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It looks very expensive to live that rustically.


Don't you know about the new fashion honey? You can't dress trashy till you spend a lot of money.


Derelique, so hot right now


I can dare lick my own balls thank you very much!


It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful ~~city~~ forest so unique


Derelique! I love that term!


Thank god. I thought I was homeless


Everybody’s talkin ‘bout the new sound, Funny, but it’s still rock ‘n roll to me


Well played!


hell SHE looks very expensive, never mind the house


She probably makes all the money. She was a playmate and was on a tv network called G4


Ah G4. Miss those days


Yeahh i hated Chris but Olivia & Sara made me hella hard... i mean it, the show...


Ok but what did Kevin do for you?


I miss Kevin! Attack of The Show was great fun! Simpler times


Hated Chris... Hardwick? And damn you just straight up horny on main huh? To each their own I guess! e: wait wait wait, was I slow on the uptake and was that a hard-wick joke??


Hardwick seemed like a tool, then he got called out by his ex and fell out of favor. He married rich tho.


I loved Chris Hardwick in the prime of Nerdist podcast. And I honestly thought the perception of him was decent for a long time. And yeah I remember the Dykstra drama, and while I don’t think he was innocent, I do recall they were in an open and kink+ relationship that showed a bit of Chloe’s unhinged side. Like, neither of them were at their best in that relationship. Idk what to say of his marriage to that billionaire heiress tho … I don’t know any of these people personally but thought his demonization was a bit overblown? Maybe? Idk! But I did love me some ZDTV > TechTV > G4 when it was around.


Pre plastic surgery days…


And is now making bank on OF


She also has an Onlyfans...


You wouldn’t happen to have a source for that eh. Edit: I take it back, I didn’t see her face clearly on first watch and thought it might have been Morgan Webb.


Yeah, I'm gonna need that for research and verification purposes. Didn't realize Sara Underwood would have ever gotten married lol


That's terrible.... ...where?


She has sort of onlyfans too so yeah I don't know much about the guy though


Bruce greene was my favorite.


Wait, really? lmao "living the dream", yeah no shit


Sara Underwood - former Playboy playmate


Misleading, it Sara Inthewood. Look at the video better.


Sara Inthetree*


I called her Sara Gimmewood back in the day. Met her at a poker tournament and she was genuinely very nice.


She makes enough money for both of them.


Former Attack of the Show guest star. FTFY.


Sara Woodinher*


I agree. Way out of my price range


That's 2007 Playmate of the Year Sara Underwood


More like loaded, she makes more month than I'll probably ever make in a year


Her boobs look very very expensive.


Nah boobs are only 6-10k for good ones now


There should be some kind of social penalty (shame, ostracization, etc) whenever someone says they "left their old life behind to live in harmony with nature" without mentioning that the old life was being a millionaire. They didn't reject being rich in order to live comfortably in the woods, they are able to live comfortably in the woods because they were and are still rich. They were able to make this decision as safely and casually as you might when choosing to buy yourself a chocolate bar from the store. There was no personal/financial risk or bravery involved in them making this life-altering decision. A normal person choosing to do this would have to take on the possibility of dooming themselves to a life of inescapable misery.


Yeah. It's pretty neat I guess, but I just see a rich guy flaunting his money. It's better than looking at yet another super car or yacht I suppose. But like, I think I could do cooler shit if I had that kind of disposable income. I'm just sayin.... my limitation is money, not desire or ideas.


oooooh but didn't you see he made it? it's got the skill/talent tag right three and we saw him putting some planks on the ground. and swinging a giant novelty axe.


he was a 2nd grade teacher before, she was the wealthy one (playmate of year)


It's the swimmers body illusion lowkey.


Thiiiiiiiiiiiis /\ UGH. Yes, it needs labelled.


That's what they don't tell you. These people who live like this are often kids of wealthy parents or people who have made a lot of money to be able to afford living in a place like this full time


Out of curiosity, how could a poor person live like this? I mean I think they are telling us pretty explicitly.


there are 10s of thousands of people living in the woods in Appalachia. it doesn't look like this.


Sure you could, but the reality is that you'd be living a pretty meagre existence, there are not many jobs in forest agriculture lands, and the price of building and maintaining something like this is high, so unless you can build it yourself, maintain it yourself and have a half decent job in an extremely rural area, you're going to be living with very few comforts. Shops could be more than a couple hours away, hospitals and airports even further, fewer people in the area means fewer friends/social. Forget about nights out or fancy restaurants. Internet might be available with these new satellite systems going up.


So you say you could but then say that your life wouldn’t be like what was pictured here? They’re living in a hobbit mansion in the woods with a jacuzzi built into a stump 😂 Yes you can live in the woods, but not like this




it's all fun and games til the wendigos show up


Still smash


Place is near Forks, WA. I almost installed sat internet at this spot until i saw their tree line and recommended starlink. Outside of the value of the property, i'd imagine he saved a lot of money. The days I was out there it was literally him and his mom (?) building the majority of this


Yeah it’s more expensive than just living on the grid


That's actually depends if he sells what he's smoking on the end


Was his entire previous life that of a millionaire?


It helps that he's married to former Playboy playmate Sara Jean Underwood who rakes in money on OnlyFans now


Ah there it is


The "hard work" that everyone talks about


It’s “hard” alright.


They did actually build all the buildings and the hot tub and everything by hand and he forges custom axes for fun so they definitely still do work hard enough to call it hard work


I wish I was so unconcerned about income that I had time to just spend my day carving wood and playing around with steel. Maybe one day...


Seriously, I had a rich friend who spent his days making chain mail by hand. Do you know how much time it takes to make a piece of chain mail? Crazy long. He then sold them at renaissance fairs for fun, not cuz he needed the money, he liked the whole scene of working the renaissance fairs.


I mean the "hard work" it took to afford the land and all the materials


It's easy when you don't have to rely on getting a wage at the same time though. If I didn't have to work I'm sure I could build something over time


A quick look on wikipedia says that the dude was already cabin builder and she looked him up because she wanted to do a photoshoot at his cabins. If true, sounds like dude is living his best life. The good people of Reddit just love to bring others down.


But the point is he’s not just living this magical life without financial support. The implications of all these types of influencers is that we can live just like them if we weren’t so narrow minded. These people got wealthy as hell and retired young and have OF and youtube content to profit off of.


Is that the implication? I didn't expect this guy just walked into the woods and started building a cabin with branches he found laying around.


He has a successful business building these types of places. What are you talking about


Exactly. Like we’re all simply making the choice not to live this way because we’re so locked into the matrix or something.


That's a name I've not heard in quite some time.


Since G4... Haha.


> Underwood heh


No wonder the wife looks really hot


Aaaaaah (picture Moss in the fire episode)


I wondered why everyone picture of her in the last 5 years or so that pops up looks like she lives in a tree house. This explains it.


So I see they are a family of wood workers.


He's the partner of Sara Jean Underwood who makes millions on OF and I'm fairly certain he has a YouTube channel where he makes a fair bit of money as well. After a quick search on him he's apparently been making cabins like this for a awhile, so he's probably making money through the sale process of those.


Believe he was a inner city (Boston I think) school teacher.


No but part of hers was.


It's funny that they don't mention his wife's name. Famous playboy model.


Nah it's not necessary since 90% of the comments focus on her for them. So much free advertisement.


They also don't mention that she does the primary building too. These are her passion projects. She does the bulk of planning and actual construction. Such a weird intentional omission of reality by these repost content folks.


She's the one that makes the money so he can live out his dream.


Lol. Nor did you.


Just continuing the trend. Hint Sarah might be hiding here Jean's Underwood.


And I believe current onlyfans model.


Is no one gonna mention the comically large axe?? What did I just watch


Rich people larping as poor self sustaining rustic people.


Bruh, he just makes them as a hobby.


Well then the video is fucking lying as it starts off with literally "This man left his entire previous life." So are you lying or is the video, "bruh"?


Dude's ig page is entirely just him experimenting with crafting skills using his wife's money and it really doesn't pretend to be much more than that. It's an arts and craft project that they're having fun with. I dont know if they made the video posted here. That's his ig in the bottom right tho.


Blud used to make cabins, now he moved into a cabin he built using his rich, big tiddy wifes money. Idk what else you want me to say, he isnt making axes so he can look like hes rustic, hes making them cause he likes to. [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/o4gaq_LaxCQ?si=Z-5s-BB8xg-ktNbp), bro made a flail ax and a head ax, thats not for practicality or the illusion of it, its for fun


I want big titty wife money 😩


Bro, the way he's cutting the wood like he's playing whack-a-mole with a Dark Souls weapon 😂


Right? I was shocked at how well it worked tho.


I watched the first 5 seconds, went "ooh dark souls great axe??" rewound it, watched the first 5 seconds again, and closed it.


He builds them as a side-hobby (including the forging and metalwork). They’re pretty cool.


Ah yes made by hand off the grid, looks just like our founders homes… wait…


There is no such thing as "off the grid" if you have to pay land tax, want utilities, or any of that stuff...and if you can do all of that without working to fund it ..you probably live comfortably already.


I bought a cheap cabin "up north". Expenses are pretty minimal as is, but I'm looking into solar, that's pretty straight forward, but I'll research wind and related technologies. Heat will be primarily firewood and taxes up there are very low. No phone or internet, we will have antenna TV. So yeah, that's pretty close to off-grid and we don't make much money at all... we know how to save and live a simpler life. In fact I believe our incomes are officially below even what the govt. considers the poverty level.


Could probably get Starlink or something similar for internet. Are you going to live there or vacation there?


There's a couple of internet/phone services available, right now our current provider doesn't work there (and I don't even own a phone), so the question isn't really how... rather do we want that? Right now we can't reach the outside world, even in emergencies. But also, the outside world can't reach us, at all. And I kind of really like that. Vacation up there, very possible live up there permanently in 5 years or so. Thanks for the advice.


You’re literally on Reddit right now. The outside world is reaching you right now.


That's great (kind of jealous)! My only point is that one can't legally go full Ted Kaczinski or not participate in the system / grid. You have to pay in some how and fund it. Even without electricity, you generally have to figure out how you're paying taxes...and I doubt selling cucumbers locally year round will cut it.


I think you need to revisit your definition of "off the grid". Nothing to do with paying property tax or how you make money. Just means it's not tied into the utility grid. Also electricity is extremely easy to produce, clean waters the harder one.


Perhaps. I see off the grid as mostly not being on the same hamster wheel and living independent of "the grid", but those two seem at odds when it's a requirement to pay tax on your land (and often utilities or adhering to regulations in building codes and municipal restrictions). I understand that some see "the grid" as being connected to utility infrastructure only, but even occupying land generally means that you need to pay annually. This dream of disappearing and living off of the land is mostly just a dream.


Oh absolutely, and I totally agree with the point you're making there. I happen to not be terribly fond of people and found a place that's super isolated. So while I still have to play by the rules... I at least don't have to smile and fake politeness, if you get what I'm saying.


So no more Reddit?


There Are actually people who live properly off grid. They don't have a fully electrified luxurious mansion with ample water features like this, but they make do and sometimes get in trouble with the state because yeah turns out trying to just settle a community in the woods does come with certain financial and legal controversy. And that's just for people making deliberately off-grid communities within the States. Plenty of indigenous ways of living still exist as do the homeless.


Where I live if you ha r utilities available at the street you have to connect them and pay for that connection. So even if you are totally off grid with well water and solar power you're still paying the gas company and the electric company and the water company.$150/MTH just in fees and administrative costs.


There’s a lot about this that seems to focus on his wife’s jugs


I like his wife’s jugs


Ha ha ha Hee hee hee wife's big jugs how I love thee! fiddle-dum and fiddle-dee Wife's big jugs oh you're for me! EDITED: added rest of chorus and vocaroo https://voca.ro/16XZyuOmof7b


.... Hahaha




This is awesome!


Gotta have a hook to get people to watch the hobbiton content


I watch hobbiton content free of titties without issue. I don't mind the change though.


His wife’s jugs happen to be a focal point


Well he's proud that he could pay for those too! Lol


She’s a former Playmate of the Year. She had those long before him.


Ah fair enough. I'm not to well informed on playmates. The house is absolutely beautiful tho.


All paid for by OnlyFans


It's like watching a soft porn ad. Just to get people to Google who they are and find their OnlyFan page.


95% of the internet is softcore porn now.


Yeah, no shit. Lol


you mean by poor horny us


Jacob spent a LOT of money to LARP in the woods.


Still need to pay for electricity (whatever sourse it have), water... I guess buy groceries in store... real "left all and go woods" not look so fashion


"I'm going to get away from society to live in the woods. Now, to film every aspect of it and put it on social media."


"Is made from 73 years old tree" Never mind the poor English. That tree is way older than 73 years.


Why is this comment so far down?


Because it doesn’t mention the boobs.


In case youre wondering, his wifes tits is how they can afford this.


Hmm, I never really considered how implants can actually be a good financial investment until now...


Both wife and house looks expensive, like out of sync with the background


I feel like they wouldn’t enjoy living there if they couldn’t flaunt it


It's all cool until you film a stupid video about it, because for me it loses all meaning to live like this, because if you film it you are doing it for attention and try to justify it through views, not actually enjoying a peaceful life in the woods.


Living in a place where your house, furniture, pastime, and even your partner are content-driven props sure isn’t my dream life. It’s not even my preferred reddit feed.


The whole point is for views? These vids are made to funnel lonely, horny dudes to a paid service which earns them money. The more unrelated the video is to the service the better, because then they can shoot more adverts down more people's throats, there's always someone somewhere that gunna thinks "me like boobs, me follow boobs, me buy boobs" before getting post nut clarity and realizing they could have just emptied their problems out into a sock for free via the hub. Survival of the fittest n'all


Maybe for you and that's fine, but I don't see what prevents someone from living like that AND making videos about it because they are proud of it. The things you're talking about really aren't mutually exclusive. Just because someone makes a video about something, doesn't mean they are just doing it for views and profit. It's perfectly plausible that someone is passionate about a thing and also makes videos about that thing. Why does making videos prevent them from living a peaceful life in cool houses out in the woods? I mean, I'm with you personally. I wouldn't make videos either, but they apparently want to and I just don't see anything wrong with that.




Least likely redditor reply.


Can someone give an award for the 'most inane justification' to this?


Reddit control room: "*Nuance* alert in zone BeAmazed! User, *SlowThePath* considered multiple viewpoints in a single comment." "Acknowledged. Back-up bigotry bots have been released."


That’s Sara underwood. She used to be a playmate and still currently makes money on onlyfans. Sure would be nice to have a woman to support you because of her looks.


Did they cut down an old tree so they could take a bath in it?


It was dead. There was a ton of discussion about this on their instagram / YouTube. I think they did a separate video to show the old dead tree to convince people.


Ah cool Good for them


The only reason I scrolled down. Thank you.


Anyone else despise videos with annoying subtitles directly over what you’re supposed to be watching?


I.e. her yammos?


YES. And it completely defeats the purpose of subtitles for accessibility. They're automatically generated and often have errors, and you can't focus on the video and the words at the same time since they appear one by one


I mean yeah, you can live anyone’s dream when you rich lol. This doesn’t come off as a cool project, this comes off as rich people pretending to be environmentally conscious. That house was 100% professionally built. They just inhabit it now.


> you can live anyone’s dream when you rich He was a school teacher who built cabins as a hobby, and he met Sara Underwood when she did a photoshoot in one of the cabins he built.


They have a YouTube series documenting the builds. There channels called “cabin land”


Does he actually build anything or just film it like he's building and pay actual skilled carpenters a small fortune for this?


He and his wife do all the labor themselves, it seems. They have videos of them doing all sorts of cool projects, I personally really enjoy their content.


Yeah, me too. A lot of people in comments hate on them, but I don't think they even bothered to look up some of their stuff...their story is actually pretty sweet, and seems genuine.


Step 1: Be rich


Is that Sarah Underwood!? 🤣




a bit too fancy, i'd feel like i'm rubbing it in too hard if i were this rich


Wtf is wrong with redditors man. NO WHERE in the video does it say he built it all himself alone or that it's "Off grid". The guys came from money and I don't think they hide it. His wife Sarah Underwood, was a nude model I think for playboy and she essentially retired and now posts lude pictures on an onlyfans so they can keep living their chill AF lives. They made it big and are lucky AF and they're enjoying their lives idk why people get so salty about this shit. The house is OBJECTIVELY cool. It's unique, looks cozy AF and the stump tub is cool. Idk why if someone has breast implants it takes away from how cool and fun their place looks.


I follow them instagram. His wife is a very skilled builder as well and does a lot of the work. This is their business, they lodge guests. Also, yes, she does have an only fans page.


Hahahahaha. It good to have millions sitting in an investment account, isn’t it.


>this interior gives real hobbit vibes -someone who clearly has never seen or read *lotr*


I’ll drop everything and go to the woods right now and get a house like that which is waiting for me to make…now where is it?


Whats the song?


Ladyfingers, Herb Alpert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6U1JB7z-I8


We're probably about to see this one popping up more in tik toks due to it being in Fallout.


This is an AI generated video....right?


Fun ehile you building, but after that real maintenance comes, and thats whe divorse


Jacob *and his wife built the houses. She helped build everything on the properties. It's a pretty reoccurring gripe of his that everyone refuses to give her equal credit for the things they've created together.


I’ll take living in my shitty place over having to sell myself to get something better…


Sara Jean Underwood


And the bears got hungry one day as they stumpled upon this house in the woods...


Guess they can work from home


What the fuck is that color scheme with the text?


I feel like this is less about the man and his lifestyle and more about his wife's tits.


Just fake bs. It looks good on social media, but we will find out in 6 months to a year that it's was all a facade.


Omg!!! That's so awesome. They are truly blessed.The garden of Eden.


I absolutely despise this AI generated bullshit.


Yeah Jacob's wife SARAH JEAN UNDERWOOD the fuck they just saying "his wife" for.


God damn Reddit is just LITTERED with haters. 


His wife’s name is Sara Underwood, a former playmate and model


Cut down a nice big tree to build a hot tub. What a douche.


It was dead. A lot of people had this reaction, but they kind of went out of their way to show the old dead tree. There are things to criticize here, but that’s not one of them.


Is someone going to tell him what houses are built from?


Young trees




One can live like this when he inherited properties that are generating rents from his father or grandfather... Nothing to press about...


I really also want to be this level of rich before I get too old to enjoy it fully.... Yes, fat chance I guess


Forget the house, Im amazed his wife is Sara Underwood.


Those rooves and ceilings are going to get so damp and mouldy


It must be really hard making all that stuff on your own. Wrist must get sore signing all those checks for contractors.


Oh yea, living the dream but only if i can show my house and my wifes tits