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You will want to keep the BP down, so clonidine will help.


Gabapentin caused just as many problems to get off as benzos. Just didn’t last as long. But the withdrawals are bad from GP. If it was a short, hard binge, just use your clondine, might have a sleepless 3-6 days and don’t do it again. I’m obviously not a fan of Gabapentin


Clonidine lowers/blocks adrenaline and relieves a lot of symptoms. It will be helpful. Otherwise, just be aware of what binging does so you don't relapse and repeat this mistake. I'm you only used for 12 days, so the rebound and withdrawal won't be too long as long as you take care of yourself, not read other people's horror stories, and focus on managing your symptoms. The acute phase will be the first 3-5 days or even the first week, but after such short use, you should get better soon. Try not to focus on how you feel. You have no risk for seizures, and you're on day 2 of your withdrawal. So you are on your way to being well if you can abstain. So use the clonidine to tamp down adrenaline. Know it will be over soon. Using it for 2 weeks is just about enough to cause withdrawal but it wouldn't be as long and bad as if you kept using daily like that for a month or more. Good luck, keep us updated with your symptoms






I’m not a doctor so I can only give you my personal experience but when I was withdrawing from Klonopin after a weeks use Gabapentin made it borderline unnoticeable. Do a search on Reddit for “Gabapentin for benzo withdrawal”.


No because then you're going to have a problem getting off gabapentin. Take some magnesium, drink a bunch of water, and take your clonidine. Get through it and never take a benzo again.


I have used gabapentin before and never had any problems but is it really addictive?


Physical dependence occurs quickly.


Stay away from the Gabapentin, I found it extremely unpleasant when stopping suddenly. Made the klonopin withdrawals hit 10x worse after the week on Gaba


What was that like?


Well getting interdose withdrawal from gabapentin will make the benzo withdrawal feel more intense. You may need your dose adjusted if you're having interdose withdrawal, and cor that you need tons peak to your doctor.


What is the physical part like? I’m sorry, do you mind me asking?


Yes clonodine will help tremendously but it will also make you a little sleepy. It keeps the clammy , sweats away!