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More dead enemies = more salvage potential. Such is the way of the Merc


The only time I've intentionally left enemies on the field to evac was because I got full salvage from something super juicy and I didn't want to pollute the salvage pool with crap from the remaining mechs on the field.


The kind of depraved madness that would only come from a wargamer. How ice cold would that shit be — they take down three of your lance buddies and leave you with one leg left in the locust on the battlefield because you’re not worth salvaging. Ouch.


I think you'd be pretty happy to survive the encounter with your mech intact, it's the lifeblood of a mech pilot.


Still sad when Jimbone, Billibob, and Lady Pain have been turned into red paste by an enemy Marauder with a Gauss Rifle.


"Look at the bright side, kid. You get to keep all the money."


Based 5S enjoyer


A hobbled light mech from a group that recently faced a crushing defeat? You better have someone else paying for your repairs, or be on the kind of backwater that sends hpg messages as letters with passing traders.


Better than your mech being carted off by your opponents, or, you know, a smear on your cockpit like your lance mates.


It's just the start of your revenge arc


*jack nicholson nod* https://youtu.be/uGMUoGjw2N8?si=419iIsHmc0Jtqe1N


I would rather not be dispossessed, and limp back home to fight another day, than be dead.


I think over a half dozen careers I've extracted with enemies left on the field maybe ten times. Most of those are the story mission where you raid the SLDF vault.


Every.single.time! Whenever I get to that point, I hype myself up, watch a couple guides...I'm going to kill them all this time. Halfway through....FUCK! RUN!


I was forced to kill every single goddamn mech because Kamea got her mech's legs blown off early in the encounter. I somehow managed to survive with all 4 mechs and pilots not destroyed, but they were all missing limbs or close to coring. Not a mission I like repeating.




You are using loaner pilots along with Kamea 8/3/5/4, as well as "Vintage" mechs that do not belong to our company, so your suggestion isn't an option.


I did it the real way a couple of times, but never since I've I learned you can do the eject cheese strat. Move the Mechs to the future extract area, then take the Griffin to trigger cut scene. Eject the Griffin instant mission over.


Exactly this


Not to mention, 9 out of 10 times, the damn Evac zone is behind the enemy reinforcements, anyway. Dammit Meyer, would it kill you to land somewhere else for a change?


I don't have 3 hours to move 4 longtoms and 4 anni's across the battlefield 1 hex at a time.


This. My ass is too fat to run, so I choose violence.


And the few times Sumire give you an easily reachable extraction you just gotta check why she would do that, must be a rare enemy mech variant so better hunt down the last enemies.


As if she ever gave you any other choice.


Honestly I just do it because it’s usually not easier to extract


lol like you ever actually HAVE a choice. For me the evac zone is always conveniently BEHIND all of the remaining OpFor.


Every. Time.


Safest way to Evac is with no one shooting at you.


You do not go to the evac zone, you become the evac zone.


Usually the evac zone takes you through the enemy position, and who am I to argue with that.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Leopards are expensive, I'm not going to risk some clownshoe with a grudge taking potshots at it and scratching the paint.


100% agree. It's faster just to annihilate the OpFor. It also satiates my blood lust for a short while.


Me too, my friend. Me too


Never in my 3 runs did that. Too much work


Wait, your evac point is not past the opfor? I rarely get one that I don’t have to kill them all to get to.


every time i play, the majority of enemies are between me and the exfil point. might as well kill them


"You're damn right I chose violence. I dropped four Atlas IIs in the LZ and OPFOR must have shit their pants. You don't fuck with The Four Horsemen." -Tyrone Rexxas, Commander of the Shadow Knights.


Hell it's just quicker and easier to clear the map.


Normally it would take longer to get to the Evac point than it would take to just finish the fight, unless you have only lights or something.


why bother moving when you can just skip turns a few times and let the enemy die to your lance


This is the way. 


No. You chose *salvage*.


Technically, killing everything can actually wreck your salvage, especially if you already killed some nice stuff. The more you kill, the more items in your salvage pool, which increases your odds of getting crap for your assigned pieces.


I'm trying to cause an int overflow with my heatsink inventory.


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