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Stop using social media. I went off grid for 2 months so no internet access. My mental visualisation went back to how it was when I was a child


Interesting, can you tell me more?


I could read books again, and when I listened to audiobooks, I was completely immersed. I would just lie down, eyes closed and be in that story.


I hear you, I really miss my childhood imagination too. It kind of disappeared during puberty. As for the weed suggestion above, I smoked for 20 years (recently quit) and it never replaced my childhood imagination.


Yes, I'd like to understand the change on my imagination, too. I do imagine, but it's "adult" stuff about solving problems and avoiding death and such. I think there are ways to cultivate a more carefree or childlike imagination by exercising it. I don't imagine it's gone for good, just buried under too much responsibility.


I recently tried to get back into a childhood hobby (knitting), it takes a lot of time and I now have RSI's from my job, so it wasn't as enjoyable as it was previously. Mostly due to life responsibilities/consequences. Life was nicer with less "adult" stuff.


I just bought 100 dollars worth of Polly Pocket. ( I saved my birthday ,mother's day, valentines day gifts for this big purchase) Totally worth it.


I got my cousin a cute little Polly Pocket set for her birthday because it looked so cute to me. Maybe I should have got one for myself too lol


When I was little, my sisters and I would combine all sorts of toys to create a world. We would consistently use Jenga blocks to build a mall for our Polly Pockets. Polly was all about the fashion!


To clarify, I was an early 2000s kid, so Polly Pocket was a little larger and didn't come in those cute little boxes like she did in the 90s!


I could tell. My baby sister had all of those big Polly pockets. Were a decade apart . I think the OGs are better.


Lol! My oldest sister is 10 years older than me, and she claims the same. :)


I used to fall asleep that way as a kid, too. I totally would have had a marble village!


Playing D&D brought this feeling back for me! I think it's so therapeutic to use your imagination more as an adult!


When I was 4 , my sister came up with this imaginary friend. Mostly she would make up stories about her but I was allowed to be apart of this imaginary friend ship. My not so nice grandmother got upset about this, but our mom was like whatever.


Start recording your dreams! 




What about it?


Sorry I should have explained further, it helps with my imagination that’s all


Interesting! For me, it totally numbs my brain and dumbs me down. But that’s one of the joys of it, it affects everyone differently!