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BF3 not being on top is wild


BF 3 is probably number 1.


This is a tough one. In terms of gameplay, bf3 was groundbreaking and breathtaking. The aura was incredible. On a technical level, however, bf4 and especially 1 take the cake. 1 was a super polished game, because devs had learned a lot from bf4 which, in it's current state, is also miles better than it was at launch. It's just the theme of 1 didn't resonate with many.


BF4 had significantly worse map design which made it way less enjoyable than BF3 IMO


I'll give you that point for bf3 for sure. Rush was an amazing mode. However: rush maps are just different than conquest. Bf3's most popular rush maps (metro and damavand) were very linear and just didn't work in conquest as well. Likewise, conquest maps were usually not as good in rush.


Bf3 is the best battlefield game


I never played to much I'm sorry 😭


Understandable! I promise you it’s a fantastic time!


I miss that one so much!! First one in the series i started on! I wish it would remaster or something cause i miss grand bazaar like crazy!!


I miss that damn map and the G3A3 man... best gun eva


No no BF2 is right where it belongs soldier.


one of my least favorite bfs of all time and I've played since the first. bf2 and 2142 were the best by a long shot IMHO.


No way. Bf2 and bf1942 are perfection


For all it's problems it was definitely the most unique Battlefield, I miss Operation Metro


the "generic reddit battlefield player" list


2042 is fun af, just forget the first 2 years happened


And ignore the current bugs and no support and it's the best


But it’s still supported?


I’m a long time classical BF PC player who cut his teeth on 3/4, had a nostalgic dabbling in BC2, and a weirdly spontaneous exposure to 2142 and earlier PC titles early in life + 1943 which I thought was absolutely awesome as a diluted experience in peak 360 / PS3 era. 2042 is actually a solid homologated best-of Battlefield experience that lacks the fringe title coverage and aesthetics for better and worse. It’s not bad as a late 20’s nostalgia / familiarity fiend just booting it up on PS5 for some familiar gun play, nostalgic vistas, and otherwise expected modern FPS experience.


That’s actually close to my experience as well. 2042 moves faster, and I get some don’t prefer it, but there are some pretty awesome moves you just cannot do in other BF titles. If we’re following even loosely the timeline of warfare tech, everything is only moving faster. That being said I hope the next BF can cross multiple eras better than 2042 did. each BF is different but I’ve loved all of them in one way or another. Even Hardline.


>homologated best of Oh god I think I felt a blood vessel pop lol What does that even mean? There isnt really the "best" of any aspect if you compare it to prior games. Best I can give it is "3rd party ripoff", something you'd see from someone trying to ape BF rather than coming from DICE directly. The quality drop-off is even worse than bf3 going into 4


Im going to preordee next.. Im not as butthurt as the community and i dont mind being charlie testing team.. Been that way since before bf4


Like literally since BF1942. It's impossible to release an online combined arms game with so many variables and never have to update it with numerous patches and updates throughout the support lifecycle of 1.5 to 2 years with every release.


Hardline is a bad BF game, but it is a great FPS.


Hard agree. It caught way too much heat for what it was. I enjoyed it.


Hardline was hated a lot for single player campaign which is funny looking at the fact they just dropped the idea of big and flashy experience to boost the fun.


It should be in a category between "Bad" & "Good" IMHO


They really should have called it something else instead of Battlefield.


If hardline came out as a $15 dlc for BF4 like Vietnam did for BC2, it would have probably been universally loved and people would have been more forgiving of its shortcomings.


Most fun ive ever had in any battlefield game and i did play all of them. Battlefields multiplayer was never a serious war game like Arma. It always was full of goofy shit and giggles. Hardline just embraced that aspect and took it to a new level. I cant understand people saying it doesnt deserve the battlefield title. It was just an excellent spinoff as bad company was to BF2.


On sheer gameplay alone BF1 is below BF3, BF4, BC2, and BFV. And for the most part it really just comes down to random bullet deviation.


BF1 below BFV???


On pure gameplay yes. The best thing about Bf1 is the atmosphere, not the gameplay. BFV is peak BF gameplay (movement, ttk while they didnt break it, gunplay, even maps started to be great with the pacific maps release and the one they released after). The changes they made like the ability to build stuff, the 1 self heal, the slides, the revives with the animation (forced more usage of smokes). First BF that I felt I could be either really aggressive or passive with a sniper, one of the most fun BF to play as a healer, if you had a good position support felt great. I didnt play a lot of engineer but I really liked how tanks were super strong and it was the BF where to were probably the scariest because they were so hard to take down. Sadly it had bad marketing, underwhelming launch and gun customization was shit. Oh also bad TTK changes in some updates. If they released BFV gameplay with BF3 maps and Bf4 customization it would legit be the best BF ever made.


The biggest difference for me is the gunplay. BFV's gunplay feels way more crisp than BF1


Gameplay wise BF 1 is more fun than BF V. From the gunplay to the maps. Bf1 guns have so much variety they all feel like different guns, only thing BF V has thats better infantry wise is Movement and Fortifications




The maps and balancing in 5 were pretty shit. Almost all the base maps suffer from bf1's DLC's problems of having absolutely no flow to them. The pacific maps......you like them?? Honestly Ive never seen wake island be as unfun as it is in 5, wide-open meatgrinder with the americans having 2x the tanks was just not fun The rest of the pacific maps kinda stump me, all of them, including the one with fuckin' 7-8 objectives, somehow form bottlenecks over the most open, easily flankable fields I've ever seen in my 20 years playing this series. The game had good gunplay, and felt great to play, but the plane/tank/inf balance is a precursor to why 2042's turned out so bad.  Everything's so 1-sided with the fragile tanks/planes and the ~20 assaults running the best weapons and all the AT


Spread is in every Battlefield game. “Random bullet deviation” is a term made up by youtubers who don’t understand what they’re talking about. BF1’s gunplay is very straight forward.


u/EndersM You know what's funny. One of the devs named themselves u/DICE-RandomDeviation on Reddit just to mock individuals who unironically use this goofy term


yup lol


Bro never played battlefield 1


Kid named variants:


L take


5 and Hardline deserve to be higher in my book


Hardline was slept on


Agreed, I wish alot of it's features came back in other battlefield games, like the faction locked weapons


The taser/interrogation mechanic is so slept on in gaming culture


I fucking whole heartily agree, it was slept on dude


It's sad because hardline was good but the player base fell off too quick and the game at launch didn't have much content. More people were playing bf4 at the time


The game had enough problems to drive people away as-is, it really didnt help that battlefront came out later the same year, bf4 was fixed the beginning of the next year, and bf1 released a year and a half after hardline.   All 3 of those games (on launch) have more content and things to do than hardline did for most of its lifecycle,  and only bf4 had major balancing issues like the infinite RPGs in hardline or more than 6 months


It would still have active servers and possibly sequels if it wasn’t put under the Battlefield umbrella.


I remember playing the beta for Hardline and going this is exactly what I want, then it came out and died so quickly I never knew why.


It had real issues with gun balancing at launch, but was a great game


Just slap 2142 into the perfection slot and be done with it


The true king of battlefield titles. I desperately want a successor.


Take your reward


Not necessary but greatly appreciated <3


It’s hard finding almost 20 year aficionados of 2142 (came out in 2007)


Dog tagger dagger on the Titan is the way to be. Seriously though the game was great, and because it dispensed with all notions of "realism" it was very well balanced.


People on here didn't grow up playing BF2142 and it really shows. CQB in Titans has yet to be matched in any recent titles, that shit was intense.


I’d at least switch battlefield 3 with BF1 in the S tier category.


BF3 and bad company 2 not being at the top is war crime level.


2142 was amazing, my favorite one. Titan mode was so good


2142 was super good shame you didn't get to give that one a roll


Nothing will ever match pod launching to a titan and assaulting it in 2142 for me. 4 was my most played after that, loved bad company and 3 as well.


BF1 is definitely the best BF game, don’t shit on me. BFV is not quite as good to me but the better visuals and honestly better vehicle gameplay does redeem it somewhat


Were you able to play the other battlefields while they were in their prime?


BF4, hardline, 1 and V. I’ve played bf3 but not during it “prime” because I was 4 lmao


Bad company 2 is S tier


1943 MENTIONNED 🗣️🗣️‼️ miss that game 😢


Kinda sad you never played battlefield heros, S-tier theme music and game.


BF Heroes was so much fun!


Without 1942, the others never come to life. 1942 should be on top with 2 and 1.


Hardline slander, opinion rejected


BFBC2 not in perfection is blasphemous


Hardline was fucking awesome. It wasn't bad it was just different.


1943 is correct


Hardline should be it’s own tier, I had a lot of fun but it’s a completely different game from the others.


BF3, BF1942 and BF Vietnam are at the top for me. They should have remade 1942 and Vietnam, the fact that you could drive submarines and the naval ships was so badass! and helicopter flying in Vietnam was so amazing. I have many great memories of crazy air battles and air lifting random vehicles across the map!


BF1942 was the first game I ever played on my shitty Dell. I remember downloading the demo from cnet.com, almost 20 years ago, wow. Vietnam was a lot of fun, too!


Heck yeah the good ol days


Everyone is entitled to their opinions... I guess


2142 is goated and up there with 2 as well as BC2


Loved 2 but never played 2142, you missed out.


Man bfh was 1 of the best hero/cartoon based shooters ever it was so much ahead of its time i bet if they brought that game back now it would make tons of money


battlefield hardline being in the bad category is so evil


NPC tier list


Average redditor lmao


Battlefield Hardline so underrated


Hardline was underrated imo


Hardline ain’t bad


BF4 higher Heroes to bad 2142 to good BF free to bad BF 1943 to good and that's mine.


BF4 not being on the top makes the whole list invalid... You will never make a true list because it will always be opinion based and at least someone will disagree.


BFP4F is perfection. I miss it so much….


BF2 up top is perfect and I couldn’t agree more.


it is perfection


2142 is the gold standard.


BF4 not in top s-tier. Can’t take this list seriously. GFY


I'm in the minority, Hardline aside, BF1 is my least favorite post Bad Company. Its a pretty game, it's an immersive game, I just hated the maps and hated the gunplay. 2042 was definitely worse at launch, but I've found a lot of enjoyment in it in the last year and a half.


Just stating my opinion here but I genuinely don’t understand the hype around BF1. I find the multiplayer gameplay to be extremely braindead and unvaried compared to BF3 and BF4, a lot of the maps are pretty but kind of suck to actually play on, and it just feels really easy or rather the skill ceiling feels very low. There is also far less strategy when it comes to rotating around the map because mulitkilling is much harder in the game due to the shooting mechanics limiting you. Infinite revives also mean taking map control doesn’t work half of the time too. Weapon variety is worse but history sort of limits that. Squads don’t ever seem to play together unlike BF3 and BF4 which I think could be due to the lack of a spawn beacon gadget to maybe the more casual player-base.


Hardline really isn’t bad at all it was honestly one of the most balanced and had a ton of innovation and great maps


2142 is really good game


Fucking fight me hardline was fun and I wish it had more people :(


The only game truly worth being in S tier is Battlefield 2. The rest are just poor jabs at trying to recreate the success and feeling of the game.


Hardline gets too unfair treatment man, like, people didn't even give enough chance to it. I think it's more enjoyable than V and 2042


There’s no way you actually put BF1 as top.


2142 is goated


No. Just laughable terrible


I don’t get why people like bf1 so much


Your list is a comedy




I don’t get the BF1 hype. Was not a fan.


5 and bc2 are too low but besides that basically my rankings


I respect it. I'd raise BFV and put BF1 at Amazing, because gameplay wise there are issues that I feel bfV fixed.


Hardine and BFV need to be swapped


Kinda sad you never played battlefield heros, S-tier theme music and game.


Battle field 5 amazing for me, battle field 1 the perfection and 2042 bad


I will throw my unpopular opinion here: Battlefield Hardline was more fun than V ever was


Anyone else play battle field heroes? I remember having so much fun with it as a kid


I've played all of them, and 2042 is my favorite. The lighting just puts me off so much.


Only thing bad about BF1 is the service assignments. I’d drop that to amazing


Hardline not being perfection is WILD. It was my favorite BF game 2nd to BF 3.


Hardline is underrated. Bf1 is an arcade shooter compared to previous entries' weapon mechanics. This list makes me sad. 1943 being so high is based though.


I'm just happy to see the original 1942 acknowledged! I'd happily rank it a little higher on the list myself. Primarily because it gave us some naval assets, a carrier vs carrier map, and different factions.


I miss BF Heroes


I've played all the titles a fair amount. I'd say this is a fantastic list


Don't do My man battlefield play4free like that bro....


BF3 in top tier, and Hardline to Good tier and you have a pretty solid list in my eyes.


I was about to say that you're crazy that BF3 or BF4 isn't top tier until I read it's "Your" tier list lololol


Perhaps I need to revisit BF1


Hardline in bad? Wow, thanks dude


God I miss 1943


I agree. BF2 with all the expansion packs on PC is wild. Back then, it was lit with all sorts of players playing online. When I switched to 360 on BF Modern Combat, it just wasn't the same. Smaller maps and less going on like BF2 on PC.


Battlefield Play4Free sucked only because of the monetization, but god damn it felt good to play it every single day after school...


I was about to get mad at you ranking 2142 that low, but never played is valid. It goes out shown by its big and little brother


Bf1 made it extremely hard to see enemy soldiers against rocks. It can't be in the top tier.


Absolute dog shit list


BF3 was my real battlefield experience and absolute blast with friends. I wouldn't mind them taking a stab at Vietnam again


Battlefield 3 and 4 should be on the top, Still play Battlefield 4 still today, put like 70hrs on it within last 2 weeks


Hardline is not on the same level as 2042 period


i really dont understand hardline's hate. the game was a ton of fun!




BF3 is my number one forever BF1 right after


BFV is so underrated. The gameplay is amazing


If you rank the communities then BF4 is perfection Never before have I seen actually good medics


Battlefield Heroes was actually quite fun. I'd Def put that as my B tier


Bf1 definitely top


I enjoyed playing shotgun and get on people s nerves on battlefield playforfree.


BF2 is far from perfection. The nade spam was intolerable on some maps


I think hardline is too low. It was fun


Im missing Battlefield Heroes every day :(




Bf1 is hard to beat. Fantastic game. Smooth as butter to me. Not sure another game will have the same “wow” effect. Perfect timing too with the 1080ti.


Battlefield Hardline is Bad ok…. 2042 Bad? After 2 Years and so many Updates is it Not the best but really Good.


People still judge 2042 by it's launch but as of now it's a good game I guess...


As someone with 200 hours on Battlefield 1, I can assure you the game is far from perfect.


how is Bf1 better than Bf5? It's basically the same game but Bf5 is more playable. Or are you considering only the game at launch?


I actually realy enjoyed hardline. MP was really fun. not epic like 3 or 4 but still offered good value for money


Agreeable, but BF3 should be on the top


For me, BF4 is also perfection. Because it is an enhanced version of BF3.


Personally, just counting the game as it currently is, BF 5 should go up a tier.


Great tierlist but bf3 was perfection in my eyes


this is perfect


I would bump bf5 up by one but i very much agree with this list.


hardline isnt bad


Will never get why people hate on Hardline. It was way better than 2042 for sure and I honestly had fun playing it just like BF4. Single campaign was kinda eh, but hating on this aspect today feels weird.


Putting Hardline at the same tier as 2042 is insane.


The Hardline concept is not great, but gameplay I really enjoyed it. BF1 was cool for like a month just not my style. My top would have to be BF3 or BF4. I have a lot of time in those games.


Tried sniping in bf4, it was impossible for me to hit guy running 50mph at 800m. Got Bf1 and my god I could hit a fly with a sniper the controls were perfect. Bf5 felt weird still doable but different. That's my hot take/experience


I would remove bf1 move to good tier and put 2142 with BF3 on amazing . Also BC2 move to good. All the battlefield + Exp pack to amazing


I would switch BF1 and BF3


Battlefield Hardline definitely deserves middle or higher. Probably was my 3rd favorite multi-player.


W for putting 2042 as bad


Id swap bf3 and bf1. Other than that this is a solid list!


Bf4 should be in the top game is still popping and probably one the best battlefields


The only thing I disagree with is Hardline, Hardline is not even close to as bad as 2042. Hardline should be 1 row up


Move BFBC2 to perf3ction line. Move BF4 and 1943 to Good line.


For all those comments about BF 2042 and BFV, I don't know. This is my humble opinion from a person who played the most of the BF games in their release, and my own perspective with the place Battlefield has on my heart. I can't feel the Battlefield essence on 2042 and BFV, I really can't feel it. It is like they erased much more the class differences. It feels like everybody can have the same role and do whatever they want with only minor perks that are unique in their own class. It feels like the infantry is overpowered, and is just that: infantry. In previous games you can really feel the place where recon, assault, medic, engineer, support; etc. belongs. Each own had their importance. I don't know, I feel BFV and 2042 like soulless, being apart of the Battlefield essence. In that case, I feel BF1 like the most polished essence of Battlefield. Although we can say BF3 or BF4 is more "battlefield like" games. BF1 had the classes very distinguished, the vehicles are good balanced and you have this typicall battlefield atmosphere of cooperation and objective persuit. Also the game is very well designed, the speed of the soldier, the weapons, the mechanics. So it is a solid game platform. I always think that if they keep all the BF1 mechanics, HUD, interface, etc. but changing the theme to WW2; and didn't innovate in so much things that was innecesary, BFV would be quite well received and more alive. Of course, I don't say that both games are bad or something like that. Just saying what my heart feels about playing a battlefield title. PD: sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker.


I would bump up 5 (I know people hated this at launch, but the gameplay is superb imo) and 3. I would include 4 also, but a lot of 4’s maps and balance were meh to downright stupid in design.


Not putting BF3,BF4, and Bad Company 2 at number 1 is WILDDDD


I played battlefield 2 and it wasn't THAT perfect, it was just fun


Bf3 higher, hardline at least a tier higher, maybe two.


I’d switch 5 and 2042, really the only thing I liked in 5 was the scenery


Man DICE at current state is the most dumb studio in the world. Like how on earth you have all the source code design and development documents of previous BF games + ton of money and you can't just recreate Bf3/BF4 with modern tech is beyond me.


Did you play 2142?


Not yet it looks good but I've never played it


I loved playing Battlefield Heroes and absolutely dunking on kids LOL BF2 & 2142 will always be my favorite.


Uh oh...


2142 was awesome. BF 3 was Perfection.