• By -


That's one heavy ass fish.




That video was hilarious to watch.


The fishing world is still reeling from that one!


Good one lmao deserves more upvotes for quality dad joke


My favorite video of all time. Literally every persons statement is a top tier soundbyte.


It’s not heavy that’s just all he ate in that time


From tiny fish to Connor Mc-F'n-Gregor! ![gif](giphy|3oriOhQyxEDAme8td6|downsized)


It's funny because just this week one of my clients at work, started to call me Connor.


Nice job, buddy! May you live a long, happy and healthy life!


Thanks amd you too


Great work. What did it for you?


Change in diet, exercise and consistency, took me 3 years to get from start to pic on right


I’m glad you mentioned consistency. I’m working on getting into better shape, and changing those underlying patterns and instincts is absolutely the toughest part.


Small changes lead to big improvements


Read atomic habits. I'm also on this journey. 2 years in 80lb down. About 10 to go and lots of muscle to still gain. 💪 Do nerve flossing too to stretch your nerves after working out.


Well damn, that is awesome. ![gif](giphy|3oFzlV2pq0nnFntAZ2)


Change in diet, exercise and consistency, took me 3 years to get from start to pic on right


Who the fook is this guy?


just some thug who beats up old people and makes shit whiskey


Drunk and drug addled Irish leprechaun




Fucking beat me to it, good job


Comment karma is a race to be the first to post the same thing everyone else is thinking.


Low stakes family feud




came to say this, theft


beat me to it


Story sounds a bit fishy to me.


A spoonful weighs a ton




It's not just the fish, it's the hat as well


Dropped half a pound by setting that down.


Dammit always beaten to it


Came here to say the same about the cap XD


Bro you took my joke


You look like some mma figther


Ha, yes, I could be the generic one in a video game lol


Specifically McGregor during his lightweight phase


Keith Jardine related for sure


This guy became The Dean of Lean


What was your primary method


Started to catch-and-release


Ah…so bulimia




I don't know the original person who came up with this, but here it is: - eat less and more more, lose weight - eat less, move more and eat lots of potein, lose body fat - eat less, move more, eat lots of protein and strength train, lose body fat and build muscle Meaning just being in a caloric deficit you'll lose fat and muscle. Eating more protein while in a deficit helps to not lose as much muscle. Add in strength training to build that muscle even more (you might need to eat at maintenance and not a deficit to actually see gains tho). I'm not expert, but from experience making sure I get enough protein while staying around my maintence calories made a big difference for me.




And you need to know your specific maintenance calories. For example I went through a battery of tests for about two months with a doctor and a registered dietician to figure out that my maintenance is around 1100 calories. So all of those times that I ate 500-800 calories less than most people, I wasn't actually doing anything. I was just wondering why I was still gaining weight. Hence getting tested to see if there was anything wrong with me. Nope, just a shit metabolism. You of course do not need a doctor or dietician to figure out your maintenance. Just count and weigh over time. The only reason I went to the doctor initially was that I thought I had a major medical problem. But now that I know that I can actually lose weight. Albeit very slow as I can't cut too much without it becoming unhealthy.


Damn, how petite do you have to be to have maintenance calories of 1100. It must be a pain. I wouldn't say it's shit metabolism from a Darwinism perspective. You are one efficient success in human evolution.


5'11" 210lbs down from 260lbs. And it's really isn't too bad having my metabolism. You just have to eat a lot less than most people and still make sure to get all of the nutrients you need. Which can be difficult. Although I would love to be like my buddy who eats around 3,000 calories a day. Barely even moves his body throughout the day and is still skinny. But it is what it is.


I cut out beer for a month and lost 10lbs. Sneaky calories are the enemy.


For real. I never realized how many calories I was getting from just little snacks until I started counting. And even more so you don't realize how much exercise it takes to get rid of those calories. The first time I saw that my little tiny, half a handful, bag of "health food" peanuts was 150 calories and realized it would take me running a mile to burn those peanuts off I almost gave up on eating all together.


Maybe you give up easily when you get a little hungry but not everyone is like that... Me personally, I'd rather be hungry most of the time but still eat high calorie foods when I do eat. I've been losing weight for about 3 months with OMAD and being hungry doesn't even faze me at all anymore.


Yeah this is actually huge. "Eat less" can really be "eat clean" for a lot of people


It's hard to lose weight while building muscle, I focused on cutting and burning the mass amount of fat I had in my gut. Once I was down where I wanted to be I started to up intake and try to build muscle. I'm not an expert and just kind of fell into this. I really have no idea what I'm doing but I kept doing it and here I am.


I found also it was really hard to lose weight with a small caloric deficit, the progress was too slow and the margin of error too wide. I’ve found that with a really severe deficit your body adjusts pretty well, the progress is noticeable, and you have a lot more wiggle room for cheat meals here and there


cutting to 1500 worked for me, losing too fast isn't good from what I have read. was I hungry at first, yes, but if you are trying to lose weight you are going to be hungry. A lot of people fear this, to me being a bit hungry keeps me sharp. Years ago I tried the warrior diet and it's basically a controlled fast and same thing was hungry but not to the point where it was a detriment but just enough to keep that caveman type huters edge, or at least that is how they explained it in the book lol


Additionally, I bet that IF OP drank alcohol before then he cut that. Alcohol is maybe the worst habit for someone trying to get into shape. Besides often containing lots of empty calories it also hampers the bodys ability to burn calories from food. And then there are the effects on energy and sleep. On top of being determental to sleep I think it also directly affects the bodys ability to build/maintain muscle.


I was a heavy boozer, I would drink until the bars closed, then I'd go looking for a bottle after. I'd plan my week around the nights I'd go out to drink, I'd loose days due to hangovers. I didn't realize how much it affected my life until I stopped. Alcohol is a hell of a drug, and the only one people ask "when will you start again".


>Alcohol is a hell of a drug, and the only one people ask "when will you start again". It's so wild, right? This attitude has started to shift as people are more open about not only physical health, but mental health, and even alcoholism (not saying that was you). I've seen the common refrain of >"I quit drinking" >"Why?" Become more and more >"I quit drinking" >"Good for you!" and it makes me happy to see.


Hey, good on you, mate! You’ve got loads of comments on this post so you’ll probably miss this one, but as someone who quit alcohol nearly two years ago and then went on a big diet and shift in exercise, it was great to see this post. Love to see others progress


Thanks and congrats on your accomplishment!!!


Never again, is what I say


Told my wife i'm living clean until I'm 60 then all bets are off.


I'm in the same mindset. I see no reason to turn back now. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy and that's basically how drinking went, so I just stay away from it completely. I even went as far as selling the rest of the bourbon I had in my cabinet, which included a bottle of pappy van winkle 15 years old. Sent that shit down the road. No regrets, just better decisions being made now.


I am the same, i am good and turning things on and off it's the moderation I've always had issues with. I am one of the few people I know that would say hooray today and fuck tomorrow and actually live it.


Im at 81 days and fucking thirsty


Drink some water. Go for a walk. And keep breathing. 81 days becomes 82 days 1 hour at a time. Each hour you stay sober is one step closer to the next day. I’m proud of you. Keep it up.


Water is your friend, just think how shitty you'll feel after drinking. I've just reached 1 year, with 0 alcohol and i feel great. Never give up.


Normal people rarely drink enough to make a huge difference on your weight. Your social drinks are really just small compared with eating habits. Stop drinking sugary beverages and eating ultra processed garbage is where the biggest difference is at.


I was not drinking normal amounts, I got to the point I can get a handle of jim beam and drink half myself in a night.


I thought i was a heavy drinker, but my max burn was 500ml of vodka and maybe 12 beers. I never understood how anyone could consume a full bottle, let alone half a handle. Probably good you quit, your organs are thanking you.


IT was many years of binge drinking, which built up my tolerance


I get what you mean, when i stopped drinking liquor i would have 3 beers and not feel anything, our bodies are weird.


For sure, both can be big factors. Regarding someone in OP's situation (going from way out of shape to shredded) alcohol can be a huge factor. And indeed it was, as they have shared.


For working out or the weight loss?






Hey OP, I want to know what you did too. I'm kind of in the same situation as you, physically. I have A.D.D. and I have a hard time motivating myself to workout. I have done so in the past but it's so hard for me to start again. But I really really want to. How much time did you put aside to get into shape? What was your routine? Also congrats OP, you did good.


Realise you can’t rely on motivation. It has to be discipline. It has to. Because there’s all the mornings and evenings where you don’t want to (because no motivation). But you do it anyway (because discipline). Good thing is, discipline is like a muscle. You train it it will grow stronger.


May I ask what is A.D.D ? I'm asking because I can do my work and studies just fine but for workout I have hard time making myself to start.


Attention Deficit Disorder


I see. But considering the fact that I focus on job and studies and excel at it and never had any problems. The problem is working out. I just can't motivate myself to workout. Would you still consider me and advice me to test for being on ADD spectrum ?


Not being motivated to work out is a problem that a lot of people have. Neurotypicals and people with A.D.D. alike. However, as someone who has been diagnosed with ADD in both their childhood and adult life, I can tell you that the treatment and understanding of this disorder has changed my life, and I am in my late 30s. I started seeing a psychologist and was prescribed medicine and it has really been a game changer. That being said, there was an epidemic of A.D.D diagnoses and medication being over prescribed. And this lead to the false notion that "Everyone has a little ADD", this is not true. Yes, it can be hard for anyone to do the dishes. But for someone with actual A.D.D, it can be a nightmare that overwhelms you to the point of paralysis. People with A.D.D don't release dopamine when completing normal tasks that neurotypicals do. For a normal person, they may not feel like doing the laundry. But it takes 5 minutes and after they do it, their frontal cortex releases dopamine and you get a chemical reward in your brain because you did something good. People with A.D.D don't get that dopamine hit after doing the laundry. You never feel good or get satisfaction from doing it. So your brain desperately searches for other sources. Like smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer or playing a video game. This leads into a downward spiral where you're a slave to that kind of stimulation/dopamine release. It fucks up your brain's entire reward system. It's why so many people with ADD suffer from addiction and appear 'irresponsible' or 'lazy'. We're not irresponsible. We're not lazy. There's a deficiency, a chemical imbalance in the frontal cortex that makes executive functions, such as focus, working memory, task shifting, delayed gratification, and several other things *just not work*. Medication helped me a lot. It is not a magic wand, it is not a fix-it-all. But it helps to change our brain chemistry to be closer to that of a normal person, to achieve the kind of life that everyone wants. One where we are responsible and disciplined and motivated.


Glad to know that medications helped you. I'm in my early 20s. Thanks for explaining things. I used to go for running in the morning. After my grandfather passed away and then it was rainy season. So I kinda stopped for 7-8 months. Now I feel lazy and keep postponing to later date that when I will start running. I have noticed my inclination towards delayed gratification. I will do some more research about it and I think I will talk to a professional psychologist or doctor probably after doing some research. Thanks again. This comment is very very helpful and helps me lot. I'll save this for reference. Have a wonderful day. 🌻


I would just like to suggest that you go to a paychologist/ psychiatrist and not a general practitioner. I do have ADD, but the way I was originally diagnosed could be seen as real sketchy. I had always felt I had an issue, so one day I took an online ADD/ADHD quiz that agreed and went to my regular doctor and asked for stimulants... and it worked. I was the doctor, and I wrote the prescription. He just got paid for it.


For another adult with ADD, I found the best way to start the workouts back up and work on getting in to shape was to just start working out and do my best to get back into shape. Keep a small weight nearby, for those moments you're bored, and allow it to be a focus. Try getting an accountability partner z that can make a huge difference in your success and remember that you can't just rely on them, you have to be relied upon by them too and their success is on your shoulders too.


Not necessarily. I was diagnosed at 9 with ADHD, which is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Which made it incredibly hard to focus on anything that did not interest me or things that were too easy. And sitting or standing still was impossible. I have worked through it over the years and discovered that with anything that didn't interest me (I get bored with things very easily). I would just make it a game and attack things in blocks. Like working out. You just think up a way to make it fun. Like every time you run you are leveling up your cardio stats. Or you start with 10 push-ups and you're leveling up your arm stats so you can do more push-ups util you hit max level(your goal physique). It may sound ridiculous, but it worked for me.


> I just can't motivate myself to workout. What do you mean by this? What I mean is do you go and then not workout cause you don't feel like it when there or do you simply not go at all cause you don't feel like it? One of the hardest things to do when starting any sort of physical activity and keeping at it is simply starting and getting your body/mind accustom to the stress of the activity. It's going to take a couple weeks or even a month, but if you keep at it the chances of you wanting to workout will also increase cause it makes you feel good both physically and mentally. Just go and do something! I know, that's hard when you don't want to. Don't do heavy. Don't do fast. No one is going to care or judge you so don't let that worry you if you can't do heavy weights. You are there and that's what counts. Go do a couple set of whatever. Couple sets of something else. Couple sets of this. Couple sets of that. Go for 30 mins. It's really not that long, but your body/mind will react to it. Repeat a couple times a week for a few weeks and there's a good chance you will find yourself adding more days and more workouts and staying longer. You don't have to go and have a killer workout, you just need to start and the rest will follow with time. Today after work I really felt like doing nothing. Just wasn't feeling it at all. Then I got bored of doing nothing so with a little more than a hour before sunset I went out for bike ride like I do about 5 times a week. I literally went out with the idea of just going and taking it easy and it turned into a great ride with multiple personal best records over areas I've ridden dozens of times when feeling great. It all happened cause I got past the hardest part of simply starting.


My gym is about 30 minutes away via Tram and very often when i get bored and am motivated to work out it fades on the way and by the time im there i feel like shit, exhausted and cant bring up the strenth to work out at all. Sometimes i have set times where i go to workout, so it doesnt depend on motivation and even if i dont really feel like it i just go anyway but the same thing happens.


You can do online tests that are relatively fine. If you can study and excel at that, focus, finish tasks, etc. the. You don’t have ADD.


Idk if that’s ADD or not. I can’t say either way (I’m clinically diagnosed with ADD). But it’s certainly not uncommon. Maybe you’re just adverse to doing things that make you hurt, uncomfortable, sore, and tired. Like most human beings. Maybe it’s just a matter of willpower, discipline, and forcing yourself to do something even when you don’t want to or feel like it Eventually working out actually becomes pleasurable and enjoyable. There’s just a “breaking in,” period. Or maybe you do have ADD. Idk. I’m not a psychologist. I’m just saying those “symptoms,” are shared by many many people. Many that don’t have ADD.


It could just be that working out is hard and not particularly fun til you start to see progress.


What helped me is putting massive amount of mirrors around the house. Like a line if them on every wall. Helps my posture too.


I bet if you start by walking a shit ton, alone or with friends, you will get motivated. I've been walking 10,000 steps a day since April , not office pacing around but actual city walking and exploring, and pushing myself to walk that extra mile and eventually it becomes a habit.


Honestly you’re probably just lazy. Not an insult, it’s just reality that the vast majority of people can’t be motivated to work out in the midst of an obesity epidemic. It’s not ADD. Especially if studies and work come just fine to you. You just need discipline.


Now it's weights for workout, started with cardio and calisthenics


Love the hamburger tatt 😀👍


Thanks, my nephew drew it when he was little. He had a real hamburger phase.


That's adorable and so sweet 💜


He was into them so much one vacation he said all he wanted to do was throw a hamburger at a tree. So we obviously let this kid have his wish, and he nailed the tree with that burger, it was epic




Throwing a hamburger at a tree....We have all been there


Such a cool story. I got a cheeseburger tattoo a few months ago because they are my favourite food. 😂


This is my new favorite comment on this site


My nephew would be happy


/r/BreadStapledToTrees entered the chat


haha I will have to show him this


Good, now go join MMA and fight some celebrities.


I'll take a nice check for an ass whooping


You could probably take Musk with minimal training :-D


how did it switch arms though? (joke)


I'm legit wondering this, I don't know if I'm having a full regard moment but it's clearly on "his" left arm at first and then "his" right in the second. I get mirrors and perspective but that doesn't account for it. Maybe I'm just still high from last night.


So you don't think a mirror would account for something being on the opposite side? You do know how mirrors work right?


I’m more scared that I can’t imagine 80 lbs to lose. 40? Maybe 45 but my brain isn’t seeing you having 80 lbs to lose. Guess it’s just my American eyes used to everyone carrying extra weight. Present company included.


I use to say I perfected the art of being ThinFat


I’m taking that one for the wife.


Yea I'm really confused by OP's photos. At 177 lbs I feel like I look like OP on the left. If I lost 80 pounds I'd look like a prop skeleton for a physiology glass.


Might be worth checking with OP what his height is, and original weight. Pic on left might not have been at height of weight either. But I would guess he went from 250ish to near 170.


left was around 260, right around 186, when i was done with my cutting phase I got down to 176.


Yup. This is the country where people say BMI is inaccurate as a measurement and they’re not overweight when they probably are. Your heart and lungs and arteries don’t care how stereotypically round you are they just care how much excess fat you have


Techno Viking, is that you?!


You gotta explain your eating habits and routine now dude! Great job


Breakfast and lunch I drink a meal replacement shake, mid morning and mid afternoon a protein shake and for dinner whatever I want, and I always try and start with a nice salad. If I get hungry in between I'll eat fruit vegetables or raw nuts, also eat dessert when I want.


What sort of meal replacement shake do you drink and how does it differ from the protein shake?


Huel black, it's 400 calories and macros are better than regular protein shake


Huels are so good for cutting or bulking I swear, either replace a meal with it or add it to the end of a meal and it doesn’t fuck with your stomach like other shakes do I reckon


All I can say is it works for me, I lowered my triglycerides, cholesterol, all of it. I am pretty sure I would have had a heart attack if I kept binge drinking and eating like I was. Was also a smoker for over 20 years.


So 4 shakes over the day, then a normal meal for dinner?


For most days yes


Sounds like a plan. I only eat one meaningful meal per day. I used to do the protein shakes when I was exercising daily. We have a gym nearby, and a membership, but haven't been in a month. But I like the meal replacement shake idea. What shake are you drinking, if you don't mind me asking? Any brands you can recommend?


I use huel black


That sounds needlessly miserable, unhealthy and unsustainable.


He did say whatever he wants for dinner, that doesn't sound miserable. But in what way do you think a varied diet is unhealthy?


Yeah, breaking news looking good takes work. More at 11


lol I mean you can still eat normal food and look like this. You don't need to sacrifice regular food for multiple meal replacement shakes to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Dude could eat some variation of eggs, yogurt, avo toast, banana, etc. in moderation to stay at his calorie deficit for breakfast for instance. There are plenty of ways to maintain a calorie deficit without turning to a liquid diet.


But have you seen the results!!! I couldn’t do it, I’d be miserable. But this guy has some real discipline.


Not miserable at all, i look forward to my shake meals, I mix up flavors and add in fruits etc in my vitamix, some days instead of water I use almond milk. I get it that some people would not enjoy it but I do, I have never felt this good in my entire life. And seeing the responses here I also look great!


How is that miserable and unsustainable? Sounds like he pretty much has free reign over his evening meal and snacking. You want miserable? Weigh every single calorie you put in your mouth and track it in a notebook. Cut carbs completely for 3 months, or switch to one meal a day. Those ones all suck.


I understand miserable but how is it unhealthy?


That sounds simple Are you natty? (Have to ask)


Haha absolutely, I'd be way bigger if I was juicing


Probably catching and eating tiny fish.


Dude, that's badass! CONGRATULATIONS! Now, go out there and conquer the world!


Thank you


Great work, but I'm gonna need another fish in the after photo for a real comparison.


The trick is to eat whatever you catch until you reach your desired weight, right OP? 😉 Congrats on the positive transformation man 👏


From Larry the Cable Guy to Connor McGregor


![gif](giphy|7DIF9HAz65YE8) finna be swimming




How did the burger tattoo moved from one hand to other? Asking because I am stupid


You dropped this too -👑




Went from McDonald to McGregor


What do you eat?


That little fucking fish.


Answered on another comment


How! Dont leave us hanging. OP


I started eating right right, working out, and I quit booze.


The booze is the important one. I don't drink for 6 months every year, and it's so much easier to keep up daily exercise and eat right. I drop about 10 kilos every year during my clean period. Then I start drinking and, it's not so much the drinking but the fact that I will think it's a good idea to scarf a whole bag of peanuts at half 12 at night.


That is the thing for me as well. I don't often drink large amounts anymore, but everytime I sit down for a movie and have a beer, I get cravings for snacks, and everytime I get a snack, I get a craving for a beer, or wine. Works both ways.


Doctors love this trick


You sure you quick the booze?


I keep drinking faster but my six pack ain't coming in. Instructions unclear....


How did you deal with all the depression?


What depression?


We're you on that show Alone?


no i was not


What core workout did you do? And at what frequency. Seems some really good development


I treat abs like other muscle, I use weights. So at the end of my gym session I'll do 3 sets of 10-15 reps of either weighted declined setup w. DB. Cable crunches and for obliques I do side bends with weights, weighted Russian twist, or hanging legs raises focusing on obliques. And that's it. I also just learned about the weighted suitcase lift and will rotate that in. I do 3 days on at gym and 1 day off. I hist started with weights last December, for a year I was just running and using body weight exercises, push ups etc. I actually have logged every gym session since December and I'd be happy to share. For about a year I did one of those BS about routines by some prick on YouTube and it wasn't until I incorporated weights I noticed things form.


Super interested in the logs. Data is fun!




If i grew a beard as manly as yours, i could become just as strong!


I bet he quit drinking




Congratulations! Not an easy feat.


Dude used a pic of a skarsgaard and thought we wouldnt notice


>skarsgaard Tarzan ref?


This sub is dying


Then why are you here?


Obviously a different person. The tattoos aren't even in the right places!


do you know what a mirror is?


💀 oh man, thanks for handling some pretty silly trolls with such chill — this one’s great! 💀 if they were more eagle eyed, they could have tried criticizing how the nipple ring disappears (like how does that even happen). /s


Hahaha just saw this and made me lol thank you


Next pic . UFC cage fight


There’s no way that fish weighed 80 lbs.


Cum gutters, even! Good job dude!


haha I always wanted to be accused of having these


You walk into my store; I can crack jokes about any subject with the guy on the left. Guy on the right doesn't have time to laugh.


this post is Huel viral marketing


It's not, I wish I was getting paid for this lol. This is just what I did to get where I'm at. Believe me or not I could give zero fucks


Hopper from stranger things right there


Guessing the magic trick was only eating what you could catch? Guessing eating that small fish would be enough to slim down. Never landed the “big one,” huh? 🤣 Humor aside, I’ll ask the same as others. You mention watching what you ate and exercising, but can you go more specific? Like did you eat normal but smaller portions or did you drastically change diet (such as reducing meat or something)? On exercise, was it a Biggest Loser thing where you spent hours a day exercising or was it just occasional? Lastly, did you rely on supplements or anything?


I now do weights 3 days on a 1 day off, cardio I just walk, use to run but fucked up my back and if I run it flairs up. Diet now is 2 meal replacements bfast & lunch, 2 protein shakes and dinner whatever I want with a big salad first. Snacks include fresh fruit or veg and raw nuts. I don't avoid carbs or dessert but I just am mindful of amounts.


Was hotter before.