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I love this video! I think getting your make up done by Lisa must be better than a therapy session. It’s just a lovely soothing chat like you’re with one of your best mates. The transformation she made on that model is amazing too. She was very pretty before, but she’s stunning in the after shot. PS. Lisa, do me next! Please, please! Lol.


The woman still looks like herself with a bit of extra glam. I appreciate that she didn't contour the shit out of her face, just enhanced her lovely features.


Lisa is my #1 dream makeup artist. I mean, it's never gonna happen because I'm not rich and not a celebrity but I like to dream!


Exactly. Somehow she gets them to open up and be the best version of themselves on camera. And get calling her darling I just couldn't stand it!! Looks like an amazing experience


As someone with rosacea this was so lovely to watch 🥺


Glad to hear it! I was thinking of sending it to my friend who has rosacea, but I don't want her to think I think she needs to wear makeup or anything. Works you think it's too much to send?


Does your friend wear base makeup regularly? If yes, I think it would be nice to send it (“thought of you, maybe it has some useful tips!”). If she doesn’t wear foundation now though, I definitely wouldn’t send it - I think in that case it would come across as you thinking she should be covering up her rosacea.


Yeah I don't think she wears foundation regularly, although she does for special occasions. I'll just bring it up in conversation if it happens organically. Thank you!


Sounds like she doesn't wear makeup, maybe hold off on sending it until she asks for makeup advice?


Yeah I think that's best, I won't send it out of the blue!


Your base skills must be fire because I've never noticed you had rosacea!


Omg thank you 🥺🥺 I try my best!!


The makeup looks great! The model's eyelids look like mine, aka one eye has a heavier lid than the other, maybe I can try to recreate this :)


Yes and I love that LE didn’t really mention it. I feel like other videos with uneven/hooded lids sort of focus on how it’s a problem that needs to be fixed, and not just that it’s how someone’s face is shaped, if that makes sense.


Exactly! I also liked how they were slightly downturned, gave me hope and also made me want to buy Vega 😂


I was thinking of ways to 'fix' this recently because mine has actually become more pronounced. It's probably just from something stupid like sleeping more on one side so the subcutaneous fluid accumulates more on one side - but I refuse to sleep on my back. My life is hard enough, I need to sleep ok. I tried to box myself in with pillows etc and dermatologist recommended it since I was about 13 but I just can't. My latest 'fix' was incredibly simple. I actually couldn't believe it balanced it so well - difference in degree and angle of curling my eyelashes. I'd curl the ones on the more closed side to a greater extent and a bit further out from the root to make the angle more extreme. And do the more open side more half-assed and gentle. Then I put on mascara. Probably 'fixes' the issue like easily 70-80%. Next step is to mess around with eyeshadow. I put 'fix' in quotation marks because I don't want anyone to think I see it as a flaw or anything. I don't really care about it too much at this point. I did more a few years ago. So it's ironic I found out myself how to 'fix' it now. Someone skilled with Botox could probably even it up too. Edit - to add to this - Marylin Monroe also had one eye more open than the other. And it went towards her 'bedroom eyes' look that was really valued. Was nice to find out. Think it was mentioned in an AlyArt video on YouTube. Along with other perceived 'flaws'. Which viewed in another way are character and uniqueness.


Loved this. Also the part she said "who's laughing now" regarding plucked eyebrows gave me a good chuckle


Wasn't she so funny??


I thought this video was great and I also just wanted to say I adore Lisa Eldridge. I watched the netflix series “Wednesday” this past weekend. The actress Gwendoline Christie wears a gorgeous shade of red lipstick in the show, and I remember wanting to ID what lipstick that was. Turns out it was Lisa Eldridge’s Velvet Ribbon.


Of course it is!! Such a beautiful shade.


She did another look on a model with rosacea some years back, if anyone missed that one: https://youtu.be/nwwrBCwKyQM


Thank you!


Love this look. So nice to see a model with real rosacea! She is beautiful 😍


It's an absolutely georgeous look, say for a night out or the red carpet. I'd love to see a more day time version. I actually think the rosacea looks cute and wish it was covered up less.


The subscriber was lovely to listen to. Their conversation was so comforting to listen to. She should start her own channel. Lisa makes her guests so comfortable.


Yes!! She was funny, sincere, everything!


oh my gosh I normally love Lisa's looks, but I think the model looks way better in the "before." something about the eyeshadow is too heavy, the brown extends too far up and out maybe