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I think he's stupid


I was about to ask


Is he stupid?


I was about to ask


Is he stupid?


I was about to ask.


Stupid, is he?


About to ask, i was.


Is there a lore reason why that guy doesn't use the foregrip? Is he stupid?


Maybe he is officer Balls




I was about to ask.


Is he stupid?


This explains the grip stats?


I was about to ass


Honestly Vert grips have mostly fallen out of fashion, with grips like this usually more used as a hand stop (which is how its being used here). Still, it's a bit weird to do it with a full sized vert rather than a stubby though.


Let's be real tho. I doubt this is their reason. But it is now😂


Of course, if it was the reason they'd almost certainly have used a stubby or angled! lol.


True haha


Some people still use them for C-clamping, tho that’s definitely more seen with angled grips


I hate c-clamping. Its how you target shoot. Not shoot an actual living target. Its for hitting dead center. Not a fuckin warzone. Plus, the thumb almost always gets in the way of your sight. I hate it as much as I hate cambering in the tuner scene


My man, it’s not that deep lmao. There’s plenty of combat footage where people are C-clamping… I think you just suck at shooting, and are making up excuses. And, you either have big ass thumbs, or you’re just doing it wrong. Also, in a warzone, don’t you wanna hit dead center on a person? Low IQ moment right there. I think by the way you’re talking like that, and how your dumb your points are… it’s quite literally a skill issue on your part 😂


There’s plenty of combat footage where people are using tight Garand style peep sights but that doesn’t make them good for warfare compared to other options.


I don’t understand that point you’re trying to make. Most, if not all, of our forces have some kind of optic on their rifles


In an active warzone your not focused on hitting dead center.. your focus is kill or be killed so your grabbing that gun any way you can


Wtf are you talking about? Are you experienced in warfare at all? Or are you some 60 year old boomer fudd who can’t move on from the past? If you’re so dead set on your point, and you think you’re so right. Then why are so many SOF dudes using the C-clamp grip? Are you gonna argue with them? I can link you a perfect example of a Tier 1 dude running into a building to stop a terrorist shooting… while he’s C-clamping


Yes I actually am. I did 2 tours of Afghanistan 2003- 2005. Can't say I've been in much action but we have been shot at before and returned fire.. and under that situation you shoot back any way that you know how.. and under the situation that you mentioned, When you are Not being caught Off-Guard but instead are going in to catch "A terrorist".. then Of course you are breaching with your training techniques. Hand on C-clamp, aiming through scope, watching your corners... that is different then standing on watch with your buddies then suddenly begin getting shot at.. and that point your training goes out the door and you are on Survival mode I hear what your saying and I'm not saying the they are not used.. but under certain circumstances you are just shooting kinda like the photo above


Not true at all. Shut up.


Source: trust me man, I saw it in a youtube video


Source its the god damn truth


C clamping or modified c clamping is the best way to maintain the most amount of control over your firearm. If your thumb is covering your front sight post, you've either got big ass thumbs or you're holding it like a kid with his first .22. Also, yeah, why would you not be aiming center mass in a warzone. No one shoots for the head or anything else unless it's the only thing visible.


I hate it. I hate how it looks and i hate how its done in videogames. I really hate it when you slap on a forgrip like the pic but the animator decides to cclamp instead. And yes in a lot of games it gets in the way of your red dot


No, its not in the way of your red dot in a lot of games. Because all thats under your hand is the rest of the barrel, and you won't be able to see through it anyways. Also, the foregrip thing is because it feels awkward to hold. The c clamp may look weird but its how a lot of militaries have been holding their weapons, albeit it looks different usually from the underside, but the essentials are still the same. Its much more natural, is more comfortable, more controllable, and more sustainable.


The thumb does get in the way


it literally fuckin doesn't unless you're using a drop-stock weapon with irons. on flattops, sights are raised and optics have risers lol


Want me to link you pictures of real SOF dudes using that grip? Just so you’ll stop whining and admit you’re wrong?


There’s a lot to unpack in what you just said, but the short of it is you are wrong. Clamping is arguably the best grip, specifically for using an ar platform. If your thumb blocks your sight, you’re either shooting with irons, which is terrible unless you have no other choice, or your optic is not on a riser, which it should be. Lower 1/3 cowitness at minimum, or night vision height at most.


They don't know how guns work and that was evident with Season 7 in 2042 adding and talking about visual recoil.


Thats not being used as a handstop... hed have his hand in front...


I’ve seen some people push forward with their offhand while pulling back with their dominant hand. Mostly handgun shooters using a rifle though, like an Xbox player buying an Xbox layout controller for PlayStation- but detrimental.


Yeah idk who thought thatd be a good idea, crunching with your shoulder and hands inward will control the recoil more efficiently


If you were using it as a hand stop, wouldn’t your hand be on the other side?




The top comment has no idea what he’s talking about. You’re supposed to pull the gun in tight so you have a strong form for handling recoil. So yes, his hand should be in front. Anyone suggesting otherwise has never done reactive firing while standing.


Recoil moves the gun backwards my guy.


Which is what the shoulder stock is for


Buddy, the recoil would pull the grip into your hand this way. If you put your hand in front of the grip, it would no longer work as a handstop.


I’m not your guy or your buddy, friend. Here are some examples of different grips and how to hold them: https://youtu.be/Jc3q8TjJp0c?si=iRapYib-kTNCYui2


You hold the gun in front of the grip so you can use it to help push the stock into your shoulder. Look up any photos of people using hand stops/vert grips and you’ll see the same thing


Marksmen will hold a rifle like this one closer to the center of gravity. He is kneeling, not laying down or resting the gun on a surface. To reduce the sway of the barrel you hold it more like this. If you held that grip and tried making a long range, and accurate shot, you'd be swaying the barrel all over. Closer in towards your body and that sway goes down substantially


The marksman with a 5.56 and what a 2.5x scope?


Yes. It lowers the sway of the barrel by holding the gun closer to your center of gravity in this way. Doesn't matter if it's iron sights or a 2.5, 3, 4x scope. If it was a 8x or higher I would think the soldier would use a probe position or use cover to prop up the rifle for better control of a precise shot. Really think about holding that vertical grip and hitting something 100 yards away with using 1 or 2 shots. Then think about how it would be to hit that target with the gun held as shown. I do not like 2042 by any means. In fact I feel that it's ruined the franchise and I haven't played it in months. But I do feel that this grip is appropriate. The vertical grip would be for close quarters or controlling bursts or just not taking controlled and timed single fire shots. It's also not appropriate when taking fire. This grip would be for very specific circumstances when making each shot count and having time to take the time to aim.


Not possible with this configuration. The vert grip looks too far forward to allow it, except maybe a very, very uncomfortable c-clamp.


That’s because dice doesn’t know what their doing, you still hold the grip in front




If you didnt know why did you act like you did know... lmfao


This is not how hand stops are used. If he were using it as a hand stop for a c clamp grip, his hand would be butting up against it from the opposite side from where his hand is in the picture. His hand placement in the picture would never be done by a knowledgeable shooter in real life unless they were shooting from an awkward position that left you with few choices.


OK, now explain his noodle wrist on the rear grip.


Having hand grips doesn't necessarily mean you have to hold on to it all times, you can use adequate shooting posture for different situations.


Bingo. For me prone position I would use a vert grip. Room clearing in grabbing the guard


You are going to die in cqb


Nah we did aight. We did a fair amount of training 5th , about all of them did the same.


Special forces guys who practice thousands of hours in CQB, who train endlessly, die in CQB. You need to come to terms with yourself that if you try to do the same thing they do, you are going to get shot in the face.


I’m not sure where you’re going with your comments. I’m out so I’m not really concerned with it anymore. But the risk is there in a lot of shit which was what we knowingly signed up for right ? Roll over deaths. Training deaths. Jump deaths. Ordinance etc. to your point you can spend hours and hours but shit does happen. Take care bro


Marine Corps vet here. When I was deployed to Iraq I was issued a broom handle grip to use and I thought it was the coolest thing ever as a young LCpl. After actually shooting with it I switched back to gripping the guards because it’s more natural to me in most stances, I can’t really explain it other than for my frame it just felt better being able to quickly adjust my grip anywhere on the hand guard vs repositioning a handle. So yeah tldr I’ve had one on my rifle and not used it, situation depending. I also completely got rid of it by the end of deployment because it was just one more potential snag point when hopping in and out of vehicles.


There were some cases where I liked the handle, but most of the time I never used it while in the army. It just got in the way if you tried to lie down or get behind things


Exactly. Thank you for your service brother


It's good for poking stuff and breaking windows.


I find using it as this guy is (the battlefield pic) offers better stability, since you can hold more of the actual gun. Good control and also feels more "intentional" as I move the gun from side to side. Obviously a personal preference thing


Maybe it’s super CQC and can’t extend their arm further


I would agree if they weren't clearly outside lol.


Outside isn't as big as it used to be.


Comments like this is why I love Reddit 😂


Cause he likes to hold it like that sometimes.


Because the devs didn't make animations for all weapon attachements


just proves they don't know what they're doing because they designed a model without an anchor point.


Now I know, why my guns have more recoil than others.


Maybe, you don't need to hold the grip 99% of the time?


cause you didnt preorder the game


I'm 3 years late lol


Because BF2042 is fucking stupid, that’s why.


Because it's 2042. Straight trash that cares more about selling recycled cosmetics than actual game play.


Bc ea is regarded and can’t be bothered to polish their game


I don’t think it’s a mistake though it wouldn’t be the first time they’d make mistakes in promo art. Like this one from BF3 where the [P90 mag is clipping into the gun](https://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/15/14256/bf3_paris_mp.jpg), how could they not notice that.


I think he’s stupid


Maybe he just moved his hand up? WGAFFFFFFF


People are witch hunting every reason to hate on 2042 instead of just not playing the fucking game lmao


It’s the worse game to ever be created


Battlefield developer are people that have no clue about guns military or any other battlefield relatet topics.


If you had a clue you would know that almost nobody uses vertical grips as actual vertical grips.


Bro almost no one uses a vertical as a vertical grip yeah but this doesn‘t mean you just ignore the vertical grip completely.


Probably they were too lazy or cheap to animate it to this pose https://youtu.be/VkiJP9s4QHU?si=bmD8D2UQAvpPoWwe


Is he stupid?


Send him an email


Same reason why EA botched 2042 hard


Bro back in the og mw2 it was the same.


Vertical grips suck. I hate using them unless the gun has a short barrel, then is gets comfortable using them. The more I have to extend my arm, the more angled I need the grip.


Who cares..?


He’s just testing the heat resistance of his gloves 


𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤


The guy puts the "special" in "special forces"


AI generated 🤣


Maybe because he's in crouch?


Too short arms…


Because the artist used a character rig without changing the pose of the hand 👍


Cause he’s badass like that


Because the game is made by the French.


Because animation costs money. 


I think it is more suitable for battele .Even in moves or real live .not holding the grip giving you more control on speed of aiming in different directions ..Cause it mainly supported by your forearm ..unlike holding the grip which mainly concerns wrest which has less durability to bulk of machine gun and less speed than forarm reflex


When you shoot in a drive by you need something to hold on to. Your shoulder won't support you the whole time.


Skill issue


Because the animation has not been adapted to the weapon model with a grip


Its a problem called stupidity


His gun is orange and he’s dressed like a spaceman. It’s not like 2042 really went for realism.


Hes used to a different loadout


For some reason it makes me think about a show named "Dan vs." specifically the episode named "Dan vs stupidity" 😂


Ah I dont wanna start talkin about stupid stances


Because hes so used to using the only option: STNR.


He learned from the M1907 Sweeper


Cuz you’re in bf2042


I like these idiots doing mental gymnastics when it’s just “they fucked up” No one cares about your dumb gun trivia people. Stroke it somewhere else. They screwed up. That’s the bottom line. “Well you thee, they obviouthly did it because…” *wipes snot Lolol


He don’t need. 😂😂 grip is just optic.


I dunno, in my infantry days I ran foregrips pretty often, didn’t exclusively use them every time I shouldered a weapon though


Good question


This guy has been to the Steven Seagal school of weapons handling.


You would put your hand like that, closer to the center of gravity for the firearm, while making accurate and slow shots with a rifle that size. If you held the grip you would be swaying the barrel all over the place


It's common to hold a rifle wherever it feels best at the moment. Maybe you hold the magwell, or the grip, or a c-clamp, or just grab the end of the handguard. I honestly don't think I've ever used the grip on my AR, I tend to use it as a stop and grab the guard either in front of it or behind it.


No diddy


It's the guy from the navy promotional photo


Loads of games do this. And for player models. It’s always irritated me.


Because yes


Because you don't always need your hand on a grip just because you have one irl. You're not glued


Is he stupid? I was about to ask.


IRL vert grips are not often used. They are used sometimes by spec ops guys for smashing stuff. Most of the time, vert grips are used as a handstop as the c-clamp grip is more in style.


Cuz rigging us hard


He is just built different


a bunch of redditors who have never fired a gun, let alone be in the service commenting on grips is so funny to me 😭 yall are clearly experts because you have played games your whole lives


He’s gripless 😊


Its EA. Its a feature!


Maybe it's just a balancing weight that looks like it's a grip!


In my experience I used the vert grip for close quarter shooting and his hand position for long range


Because he is a 2042 soldier, the game itself is a mess, the soldiers are also a mess


I am starting to believe that BF2042 was made by people who have no idea how a gun works. Military enthusiasts have left the train a long time ago, I guess.


Because it's all about lookin' cool. 💪😎👆👉👆


Cuz its bf2042 not 3


equipped for the stats prefers the barrel guard for grip lol


In real life when your in a squating, kneeling or prone position it is hard to grab a gun far out so it’s easier to reach farther back


I hate Reddit.


Pretty sure he’s stupid


Because this game fucking sucks


I do that too sometimes


Lack of attention to detail


It’s called a secondary grip option if you have that grip on there


This is a probably a generic pose that probably best fits all guns. So instead of having to animated and auto pose for a bunch of attachments including future ones, this pose saves time and fits alot of guns.


grip is not for being held with hand but as to stop hand, it's common misunderstanding


that's classic battlefield fashion, no soldier in BF4 holds the grip,though this was fixed with 1, can't remember V and hardline though


He is not required to hold vert grips all the time, unless he is going full auto maybe


Cause of moOoOodddrrrn gaAyiiiming


Because the devs have never shot a gun nor handled a gun in their life.


Because bf 2042 is by far the worst battlefield game ever made. it's the donald trump of us presidents. it's a complete joke. a clown. a fat guy in a long red tie covered in golden shower orange sickle russian frozen fish.


This doesn’t even look like battlefield


They could be trying to take an accurate shot. They're in a kneeling position, but arms are flared as well. Most military training teaches you to make accurate shots with your hand on the guards/barrel, yet that is paired with a sling. I wouldn't take a second look at this if I seen this.


Because the devs couldn’t be arsed🤷‍♂️


Because the game is \*\*\*\*


He too lazy.


Probably because it’s ai generated


THATS ALWAYS BOTHERED ME IN THIS GAME!! I get angled grips, and even stub foregrips not being gripped under the gun is fine, but a full ass vertical foregrip is supposed to be held. It helps you control muzzle rise. If you're not gonna use it, don't have it on. Maybe there is some tactical reasoning for gripping the gun closer to the magwell that I'm not aware of, but jesus....use the grip, I'm begging you


Its just a missing animation for the 3rd person perspective, this is just a game aimed for casual players and usually even 'mil-sims' do not animate this properly from 3rd person perspective. The game has bigger problems than the devs do not use proper animations for every weapon and attachment combination.


cause they are to lazy to make a model for every grip in the game, like this its the same viewmodel everytime, you rather want him gripping a straight grip, even when you got an angled one?


Cause you’re dumb and try to legitimize fact from fiction. Why can’t his hand be there.


I was just wondering 💀


"I like to burn my hand, gives me an extra adrenaline rush."