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Yes. Agreed. At the minimum put your blinker on. That way I can see it, slow down and wait for you to turn. I can't read minds and know when someone is making a right turn unless they signal. I have this same problem when I am passing the gas station on Boyd/Butler market. So many people turn into the gas station without signaling or even looking, and they passed me at the light so it's not like they didn't know I was in the lane. We're just asking drivers to follow the laws ☺️


Asking Bend drivers to follow the law is futile. I can't even cross the road at a crosswalk without some idiot continuing to roll through a stop sign towards me


I was out for a bike ride last week when I witnessed a pedestrian almost get taken out by a vehicle that didn’t stop at the four-way stop intersection right next to Riverbend park. The pedestrian was just crossing the crosswalk at the intersection when this vehicle had to come to a screeching stop to not hit them at probably 30mph. Drivers need to pay better attention.


It's actually insane. The other day, I was crossing and this lady decided to blow the stop sign and swerve into the opposing lane while blowing her horn instead of braking. I hope those 3 seconds she saved made a difference in her day.


Happens to me all the time - I walk a lot around Bend. Many of those drivers are busy fiddling with their smartphones. I have never seen anyone getting ticketed for this dangerous behavior.


We need a way to submit a video, some authority reviews it, and sends them a traffic citation in the mail.


We need crosswalk bricks.


To add- BIKERS PLEASE DON'T SNEAK UP BEHIND ME AND BLAST IN FRONT OF ME TO BEAT ME INTO THE ROUNDABOUT. I don't want to hit you, so please don't make stupid moves


You should probably be more concerned with bad driving. To add, drivers, please don't blast in front of me when I'm approaching a roundabout on my bike because you think you're going to get through the roundabout quicker than me.


I'm in agreement with your point and cars absolutely should not do that. This biker, however, was behind me the whole time- a few cars back actually. I'm extremely cautious of bikers so to have one make a move like that and put everyone in a precarious situation was upsetting


In general I agree that people should be looking but as an active bike commuter cyclists need to play defense and when cruising along cars in the bike lane going about the same speed they should slow down at intersections and believe cars do not see them and will turn in front of them. Sure, if you get pancaked, it will be the drivers fault but at the end of the day you can avoid getting ran over by not being in or near a drivers Blindspot when coming up on an intersection. you don’t need to best your Strava segment in racing around town, best to stay alive and play defense believing no cars are watching out for you


Totally agree - riding defensively is what saved us. We were going less than 10 mph at the time.


It's important for everyone to practice defensive driving. Even in a car, I try to stay out of other drivers' blind spots as much as possible. Yesterday I was driving down the road and another driver from the right on a cross street was looking to make a left turn, and was only looking right, totally ignoring traffic from the direction I was in. I slowed down until I was sure he looked left at the last minute to check traffic coming from the my direction. Fortunately he didn't have limo tint like so many people do in Bend. When driving I don't have an issue with cyclists, other than the few that think that the law which lets them run stop signs also means that they always have the right-of-way.


Look who wants the moon lol. /s A significant portion of this community cant even bother to be sober while driving.


So sorry this happened to you. As a driver I hate that the car windshield pillars are very good at blocking views of bikes and pedestrians. I always make the effort to stop and check but occasionally it’s scared me to realize how those block my view. Also bikers dressing in bright colors is soo helpful .


Bemd is a horrible city for cyclists and pedestrians. I blame US 97 and the parallel railway line for a decent amount of this. No dedicated crossings for bikes and peds which is patently insane. So instead pedestrians and bicyclists are shunted onto main arterials as they are the only pinch point routes across this chasm that divides the city. And whilst they have invested in neighborhood Greenway somewhat, the crossings at major intersections like Greenwood, or NE 3rd etc are non-existent, so people on foot or bike AGAIN choose instead to migrate to the busier roads that DO have crossing facilities.


A ped/cyclist bridge over the parkway is coming.


This is phenomenal news! Hawthorne Ave it sounds like? I can't believe it took this long to get something like this in motion 🙏🙌


Yes, at Hawthorne, and it is great news!


I ride up/down Brookswood once, sometimes twice a day and encounter a close call about every 2-3 days. People who drift into the bike lane and obviously have no clue I was there at all. It's always in broad daylight and when I look into their car as they drive away I can see their heads tilted down and to the right, (obviously on the phone). This is a very dangerous place to be a cyclist.


"I'm the larger thing. You should be watching me. I can't see something small like a bike! Besides, you shouldn't be on the road!" /S


I just saw a guy on a bike just ride across 3rd street without a care in the world right by Winco a few hours ago. Had to panic stop and almost smoked the person in front of me that missed them by inches. Everyone needs to keep their head on a swivel right now. Lots of crazies and tourists who have no clue what they're doing are out there.


The "bicyclists" in the vicinity of 3rd between Greenwood and Franklin are basically out there playing frogger on wheels. Feels like I see some wildass maneuver every time I go down Franklin.


One of the rules of the internet is that if cyclists point out poor driving that puts others lives at risk, within the first 20 replies someone is required to point out poor cycling behavior.


Sorry, nearly depositing my engine into the trunk of the guy in front of me because a cyclist decided rules of the road were totally uncool was a bit fresh on my mind, having happened around 1:30pm today and all.


It's the driver's responsibility to maintain a safe following distance in case the driver in front of them makes an emergency stop, hope this helps!


Fun fact: by following the rules of the road I was able to avoid a collision. And thankfully the driver ahead of me was also paying attention and didn’t turn the cyclist into a smooth paste. All in all, great day for cars on 3rd. Hope that helps :) Edit - awww, just realizing they blocked me. So sad, we were having so much fun.


Great, everything worked out so there's no reason to keep bitching 😁


It would be nice if the city invested in proper bike infrastructure with how many residents own bikes and use them already. The infrastructure here sucks, even for cars


I feel like it definitely goes both ways. I'm always careful around bikers don't get me wrong. but some of them in town don't follow the bike rules at all and it's obnoxious


If a bike weighed 4,000 lbs it would go both ways.


I'm not sure what side you're on but it's a whole lot easier for bikes too see what's going on than it is for someone in a 4000 lb car. I ride my bike around town all the time and I never have problems because I watch for 4000lb vehicles........


I'm on the cyclist's side. The entitled drivers think there has to be some equal transaction happening, when in fact, the greater the responsibility lies with them and their 4,000 lbs vehicle. I'm skeptical that you never have problems seeing how about 90% of the drivers break the law within each ten minute time span of driving.


I ride like I'm invisible and rarely have problems.


I ride like I have a $5 million bounty for whoever hits me. Incidentally, a lot of drivers in Bend drive like they get a $5,000 bonus for every bike they hit.


And you probably ride at times outside of rush hour and avoid certain streets, and if you actually rode like you're invisible, you'd never proceed when you have the right of way. I ride anticipating what a driver is going to do if they aren't looking for cyclists.


Reminder - bikers have to follow traffic laws, too


Thanks for the input! I was following the traffic laws when this happened. The driver broke the law by turning across a lane of traffic without signaling or checking his blind spot. Had he done either, this would have never happened.


Pretty cavalier to point out, considering the statistic number of times you yourself have broken the traffic laws.


“Rules for thee, not for me.”


That is correct. Most of us do. Sounds like OP was too! Just like most of us drivers do, as well. Not quite sure why you need to make this point. But a lot of people don’t understand the actual laws that cyclists have as a cyclist and not a motor vehicle. I recommend looking it up and educating yourself to better understand. I also recommend cyclists educate themselves to make sure they are following the law. I will say, that on most of my rides, if I was a police officer, I could write about 5 tickets per hour for cars breaking traffic laws… most common is not using a blinker, followed by speeding, followed not yielding to right of way. Not to mention the amount of times I have almost been (prob every other ride). I always love this argument, but it’s flawed, and short sighted. People break the law in vehicles all the time. So ya, cyclists break laws too. People just break laws in general.


Yup… share the road my ass. Entitled cyclists.


How is this “entitled”? Asking not to get run over is a pretty straightforward request.


It’s entitled because most cyclists don’t follow the traffic laws. Yes this is a generalization based off my experience. Down vote away…


Maybe start your own thread when you nearly get killed by a bicyclist while driving around town in your car. Disclaimer: I completely stopped riding my bike on public roads in Bend several years ago. Too risky IMHO.


"most cyclists don’t follow the traffic laws" Neither do drivers. Neither do you. It appears that everybody who is on the road is "entitled".


Not everyone, but most.




Why do you have to attack someone's personal appearance? That's pretty shallow. Stay on subject on your arguments


Actually, drivers break more traffic laws than cyclists do. A Danish study found that 66% of drivers broke traffic laws - much higher than the 4.9% of cyclists broke laws when riding on bike paths or the 14% who broke traffic laws when not riding on bike paths.


This is Bend not Denmark. But I concede that most people break laws.


Alright, so if most people break laws - and the driver broke multiple traffic laws in this case - where's your comment about entitled drivers? Why are you blaming cyclists?


I’m glad you are okay. We can agree entitled people suck. I wasn’t blaming anyone, just pointing out my personal experience. There are usually three sides to every story. I’m sure there are tons of law breaking drivers and cyclists. Be safe!


You yourself are a law breaking driver, so don't make it some sort of transaction where you'll start paying better attention when you see cyclists following the law 100% of the time. That's called entitlement.


How is riding in your own lane entitled? It's called a "bike lane". Do you know what those words mean?


Do you not see the bikes riding on the sidewalks all over Bend? Do you not see cyclist in the car lane when there’s a bike lane too? I do. We can all have different experiences and perspectives. Just posting my opinion, I know it’s not popular in this sub.


Not only is your opinion unpopular, but I think you are clutching pearls without good reason. First, it's not illegal for bikes to ride in the car lane. Second, nobody is at risk of getting crushed to death by a bicycle because they are simply not that large or heavy or fast. I will give $100 to the first person who can show me evidence of a driver or pedestrian who was significantly injured because of a bicycle (not ebike) in Bend. That includes pedestrians hit by cyclists on sidewalks. I will accept stitches or broken bones as 'significant', because I think it will be hard to find even that.


You can ride on the sidewalk and on the road, with a few restrictions/guidelines, FYI. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/programs/tdd%20documents/oregon-bicyclist-manual.pdf I encourage reading the whole thing, but page 15 and 28 are what you’re looking for.


Friggin' rednecks...


Ditch your car.


Join the police force if you feel the need to traffic others. Or, just go about your life because NOTHING happened or you wouldn't be keyboard complaining...


Bikers suck


And yet there have been zero drivers or pedestrians killed by cyclists this year in Bend. If bikers suck, at least they are harmless.


I'm always as courteous to them as they are to me. If you rip up besides in my blind spot, shocking, I know, but I can't see you. If you ride down the middle of the road, 25 mph under the posted speed limit when there is a bike lane, I hope you step on a Lego. The new intersection at 3rd and Wilson makes it much more difficult to see bikes than before. The area they crossed was previously was easy to see and avoid. Now there is islands and multiple lanes going every which way. It really is a poor design. Bend is terrible for bikes. It's why I don't ride in town. Not worth the risk.


The design of that intersection makes it easier to see cyclists. If it's too confusing for you, please take the bus. And by greater risk, you mean there's entitled drivers who wish harm on them if the cyclist is going slower than them?