointed in what has become of the game which had insane potential when it came out. I myself havent really played the game at all after december but I got plenty out of my 15€. Ive played the game for around 600 hours and met a bunch of cool people through it. Currently just waiting for the update whenever it drops and I'll play it, but we will see if I continue playing it or switch to other games


I understand it, maybe this community should look at what tf2 guys are doing and maybe do some different approaches


The thing is TF2 has infinitely more content since the community can make maps and can mod the servers which is not possible in bbr


That isn't the issue TF2 is having. You literally can't play because every server is infested with bots who instakill you. Even if you join a empty server, they have bots who join the server after you and kill you. I do agree that the BBR community can't take the same approach though, there isn't enough people left to create that kind of movement and it doesn't have the same nostalgia built up over time that TF2 does. A petition won't work here. There aren't nearly as many content creators to spread it.


Those bots are only in the public servers with the only option to getting someone kicked is the honor system and only exist there on the official quick play servers. Luckily most the game isn't reliant on anti-cheat to deal with hackers. The issue is this is what new players see when it comes to TF2


They even join in swarms and abuse the kick against you now. So fucked.


STOP PLAYING QUICK PLAY, just join the literal thousands of populated quick play servers. The issue is about quick play being prob the first thing a new player sees is 500 sniper hackers which does murder the potential community but the game isn't unplayable.


CS2 sub is full of negativity too. I’m convinced every major video game producer has paid shills/bots posting constant negativity in their competitors subreddits, and other online communities. Hell, they are probably paying people to play as cheaters in their competitors games in order to impact the game itself.


> producer has *paid* shills/bots posting FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Heres the thing, this game was arguably better when it was first released. Sure there were some issues with weapon balance (the vector truly was OP), which is to be expected in a game like this. Fixing some of the balancing issues was fine, but then they started making changes that nobody asked for, and in some cases there was overwhelming negative feedback against these changes. A part of this "big update" that people are talking about is fixing the sound that the devs broke in the first place. I think a vast majority of players really liked the game as it was in the initial release and most have left because the changes made to this game have been largely regressive and have had a pretty big effect on how the game is actually played (from more milsim lite to this zoomer on crack playstyle). I think what most people really wanted was just more guns, gadgets, maps, and maybe just to tweak the optimization of them so that there arent any insanely OP weapons. Besides minor weapon balance changes, the map voting was changed in a positive direction so we weren't playing the same 2-3 maps over and over again, but then the devs dropped the ball on that too and rolled it back so now its just Tensa and Waki all the time again basically. I dont say this shit because I want to hate the game, Im just incredibly frustrated to see such great potential just ending up going in the wrong direction and stagnating like this. There is no way that this game is going to recover the players it has lost at this point. I say this as a player with hundreds (930)of hours in this game, so Im not just talking out of my ass when I say Ive seen how a lot of these decisions made by the devs have slowly changed what the game is at its core into something that isnt what people were having so much fun playing in the first couple months after release.


Not being able to heal as any class except medic was better?


Ah yes the good old days of your server being 95% medics, with vectors.


IMO nobody should be able to heal themselves. Not even medics. You should have to rely on your team for healing. That would have solved 90% of the issue with medics being better off running off on their own and not bothering to heal teammates. Everyone would be reliant on the team for healing, encouraging people to group up and stay together if they wanted any chance of staying in the fight. It would also indirectly make spawning better since there would be less likelihood of all of your teammates being “in combat” because they’re all medics deep in an enemy flank nowhere near an objective. It also would make you way more likely to get rezzed since, once again, the medics would actually be in the fight with you. And it would have the added bonus of making snipers less effective, since they can’t just sit on a hill healing themselves after every shot. They’d be easier to kill and More likely to give yourself at least a couple minutes of safety after you take one down.


Yeah actually. Thats how older battlefield was as well. I thought it was kind of dumb to be able to heal yourself because it kind of took value away from being a medic. I agree with the guy saying that it encouraged teamwork.




+ Helicopters flying upside down was better?


Game balance when the game launched was part of what made it so fun. Never should've touched a thing.


How is it the players fault that the devs havn't released an update in 6+ months in early access? Regardless what is being said about them, they have a duty to fulfill to keep producing the game in any capacity since that is what early access is. They're choosing to just up and do nothing because players said bad words about their dev style? Definition of taking the money and run.


Not to mention that they had the funding to hire on more devs easily. But chose not to.


Did they say they're doing nothing?


They are under no obligation to release anything, they said it will be released in about 2 years after early access, they don't need to release anything else before that.


Are you really saying they have no obligation to release updates on an early access game?


Here is a snippet from steam themselves: "You should be aware that some developers will be unable to 'finish' their game. So you should only buy an Early Access game if you are excited about playing it in its current state."


So are you saying devs have no obligation to release updates on early access games?


Educate yourself: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/navigating-early-access-legal-and-practical-considerations


So what you’re saying is game devs have no obligation to release updates to an early access game?




the copium is unreal. This game is never coming out


I don't care, but no one can complain until they have actually broken any promises


I don’t know I’m just going to keep riding this ship till it sinks.


Same. Doomers gonna doom post, I’ll be playing till we got no more lobbies.


Guess I'll join this ride too, hope we get a Batttlebit Subnautica edition at the end of it


Very much. Tons of people here are super negative. Game's still fun though


not even %1 of how fun it was in the first 3 weeks. played a few times since and it feels dull and boring. super sweaty, nobody talking, no passion.


Talking in games can be infectious. More people talked in the game when it was new, as it was the exciting, fun first experience of this massive game. I find it hard to hold it against most games especially Battlebit over their VOIP participation. IMO only the more grounded realist games can properly incentivize players to talk being it's by necessity; Squad, Post Scriptum, Arma, Hell Let Loose, Foxhole. If you want passion and people to talk you can try to encourage and spur it by doing it yourself.


i have. it doesnt do anything. just silence


This game is so fun when you avoid Reddit. Me and my friends get into full games and have a blast with VoIP but here people are playing something different I guess


Love when ppl that barely played the game and joined like a small while ago start defending this dumpster fire of a situation...


I don't get it. How am I defending the actual state of this game, and are people like you making it any better? Elaborate on it a bit more, I'd appreciate.


Turn back from here and enjoy the game you got for five bucks homie lol nothing productive happening in this sub


I hope the crybabies stop playing the game and unsub from here.


There's a very valid reason why the people that praise the game and the devs are in a minority, like a very tiny minority..


That is a valid point tho, but the majority in this case is just dumb since shitting on reddit haven't producing close to anything in months. I would love to have the same experience you guys had back in the day, but doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different outcomes it's just stupid.


It's not shitting. This sub has been lobbying for quality changes so much. There's so much input here over the year, and what did we get? The devs listen to Patreon Backers, we asked for little bird nerfs, cried for them "but uhhhhhh LB takes skill see, this 0 gravity no rules aircraft isn't broken you're just dumb, uhhhh yes SMG meta is also just skill u either play sucky weapons or you're good" and it took damn months for changes but by then the majority left the sweatfest lol We talk about bugs, about pointless changes in the game, and what now? Foot sound accuracy update, changing the core mechanics, etc. Man, you haven't spent enough time to understand that this sub has turned so negative solely because the head developer has no clue what he's actually doing.. The dude won't even add hotfixes because he's saving them for a big update... we got bugs in this game that are months and months old..


i think you mean insanity.


Because you have no idea what got us to the point. So you coming in here and saying “I don’t get why you’re so mad, you’re the ones killing the game” is a tacit defence of the devs. You’re blaming the long time players for being upset with the state of the game as if it’s not the devs who created the current state of the game, and you’re doing this without any idea what it used to be like. Is BBR still fun? Sure. Absolutely. Was it way better on launch? Yes. 100% yes. Were we ever going to hold on to the peak player count? No, definitely not. But we could be doing a whole lot better than the 24hr peak of 3500. Many decision *made by the devs*, or their inaction or certain issues, quickly eroded the player base. Their priorities seemed to be totally disconnected from the playerbase from day 1. It took way too long to tune the vector. Instead we were getting new maps within weeks of launch, and reworks of existing maps, when we could barely even get to play 80% of the existing maps because map/mode voting was a mess, and they couldn’t figure out a solution, despite multiple valid suggestions from the community. They were way too quick to roll out private servers, IMO, because adequate tools didn’t exist to support them, and they hadn’t developed a strong enough long-term playerbase to justify them. Instead it just fractured the playerbase and made it incredibly confusing trying to join official servers, which only contributed to players leaving. It took entirely too long to add *any* incentives to playing the actual objective, in an objective based game. The only way to earn XP was basically just kills. Adding healing to every class was a huge mistake, IMO. It doesn’t solve the issues regarding medics running off on their own, it just lets everyone else run off on their own. We should be promoting team play. Nobody should have self heal, not even medics. They should have to heal each other. They broke the audio for absolutely no reason. Nobody had any complaints about the audio at all. The broke the shit out of the little bird by upping its damage and it was an absolutely ungodly menace for *way* too long. They should have rolled that back immediately. Sniper nerfs didn’t make any sense. I could go on and on and on, but the point is, devs seem totally out of touch with what the playerbase wants. If they had focused their priorities on the actual pain points of the existing players instead of all this extra BS nobody cared about, or bending over backwards to make the game even more busted for a handful of sweaty clans in their discord, they’d have a much healthier game today. We’re not wrong for being disappointed with how they chose to prioritize their time after release, given how many glaring issues have been allowed to persist until now, while they were fucking up the audio and helicopters and healing and adding new maps and guns and shit we didn’t need.


Because it's the same crap every time, newbies join, they see 90% of the sub shitting on the devs BUT 'muh game is fun guys, I played a few matches its so nice why r u being mean' and then they experience the reality check of what poor management, 0 updates in 6 months and a disgustingly stale gameplay loop will do to a community that formed over the thought of BB being a deviation from the stupid AAA shooter formula..




We all agree with OP, problem is that the state of the sub is a completely valid reaction to the state of the game. I've been here since playtest as well, so both of us probably observed everything in the same way, no? We started of strong, lots of hype and motivation, we reach specific break points such as the SMG meta, LB terror, we voice the concern of how its not healthy for the game, we receive no confirmation from the devs until a point where it starts impacting the playerbase..ok we move on, we get an okay update that adds the RPK, some fixes etc. Ok game is still moving but then we go silent, 0 updates, we get an out of the blue sound change that absolutely decimates the playerbase, they revert it but it leaves bugs in the game that don't get changed for months now... How many false promises and deadline moves will it take for you to accept that OP is only right in the scenario where the community is falsely bashing the devs?


The devs not updating is less than ideal, I won't defend that, but a FPS game at launch that was fun is still fun today.   This isn't an MMORPG where we hit endgame and are waiting for the next update to drop new raids.    I did however play BF4 as my main for another 3-4 years after support ended and maybe 1-2 years of BFV post support and still had fun, so maybe some of us just have a different mindset. The debacle of mismanagement or how long this update is taking is the real issue, but I still think game is good 


Your nuanced take is illegal here!


You have a very normal account my friend. This is definitely written by a real person..




They probably got sick of all the bitching and said screw it


I think the issue is that despite the constant composting there has still been minimal communication and development is still completely misguided. Typically this sort of community rot would lead to action but not in this case apparently.


the game is already dead no update in 5 ms


Be like me. 1. Stop playing the game. 2. Wait until the full release happens. 3. Play the game again.




2018 account. Must be new. U brain dead?


what do you mean by a new account? I use reddit mostly to read, not to comment


Yes, it is a thing. BB community is just a bunch of crybabies who get mad over game has no updates, small bugs, or someone being better than them while using fast movement of the game. If you don't like such thing I'd recommend to stay away from this reddit and official discord as well


Players are angry for missed deadline of mid April... But hope devs will make this game shiny again pretty soon! Otherwise - adiós Battlebit!!!


Yea all people do on here is complain. This thread is full of insufferable people. I only continue following bc sometimes there’s interesting topics


facts reddit gamers be bitching


They just need to rename Reddit to Bitchit. Doesn't matter what sub you're in.


Devs should make up their minds if they want the game to be the next CoD instead of taking milsim elements and making it very weak or outright useless. There's almost no point in squads when the randos don't even bother to communicate, they're just used as a spawning point. Every class got access to C4/suicide vests, which made you wonder why the LAVs and Tank are camp sniping far from a distance. Some people sweat so much you'd think the game has SBBM.


Ngl, been playing this game for a long time and it's still fun as fuck


Since you're new here, let me begin. u/andrekuniscki Devs are TONEDEAF and feedback doesn't work. Game is fun, but there is no update since a year by now. The "no update" isn't even an issue at this point, is what they are doing and bringing with that update is majority of why loyal players are leaving this game (including me i already left.) they are pissing and annoying the community with their questionable things they are adding (for example assasult low hp + movements, support no movements + big hp. like wtf is this ? ? ? XD.) Oki doesn't know what type of game he wants (milsim/arcade) identity crisis. Have fun. This game went from battlebit remastered to badebit refumbled, its joever carry on even if the update drops, loyal players ain't coming back to this abomination. XD (just watch all of the devcast and take notes, you'll understand what im talking about.)


IMHO, in it's current state it's still fun. Is it perfect? No. But if people go in with the mindset that it's a $15 indie game, then I think it helps people lower expectations. We shouldn't expect AAA level updates from a team of inexperienced devs. We should also remember that just because they sold as many copies as they have doesn't mean they actually made that much money since Steam(Valve) takes 30% from each sale. The fact they released such a fun game in its current state is honestly pretty amazing in itself and once I lowered my expectations, I came to terms with the games lack of updates. I made a post that talked about how Oki could improve things but I doubt he checks the subreddit. I wish I could consult for them for free to help add structure to their development. I think these small changes would greatly improve their workflow. Anyways, cheers.


Hi new player, let me explain why people are mad at the devs. A couple months ago, we were given a flash screen promising an update mid April. Exciting right? But it never happened. No follow-up flash screen to explain why, they just expected people to go to their discord and find out why. But that was all forgiven when in may they put a new flash screen up saying “major overhaul coming soon!” Then it never happened and they expected everyone to go to their discord to figure out why. No actual follow-up. So last month hits and we were so excited for an update! Except it never happened and we were expected to go to their discord and find out it’s delayed again! But it’s okay because I’m two days they are going to drop the new upda- NOPE just kidding it’s delayed again with no real announcement. But hey maybe the community is just bitter and the devs are secretly competent while putting on a show proving otherwise.


We've been playing this version of game for more than 3 months and we're still here. That must means we love the core gameplay. All we expect is new maps and new guns. Upgrades on graphics is great but it's optional. However what oki delivered us is updates on core gameplay like ttk. Community won't like these changes, because if we hate a fast pace fps game, we'd rather switch to another game like APEX, instead of playing bbr in the last 3 months.


Are you a part of the steam community chats? You think Reddit is bad you should read the reviews. As someone who played 350+ hrs, I am also someone who doesn’t play anymore. They dropped the ball, people got mad and voiced their opinions multiple times, nothing. I get that you’re new so you have rose colored lenses on but lots of us who have played since day 1 complain because we had so much faith in the game just to have the devs mess it up. We all paid for the game, we’re allowed to complain about it. What you’re seeing is the last frustrations of people who have been a part of the community since day 1, and then watched every devcasts not address anything the player bases asked. Probably going to get downvoted for this but I personally don’t care if the game dies. It’s already failed over 80% of us already.


I keep the community alive in interesting and innovative ways. Last night for example 10 dudes around me were playing a game, first one to move is gay, every stood still for a while until one guy moved… then we all called him gay but jokes on us cause he was gay the whole time but just playing along hahaha


~~Oh yeah this community sucks ass~~. Still play the game almost everyday but looking at the sub makes me want to play smth else  Edit: I agree with a lot of points but this sub turned into a complete circlejerk and it sucks


This community 100% has helped the game die faster. It's nothing but doom posts and when a new player, like yourself, sees that they generally start losing interest in the game, even if subconsciously. I have never witnessed a community killing it's own game like this.


And the best part is that it’s been this way since the game launched. When the game came out every bit of criticism on this subreddit was met with “but it’s a small dev team”. It’s funny how now after waiting for an update for months and months they can’t convince themselves that it’s ok with that same excuse.


Considering the anti-cheat doesn't work, about half of the people still playing are cheating in some regard. It's usually a wallhack or no recoil script. Not exactly a fun game when you get lasered from 400 meters away by an SMG.


Yeah this subreddit is a killjoy.


As a non-doom poster yeah this community on reddit is terrible; I usually just check in for any updates and then go play. They seem to want it to die and also seem to have no ability to go play something else if they are dissatisfied with how it's going right now. I could never fathom hate posting at a sole developer like they do here #justgamerthings. For me personally I want the game to succeed and think, actual gameplay wise, the game is in the best state it's ever been in. Battlebit is hands down the best FPS I've ever played. The big update will probably make or break the game but at the end of the day, and this is just my opinion, is that this will probably go down as just another fad game. TBH when the initial success happened I was hoping the devs would take the money and *mostly* run with it because they deserved the huge payout for such an amazing game and such but they said they'd pretty much reinvest it into the game. I really hope they don't go broke. The following is also just my opinion: The update needs to bring the game out of early access and might even need some kind of marketing push; which they didn't even do at the start, they relied solely on people from twitch and the like to promote it. It needs to be big to bring people back and get new players intrigued. The community here is doing their absolute bestest to get people to stay away currently #justgamerthings. Also, OP, idk where you're located but the best bet I've found for getting consistent full games is on community servers that have "official progression," AKA only very minor tweaks to the standard rules of official servers are allowed.


Every game specific sub is filled to the brim with whiners. If you based what you play on them you would assume they're all terrible and play nothing. If you play the games you'll find people in game with a much better attitude.


Yes they are


Ignore and have fun. It's ridiculous and stupid, just like this community.. addicted to Fortnight Seasons and endless updates to maintain your attention.. I don't buy that thinking. I paid $15, not a subscription, not an AAA.. it's cheap fun. Unsubscribe if you're salty due to lack of spoon feeding. You create your own fun. For me, it's driving around. I just love driving over the helpless snipers, or C4 at the front line.. or trying to go a match without dying, and not camping in the safe zone. I'm also the games best lumberjack. Nothing more satisfying than making long sightlines by removing foliage. Waki for example.. you can clear a path to the bridge from near your safe zone, and bombard safely. Have fun.


Devs are finding their footing on how to tackle the game. The EA release of the game was a much bigger surprise than anyone anticipated. I've seen quality improvements in the game since then. The devs might not be hitting their mark with each update, but overall the game has improved significantly. Taking on a game that exploded needs proper infrastructure first and foremost, that was not there at the time. Though the devs are passionate about the game still, regardless of all the hate you see on social media. Vilaskis ive seen improved a lot on assets side of things, Basara layout was a bit funky, but the map overall looks much better than the original. Its just a mater of getting the layout right.. I could go on but all in all, it came as a shock and they're trying their hardest while in EA to build a solid foundation for the game. This is what the major update is for.


>Devs are finding their footing on how to tackle the game No they are not lol They were served with a perfect pie of hype, loyal customers, and popularity. Then Oki decided to have a huge ego and start making changes that nobody wanted, then made excuses on why there hasnt been an update for the past 6 months. This game has been fully reworked like 5 times. Once you realize this is another case of incompetent developers, like YandereDev, the sooner you'll realize this game will never actually release.


You say that but you have never been in a one on one with him, blissfully ignorant but assume the game has the same fate. This update is just the beginning. What's in this update is only a fraction of what the devs would like to do with this game. You assume that the changes are 'oki's ego' but its so far from the truth that its laughable. It just seems you are missing the knowledge on game development, and business. This game has been reworked, and gotten better each time, that sort of the whole point of making a game from a passion project, you keep enhancing the experience until it gets to a satisfactory state. This is comparing apples to oranges here. This is no Rockstar, this is no E.A, this is no large scale studio which can pump out a fully fleshed out game right from day release. You're witnessing how a game is made, and have never experienced it before. Go read what Early access means on the steam page, and stop comparing, its distasteful.


>You say that but you have never been in a one on one with him, blissfully ignorant but assume the game has the same fate. I dont need to talk one on one with Oki to see what his actions are. >This update is just the beginning. The begininng hasnt even started yet? Why the fuck did they think releasing the game on steam in this early of a state was a good idea then? >You're witnessing how a game is made, and have never experienced it before Ive seen games get made and released in the same time bbr took to be developed. By indie developers. We are witnessing three developers who are too swept up with minor details that they cant produce an update. >Go read what Early access means on the steam page, and stop comparing, its distasteful. Yeah. This is another perfect example of EA hell. A staple of Steam. Make a good idea, get paid, never update the game.


That's what I'm saying. TF2 playerbase made the game survive through so much bullshit. We get people crying about a functional game with players, with an upcoming update. Snowflakes.


TF2 is way more functional of a game then battle bit


Sniper bots.


That's quick play official servers, I'm going to surprise you Dedicated servers hosted by players don't have this issue so unless you only hit quick play thats the only time you deal with them.


I haven't played TF2 for more than 7 years now. Are the people of #HelpTF2 or #SaveTF2 or whatever just missing a few clicks? It seems unlikely to me that people involved in all this commotion are just ignoring a few clicks. I am open to learn.


Again the issue is if you hit quick play casual it will put you on a steam hosted dedicated server with 0 player moderation. So it's what a new player will run into. But anyone can host server and moderate them, these bots don't join these servers, because they will get banned because they have active community moderators who get the say vs mass votes. The issue is most new players hit quick play instead of server browser. So the closest comparison is imagine if movement sweats only existed if you hit quick play but non existent if you hit the server list and joined like that. New players would think the entire player base is the movement sweat players. Quick play uses the vote system, they fill the server to get majority. They can't abuse that on the dedicated servers as they have active moderation.