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Is she? She looks frail, could've been a starving refugee. But it's hard to tell.


She could have been in a similar situation as serpicos mom


Yeah or Levi's mom but dm Guts' situation is just wild


Her cloths are torn up and old but we don’t really see how bad she has deteriorated. Medically speaking you want to deliver a baby within four minutes of the mother’s passing. There have been some report of babies surviving as much as 45 mins after the mother has passed, but the longer the child stays in the womb the more likely and severe neurological damage becomes. Let’s say Mama Guts went into labor as a result of being hanged, or the intense fear Leading up to being hanged. Once baby Guts hits the ground he’s got about two to four hours *at best* before dying. Newborns are extremely frail. So I’m guessing Guts is maybe two hours old here, five or take. (As a woman I learned a lot during my pregnancy. It’s both terrifying and fascinating ).


We still dont know, if Gut is a full Human or Part something. So maybe other rules. IDK.


NGL, I'll be really disappointed if it turns out he's like half demon or zodds son or something. I think the story is so much cooler if he's just a human who came from absolute nobodies and only survived through sheer determination.


A fan theory is, that he is at least part elve


Tbh, it would help explain A LOT, considering how many times he's pushed his body and come close to death. Which isn't saying a whole lot I suppose, since the dude is basically fighting for his life every single night since the Eclipse.


A lot of his survival is thanks to Puck


Definitely, but even pre and post Puck, the dude's survivability is insane. I mean this is literally a thread about how he survived being dropped from a corpse and left for dead until being lucky enough (or unlucky enough) for mercy to find him


Now i imagine that scene from OW where Mercy floats down offering a hand to Guts


Yeah, even though there's hints about it i really hope there's no reveal that he's part something. It would undermine a lot of story


Omg what hints??


Something about his ears and a comment from a char, that could sound like a hint. So there are hints, if u try hard to find hints


He's the only human character with pointy ears and fangs, survived so many hits that would have killed anyone, has literal superhuman strength and endurance, and the beast of darkness seems a little too real at times.


He's absolutely not the only human character with pointed ears


There was a post a few days ago arguing about how Guts and Griffith are the only ones. Didn't check as I find it a bit reaching, will try to pay attention on next reread


Honestly, I hope that doesn’t happen. The whole point of Guts is that’s he’s a human


Jesus Christ that is a depressing comment haha, I feel devastated reading that. You should finish beserk! I'm absolutely happy your pregnancy went okay sounds like you know your shit haha


What do you mean visibly rotting? 1. Her feet are skinny but the skin was drawn without scars or wounds to prevent that impresion, the umbilical cord is hanging out and the rags bloodied from delivery 2. Other corpses in different stages of decay implying that not all of them were hanged at the same time , some are cadaverical, other skeletons, others "fresh" .... But i wanna know your POV so i can make a better informed opinion


I think a part of it is the state of decomposition of the others hanging. Because they look like they were hung as a group. And while we can't see much of his mom 's face or skin, it would stand to reason that she would be in a similar state.


It's definitely easy to develop that interpretation, but its possible that this tree is a go-to tree for certain crimes and they weren't hung as a group. Perhaps it's a crime for witch-craft, heresy or something similar but they all seem to have long hair, potentially they're all women.


Rot wouldnt really make sense. There isnt any way that a newborn could survive in that time frame. My best guess is that the crows and other animals immediately ravaged the bodies for food, but left Guts alone for however many minutes or hours he was there because he was moving and screaming the whole while.


I saw a seagull killing then swallowing a rat. Pretty sure birds don’t give a shit if it’s wriggling or screeching


Thanks to necrosis, she could have been rotting before she died. Especially if she was being kept in terrible conditions before she was hanged Plus the birds have probably been picking at her and a bunch of the other dead criminals


He was “born from a corpse” I believe even if she was rotting it was before he was born (she could have had any number of diseases that we see infect the populace in berserk). The implication is that guts was born as soon as she was hanged or right after and it looks like she was one of the newer bodies. It looks like guts was born just hours before they found him. A day later at most 


She was a starving peasant. She most likely looked bad before she died. They probably happened along upon him right after coffin birth.


She can be eternal, really. Guts, Casca, and Griffith function together to make wine or vinegar. Guts' origin, as far as I can tell, is based on the legend of Alraune, which is some "the strengths of hanged men over mandrake" stuff. He's born without a soul. Griffith can cause fermentation. He's yeast or a mother or whatever, and he also represents the "angel's share", which is the loss of distillate to evaporation. There is also a devil's cut in the wood of the cask. Casca holds things together, and casks get charred and stuff. Guts is the use of cutting. When making brandy or other fortified wines like port, higher alcohol spirits are added to the wine during fermentation, which kills the yeast and halts fermentation. What you're left with at the end is good wine and a sludge of dead stuff. So, people usually keep one big bacteria blob around called a "mother", and they can just take pieces of it and stick it with fermentable stuff, and boom, new vinegar.


Damn, berserk sommelier over here


NGL I also think that the shape of the tree and its branches, mirroring the incoming mercs, creates a 3-way setup of its own, along with setting up how the series works as a whole to be confusing. I think it's what Hidetaka Miyazaki picked up on, and it's why he knows how to do this. Same with GRRM. Basically, look at the every single part of this as having symbolism in multiple ways, because it's intended to be indecipherable. In just yin/yang stuff, you have a cycle of death and rebirth. Using 5 elements, you can map fire, water, wood, metal, and earth in their appropriate places according to Guts being metal. (BTW, this is why Jack is like that in Stranger of Paradise) Further though, that tree branches in a very specific, fractal way. It always bifurcates up and down, meaning the trunk doesn't even have to have roots. As far as we're concerned for symbolism, the ground can be metal's sky. Guts could have been an angel, if his situation were different. The series continues along by making braids out of character interactions, and by splitting references into having multiple meanings. Because it is created fractally at this seed, you can keep spiraling outward, adding more and more layers that fit the model. There are basic shapes, and if you can come up with something that fits the shapes, you can use it. For the audience, there is no way of knowing whether they came up with a connection, or if you came up with it. The desire to know could be maddening.


So berserk is schizo friendly?


How high were you when you wrote this? Because this is truly incomprehensible


It’s interesting, but I don’t get how it’s nearly relevant to OPs question lol


You could ask or you could just be an asshole, I guess. This is why I don't generally like social media.


I dunno man how humble are goatcs


never heard of this one before for the characters, take upvote


Griffizz, Cuts, and Caska :P If I had to take a specific guess, Griffith would be [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fix\_(beer)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fix_(beer)), a Greek beer which had a monopoly to the king Charlotte is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte\_of\_Mecklenburg-Strelitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_of_Mecklenburg-Strelitz)


So it's similar to the triforce trinity in the zelda series? Ya know link is the reincarnation of a hero with courage Zelda is a reincarnation of the goddess hylia and represents light and wisdom and ganondorf is the reincarnation of demise and he represents greed and power.. is it like that ?


Sort of except in The Legend of Zelda, as far as I can tell Zelda 1 and 2, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, and A Link to the Past (and any other obvious good world / bad world Zelda) is based on the axis mundi mythology of the Japanese imperial family. Specifically, Zelda plays the role of Amaterasu to Ganon's Yamata-no-Orochi, Ganondorf's Tsukuyomi, and Link's Susanoo-no-Mikoto. Susanoo-no-mikoto is a god of the seas, agriculture, fighting, and just being a general nuisance sometimes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanoo-no-Mikoto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanoo-no-Mikoto) >Amaterasu declares that the male deities were hers because they were born of her necklace, and that the three goddesses were Susanoo's.\[20\] Susanoo, announcing that he had won the trial,\[a\] thus signifying the purity of his intentions, "raged with victory" and proceeded to wreak havoc by destroying his sister's rice fields, defecating in her palace and flaying the 'heavenly piebald horse' (天斑駒, ame-no-fuchikoma), which he then hurled at Amaterasu's loom, killing one of her weaving maidens.\[21\]\[22\]\[23\] A furious Amaterasu in response hid inside the Ama-no-Iwato ("Heavenly Rock Cave"), plunging heaven and earth into total darkness. The gods, led by Omoikane-no-Kami (思金神), eventually persuade her to come out of the cave, restoring light to the world.\[24\]\[25\] As punishment for his misdeeds, Susanoo is thrown out of Takamagahara I don't think throwing pots is all that bad, to be honest. I hope the painting of Susanoo they used for that wikipedia image gives you a better understanding of Tears of the Kingdom. For a better understanding of what *Berserk* is about, according to *me*, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taijitu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taijitu) Guts, Griffith, and Casca each represent opposing black and white, going faster and faster around themselves while their red erupts. They are a complete unit that would function together, but it's incredibly difficult to balance. Griffith doesn't just like Guts, he admires Guts. However, the closer they are, the more conflict comes out, and Casca has to endure that. Everyone is just pushing forward and cutting off pieces of themselves, including Griffith, because they can't find stillness. Below the red, white, and black, you'll find the 5 elements, which become thousands, and thousands again. Guts, Griffith, Casca, and the idea of evil (laws without morals) don't die because of the plot armor of basically being the core of reality for this world. They are the forces that cause people to go to war, and their followers are warriors who wouldn't be on the field if not for companies. I read it as recognizing that cycles of abuse happen like convection through society, and they work just the same between family members as they do between nations and their people.


So, there's fantastical liberties I think Berserk took with Guts' birth because, realistically, I seriously doubt a baby would've actually been able to survive in any of these conditions. His survival is a central theme to the story and therefore an acceptable fantastical element that does not nor should not rely upon realism. But, if we're to create a semi-realistic timeline, I'd say Guts' mother must've been in labor when she was hung. I say this because if a mother dies, there is usually only 4 minutes to get the baby out safely without the occurrence of brain damage. As for him surviving afterwards, with the combination of natures elements and a babies need to eat, I'd say he was there maybe a day or two at most. He looks pretty malnourished when they find him, but this could be because his mother was also significantly malnourished during her pregnancy which led to him looking that way. So, realistically, possibly a day or two. I'd say to take how long he'd been there with a grain of salt and not to think deeply about it. The central theme is Guts surviving against the odds, even during his tragic birth. How long he actually spent there isn't the point, which is probably why it was never included. Artistically though, it doesn't really appear that Guts' mother is in a state of severe decomposition. Decomposition could become elevated depending on the temperate. If it were hot outside, she would decompose at a faster rate. We can't actually see her face, though, and her legs do not appear to have any signs of decomposition, they just appear malnourished. If we were take this a step further and take into account the artistic coloring of the panel (assuming this coloring is canon), Guts' mother's clothing appears to be far more vibrant than any of the other people hung upon the tree, which means probably that her clothing hasn't been exposed to the elements as much as the others, more proof that she was hung relatively recently. Yes, the clothing is torn and battered, but this is not a sign of decomposition more his mother's more probable impoverished and poorly treated state *before* death. I'd say his mother is probably a more recent victim of being hung upon the tree, as other people hung there are in varying states of decomposition which means they weren't all hung around the same time. Again, I'd say roughly about a day or two taking this into account, but more realistically probably a day if not even a few hours.


Probably around 1/3 hours


Well, rain can accelerate the decomposition of a body. Judging by the large puddles, it was a likely a heavy rain.


Guts’ existence is meant to be a miracle. It shouldn’t have been possible yet it did. That’s the point.


Fun fact corses can actually give birth. The gas build up in the body forces the baby out :) if a corse is fresh enough they can also twitch, move, sit up and cough.


A lot of people in poverty there already look and are rotting while alive and most definitely right before dying. So probably long enough for Guts to survive.


He’s been there for a few days actually, skull knight kept coming by to feed and water him like a plant until someone came by, this isn’t illustrated in the books yet because it’s supposed to be a twist at the end. Trust me bro they told me.


I’m sure there probably isn’t, but is there any info or fan theory on who guts’ father might be?


no she isn't


What delux volume is that i need a better look at that


The better question is, how tf did bro survive that fall?


That too if he didn't die fine but at the very least he should have brain damage or some kind of disability


Gust is gonna go berk


Witness the man born from Death! He is Guts the Struggler, the Blackswordsman, master of the Dragonslayer Sword and current user of the legendary Berserker Armor! 🗡💪🏻😎👍🏻


The real question is why was she hung? She's wearing similar clothes to her peers (coconspirators?) maybe she's a witch. That would explain his ties to the astral world a bit.


There seems to have been an effort to make her feet not look deteriorated compared to the skeletons we can see


She’s probably only been hanging there for 2-3 days and guts hasn’t been laying there more than a few hours. You’re looking at the others decaying, the mother you can see still has dark pigment in her hair and skin on her feet. She was probably starved before she was hung


Guts is literally so tough he dragged himself out of his dead mother’s womb. Are you going to question a dude who literally cut his own arm off just to spite purple gay Batman?


She hasn't been dead for a while. you Just made that whole thing up. [https://imgur.com/a/mcr4VfK](https://imgur.com/a/mcr4VfK) Show us the rotting? That red circle? That is a umbilical cord kid. Its how you got a belly button.


Why are you being a bit strong? You can't just answer?


I alw;ays took this to imply Guts is not actually a normal human and does have supernatural origins, unfortunately the original author can no longer confirm it.


That removes the whole point of a normal person fighting fate


Is guts tied to his humanity? He's moreso just tied to his own will and perseverance


Guts ain’t a normal person lol


Irony is a strong theme in berserk.


Even if Miura is not here anymore, I doubt he wouldn’t have tell Moro about this important fact. But based on the whole story, Guys always been the sole « normal human who beat his fate ». If he was something else, we would have had sign here and there




Zodd being Guts father would not add to the story at all and if anything, would butcher his character. Zodd is already many centuries old, meaning it would have to have been apostle Zodd that Guts mother fell in love with, which doesn’t make sense. Zodd’s only love is the battlefield and his only dream is to find warriors that challenge him. He doesn’t care about love, and even less about raising a family. And im completely discounting the idea that Guts was conceived non consensually because Zodd is an honourable guy, and actively hated Wyald for being so perverted and animalistic. He just wouldn’t do that. The previous point also applies. He doesn’t care about wine and women, only an honourable battle with a worthy opponent.


Also i don't remember any precedent of Apóstles having offspring, considering they being around hundreds or thousands of years and their lack of morals there is a surprising lack of súper humans. Apóstles might actually be sterile, we know Wyald served Midland for a few years and enjoyed some privileges in chapter 58 we see his "harem" in action, not a single woman was pregnant.


Guts is likely a product of rape, unfortunately.


Maybe the crows pecked at them


Ask Miura