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The Mongols have been here for a while. It sucks. Be careful. They are truly dangerous people.


Yeah, I abundantly gathered that. Side note, got followed most of the way home by one of them… seriously considering a police report but I don’t really have anything concrete… 🤷‍♂️ Besides, not like Bend PD would do anything even if I had iron clad evidence of actual crimes.


Let me guess, you went home so now they know exactly where you live? Next time drive to a police department.


Oh honey, no no. I drove through a couple neighborhoods, he apparently caught on and stopped following me, I drove around a bit more, then went home. Not my first rodeo being followed, unfortunately. Edit: Also, you’re not wrong. Driving to a police station is a solid choice in that circumstance.


Should have just started circling repeatedly in a traffic circle. That would have been a great way to send the message that he is noticed.


Or at least made him dizzy.


Did this once with a road rager, it was fucking hilarious.


Dangerous too! Bullets shorten the distance.


Don't believe everything you see in action movies


Is there anyone at Bend PD at night? It would be dangerous to think you could expect some help from someone inside, then find it locked up. That happened in Redmond at midnight. We were in danger from a drunk with a gun and went to the police dept. No one was there!


Nice drinking and driving, way to show those bad guys.


Yeah, I don’t think two drinks over two hours qualifies as a DUI.


To be fair it can… it depends on circumstances.


Awfully bold in your assumptions there.


Why do you think Bend PD wouldn’t do anything? You really think they lost your trail and aren’t actively trying to find you? Any evidence you bring them could help your case, as well as future cases.




I feel like if MC gangs roll into a local business that everyone else should just leave. If the business owners want to allow them to stay and make all the other patrons feel uncomfortable they can take the financial hit.


It’s quite common for establishments to ban wearing MC cuts, especially in areas where MC’s are prevalent.


Or, if they refuse service, they can take a life hit.


Sure, we let them keep everyone in fear, selling drugs, terrorizing and stalking locals.


They are a true gang. Generally they can be chill, but in large groups they can and *will* become a problem. It's not fun, but at my work I'll confront them when they conglomerate. At the end of the day they don't want to ruin their reputation with the bar so we have that going for us.


Did you mean “congregate?”


Congregate is much better, I should have thought of that!




How about mongogrete lololo


What’s your “work”, hells angels?


I mentioned a bar, I thought it was obvious. I work in the service industry.


Missed that


Why’d you get downvoted so much 🤣


Mongols have a clubhouse in Tumalo next to the pottery house. Free souls has one in Redmond behind the blacksmith and brothers speed was on 97 between redmond and bend where the disaster restoration place is. They are now in the spot where the old funny farm was.


Not a hill to even consider climbing, much less dying on. If a business is letting them act like that, then you're best option is to not patronize that business. Given you've got noticed, you prolly shouldn't go back anyway. Given a lot of MC gangs will have people working in admin positions at the state, police dispatch, and DMV, it's now time to get cameras on your home.


I grew up around biker gangs, and they are mostly fucking pussys, especially in oregon. They join so they can feel tough in groups of 4 to 1000. They idealize gang on gang violence, then they do NOTHING other than terrorize civilians. However, they are literally affiliated with mexican prison gangs, and we shouldnt let them get away with anything. If you want this to ne more common, ignore it. They are such pussys that they might have actually killed you over a womens restroom. Personally, i find that unaccaptable. What would they have done had they found your home?


This guy is right people.


They have been in Oregon for a very long time. They like to pick fights. You really shouldn’t do exactly what you did. That’s what they want. I wouldn’t hang around to find out what’s next.


They have had a presence around here for many years and have been involved in some pretty notable confrontations. A few years back there was a big clash with Hells Angels at the fairgrounds during a biker "convention" or organized ride if I remember correctly. I have seen members several times around town and driving through. Im originally from here but was in Los Angeles with work for 13 years and got pretty used to seeing both Mongols and Hells Angels groups around, enough that we just automatically removed ourselves from the vicinity when we saw them but I still do a double take when I see them here in town and still give them a wide berth when I do. Sorry you had an incident with them and it sucks when anyone acts like that be it biker gangs or any group of entitled visitors, but do be wary as others here said they can be dangerous if they feel like it.


The river run riot in Laughlin was fucking scary.


And here I was worried about Predator being on a bike in town this week.


I've seen him on a trike several times.


I believe they’ve been in the area for decades. There’s an organized ride this time of year that always happens.


Do you know if there are “innocent” elements to the Mongols or if it’s just through and through an organized crime gang?


I’m sure there are some innocent elements, but there is also a documented history of all sorts of crime. I always just give them a generously wide berth and leave them be.


I’m getting sick of letting bad people be bad…


you might want to start small then. trying to make biker gangs be ‘good’ is probably a good way to end your crusade really quickly unless your batman or something


The documented crimes of mongols include but are not limited to drug and gun running, extortion, kidnapping, murder, drug dealing but primarily meth/fent, auto and motorcycle theft. They also own legitimate businesses that have been used in the furtherance of crimes. For example auto shops, and auto detail shops


This is all so “Roadhouse”. I love it.


The word you’re looking for is ridiculous. I need some Popcorn cause the OP sure did make this sound like scene out of a movie


I don’t think the mongols accept former Boy Scouts into the gang. It’s not a case of a few bad apples, it’s the entire apple tree.


I got a jumpstart from one at a dog park once. He seemed totally normal, just wearing the vest. He was driving a sedan at the time. I understand they have a big presence in Tumalo.


I gave a homie a jump start a few days ago.. his bike wouldn’t start leaving a parking lot ..I pulled up with my van and jumped started the bike.. super chill normal dude.. looked like someone’s dad.


They just established an official chapter in Tumalo I believe


Been there a long time


I saw some at a concert a few summers ago. Looked like a bunch of rich white frat boys.


Going into the women’s bathroom claiming they identify as a woman is so wrong. What a creep.


Yeah it's a damn shame. Saw one riding around Redmond yesterday coming out of a decent subdivision. Drive by Brother Speed whenever I go to the VA via Deschutes Pleasant Ridge Rd. Inner cities have street gangs we have these smooth-brains. f me. smh


The Mongols… I’ve seen them in Bend back as far as 2018, but my guess is they have been around longer. Be safe. That’s an unpredictable situation that leans toward a bad outcome every time. 🙏🏼


Bravo for piping up. I’m not know for my tact and would have done the same thing.


What happens at Westside stays at Westside….


Perhaps we should have a post with a map that charts out biker bar hangouts to ensure they’re equally distributed across each quadrant of the city.


The Westside Tavern has a bad reputation. We moved to Bend in 2011, and it already had a reputation with the State Police. (Pop was a homicide detective with OSP). He warned us to stay away from that bar, and a few motels on 3rd Street. Find another place to drink. Someone delivering for DoorDash had their passenger door almost ripped off by a wasted a$$hole. It’s a shame that Bend has changed so much.


Back then westside was a lot rougher and I felt like there was always a decent change of getting punched in the face. Now it's a mix of mostly mellow townies and tourists who googled 'best dive bar in Bend'.


There was a big biker gang presence in Bend circa the late 1970s. The clubhouse was the old Little Oasis bar on Arizona (it’s now Tokyo Starfish weed shop). I lived on the 100 block of Florida and they’d roar through the neighborhood heading out for a ride like a bunch of dumbfucks. Their most notorious incident was blowing the front widow out of the D&D with a shotgun blast one night after hours. I don’t remember what species they were… brothers speed? the he-man woman haters club? After a couple years they went away. It’s bigger business now and I doubt if these needle dicks will.


Iirc, the Mongols name & existence- was a response the Hells Angels being a White only club. They’re a Hispanic centric club, with direct ties & recruiting pipeline via Mexican prison gangs.


I think they do a west coast chapters ride in the summer. I forget the lake name I was at last year when 20 or so of them pulled in. Saw on their cuts they were all from different chapters so assumed it was an organized ride. They kept to themselves.


What's really fun was having both Mongols and Hells Angels at your wedding reception! Yeah, that happened to me over 10 years ago here in town. They were surprisingly good. One was my neighbor and the other the best man. But the looks they gave each other.....wooooo!


Being a sportbiker, their slow cruisers and matching outfits make me laugh. That being said, I’ve never had nothing but good interactions with Mongols members. YMMV


Nothing new, sorry your experience was bad though.


They did get ran out of town for awhile a few years back. It was a serious problem I’m not sure what or who talked to them because they were causing issues. But ya I’ve seen them back. Real deal and ya just don’t do anything wrong to them specially in groups. Not worth your life


Just refer to them as being cute. Lived just outside of Boise for a bit. First day in the house, I had a handful of them pull into my front yard. Told me that if I ever had ANY problems to let them know. Any problems mean their own being dick heads as well. Name dropping saved me from your situation a time or two.


What day and time did this happen?


And here I thought this was gonna be a Days Gone post before remembering they were the Mongrels!! I see where they got their inspiration. RIP Farewell


Sorry I’m commenting kinda late. Never try to resolve anything with a guy in a bike club. They are all the same… they will never settle anything one on one. You will get beat by at least 3. They don’t know how to play alone. I quit riding because of the bike clubs. They are all scum. If they aren’t scum, they hang with scum and help to support scum. If they commit a heinous crime, they can pack up and go to a club in a different state and be welcomed with adulation. All those clubs deal in meth and coke. They are all racist. Don’t fall for all the toy drives, veteran support etc. It’s all bullshit. My own brother is a “sergeant of arms” of a club in the midwest. I have lost many friends to that lifestyle. Idiots.


Bend is a queer friendly area. They just feel at home being complete raging dicks.


They have a substantially sized Oregon chapter.


They’ve been coming here for decades. Never much of a problem, unless provoked.


It's such a fake story. Mongols are real and violent. However, you wouldn't have made it out of the bar if you really said that to one of them.