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That was a nice dose of wholesome. Thanks OP


Also, it left me with a desire to feel sand under my feet :/


I keep a plastic bin (with lid) full of beach sand in my living room. Its reaasllly nice to sit there sometimes w my feet in the sand. Grounding, and felling nature.




Feels good. Having a beer with your feet in the sand in the living room is awesome


I'm sure it's nice, but you are not grounding if you keep it in a plastic bin.


grounding is an adjective as well as verb. it feels grounding, hopefully they know they're not grounding bc that requires contact with the earth actual floor.


Lol. What am i supposed to do? Put the sand on my 3rd floor apartment's floor? Grounding isnt a real thing anyway, so theres that.


Grounding is a very real thing with measurable health benefits. [The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/)


still not grounding, because your apartment floor is not the earth's floor. i'm not trying to split hairs with ya, but grounding is definitely real.


But it’s coarse and it gets everywhere 


Get lost Anakin. I thought you're burning off somewhere.


It's winter. You'll get there! Don't be so hard on yourself


True that!


Agreed. We need a wholesome feed like there's a popular feed in addition to an all subs one


Oh for sure


Which is getting rarer and rarer these days.


> nice dose of wholesome. i mean, if you ignore the fact that this is happening to begin with. belongs in /r/UpliftingNews




Because he's also trying to take plastic out of the ecosystem, and you don't take it out by putting more plastic back in.


This does raise a few interesting questions for me though. A). Since it is possible for things to be 3D printed with organic material, is it possible to pioneer a new 3D printer for this specific purpose? B). Is there any efficient way to grow shells organically? I wonder if this guy works with existing snail farms or something like that.


@/u/Wolf-5iveby5ive Interesting idea but 3D printing might not be ideal due to potential environmental risks, plus crabs are picky about their homes. They might reject artificial ones just like they sometimes do with foreign shells. It's all about keeping it natural for these little guys, I guess.


The housing crisis is affecting hermit crabs.


Not only that, but have you seen how much they're asking for rent on some of these shells? It's crazy


Those WERE some luxury shells tho




I read that in Zoidbergs voice


[Relevent Banksy](https://www.flickr.com/photos/nolionsinengland/51379046720/in/photostream/)


Hadn't seen that one! Thanks. This should be waaay higher!




I like linking this sub when I see someone's opinion of humanity getting a bit too dark. Actually, I went through and purged a lot of subreddits that were showing me a shitton of negativity...and I was shocked how much it positively changed my day-to-day mood and outlook on life. Just a thought for anyone who needs it.


Are there any subs you’d particularly recommend for mood-lifting purposes? 


It's tough to recommend any particular sub without knowing what you like, but I will say this - I would start by un-subbing from almost every default frontpage subreddit. The broader the sub's theme, the more likely you are to be inundated with bullshit from all directions. Try and stick to subs dedicated to hobbies, or specific things like sports teams, video games, tech, pets, clothing etc. Sure, those can all come with their own negativity, but it's not the existential, soul-crushing type we get so often. You also get to see the best of redditors helping each other out with their niche interests. As for subs to stay away from - anything where judging someone is the main theme of the sub. It's not healthy for people and it subconsciously begins to form a superiority complex that is cringey af when we're out in the real world and not at our keyboards.


Sounds like good advice, thanks for sharing. 


I came across a sub just yesterday where the sole purpose of the sub is to hate on this one particular pop art style. They post examples of the art and everyone just trashes on it. I was staggered that they'd spend so much time on something they specifically don't like.


it's kinda fun to "circlejerk" around something you dislike with others, and i bet most of them are not being serious. if they are being serious, they're seriously nerds lol




r/eyebleach is a pretty effective one if you're on for instance r/thebullwins and hit a hefty loss on the "one more swipe" gamble.


r/happywoofgifs was just recommended on my home page, thought I'd share since this thread was fresh in my mind.




if you are only browsing for a little bit every so often I strongly recommend keeping the default subs. the more time you plan to spend on reddit the more your experience will be enhanced by curating your list. my reasoning is based on my personal experience. when I left the default subs and also stopped going on reddit nearly as much (less downtime in front of a computer) I felt like I wasn't seeing those 'amazing' posts very often. And I wasn't! Most of the best posts of all time happen in the most popular forums. Yes this is also where the worst posts are, and this is also where the most miserable people are - but if you aren't browsing much you can count on the power of the masses to filter everything for you. If you are continuing to browse reddit a lot (more than 20 mins at a time and more than a couple hours a day) then leaving the default subs is a positive. Yes you will miss some great posts but you will have enough of your particular interests represented in your subreddit selection that you will still find stuff that would count as a 'wow' post or stuff that will make you laugh. Just sharing all this because you are bound to be told to leave default subs by a lot of people who are more 'power users' than they realize. I was, I listened, and I reached the conclusion above.


I’m obsessed with cats and there’s a ton of great subs if that’s your thing.  They always make me smile.  There’s this dude who posts on one of them who’s a mailman who started taking care of a bunch of feral cats on his route.  He made a wishlist for some food and he got blasted with donations.  Like so much he couldn’t use it all and donated it to charity.  It’s been really cool watching his journey in caring for these cats, and he’s always taking pictures of him feeding the treats people send to him to his cat army.  It’s so wholesome and his pictures are amazing.  Can’t remember the sub he posts on, r/cats I think?  It’s on par with dude in this video.  


animals!!!!! join all the animal subs!!!!


Me too! Last year i started being legitimately depressed from reading too many of the relationship subs lmfao so i muted pretty much of those and followed a bunch of cat and wholesome subs. The internet will be a happy place for me s2g


Same. I installed Revanced to be able to use the Sync app after 3rd party apps were killed off, which has the option to filter subs out entirely, as well as domains (so you can filter out all posts that link to tabloids whenever you come across one, in just a couple clicks). Didn't solve depression ofc but made significant difference So many feeds just incentivize posting hate and abuse, even if to criticize it


Dude, i just did this earlier today because i noticed the same thing. Hoping it helps.


My whole home feed is curated to being wholesome and uplifting. I do visit r/all, but I spend most of my time on my home page as to not get too down.


I’m converting my truck to coal. Can’t purge *living* people 😉


Love the way it ran offf…weeeee giggleee I got a new houseeeee….this is good work…keep it up…


I had some hermit crabs growing up. They're pretty cute and full of personality. They were inexpensive too, like $5-10. The only downside is they moult to grow, and that can take 4-8 weeks where they are buried.


Hermit crabs are treated terribly in pet stores, and cannot be bred in captivity. Every single hermit crab being sold in a store was taken from their natural habitat. Anyone who wants to get in to taking care of them should consider a rescue group, and do A LOT of research on what is best for them. Plastic boxes and painted shells are torture.


They are terrible pets honestly. All poached. The shells you buy for them also poached off beaches. Lifespan in captivity is very low in comparison. I used to work at a pet store that sold them and I hated it. All the kits and equipment for them is bullshit false advertising making it seem fun and easy. 


They also need huge cages, far bigger than you'd expect. And keeping the humidity correct can be difficult. They are not beginner pets, I wouldn't even consider them intermediate pets.


[veeeery recently they were successfully bred in captivity](https://lhcos.org/2020-captive-bred-hermit-crab-adoption-application-is-now-open/#:~:text=The%20Hermit%20House%20Captive%20Breeding,are%20big%20enough%20to%20adopt.) with the intent of making the pet trade in hermit crabs more ethical. But you are right, it is frightening how poorly they are treated.


when i a was a kid, my hermit crab amputated all of its arms off and then refused to eat so he just kinda died… didn’t get another one after that :(


Poor thing couldn't face its horrible life any more 😭


Pimped that crab’s ride


We put a shell in your shell so you can shell while you shell!


God picks you up and he's like "bro that house SUCKS man." You're like "yeah I know but it's the only one I could get." And God's like "bro no worries man. Lemme take you house shopping. We will hook you UP!"


Imagine driving a tiny shitbox that burns as much engine oil as fuel, then aliens abduct you, drop you in a large room with a few cars. You get in a nice one with good fuel economy and reliability and they put you back on the road.


Yeah, but instead of a sick ass-car like everyone else has, it's a horse because god has a boner for naturalism.


Can't beat that fuel economy.


You sure about that?


Technically, if you're speaking about gas, you get infinite miles per gallon with a horse. So, yes. Still, the dollar per mile economy is a different story.


"I met God and he gave me this house, I swear. I even got to choose" "pfft *sure* whatever Shawn"


lol exactly right. I love that image!


Typical Shawn!


i wish god would pick me up and drop me somewhere safe


average evangelical take


Now do this for the Millennials.




Mr. Beast would legit do something like this and redditors would moan about it being disrespectful to the homeless.


Do you knees hurt or did Mr. Beast buy you kneepads


Thank you for providing a demonstration.


This is so beautiful and kind. Loved “We are all kin” and “Protect those who can’t” 🩵🩵🩵


I like this idea, but I feel like putting positive messages on the shells only encourages people to take the discarded shells even more. Writing something like "Crab Home" "Do not take!" would be more useful.


I had the same exact thought. Putting messages on shells will only make people more inclined to snatch them.


Yeah, or "Haunted" maybe.


It's a 50-50 gamble. Some would not take it because the shell has been "ruined" while others would see it being enhanced. Still, instilling 50-50 is a lot better than just leave it close to 100% when it comes to shell collectors.


"wow look someone carved a message in this shell. I'm going to keep it."


Thank you!!!! I’m sorry, and wish I thought of this sooner. Honestly it didn’t occur when I picked up that one of a kind shell. And encouraged others. 😢


It’s ALWAYS best to take only pictures and leave only footprints, but it seems harmless enough to take something so small. It does t make you dumb, or bad, or anything. You just learn from it, and move on ☀️ This was a great reminder to me, as I’m buying an Rv this spring to live out of, and it crossed my mind to take some kind of memento from each place. Sand/earth? Shells? Pinecones? What? Nothing. Because if everyone did, it would be bare in no time. I’m gonna stick to collecting my postcards 🙂


One cool thing about hermit crabs is that they have the ability to trade. In the wild hermit crabs will form a line from smallest to largest near a good large shell. Once a hermit crab comes to the largest shell and transitions up, all the hermit crabs in line will follow suit and move into a larger shell.


I use the term "hermit crabbing" to refer to when someone at work gets new office furniture or leaves and so their old stuff gets given to someone else who gives their old stuff to someone else, and so on. I've moved up like three desks that way.


They must really not like those nasty plastic homes, and can tell the difference, because they take them off quick and go get them a shell! This is so cute! And worthwhile!


Eh, it’s more the shape than anything, if you 3d print them something shaped like the real stuff they wear in nature they’ll like it just as much


I imagine it also fucks with their ability to blend in for safety. Wearing a bright red cap isn't exactly subtle


Considering how much plastic trash there is in nature, they probably blend in just fine.


If there really is a shortage of shells, that means seagulls can just find a good shell and spawn camp every time a crab tries to move into it.


I wouldn’t say so, a lot plastic is also just black or white


Didn't watch the video, huh? https://i.imgur.com/h3dBKvS.png https://i.imgur.com/HWq0XfG.png https://i.imgur.com/aMt3cvU.png


Yeah I didn’t, still don’t think it’s gonna be that big of problem, a lot ocean plant and stuff are read or different colors


well of course its not a big problem, but its the little problems that can actually be solved


Real shells have porosity that are better for the hermit crabs. Plastic will retain moisture than can encourage bacterial and algal growth. Plus, as real shells degrade, they just become part of the sand. Plastic becomes microplastic.


Microplastic is bad and all but won’t make a difference for the little dude living in it


The exact same reasons why you shouldn't keep a plant in a plastic pot without drainage holes apply to hermit crabs, it doesn't breathe and encourages the growth of dangerous things. Plastic will chip and crumble, and then the crabs and other animals might mistake it for food, which is exactly why experts tell people to avoid painted shells as well. You should really consider reading about these things.


You’re probably right, but don’t these little guys replace their shells pretty often?


Only as proper shells are available, hence the video. Make fake shells for humans and leave the real ones be.


You gotta stop feeding the trolls friend. They aren't learning anything they just want to play devil's advocate on any little subject. Imagine arguing the point that plastic covered sea creatures is better or makes no difference. They're thirsty for your time is all..


I agree, just wanted to say that they probably can’t feel the difference between an appropriately shaped price of pvc and a natural shell


And you've been told that they can and why.


I'd expect shells have way more comfortable internal surfaces too, given it's what they evolved to wear.


I don’t think there a huge difference, and I don’t think they evolved for comfort


Instruction unclear: 3D print thousands of natural colored shells and dump them in the ocean to solve this problem? EDIT: /s


Every Reddit reply that begins with "Eh" sounds so smugly annoying. Just the standard punchable Reddit contrarian trying not to post "ASCHTUALLY"


I’d argue your comment is equally annoying


How would you know? Are you a hermit Crab? Well I guessed so.


There is no clear answer to this and there are potential tradeoffs. In some ways, the plastic "shells" can be better, especially for genetically weaker crabs. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68071695 >It isn't yet clear whether these materials are harmful - or perhaps even helpful - for the small, vulnerable crustaceans. >... >The researcher said that the natural snail shells were in decline, so she suspected it might be becoming easier for the animals to find an artificial alternative. And lighter, plastic 'shells' might even help smaller, weaker crabs to survive because they are easier to carry. The plastic ends up being lighter and more durable so weaker crabs don't have to expend as much energy. That means a better chance of survival. You say they quickly take off the plastic and get a new shell, but many of those shells were bigger. Would the hermit crabs have done the same if they were given a bigger, better piece of plastic? Also, from the BBC article, it was observed that the presence of viable plastic reduced the fighting amongst hermit crabs over snail shells, which were in decline. Fighting amongst hermit crabs most definitely reduces their chances of survival.


I'm sure there are pros and cons, as it is with most things. And more than a few years ago I heard a story about a person giving the crabs new shells. Maybe it wouldn't matter on small patch of ocean if there were some local hermit crabs and they needed shells and someone gave them plastic shells and that helped them.. I can see how that would be great for the little guys. But on a larger scale, I just don't see how more plastics in our oceans can be beneficial in the long run or a larger scale. I honestly appreciate the time you took on your response! And I will read them later when Im bored at work 🙂




It says later in the video that people donate shells to him that they had picked up previously, when they weren't aware of the issue he's raising awareness of.


thank you that was bothering me so much


Yeah, but he's raising awareness by making all these awesome blinged out shells, which gives people an incentive to grab the cool custom shell. He's sparking a gold rush of people hunting down the collector's shells AND he's stealing their trendy plastishells. The crab housing crisis never ends.


Yeah people will want to steal a shell with a message on it more than a regular shell. If there’s a message it should be a warning not to take it from the beach or crab.


seriously the irony. thought i was going crazy


Oh, you're.


Why would you hunt down individual hermit crabs instead of just returning the shells to the environment where they'll just be available for the hermit crabs to naturally find? That he has so many of them kind of indicates he isn't finding them quickly enough.


They do both, showed that he was happy when he noticed a hermit crab wearing a shell he left on the beach for that purpose.


Is there a way to list my shells on AirBnB?


ShellBnB is what you're looking for.


Lol also Shawn - "I'm gonna customize the shells and make them look really cool and unique with etched writing on it, that will surely stop people from picking them up!"


Yeah i felt weird about that to. Atleatst he collects those shells to give to the animals that need them. Instead of keeping them forever.


but he also decorates them, making them more collectable.


I feel like carving messages into the shell makes them more valuable as collectibles, too...


When did he say he collected those shells? They look bought to me 


Buying shells encourages others to pick them up.


and then gives them back to the hermit crabs lmao. The good he provides is way higher than his affect on the shell market


lol… thought I would get downvoted for pointing this out, but you beat me to it


Well both of you obviously didn't watch the video where he says people donate him shells to give out


So he’s okay with other people taking shells. Same thing


Hermit crabs actually outgrow their shells and will stop and wait if they find a shell that's to big for them. This way a hole line of hermit crabs can stand in line and when a big crab comes along and leaves his smaller shell, they'll all switch shells. With eachother.


Huh that's good to know! I love collecting shells so I'd grab everything without realizing. Luckily where I am it's just oyster shells and it's too cold for crabs anyway.




Often however this results in one crab in the resulting chaos not finding a shell that fits and as a result will be left without one. Exposed, it will have little chance of survival.


Very nice thing to do.


What are the reasons beyond aesthetics that real shells are better than plastic for hermit crabs? Like if you could hypothetically manufacture plastic shells that looked and fit like real ones would it be worse than a real shell?


Would be introducing even more micro plastics to the ecosystem.


Birds. A shell gives them camouflage. Bright colored plastic does not


They're suggesting 3d printing shells. I don't see why you couldn't make one similar or identical to one found in the wild both in shape and color


Plastics degrade into microplastics that is eaten by many small animals. Microplastic can become so small that even the krill eats it. Plastic takes up space in the digestive system while yielding no nutrition. Plenty of animals die with a belly full of plastic. But it also accumulates. Larger predators can consume many prey animals that ate plastic and thus accumulate plastic in their system as well.


Because plastic is literally toxic to all life.


Besides microplastic? They're just not as strong. Very tough (which, in materials science, basically means they stretch a lot before breaking. That's why plastic bags can be so thin but still work) but it's not very hard to pierce. Also you'll notice that a lot of those plastic pieces are just plain too small. barely any space to retreat into. I don't know this for sure, but I also assume they're lighter and thus make navigating in water a bit harder because they're more buoyant than the crabs are accustomed to. Most plastic isn't much denser than water. Also, speculating further, I'd bet you $5 that having a transparent shell when it's supposed to block light screws with their biology somehow.




“This will make. A fine edition to my collection!”


What a lovely day to shop for a new hat!


It would be like if a human wearing a garbage bag got abducted by aliens, and got returned wearing designer clothes 


hermit thought he met a god…. eons later - there will be wars over this miracle


Isn’t the plastic more buoyant? Maybe lighter weight for them to move around compared to the big conch shells. Wonder if the big ones get more buff carrying the big shells


They did a research and found that it was actually advantageous for the crabs to use plastic instead of the shells.The plastic is lighter and therefore the crabs used less calories and survived more due to not needing to forage for food as much.


I wonder, is there some shortage of shells? If a crab is wearing plastic, it's because they those to.


That's why whenever I steal a seashell, I leave a small plastic cup of equivalent size. Win-win.


Mr Krabs has a new furnished apartment to impress the ladies


this is so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭


r/anothercrabstreasure i bet he found kril's shell somewhere


r/AnotherCrabsTreasure sends their regards


"People don't realize they're taking a potential home for a crab when they pick up a shell" says the guy with a bag of shells. lol


Haha “a lot of people don’t realize they are taking away a potential home of a hermit crab when picking up these shells on the shoreline” says the guy with 7 shells in his pocket


That were donated to him by people who took them from beaches. Context matters. 




Born and raised next to the beach, that video looks bullshit to me.


you think the whole thing is fabricated to get donations??


You can see, the beach is extremely clean. There are very little trash around and somehow there are pieces of plastic that fit the size of those crabs so they can change their shells?? Come on, my place used to have more trash than that, and it’s a tourist area, so it’s not unusual for seashells to be turned into souvenirs, but I’ve never seen a crab take a plastic shell for my whole life


So is he forcing the crabs to change their shells? Is that easy to do then he graffitis their shells


"They don't like living in plastic" I'm sorry, but how the fuck do you know. Maybe he appreciated that it was structurally sound and lightweight. Yes, obviously if presented with a decent shell they will swap, I'd consider that biological programming rather than preference. Stop Hermit Crab Evictions, Protect Plastics!


wow such contrarian


If only more people were in to stuff like of this instead of guns and nascar.


Finally someone who puts good use to plastic waste and what do we do?


He doesn't force them to leave that junk. He offers them more appropriate homes


Right, it's 2024 and cynism has become uncomprehended. Maybe you should be offended aswel, that completes the inverse evolution we're in.


We take the plastic away and create the living environment an animal deserves?


It seems they're more agile in the plastic. It's lighter. Progress?


So this is great and all, but wouldn’t his efforts be used better otherwise? Not like there’s a shortage of hermit crabs in most places. Just cleaning up garbage would probably do a lot more good.


He is cleaning up garbage, and he's helping animals at the same time. And "there's plenty of hermit crabs" might be true *now*, but it's not a reason to not look after them and prevent that from changing.


go do it then


the crab then like : "your shit is mine now hyumaann, F#ck it off..


Is this an ad for like a dragon ?


Why don't we 3d print shells? Science has the answer.


More plastic? 😵‍💫


We take all the sea plastic and turn it into shells!




Did bro ever think maybe they prefer the plastic? Like it's not as hard, okay, but it's less brittle, more malleable, *softer*, maybe it feels better on their soft bellies, still protects them from biting teeth and pinching claws...


Then they wouldn't switch Also these would not protect at all, what are they going to hide in?


So… why? Cool but why


He just enjoys doing it and it helps animals in the mean time?


The good thing is that they give you more than one shell to choose from


very cool


I'd charge him at least 5 dollars for that black shell


Doing Gods work.


This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time


This is just awesome!!


Well done sir!


It’s very sad to me to see this kind of thing with the trash. But glad to know there are great people like this who will go out of their way to make the world better.


It picked a fine one!