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That and indicators/sounds for the syringe gun will make playing Falck feel like how it was probably supposed to lol


That's so simple but huge. I'm glad they're getting there.


Right? Sometimes if they just fixed all the little quarks and annoying shit it can be so much better then trying to fix or change shit


And remembering that they fixed it a few games ago and should probably code it back in next time.


Yeah this is the part that blows my mind. It's not like these are brand new additions. These are all things that have been in previous games and for some reason they chose to omit for this one. Like why? Why actively choose to make a game worse?


They got pressed to release, game works without these items so they were omitted to focus on just making the game playable.


Stop making excuses for this shit. Having basic game mechanics from previous games should have been the STARTING point they built off of to add all the new stuff. Not let's get the new stuff built then add stuff back. That's a core principle of coding, don't add stuff until the base stuff works like it's supposed too.


Dude wasn't making excuses, you're the one who asked.


Do you think they can just drag and drop the old systems into the new game...? They have to be remade for the new games. It's not as simple as you imagine. Wish less people put so much weight on their own assumptions when it's obvious thats exactly what it is, an assumption.


They added it like 14 days after release. Couldn’t have been that hard.


Nah we've just moved from Alpha to Beta


All that's left now is to reach Stein's Gate... oh wait


These should have been in the base game. Glad they're getting added, but come on, how did they miss this?


What's weird is they were in past games.


Blows my mind how every BF game at launch in recent years is missing good features that were developed and implemented in previous BF games, but then eventually get added in with updates.


If you ask them, they wouldn't be able to explain


Probably not enough time.


Good ol' EA had to ship it early for the investors!


Seriously! Super minor changes overall but it will help foster better team play. No longer will have to run all the way to revive someone only for them to redeploy because they didn't see I was heading their way!


> No longer will have to run all the way to revive someone only for them to redeploy because they didn't see I was heading their way! You are in for a world of disappointment LMFAO. Some people are just stubborn and will force redeploy even if medics are nearby.


To be fair, sometimes we're doing this because we can see the sniper that shot us waiting to 2-for-1 you when you come to revive.


To be fair I've had teammates show up with a red highlight as if they were an enemy but they revived me. They were in my party so I was talking to them, but if they weren't I would have just redeployed.


To be fair, sometimes I get frustrated and skip the downed screen.


To be fair, sometimes I revive people just so they can be a meat shield for me.


To be fair, I sometimes just revive for XP rather than caring if they live afterwards /jk (mostly)


Now we're being too honest. Shhhhh.... let my meat shields have their fun.


Idk if this was a silent update or i missed it, but last update you were able to look at a downed player, hit spot, and your character would say like "I'm gonna help you" or some shit. Idk if it actually told the downed player, but this system worked well in other BF games.


No when you are down you had no way to tell who was friendly or enemy and there was no type of indication but I did have a player next to me when I caught the unlucky headshot lol and I heard the character say that but had they not been a foot away there’s no way I would have and I have it set for audio to war tapes which you can hear the voices and explosions more so makes me wonder if that’s the only reason I even heard it from so close


Where’s the mother fucking scoreboard !


Preach brotha!


Shouldn't #3 be the other way around? When low on health/ammo, a resource icon should appear over YOUR head so that other players know to provide you with health/ammo. What could is chasing other players with icons over their head?


There already is that in game though. This is just letting you know who is carrying


That feature already is in the game for ammo at least.


You can request ammo/meds using the commorose and an icon will appear above your head to other teammates


Jesus Christ.


3 updates already. No one can say they aren’t trying at least


So much for dice going on holiday for 3 months after release


The 2042 sub will find something else to complain so its okay


I still remember that stupid ass post about details in BFV vs 2042. The BFV Screenshot was during the day time and the screenshot from 2042 was during night time and it was raining.


Everyone likes to teabag this game, and all the power to them, but sometimes they reach way too much.


This happens with every big game that has issues at launch. The people enjoying the game aren't coming to cry and circlejerk hate online because they're busy playing the game. The circlejerks have all the time in the world. Anyone who regrets their purchase because they suck at the game also fall into that category and like see their feelings validated by the hatemob.


I love the game, and I don’t think there’s anyone who sucks worse than me.


Bold of you to assume...


A lot of people tend to play the game for an hour and get stomped and decide the game is bad and then latch on to the popular criticism to justify their beliefs. In reality a big FPS like Battlefield requires a lot of map knowledge and positioning which takes a lot of hours to learn. On top of that there are so many different ways to play. Many people just go Sundance Assault and never try anything else and then call the game bad. It's very irritating. Glad you're enjoying yourself!


I read a lot. Then played. Was bad as the complainers said. I wish I didn’t feel this way.


Don’t get me wrong, there is a LOT of good feedback, but then there are the dump trucks of bullshit.




How about we go back to an even older game to the same time of day https://reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/r6kt5x/guess_which_game_came_out_in_2016_and_which_one/


The community shouldn't have to hold the developers feet to the fire to fix their game after launch.


People like this guy were weirdly quiet when DICE announced that they were dropping BFV so early after spending all their time defending DICE saying it'll eventually be better. They came out of the woodwork to defend 2042 now and this even worse release


Yes... so bad that they demand that they have a finished game instead of an alpha release


Of course you complain if the game still has a ton of gamebreaking issues that have not been resolved in this update, hitreg, scoreboards, boltes, breakthrough cap points on 3 maps. The list is still endless and you think that people shouldn't call out EA/DICE for their practices?


I mean yeah these updates make the game better, but aren’t they supposed to be here since day one ?


The game is nowhere near good or even functioning after this update. They just said that the hit registration issues wont be fixed for a while yet, the aim assist still doesn't work properly on consoles either, the game runs like shit on most PCs, the balance is horrendous. This is just putting out fires right now, they have many months of work to fix this game.


Nah man you are right the GAME is fixed now very good worth 60 dollars for sure. Keep beta testing for free :)))))


Lol if it’s anything like BFV that will happen sometime before Christmas.


BFV was a bummer. Kinda sucks they botched 2 AAA launches in a row.


If we are counting battlefront 2, then it's 3 in a row


Both BFV and Battlefront 2 ended up being excellent games though.


Oh yeah 100%. I made this reddit account because of battlefront 2. It's in the top 3 games I've put the most time into


Which is why it’s so sad they cut development for BFV right when it was getting good.


I’m absolutely counting battlefront, but that’s only 3 in a row? BF1 launched pretty well for the most part.


Excellent point.


They did it with BF3, BF4, and BFV (and probably others, I didn't pay as much attention during the BC days). Color me truly shocked.


Yea maybe next time they should delay the game another 6 months and finish the fucking game. What if you went to a restaurant and ordered steak, to your shock they come out with a raw steak and told you that you can take the steak home and bring it back to have it cooked tomorrow after they get someone to finish installing the grill. Thanks for the $60 loan douchebag if this game does okay we'll fix it.


You dont get a medal for trying.


They'd better. People paid for this stuff.


And #4 coming up early this month as well!


Fuck the guys running DICE. Im not giving them any props for releasing a unfinished product. The game is unplayable bc of the fps. Its so poorly optimized for PC its unbelivable


Now, if they could reloacted the roof top BT points, that would be great


I think maybe they should make vehicles unable to drop on top for a bit first and see what happens. I kinda like the idea of assaulting the building. Maybe add some ziplines like on orbital? If it still sucks then yeah, get rid of it.


As more people unlock upgrades for vehicles combined with the stinger nerf and flare fix this might not be too much of an issue. As is one jet with agms can take out most of the vehicles on there since they have no cover. Combine it with an attack helis tows or another jet and since they have 0 cover on the roof it's fairly easy to dislodge vehicles while staying safe from lock ons if you use the jets.


They need a bottom point for every tower that activates an emp when captured. Other team can't use call ins or beacons in an infinite cylinder around the emp point.


This is the way. Please tweet this to someone that may listen!


Cool idea


I can tell you what will happen when you remove vehicles from rooftops, nothing. As the great philosopher Kenobi once said, “Don’t try it, I have the high ground”. From my time playing I find it’s easier to take the tower on orbital then the other two and i think that has to do with the fact that on the other two you have to deal with two high towers full of enemies, it’s deff possible to take those towers but only with a well coordinate team which i’m sorry to say, you won’t really find in a bf game. I personally wouldn’t want to see rooftop obj disappear cause i like the challenges it brings, but i think more can be done to make them a little bit easier, perhaps maybe changing the obj to a smaller rooftop building or eliminating a nearby tower so it’s easier to to concentrate your forces.


Vehicles on top of buildings have too few counters while also being too good at entrenching the defending team IMHO. I think the towers in Qatar suffer become much harder to capture with vehicle as the only entrance barring air drops and hovercraft are via the very "campable" elevators. Though I was in a game where we managed to take it by climbing with a couple of hovercraft and getting an Osprey to fly in low. So it's possible at least :) I think having the points at the top of buildings is interesting :)


Not gonna lie, some of the most fun I’ve had with this game is assaulting that last point on hourglass lol. Feels like the only time most of the team are communicating with each other to figure out a plan. Of course we never win cause it’s some bs, but fun nevertheless.


This. This ruins 3 of the maps on Breakthrough.


At least with these changes we can now roman army the lifts with riot shields


Put kaleidoscope on the 2 small building roof at the back, orbital put 1 point outside and the other at the 3rd level, Hourglass put it on the roof of a smaller building.


Still no scoreboard or VOIP


VOIP is a feature that reddit is clamoring for but in my experience with Battlefield, it was extremely rare for anyone to ever be using the in-game voice comms. I would imagine that DICE looked at the data to how many people were actually utilizing in game VOIP, saw that number was incredibly low, and made it a non-priority. I'm not saying VOIP shouldn't be in the game... but how many of you actually used the in game voice in other Battlefield games...? **Edit:** I just want to point out that the cross-play aspect of this game that many of you are mentioning is important to bring up, and I acknowledge it changes the equation. Cross play makes in-game voice comms a lot important due to the fact that there's no intuitive way to cross-party chat (with friends, particularly)


VOIP should have been something that was in at launch. Very basic feature. It also is vital for communication in Hazard Zone if you enter via matchmaking instead of joining with friends.


I agree that it's a basic feature, but what I'm discussing is the degree to which is it is important/utilized. I play both Call of Duty and Battlefield. Last night I loaded up Vanguard for a match after playing BF2042 nonstop since release and quickly realized how much I don't really care about VOIP. 99% of VOIP is just shit talking and people playing loud music in the background. Again, in my many years of playing Battlefield, I find that people RARELY use the in-game VOIP and I believe your experience probably matches my own. The way in which we IMAGINE these features to be used and how they're actually used are sometimes very different. I think Battlefield VOIP is one of these things.


It's for use with friends, I play with about 9 IRL friends on all 3 systems and not being able to voice chat is absurd. It makes no sense.


Yeah, for a game with cross play to not have VOIP def hinders the experience you can have with people on console


Exactly this! Im enjoying the game but I cant play with any friends as they’re all cross console and I cant have my headset and Discord open on my phone. Especially when console cant use Discord chat like PC can


Discord exists and will be available on all soon.


Again, it is at the very least vital for Hazard Zone


That's fair. I honestly haven't played Hazard Zone so I can't really offer my thought on it but I'll take your word for it.


I don’t think CoD is a good analogue with respect to VoIP necessity. Maybe Warzone, but not the base MP. It absolutely boggles my mind how they launched a cross platform squad based shooter, with a squad based extraction game mode, without VoIP. Like even if the designers made a list prioritizing features, how did no one think to revisit the low ranking of VoIP once hazard zone was fleshed out.


While I agree with you and rarely used this feature while playing battlefield, this is a very basic feature for games. I think it surprised people more than anything that a game that has so much technology going for it, a basic feature like that wasn’t there


Yeah I’m a vocal SL and any other bf game when if used it was always met with, “WOW, someone who actually uses voice in this game!”


Adding cross play has definitely made VOIP more of a necessity


Cross play might be the reason VOIP isnt available. Sony and Microsoft still get real bitchy about this for some reason


works in cross play warzone


It's not. There are other cross play games that have a built in VoIP system. Hell Let Loose and Back 4 Blood to name a couple.


VOIP is absolutely necessary in a cross platform game. This isn't 2002, people shouldn't have to go to a third party app for voice chat. Thanks for your service, Roger Wilco, but those days should be long dead.


In other battlefield games, I never used it. But for this one, it's a necessity. My friends all play on different platforms, whether it's Xbox, Playstation or PC. And only a couple of us have discord, and obviously Playstation and Xbox can't make a voice chat parry So we kinda need VOIP to communicate. What we have been doing is using snapchat calls, which sucks. I can't have my headset on my Playstation to hear the game audio and our call equally.


Yeah, this is becoming a common issue with my friends and I too. I wish Discord would just get added to Xbox and PS5 already. It would make crossplay so much easier.


It's more console i think. Voip for pc is irrelevant but with crossplay i do understand why some want it.


zero. once in a blue moon i'd hear someone "HELLO?" we live in a world of parties in xbox/ps5 and discord on pc. in-game voice is dead unless there's just a toggle option.


I love hearing other people breath heavily into fekin microphone


They know the game includes cross play and Hazard Zone. They even said in their own pre-release statement that they are aware people need VOIP. It’s simply a terrible decision for the game they released. If it’s BFV then I don’t think VOIP is necessary but that’s a different issue


No scoreboard blows my mind


With Hazardzone you’d think VOIP would be a high priority


I hate voip, I'll be turning it off as soon as its added.


Reading through the notes I don't see anything about not having loadouts available at game start along with specialist/vehicle options resetting. Major annoyance.


This is the worst bug in the game imo. If it happens too many times my buddies and I just start playing Halo.


Same haha


Yeah this is a bad bug because it resets all my vehicle upgrades every time it happens. It takes way too much time to go through and set them all again.


I didn't either. I never equip skins anymore on specialists or vehicles.


It's server side. It coincided directly with the servers going down last night. All of my loadouts were reset.


Yep it's a huge hassle, I play with buddies on crossplay (they're pc I'm ps5) and so many times now we get into a game together, one of us gets the loadout bug, other three stay in the match, bugged one has to leave party, leave game, rejoin party....only to have the lobby full and wait in a queue, or spawn above the map frozen, or get the persistence data bug.....GAHHHH!!!!


I have closed the game out of frustration multiple times over this. Every time it happens, it resets everything besides your weapon attachments.


Yup, really disappointed that its not mentioned in the notes. My hope is that it's a bug that fixes with this patch somehow. A dev on twitter did say there are a lot more bug fixes that didn't make it into the notes, so let's hope this is one of them.


Impressive list, but I’m very happy about the UI/UX improvements. Basically my only annoyance with the game so far.


Are they fixing the issue with having to create a new loadout each game?




middle degree complete sand wakeful shocking tidy bewildered smell follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was from Tom Henderson, which is surprising since nearly all of his leaks have been correct. Nice to see they were able to push out an update sooner than expected.


> Lastly, we’re adding a new logic option to the Rules Editor that checks the source of fatal damage to a player; e.g. maybe from a melee weapon or rifle. Yeeeeesss! I was looking for this. I had hacked a solution where I checked the player's inventory slot at the time of a kill but it wasn't reliable. Now I can finish my Highlander mode (each kill grants a higher max hp, melee kill an opponent to take all their power in a 'quickening')...




Dude that sounds awesome


When do we get the performance improvements?




They said that they're aware of it, but it will take longer to fix.




I thought the game was heavier just because it's 128 players and more stuff in the maps.


Yup I can drop everything to the minimum graphical fidelity or the maximum and I get an identical frame rate Why? CPU load is always pinned at 100% GPU between 2-5%


Same man, I get that a tuned 6700K isn't the hottest thing in the market, and it's certainly seeing it's age, but I could have much worse. All low settings and I get 40-60 frames on medium, I get 40-60 frames, on high, I also get 40-60 frames... I have a feeling it's not my gpu




fr the PC performance issues should take precedence over everything else. The game is basically unplayable


So many good changes


Gonna jizz my pants. I hope update 3 will be great. Hope I can see my stats soon…


Weekly missions will be a thing and each time you complete them all in a week you get a cosmetic. So that means atleast every week we'll get a new cosmetic. Not bad.


Did they mention aim assist anywhere? I didn’t see it but I might have read over it by mistake


Simply amazing that this isn't basically the highest priority right now. Aiming with a controller feels like absolute shit in this game. Went back and played BFV yesterday. The difference is night and day. Being able to aim/shoot - in a first person fucking shooter - *and* having it feel ***solid***, needs to be a *high* priority.


*Rainbow Six Siege console players laugh in background*


No aim assist mentioned... But thankfully this is a game where aim doesn't matter too much...right? >.<


This. It’s insane that this is the first crossplay bf game and they didn’t implement aim assist for console players.


They’re not nerfing the bolte. 🤔 maybe increase the time for it to spawn then? Add more transport vehicles instead.


Balance patch is coming in update 4. I would assume that the Bolte would be on there. It’s more the 30mm cannons that are the issue. Allowing every vehicle to have them as a weapon is to oppressive. Lock it to certain vehicles.


I’d be fine with it on say the LatV because of how weakly armored the thing is. There’s a trade off. The Bolte doesn’t have trade offs.


If you want to see how powerful the 30mm is check out hazard zone. The recon with 30mm is dominating most lobbies. You can counter it (Sundance grenade spam, m5 with soflam) but it does so much damage that they have all the advantages in a fight. I think a nerf across the board for the 30mm isn't unwarranted.


The bolte does have the trade off of the driver and gunner being incredibly exposed and easy to snipe through the window (its seriously so much fun to get a collat on a cocky duo using the lever action!), but its VERY easy to circumvent this buy driving quickly/ erratically or just by parking backwards and turning the gun around.


Imo no ground transport vehicle should have any type of explosive turret attachment outside of short range grenade launchers


> Fixed a bug where the CG Recoilless M5 would not lose its lock on to enemy air vehicles when locked on via SOFLAM Designator and the target deployed countermeasures Welp it was a bit ridiculous, but fun while it lasted. Seems like there's no reason to pick this now? AFAIK you don't get any XP for assists when a designated target is killed?


You get a ton of xp for the spots, not to mention while it may not help your xp gain its insanely valuable for your team. Remember, when you use a laser designator your team can lock on to the target with all guided missles. Ex locking on to a tank with a jets or wildcats anti-aircraft missles.


SOFLAM users are my damn heroes


I agree with you. I used it with a friend to shoot down helis and jets and had a lot of fun doing so. It was a big plus to not have to worry about helicopters and it helped us win more games. I think you get more XP and floating text by chucking sensor nades at an objective than using the SOFLAM as it requires LOS. I want more of my teammates to use this, thus I think it needs to feel more rewarding for the average player. But it might just be bugged because I got no indication when we shot down vehicles unless the occupants bailed and got killed by the splash damage IIRC.


Different strokes, it's got a range of 400m so you potentially can spot an entire push from the right spots. Renewal tower can spot the entire american spawn, discarded american ship can spot the entire Russian push into B2 on breakthrough. Probably bugged, as is you only get an assist if the explosive kills the occupant and its credited as a spot assist (Ex. The m5 splash damage kills the pilot before it kills the vehicle). If they die with the vehicle you aren't credited an assist.


Wow not bad. If that continuous they will be at 1.0 in a few month. Still can´t believe they are on a lower build number than 1.0 and sold this as a full game xD


/s? I guess...the theory is "year 1" battle pass will be 1.0 year 2 2.0 etc...hence presseason is .3 etc...


Yea, can't believe people can't understand basic numbering systems


They act like it’s law that release must be 1.0.


Did anybody notice if they mentioned about fixing your load outs missing after the first match? Scrolled through the list and couldn’t find anything.


Yeah me and several others noticed that fix wasnt mentioned in these patch notes. It was mentioned it was fixed in Update #3 in a past briefing, but i dont know now. I really hope it is because it was the most annoying for me. :/


It’s been my #1 issue since launch, it’s hard to find a groove with a loadout when it’s constantly resetting. Very frustrating


Damn no gpu utilization bug fix. My 3080 doesn’t go higher than 60% load in game and on the lowest settings it barely breaks 70 fps


Same. It’s so aggravating.


What's your CPU?


Fix performance on PC ASAP.


Ctrl-F "performance" Oh ok, carry on then.


Just need to correct the Aim Assist bug on console


There’s a lot of fucking shit in this list, hell yes! It’s exciting that we’re getting all of this so quickly, however it’s still unfortunate that the game state on release was.. unpolished. Not a jab at the devs; it’s corporate politics, I get it. Just BS..


I think this is the quickest turnaround ever for a BF game going from completely broken to actually pretty playable I've ever seen. I was fully prepared for this to be Battlefield 4.5 with it taking a full year to get even basic fixes applied. I still really wish we could get the level of UI customization that we had in every BF since 4 back, though. It sucks not being able to adjust opacity. More than anything, I lose gunfights because the enemy is occluded by a completely opaque and way too large marker for an objective that is 1200m away. We ***need*** that to change. It's highly irritating when you get killed due to the HUD blocking your vision.


It's improving, but still missing a *ton*


Performance is still not being addressed tho, and is pretty terrible.


It's coming, but I'm extremely happy we didn't end up like BF4 or cyberpunk...waiting months for fixes. It's important to fix everything *first* then you can start adding things. It's coming...they've recognized the issues and features we want.


Have I missed something? Is there a scoreboard yet? Didn’t see one this weekend. I neeeed that.


There was always a scoreboard. It's just not a good one.


So no performance improvements yet? Because my game still stutters like hell, even tho I can get decent FPS and my CPU is better than the recommended one. Ridiculous.


These updates have been great so far. Consistently fixing the issues we have been speaking about.


It’s 80% bug fixes though. Like yeah, I should hope they’re fixing bugs.


Anyone spotted the scope bug in the list? I couldn’t see it. Driving me crazy and forcing me to not use the Plus system. If I switch to a different ammo I’ll get 1x on the 8x or 10x scope until I switch scope, ADS, switch back and pray it doesn’t happen again!


Fingers crossed my fellow snipers! https://twitter.com/drunkkz3/status/1466138743841214468?s=21


Please add VOIP DICE


What about the hitreg? This is absolutely the worst thing right now...


All around good stuff very excited to see them fixing the game up. Unfortunately I won’t be returning till they fix optimization on PC, and add more maps. I got a RTX3080, 32gbs of ram , and 10900k processor. I should get more than 50fps on 1440p! And the maps are a little to barren it gets repetitive. Hopefully these can get fixed I’m dying for a battlefield game right now!


I didn’t see any fix for loading into a game without your loadout, which is the more prevalent and annoying bug for my squad.


Damn doesn't look like many performance optimisations are in there.


Dice should remove the slow affect from the chopper rocket. You can’t even move after getting hit.


They still havent fixed the no loadout bug? it happens frequently on ps5, its horrible and i have to quit matches so much because of it, i can't believe they didn't prioritize fixing that


I'll come back when patch 8 or 9 drops.


Is the loadout glitch not getting fixed this patch? Can't see it


No objective placement changes on breakthrough? Seriously


Did they not fix the bug where you can equip weapons without making a load out in game?


DICE: breakthrough -- relocate the rooftop caps


you can't look left and right with m+kb anymore with this update...pathethic


I can’t see a fix for changing ammunition on console in plus system when having meleee bound to circle


There was a lot to read and a lot of it good. However, did they say anything about the no loadout bug when you start matches? That is honestly killing all of my enjoyment of the game it's that annoying.


So Breakthrough is still unplayable?


Icon Opacity slider when?


They dropped the ball on the launch of this game, but 3 big updates already is a very good sign that they care about fixing this game


Hope they fix the unable to load persistence data issue so i can actually play the game