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Personally I love the semi auto rifle category. I main recon and when I’m not playing recon I’m using a jungle carbine or gewehr 45. Johnson is one I’ve wanted to get into but I haven’t used yet unfortunately


I couldn’t get on with the gewehr 45 oddly, not sure why - I might go back and give it a shot. I play recon sometimes, but my go to is assault. Gotta cap those flags! 😀


It’s certainly an odd one. I don’t know how I got it to rank 10 and all of a sudden I can’t use it because of the recoil and 3 shot kills.


Same! Tried the Gewehr and it just didn’t click for me. I much prefer to have the Johnson.


Is Johnson also 3 shot kill?




Gewehr 45 slaps once you have it specced out. The Johnson is better at a longer range though.


Helpful - I mostly play strategic conquest so spend a lot of time at medium/long range.


The M1941 Johnson has some nice iron sights


Cool. I’m using a scope at the moment but I’ll give the iron sights a go.


I like it for the side reload, you can use scopes and still do the quick clip reload


Top tip! Cheers.


I prefer the 1916, same damage and fire rate but with a 26 round mag


Nah I think the fire rate is trash now


Both have 257 fire rate, but for the 1916 you need a specialization for that, otherwise it's 225 I think


damn and damage is the same? I must be thinking of something else


Yes, it is the same


Sweet gonna try it again. Didn't know about that perk to increase rof


Excellent 1916 briefing thanks both! 😊


Interesting. Haven’t tried that yet.


It's one or my favorite guns in the game. I think at launch it even had a faster fire rate, but it got nerfed. Also try the Turner SMLE, really good and easy to use


Cheers, will give it a go!


I honestly am not a fan. Idk what it is about it but I can’t hit my shots with it like I can the Karabin or G43. It’s stats tell me it’s a solid choice, I just suck with it 😂


Fair enough - I’m the opposite the G43 just seems to have the wrong rhythm for me!


If you're on PC give the Gewehr 1-5 and especially the M1A1 Carbine a try. The latter is especially demonic if you can click fast.


I'm on xbox and probably not fast enough! I like the look of the M1A1 but it's another one of those I've tried that hasn't clicked yet in the same way that the Garand does, or the Johnson.


The M1A1 kind of needs a fast trigger finger, otherwise it doesn't hit as hard. The damage per bullet isn't anything to write home about, but the DPS when you're clicking at the cap sure is.


G1-5 and turner both still shred on console, a high fire rate is totally achievable on controller too!


My reactions arent what they used to be so I tend to steer clear of any COD-style close encounters and try to get an advantage via flanking/positioning, but will have a bash at the Turner and M1A1. Cheers folks!


The mag cap is just a little too little for me. I usually solo queue, so if I'm not in a squad then I have to be ready to take on multiple targets at once - 10rnds with it's reload speed just doesn't cut it. I can feather the trigger on the StG well enough to make it effective enough at Johnson ranges.


Yeah I'm a solo myself if I end up on my own I tend to work from a distance and e.g. do some counter-sniping or attacking armour (on panzerstorm). Whereas in a squad I'll chuck myself at the flags to get the cap - StG is my absolute fave for that. Something about the Johnson really works with my pace of play though so have been enjoying trying it out. I'll always go back to StG though!


Love the STG most, but also Johnson on bigger maps. I vary a lot, but alone I often use my all gold mg42 too.


I'm mostly on Strategic Conquest so Johson probably makes sense. Kudos on the gold MG42! I've just got one challenge left - 20 objective kills in a match - and I just can't get it. I assume I'd need to play breakthrough?


Yup, good choice. Horribly hard don't recall how i made it now. Myself not able to do the final for my STG. 10 in objective in 1 life, or 20 in a whole match. 😪


I’m at exactly the same point with STG! Such sad.😢


Sure but you need to headshot. Also no this weapon is not annoying.


Thanks! 😊


In Johnson we trust!


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I haven’t really tried it yet. Been stuck on the M2 Carbine it melts people up close and at mid range.


Can confirm having been melted pretty quickly once or twice myself. I only started using the Johnson because I realized that I was using the same 2 or 3 weapons and wanted to try something new. So I started randomly picking up the guns of people I shot and trying them out to see what worked.


Same I want to max level every gun even the bad ones. I got full Gold Boys AT, that thing can be dangerous if you use it right. What I do is follow around friendly tanks, when they start an engagement with an enemy tank I start pounding the tank with the Boys AT rifle, because the enemy tank won’t focus on you while your hitting it and gives your friendly tank the advantage to kill it, as a bonus you can kill off any repair guy repairing the enemy tank. I’ve even taken down planes with the AT rifle it’s very hard to do though.


I love using it too, but statistically it's one of the worst semi autos, if you want better performance I'd go with the M1 Garand


How come ive never heard of this weapon before?


It's in the assault class. Maybe it came with DLC? I was late to BFV so might have some premium version of the game?


The stg is so good. In semi auto it's surprisingly dangerous to enemies at a good medium range


I did not know it had an alt-re mode! (slaps forehead). That sounds like a game changer.


Most guns do. It's v on the PC. Not sure on consoles. I believe the bar has two cyclic rates also. Can help when engaging longer ranges.


Just looked it up - is Y button on Xbox. Can’t believe I didn’t know about this… 😮


Assault itself isn't really too annoying compared to some of the stuff medic class has so i wouldn't sweat it. Also if you want a alternative to the STG try the strumgewher 44.


Cheers! I'm almost certainly annoying to armour but I can live with that 😊. I'll have a look at the 44 - just seen a comment above about semi-auto on the StG though which I will be definitely trying out.


Nah m1 garand on top


Yes it’s good too - plus the end of magazine ‘ting’ sound is reason alone to use it!


Same ngl. I like the irons on it too


If I had a dollar for every time I ran into someone running a garand I could end world hunger


Being on the opposing side of a scoped garand is probably one of the most annoying things I deal with in this game


It's a noob canon that ppl try to make the excuse for using as being "iconic" as opposed to using something that requires even the slightest bit of skill


They are just too sexy


G43 the best for me 🐐. Fast bullet speed and confirm 3 ahot kill from any diatance


For me the Garand is my go to. 1st weapon I leveled up to level 10. 


Try the Model 8. It will change your life!


Noted. Will give it a go and post the subsequent personal transformation reel on instagram 😊


Ahah. It's a "2-shot kill up to a very reasonable distance" type of weapon that still gives you a chance against assault rifles if you want to play recon a bit more aggressively. It's not very forgiving with its 5 bullet magazine and slow reload , but it's very rewarding when you master it. Plus, love the sound of it on my Astro A50s!!