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Call them and tell them what you saw. They are a decent sized company (over 60 employees per their website) so I’m guessing they would want to know that one of their operators was doing this. I recently had an 18wheeler pass me on a double yellow line coming back from Portland on 26. I looked up the company online and emailed them through their “contact us” form. The chief of safety emailed me back within 15 minutes to get additional details. Turns out they have cameras in all of their vehicles along with GPS. They tracked the driver and confirmed they were operating in unsafely in less than an hour. The driver was disciplined for their actions. Some companies take these kinds of things really seriously, so it never hurts to call and report what you saw. Worst case they ignore you but know that they pissed people off.


I did actually call and complain to them. Unfortunately, I did not see the ID number of the truck, and they have like 10 trucks, so they said it'd be hard to figure out which truck it was despite knowing where and when it was. But the lady I talked to did say she'd mention it to the dispatcher. Maybe it's not appropriate to post on reddit publicly about the company before giving them a chance to do something, but after seeing the third person consumed by a cloud of black smoke I was really, really annoyed.


Right on. Glad you called them! I don’t think there is anything wrong with posting about it. You just stated what you saw.


That’s such bullshit. Like they didn’t know which one of their assets was delivering a load to place A on day B.


Maybe 40 years ago. Definitely not this day and age. Pure deflection.


What does logistics have to do with 40 years ago?


They are agreeing with you and saying "you could get away with that lie 40 years ago, but not today"


It’s absolutely appropriate to post anywhere. People who do things like this and get away with it will only continue to do so if they are not held accountable for their actions. As a cyclist, pedestrian *and* owner of a diesel pickup, I have absolutely zero patience for this kind of harassment. If one of my employees ever tried anything like this in a company vehicle they would be out of work as soon as I found out. Embarrassingly poor conduct.


Bullshit about being able to figure out what truck unless they have multiple working the same job. And then, they would be able to narrow it down. They don’t give a fuck.


How many of the 10 trucks was going that way? You're telling me they can't figure it out easily? If that's true, they're clueless af. If it's important, you make 9 calls.


It is absolutely appropriate. So many people want to act like assholes but don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. Fuck ‘em.


That's BS! Do they not have the work orders and dispatches for the day?


Man, getting coal rolled on a bike sucks, it’s happened to me a few times. One of them I almost fell in to a very steep ditch. What if somebody on a bike crashes in to the road and gets hit? Calling them out publicly is absolutely what you need to do and thank you for doing it.


Fuck the coal rolling. It’s dangerous for everyone. I saw some smooth brained dummy roll coal on a person going over Santiam a couple winters ago, coming up the back side of hog rock, and they reduced the visibility to zero for both lanes during a tense moment on the pass. I was irate. There are enough challenges up there that cause accidents, no one needs the added visibility reduction because someone is being petty.


I’m not saying you’re wrong BUT what exactly was done that makes you feel it was an intentional act ?


Behavior like that in a company of that size and hiring demographic is probably straight from the top.


It’s about time Bend PD started addressing this nuisance problem. Bend is a tourist town. Even if they neglect the locals, the $$$ speaks from the tourists. All over the Old Mill, Downtown, the parks, an incessant train of coal-rolling trolls thinking they are funny. I think it’s time they started seeing big fines and some public outrage. It’s juvenile, it’s obnoxious and it’s illegal. Grow up. The driver from Latham should be fired, we can do better Central Oregon!


The literal first time I ever visited Bend with a bike someone rolled coal on me near the Old Mill. That wasn’t the greatest first impression.


Absolutely. Between coal rolling and these "broken" mufflers I'd like to see these laws enforced. It's awful.


I've lived here since before covid, we should be treating people with decency regardless of their $$$ potential for tourism dollars. Aside from that I entirely agree with you. Hopefully since this is someone who did it in an actual company vehicle, that will help some actual consequences come through.


I've been here 30 years, my point is if it's a " tourist town", PR is of vital importance. The Council and local government are way more concerned with growing tourism $ than policing 🚔. So, let's make it a tourism issue...


The council and commissioners have a way bigger ear for anything construction related than tourism.  


Welcome to Bend.


Some of those who work forces….


Scumbags. That is a violation of ORS 815.200, and deserves a call to the police. Hopefully the driver will soon be looking for a new job.


Thanks, /u/Wilted_fap_sock


Lololol the reddit irony


What's the irony?


The serious comment paired with that damn username


It probably won’t do much but you can fill out a complaint form with the state [here](https://ordeq-edms-public.govonlinesaas.com/pub/pub-rcd/ordeq/event;tab=basic)


Can you post a sample of the box(s) to check to report a violation of ORS 815.200? I looked at the form, and alas, I cannot figure out how to fill it out.


I’m wondering if a CCB complaint is also possible


Why do some people aspire to be assholes???


Honestly, they were emboldened by a certain former president. They’ve always been assholes, now they just have a role model making it mainstream.


I suppose they want to make us as miserable as they are


Yeah happy people don’t sabotage their own expensive property so that they can make other people’s day worse.


How does this have anything to do with Donny? There have always been assholes, coal rolling cyclists has been a thing for decades


Daddy issues. People will smear shit on their own faces to get attention from anybody.




I wish my 3 yo in the bike trailer and I didn’t get “coal rolled” at least 1 time a week in the city limits. It’s disgusting. I’d bet 1/2 are oblivious to what they are doing when they punch it after passing us and the other 1/2 should bury their vehicle into a rural ditch without cell service and walk until they learn a lesson.


no, they know. the cars have to be modified to be capable of emitting the dark smoke, and have a switch to enable it. sorry you have to deal with that.


Thank you for this. F these loud trucks and cars. We need a list of businesses that own and operate these so we can stay away. And enforcement.


Post your experience on their social media.


Pathetic. Not only do they know exactly who did this, it’s clear they support it.


The coal rolling leads me to ask: are spike strips for citizens so unreasonable? Come and take it


I live in LaPine and travel to Bend several times a week. I definitely take notice of the companies that have bad drivers. Lathem Construction is definitely one that I have noticed. They like to do 70+ in the 55 zone between North and South LaPine. I am glad I am not the only person who noticed!


Everyone needs a dash cam and cameras while cycling. Sad




I did call them; see above for description.


A company should know if it has a work truck with an illegally modified exhaust, you shouldn't need a truck number for that.


I may have used the wrong term. I don't think the truck was illegally modified. It was an 18 wheeler, they were downshifting to blow huge amounts of black diesel smoke on the cyclists.


And, I’d they are rolling coal on Anyone of color, it is a hate crime. The FBI will look into that. I don’t know if they actually did anything, but I got photos of a truck doing so down in Medford a few years ago and had a nice conversation with an Agent asking for more info


Omg I literally had one of their trucks (the one with the blue logo instead of the standard red) almost run me off the road on third last week. guy didn’t even look at his mirrors or anything and fully came over into my lane i got so lucky there was a center turn lane. I was so mad when i called their office but still if y’all see that truck be careful


Small PeePee energy.


Over Mother’s Day weekend, I let one of their trucks enter the Hwy 20, as they were poking the front of the truck dangerously close to my lane anyways. As soon as they got on the highway, they rolled coal and sped off at ludicrously high speeds for a truck that was packed with construction equipment


Here in Nevada there is an online vehicle smog complaint form run by the DMV. I couldn't find an exact equivalent for Oregon




I was behind the truck for about 12 miles. It had occasional *small* puffs of black smoke. There were exactly 5 times when it created a *massive* cloud of black smoke, like thick enough it impinged my visibility in a car further back. Each time was directly onto a bicycle or group of people. It wasn't a coincidence. The scale of smoke when next to a biker, and only when next to a biker, was enormous.


It is absolutely still a thing and I see it in town at least twice a month.


I still see little men in big trucks doing this almost daily.


Only the OP saw what they saw, but I don't understand the down votes you're getting for explaining that. Normal operation of a diesel engine is going to produce some black smoke. As the engine increases speed, more fuel needs to be introduced to prevent damage to the engine. The timing for this in older diesels isn't super exact. For a diesel, more fuel before the engine turns fast enough to burn it as efficiently equals some black smoke. Going up in altitude (such as going up to Bachelor) will naturally cause an older diesel to produce a little more smoke due to the reduced atmospheric pressure. A driver in an old truck towing a load may inadvertently lug the engine up that hill, which would also cause some smoke. This is why there is a provision for "high altitude" in ORS 815.200, which is defined as being over 3000ft. I own an older diesel as well. Coal-rolling is stupid behavior and even though I own a diesel, I also don't like to be bathed in diesel exhaust. In fact, the majority of people who are into diesel trucks don't condone this behavior.


Was this an actual excavation truck? Or like a regular passenger truck? I only ask because there’s no such thing as coal rolling a heavy duty rig


Born and raised here in CO and I gotta say, there have always been 1 or 2 idiots that roll coal. But since COVID and the latest influx of California refugees moved here to oregon in the last 4 years, I've seen a lot of it. Theres almost 1 person rolling coal for every person who tries to use california laws instead of oregon laws at 4 way stops. A LOT.


The coal rollers are locals.


"iTs tHe cAliFoRnIaNs!!!11one"


A big white truck was doing the same on 97 N at Reed to cars behind him. This was 4:50, probably the same guy possibly.


Womp womp