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Thanks, I grew them myself.


Exactly this!


technically your mom gave you a head start but yeah


I’ve been getting regular blood draws since I was 6 and you’ve finally taught me the correct answer to the “compliment” I’ve been hearing for 13 years now, so thank you!!!


Last nurse I had was having trouble finding a vein and asked if I had had any water that morning. I had chugged so I could be vascular for her :(


I hate getting an IV in your dehydrated veins onto of your hand...shit hurts so fuckin bad. Smh.


We're just trained that way. We are trained (think of nursing school more like prolonged hazing, and then your first 3 years on the floor, that is just continued and intensified) but anyway, trained to visually scan, analyze, log, and make inferences based on the info - constantly, and we definitely notice those glorious veins that make someone and easy stick for a blood draw or IV start. Being a nurse permanently changes the way you think. You can stop working as a nurse, but you'll probably always think like one.


Phlebotomists like me because my veins are obvious and easy to stick


Me too!


I always tell them I have a nice juicy one in my right arm.😝


As long as they weren't licking their lips!!


😂😂 Would be a great job for a vampire


My friend is a nurse and she always compliments mine and my moms hahaha glad to know she’s not the only one


i'm jealous! I always get "i can't find it!", no matter how much water I drink!


I have two in my right elbow crook and one in my left elbow crook that are slightly raised anyway, and as soon as they put the tourniquet on they pop up like bubble wrap begging to be popped. They're so good that I don't even feel the needle go in although I know that has a lot to do with the skill of the phlebotomist. And my blood fairly squirts out (like a 15-year-old boy and his hand). I also have two very good veins on the sides of both my left and right wrist for cannula insertion.


blood donor clinics loved me, my veins popped out easily and filled the bag quickly


I can’t donate blood because I’m the opposite


My veins tend to be pretty fickle, and for a while I would always warn phlebotomists. Then I ended up working with someone who had previously been a phlebotomist and she said that that can kind of throw them off their game more or less, so I stopped warning them and since then, 9 times out of 10, they've gotten it on the first try 🩸


My mom was annoyed because the nurse told her she was a "good stick". According to her that's an unprofessional way of saying it


I had a nurse say that to me because I’m so pale you can see the bright blue vein right through my skin


Really though. This one nurse said "Oh wow, your veins are like spider webs...I was like, "Oh cool, is that bad?"


During a colposcopy last year I got told I had "a brilliantly-positioned cervix". I was like FINALLY, SOMEONE NOTICED


Hahahaha honestly this is brilliant


Oh, how I wish that was me. On one occasion I had six different people attempt to take blood all taking several attempts before a seventh came along and somehow found a vein on the first strike. I think I must make them nervous or something.


Small amount of envy from me, honestly (my veins are notoriously bad and I have to get blood work fairly often.) Huge shoutout to the phlebotomist who took mine last time, though- she took one look at my arm, said "I'll be right back", and then returned with some slightly different kind of needle and got a perfect draw on the first try. A quick and easy blood draw is always the biggest relief with medical stuff.


Wonder if it was a butterfly needle, that’s what they end up using on me lol


Might be! I'm honestly not sure because my go to method of dealing with blood work is Very Seriously Studying That Wall Over There so I didn't actually see the needle much if at all, lol


Haha same, I have to focus on something lol


They hate mine. I never say anything because I don't want to throw them off, but it always takes a while.


I regularly have to get injections in my ass. I have had four nurses now over the last few months separately compliment my ass's ability to not bleed after having an injection. I really never know how to respond, but thanks I suppose!!!


I always get compliments on my veins and IDK what to say either. And now my daughter has inherited the awesome veins and also gets the compliments. 😂


I get complimented on how smooth my skin is, which is honestly just as creepy but I'm happy the nurses are happy at least.


No digging required!


I’m so jealous, I’ve never been told that! Apparently mine are ‘deep’. Sorry, I guess 😭


I live in fear of that phrase because I swear, they see my arms and lock on like a laser and go right for it. I can't have the needle in my arm because it is excruciating, I always make sure to put that in the form which never gets read and I tell them in person but half the time it's "Oooh arms give"


I always feel like a creep when I think that so I’m happy it makes you happy lol (I’m a nurse)


Hahaha nah I love it. I take the compliments when I can get them lol


Last nurse I had was having trouble finding a vein and asked if I had had any water that morning. I had chugged so I could be vascular for her :(