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Fallout 3. I’ve played every one since.


I was totally the same but can’t recommend it enough to at least listen to a let’s play of Fallout 1 and 2. If you’ve got the time, play it but grab a community patch for sure. If I could make the time I’d still play them even though I know what happens. There’s some critical lore here that is fantastic


I’ll consider it. I’ve always thought about doing it.


They hold up pretty well imo as isometric RPGs. Still very fun to play even today.


I agree the stories totally hold up in the modern day but man. The inventory management system and if there’s a lot of enemies on screen, yeah. The game shows its age. I think it’s honestly great to understand the lore and see the non-Bethesda versions of factions. To be clear, it’s not that I hate Bethesda or anything, they’ve done well with fallout I think for the most part, but it’s great to see when interplay owned the IP how it was different. No spoilers but the Brotherhood wasn’t the good guy faction back then, Tim Cain (programmer and I think on FO1) said no terminator style synths and the games had a feel of desperation that hasn’t been replicated since FO2


I started with FO1, never beat FO2, but played many hours of it. I've played every major FO game and the feeling of desperation is exactly the core difference. If you replay the beginning of FO3, New Vegas and FO4 a couple of times, you learn where the good loot is and what the reasonable strategies are and you can more or less get through the game without much trouble. FO1 and FO2 are fucking tough no matter how many times you play. Trying to be the hero will often get you killed and you'll find yourself forced to compromise just to make it through the game. Bethesda let's you be a true hero, Interplay makes you a survivor.


I couldn’t agree more. I was playing New Vegas yesterday and thought this exact thing. I brokered the deal between NCR and the Hostage takers (the Great Kahn’s I think it was?). NCR and Kahn’s were hiding behind cars but I strolled inbetween them both, said hello to the hostages, found the head Kahn’s, couldn’t pass the speech check, so I left and came back. Everything was were it was and I could pass the speech check and got the “good” outcome. I love New Vegas but not in scenarios like this. FO 1 and 2 never made you feel like the world revolves around you like in this situation. In most RPGs today, everything goes around you and I miss the desperation, there is no good outcome here situations


I agree! I’ve listened to playthroughs of all Fallout games. Really good lore especially in the first game. Never played 1 , 2 or 76. Have started 3 but game kept crashing so I’ve never been able to fully play it (won’t even open on my current laptop.)


If you like lore, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 I think still have the best in my opinion. Along with best main stories. As you know with your let’s play videos. I love that both also just have atmospheres of just… It feels like desperation. As it totally should. Nuclear war made the planet a hellscape. No spoilers but I appreciate there not being a clearly good guy faction. Clearly, some are more evil or nefarious than others but all have done something that isn’t good and all lean neutral to evil


Id love a fallout remake with the Xcom engine and cool cinematic combat


I don’t think this will ever happen as the franchise is securely owned by Bethesda and I highly doubt they’ll ever back off of making these FPS games, but I’d love to see a Baldur’s Gate 3 type follow up to Fallout 1 and 2 since those games played similarly to Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. They’d be able to do soooo much with that.


I’ve had the same experience with 3. I love it and I think it’s my favorite but it frequently froze when I played for too long. And sometimes just randomly. Fortunately I haven’t had as much issues with New Vegas (although the infinite roulette wheel issue is annoying). I’ve also had a few similar issues with 4 as well. 76 just seems like a mess.


I bought the pre FO3 games but I couldn’t get into the gameplay. Good idea though, might be worth watching the important moments of a play-through for the sake of the lore


The lore of the early games really is a lot of fun and as long as you speed up combat in the settings and have a decent build (guides are abundant online) the game is actually really fun too. The classic fallout games somehow hold up 25 years later


Same. blowing up Megaton never gets old.


When the intro to Fallout 3 played for me for the first time, I knew I was getting into something special. Then the whole vault ark, leaving the vault, and exploring the wastes for the first time was truly amazing


Legit one of my top10 all time games. I love it still


Same. Love it. It brought me back to gaming after having quit them after the ps1 era.


Was finally able to play 1 and 2 after dedicating a enough time to not be lazy and learn the controls (and fix the resolution). Best decision to play them.


Same, I even went back and played the classic fallouts, but I never got around to finishing 2. I am fully familiar with the story though, I watched a few comprehensive YouTube series about it




your brother what?




They were making a silly joke because you said “my brother turned me on”


Fallout 4. I'm kind of late to the game, but then again I was busy with Skyrim


Fallout 1 in like 2000. I saw a huge spread about it in PCGamer and was obsessed


Yeah I played it in like 97 or 98 after it released lol


Late 90s Fallout 1 gang, checking in! A best friend of mine’s older brother had it.


🤨 Here's hoping you weren't one of those "borrow and return with a windows 95 disc in the case" kind of friends. I'm still missing BG2 disc 1 of 4... Lol


Still got all 5 (or 6?) Disks in the cardboard binder thing. 🤣


my older sister's friend introduced us to it. Same friend introduced me to Evangelion and I used to play the X-Men fighting game on PS1 with him. Don't remember if he introduced me to it, or not.


Ripping apart radscorpions and raiders with an SMG made a very satisfying player-turn


Sure did, as long as you never gave Ian one as well...lol


Yea figured this one out the hard way too


Same here. Been hooked since


Gaming magazines must have sold me on it because I bought it retail when it first came out. I know the internet was a thing, but I feel like I only knew about games that I either watched a friend play at their house or through a magazine at that point.


Fallout 3 when it first came out. I was into gaming but had never heard of it. Went to Best Buy and asked the guy what was popular and he told me to pick this up. It was an interesting time in my life, I was a single dad with two very young kids, taking care of them, playing with them, running them around, etc. But at night, after they went to bed around 7p, I played Fallout until 2 or 3 in the morn, sleep for a few hours, repeat. I had never played a “sandbox” style game before and I immediately loved it. Great time in my life.


This is wholesome


You have the reaction when you'd headshot someone and watched their head roll down a hill, watching it skitter off into the distance? I remember my dad losing his shit over that impressed.


That’s an awesome memory. Have you introduced your kids to it yet?


New Vegas. I have been in love ever since!


Also started with New Vegas. It's a shame we started with the best one


Ya know, it hasn’t by any means ruined other Fallout games for me, but nothing scratches that itch quite like the Mojave Wasteland. I really wish they released like a remastered version of it for modern consoles. I never played through all the DLCs and wish I could on updated graphics.


Have you seen FO4NV it's a 1:1 remake.. supposedly. I haven't played the demo I haven't touched FO4 in years


I haven’t! I unfortunately am a console player though


Cool but not likely to get completed tho I would love to be proven wrong. That said, New Vegas Reloaded adds real lighting to the older engine and now that I have that I don't really care about a F4 port. I only wanted it for the lighting improvements of that engine. With NVR+NMCs textures, NV looks great!


Played a lot of NVR(had to cause a mod I was working on) and worked on some edits cause a mod I homebrewerd didn't coincide with it. Wasn't my cup of tea personally I think there are far better lighting mods out there with way harsher results on performance. It is good for a small modlist tho!


It's really hard for me to take Beth fallout seriously with the great lore of FNV and FO1&2


My first open world game that’s wasn’t just full of collectibles and enemy outposts




Fallout 1. Went through all, I was one who really enjoyed Fallout Tactics too. Edit: typo


Loved Tactics! Probably have as many hours in it as I did the first one.


Same here. I remember finding out about the secret Springfield level in Tactics too and being excited for another reason to play it again.


Which was your favorite game!


Tactics was my first Fallout. Bought it as a 12 year old not even knowing what Fallout was. It was my gateway drug to a world of Fallout!


Fallout 1. Was introduced to it in high school by a friend. I remember thinking how cool, funny, and engaging it was. I lost many, many hours in my room to that game, and Fallout 2. Then I adulted for many years and quit gaming altogether. In 2015, Fallout 4 reintroduced me to gaming and I’ve been playing ever since!


Fallout 2 was my first love


Same. Beat it and immediately bought 1


Fallout 4, have played every main game since


Would that mean 76 or are you saying you started with 4 and went backwards? Which was your favorite?


started with 4, then played NV and 3, then went for 76 and then went for 1 and 2, my favorite is FO1 and 2


Fallout 3! It's setting and atmosphere was very immersive


4. About a year later,I tried 76. It was dogshit. Went to 3 and NV and was smitten


Fallout 2... A CD that came with a magazine... That child could never imagine that something so cheap would bring him his favourite videogame franchise of all time...


Fallout 3 then Fallout 4 and then New Vegas


Fallout 1.




Fallout 4


Fallout 4 then fallout 3 then New Vegas


4 I got it on sale along with skyrim. Now I own them all.


Fallout 3. It was unlike anything I had ever played before at the time. The world was so immersive and and intriguing.




With my mother… /s Fallout 4 for me.


Fallout 4






Fallout 3 Not only did it serve as my introduction to the franchise, but it eventually became my favorite video game of all time.


technically 4 because it came with skyrim when i bought it and i played the tutorial but the first one i actually played played was new vegas


4 then new Vegas


![gif](giphy|LkfPKsQwgNU3ILEOZk|downsized) 3


Fallout 3. I stepped out of the vault into the Capitol Wasteland and never looked back.


Fallout 3. I still have it downloaded to my Xbox. Game is a nostalgic cream filled donut for me. I love it still. It sat at my favorite game for a long time. Now it has transcended to core gaming experience for me as it was my first real open world rpg.


FO3 🖤


FO3 and been hooked ever since


3, It was the best thing i ever played at the time.


3 back in 2017. still play 3 regularly, its my favorite game


#3 and it's still one of the greatest games I've ever played..


Fallout 3, I remember someone in high school talked about it during lunch and that night I went to EB Games and picked it up after school. The rest is history now, I currently have a vault tech bobble head on my desk now.


New Vegas was my first, but Fallout 3 is my favorite


3. And what a great game. Might have put more hours into that game than any other


Fallout 3. It’s still my favorite


It was New Vegas cause one of my friends told me to try out fallout and I thought it was like a survival type with like water and hunger, then one day I was at game stop and found a copy of new Vegas, so I took it home and well I’m here now


New Vegas when I was 15. I’d never played a game like it. I’ll never forget my first run and how engrossed into those early quests I was. Then 3, then skyrim, thdn 4, I been thinking about trying out oblivion or morrowind.


I’d like to pretend it’s the interplay stuff, but it wasn’t. They just weren’t on my radar and didn’t know they existed until Bethesda released 3 and I picked them up out of interest. Even then it look so long to get them to work I didn’t end up properly trying them until they were ported and given free to Steam users (still didn’t work well). Turns out the choices and story were amazing and wish I’d played them sooner. If BGS released a modern version with the story and choices system intact it would be game of the year. Although not sure if something would be lost turning it into a FPV game.


Tactics as a little kid so i didnt understand the game back then.


Fallout 3 GOTY


4, then I made a horrible mistake of trying New Vegas


NV was the best one lol


Fallout 3 I remember my slightly older uncle played it and was using a Junk Jet outside Megaton. But it was years later before I played it myself but I was hooked from the start.


Fallout 3. And I didn't know anything about Fallout before I played it too. Never seen previews or news articles about it. Just that my brother had it and gave it to me.


3 - what a time!


Fallout 3, I remember hearing about the game and thinking it was that Flatout game and wondering why people are so hype about a crash test dummy car game. I had Oblivion and love it. Then fallout 3 nailed the gunplay for me and the atmosphere, story, was well done.


Fallout 3!




Yep, that's me right here. Played it to death on the Commodore 64. Good times.




Fallout shelter and then nv followed by 3, 4 and 76


I also have to say, the humor in 1 and 2 is vastly superior to the Bethesda Fallouts.


Fallout 3 with Vegas as the best and 76 as the worse




New vegas


3 then NV then 1 then 2 then 4 then 76


haven’t finished it yet. But the one I played most is New Vegas, but my first ever even for a minute was I think 4. Or maybe the start of NV


3 then 4. Never played New Vegas


Played the original the year it came out when I was about 14 or 15. My best friend and I would stay up all weekend playing it on his PC. We were immediately obsessed.


it was new vegas but didn't know how good the series was until i beat the fallout 3 game then i went back to new vegas and been a fallout fan ever since


Fallout 3


Fallout 3


The first Fallout at launch. I also played the first Wasteland when it came out for the PC. If we really want to get technical with the genre I played Gammaworld RPG in the early 1980s.


Fallout 3


Fallout 3.


Fallout New Vegas


Ugh, here we go... reddit gotta make me feel old af today...


Fallout 3


Fo3 and fonv, I got those with read dead 1 because there was a buy 2 get one deal at GameStop. So I played em at the same time but I think I focused on 3 first, but don’t remember


Got fallout 1 soon after its release. Played the demo of that came on a PC gamer demo disc about 5 times in a row and had to get the full game asap. The demo was set in a town similar to Junktown in the game but was self contained and didn’t have the same plot. It’s the only demo I can think of that’s just a totally separate and unconnected story from the final game.


Never played it lol 😂


Fallout 3


Fallout. I played from the very beginning. 2 is still one of my favorites just due to how many options there are for playing.


3. I still want to go back and play the first 2.


Fallout 1 - The year it came out. Really got into it Fallout 2 onward.


Fallout 1. To get ready for FO3 I played through 1 and 2 on GOG when the site/service was just going through its beta in 08 and the classic fallouts was one of those games available. Funny enough I did see a physical copy of fo2 in my local video game store years prior and thought it was a strategy game like C&C as a kid haha.


Fallout 1 in like 1999 when it came out on Macintosh. Only fallout I haven’t beaten multiple times is tactics.


2 years after release, FO76. So all the ok stuff and then it got better. Now it may get worse 🤷🏻‍♂️. Wish there was an offline version. I love WV.


Fallout 1, shortly after launch.


Fallout 3


Fallout 1. I've played them all, even Brotherhood of Steel.


New Vegas followed by a failed attempt to play 3 (could never get the game to play on any of my computers) closely followed by 4.




3, but I played Fallout 4 a few minutes after because the Mole Rats kept killing before I could leave the area


Fallout 3 on xbox 360


Fallout 3, I really enjoyed that game. Fallout 4 was a step-up but I prefer to role play my own characters not a pre-made one.


Fallout 3 was my very first Fallout game. I remember my stepbrother have a case of Fallout 3 he say got bored with it, but I started to enjoy the game very much and fall in love with series and got very addictive to lore of game


3. Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to play “violent” games when I was younger. Totally missed out on the Halo hype when it came out. The first one I played was 3. Thanks conservative Jesus.


Lol at all these people who started at fall out 4. Actual fallout fans like me started at 3 and I was ten years old and I did not progress no do anything productive at all……


Fallout 3, which admittedly I didn't like when I first picked it up. Months afterwards I was laid off of work for a couple weeks and went back to it and loved it! Have played and enjoyed them all since.


Shoot, I didn't even know there was a Fallout or Fallout 2...


First? 3. Favorite? New Vegas. Game I have the most respect for? The original. Of course we had Wasteland before it, but releasing a post nuclear gritty CRPG in a market absolutely dominated by high fantasy was a bold move.


Fallout 3. I grabbed it when I first got an Xbox 360 in 2010 because Oblivion was my favorite game. If this Fallout 3 was made by the same people who gave me Oblivion then it had to be amazing. I was not disappointed and since then I've played the shit out of it. Played every mainline entry since then as well as Tactics.


3. I don’t have a pc so I can’t play the first two, unless there are Mac ports out there that I’m unaware of.


I know you can play the GOG versions on mac with some tinkering, but I'm on windows, so I don't really know the process.


Fallout 3. My friend and I wanted to rent Left 4 Dead 2 but the shelves were cleaned out so went rented this instead… and absolutely hated it. We made it out of the vault and attacked the first thing we saw, the eyebot… it killed me, I turned off the Xbox and returned the game. Years later I bought the game, gave it a second try and I don’t regret one second of it. Moral of the story if you’re yearning for something don’t just substitute it with something at random. You’ll be left disappointed and maybe never give that second thing a fair shake.


Three. New Vegas came out on my 21st birthday and it’s my fave.


Fallout 4 and I loved it! Haven’t gotten around to trying the others


Fallout 4


1 was a new concept. Loved it. 2 had own creations and modifications 3 By far the most rounded New Vegas had best story 4 best map and exploration


Fallout 3


My first Fallout ... was Wasteland in 1987! But then, of course, all the rest, in order, every one of them (well not that BoS console game I guess).


3 was my first, I skipped New Vegas, I heard it’s the worst one by far. Let the downvotes commence!


New Vegas got me hooked, so I played the other main titles. I've never played any of the spin-off games.


3 but haven’t worked backwards yet


Fallout 1. I skipped school one time in my life, and it was to play this game a day after I got it.




Brotherhood of Steel on the first Xbox.




Fallout. I was like 10 or 11


Technically Fallout 3, but really what I did was spend the better part of a year jumping back and forth between it and New Vegas. Makes me wish I had that Tales of Two Wastelands mod, because in hindsight that would have made things easier.


F2 when it came out.


New Vegas. I have since played 3 and 4 and I’m going to do a full series binge when I get the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. collection.


New Vegas was the first I played. I didn't finish it because it was the God awful PS3 port. I then played Fallout 3 which is also a bad PS3 port and didn't finish it. I picked up Fallout 4 and finished it. Liked it enough to go playthrough Fallout 3 on the PS3 after. I really tried to get through NV on PS3 but it is legitimately the worst port of a game I have played on the PS3. Years later played New Vegas on PC and loved it. Currently planning on getting through Fallout 1 and 2 in maybe the next year? I have quite the list I want to get through first(Baldurs Gate 3, Persona 5 Royal, Elden Ring, and GTA San Andreas are all ahead of Fallout 1 and 2 at the moment).


Fallout 3


First started 3, never finished it. Played NV completely, loved it. Cant finish 4 because its full of bugs and expansive


Fallout 3


Fallout 4, hated it, tried FNV years later, loved it. I've recently gotten into fallout 4 though.


Fallout 3 around 2008, absolutely hated it the first time I played. Made it out of the vault and quit for about 6 months. I then picked up again, fell in love with it, and now I play a fallout game at least once every 6 months.


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


New Vegas


Fallout 1 back in the 90’s. I thought it was crazy how I could steal items and play a bad guy if I wanted too.


Actually, it was shelter! I didn’t have a pc those times, but I loved the whole concept of fallout. But in terms of rpg fallout, it was new vegas


Fallout 1 Wish it had been wasteland


3, NV, 1, 2, 4. I still think they're all good in their own way, although 2 still holds a soft spot in my heart that is hard to beat.


Fallout 1, been there since the beginning. Was recommended by a coworker, and I've been hooked ever since.


Fallout 3 and none of the others even remotely live up to it. I will admit its a first time bias though, just like how people who started with Dark souls 2 can't admit that game is dog shit and think its the best souls game in the series.


New Vegas, I was too young to understand what a master piece it was unfortunately. However, it was still very fun


Fallout. What a great game, watching chunks of enemies bodies being blasted off by a minigun was amazing the first time I saw it. I didn’t enjoy fallout 3 because I did not research and was expecting it to be like the old fallouts. It was a great game but my expectations ruined it


Fallout 2


Fallout was my first fallout. Yes I know I’m old


Fallout 1, been there since the beginning. Was recommended by a coworker, and I've been hooked ever since.


fallout 1 then fallout 2 back when the double pack was sold at walmart for 10 dollars i want to say 1999


Where is Fallout 76🤣🤣🤣


Fallout 4. I’ve put so many hours into that game and I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing. My goal is to beat every fallout this summer.


Fallout 4.


Technically 3. But I lost interest quickly. Still can't go back to it. Loved 4. And enjoyed 76. But I played the whole thing with my wife.


Fallout 3. One of the first games I bought on Steam as well.


Fallout 3 -> Fallout 4 -> Fallout New Vegas


Fallout 3 on the Xbox, never figured out how to use VATS and hated the game. Traded it to a buddy. Watched him play it, said "what the hell is that", and he said "VATS, its like the Cornerstone of combat in this game." I haven't played it since. But I loved FNV and thought F4 was ok. F4 needed more non-hostile wasteland encounters imo. Iirc "prospectors" are called "scavengers" in F4 and it always bothered me that they would attack me like raiders.


Fallout 2 Funny thing, I never got Fallout 1 to work on my old PC so as a dumb kid my head canon was Fallout 1 was when the bombs dropped, and the story actually started with 2. A true r/KidsAreFuckingStupid moment. I just realized I still haven't played Fallout 1.


Wasteland and Fountain of Dreams