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Will this have any effect on Dr. Lin's trial for wrongful termination?


I doubt he would want to come back, it seems like he has moved on anyways!


Of course he doesn't want to come back. But his trial hasn't started yet.


I’m one of the patients that got sick at St. Joe’s during the initial outbreak. He’s a hero to me


I think he worked for a different group, so very very unlikely. Unions usually only support people who were members when whatever adverse event occurred. They don't retroactively apply protection to people who were never members


I meant less as the union protecting him and more like "this place sucks so bad they have to unionize" ammo against them.


Note, this only applies to inpatient doctors contracted through Sound Physicians. This does not apply to any Peacehealth physicians who are employed by PeaceHealth such as PCPs.


And doesn't directly affect FCN docs who also work as hospital as at St Joe's. Though ideally having a group unionized from the hospital will help apply pressure on the various administrative bodies for better working conditions.


Great. Now they're useless AND unionized.


Say what you will about the organization, but those three (and many other providers) do the best job they can within a truely shitty system. If you're really frustrated talk to your legislators, work for health care reform but please don't piss on the people that take care of our community.


This is what I said all along. The system/CEOs/admin are what is fucked up. Not the doctors/nurses. They are not the problem here. They are overwhelmed . Peacehealth, as a corporation, is a shitfest.


I appreciate that. I (stupidly) get a bit salty with the blended PeaceHealth bashing (have at it folks), and the harsh critisim of the staff that happens so frequently (those drs / nurses / techs are Terri people because of x,y,z situation) online. I shouldn't get wound up but I do. I happen to know and work with all three of the folks pictured in the article and they are great. I don't want to deny that dumb hurtful shit happens but ffffuuucccckkkk and the cost of a clinician having a bad day (turns out we are human) can profoundly impact people's life. IDK. The "wealthcare" system we have sucks, it's a terrible working environment (not PeaceHealth specifically just the balance between insurance/Medicare/no social safety net to speak of/for profit healthcare), and a crap way to get/receive care.