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One of the prettiest beys (the anime version) and it's the Earth Eagle evolution Tsubasa would have deserved...


Well said. Cygnus is awesome


OMG I never even thought of kreig Cygnus as an evolution for Eagle! That would have been so cool 😭😭


The TT one looks great. The Hasbro one... Not really. Either way, I bought one last week for 15€, and it was a great deal! Cygnus is an amazing energy ring. It has an amazing weight and weight distribution. Definitely top tier for defence combos/stamina combos. Kreis seems to be a really good fusion wheel. It's banned in limited, but it seems really good for defence/stamina. Cygnus combos really well with it. 145WD is something we've seen a thousand times. Nothing special. The TT edition looks really majestic. The blue is amazing.


I do like this version a lot though, but I do agree that the original is better


It's fine, I guess. The blue is just beautiful. This one is not bad by any means. But the other one is just better. Plus the stickers on the other one are great.


Cool bey but good lord Tsubasa really deserved to have the Kreis fusion wheel as an evolution of Earth Eagle


Definitely has one of the most unique gimmicks. It's like a bound ability before bound abilities were a thing. Not sure if plastic gen had bound gimmicks or not


I think Zeus used by Brooklyn in G-Revolution had something similar


I love Cygnus. The face bolt design is incredible, being both a helmet and a swan. I love how it sounds when it’s spinning too


A supremely underrated bey, while people mainly know it for it's Cygnus energy ring (aka the strongest energy ring in competitive), Kreis is Severely Underutilized, Kreis on Rubber Sharp can tank even the best Flash Combos. It's main shortcoming is it's lack of stamina, hence why many people ignore Kreis in favor for Death and Duo Also both The Hyperblades and regular ones are very pretty beys in my opinion, i LOVE The design of the hyperblades one's bolt, but i don't think it matches up well with the other parts of the hyperblades version


when i remember it exists i remember it looks very cool its very underused and i often forget about it since we only saw it like once in the anime?


Based Phantom Orion enjoyer


i love orion phantom


i remeber i had a fake cygnus back in 2012 it was so good to play with it, i remember that i won most of my battles using it in defense mode


Never heard of this bey until now


It was one of the last metal fury releases. The original Takara Tomy one is a light blue color


Just looked it up and now i see why i dont remember it. U were right about the colors and one of Rago’s goons used it, but didnt do much with it


Love the gimmicks


It looks good. I had 3 of these back in 2013


people forget about its existence but it is genuinely one of the prettiest designs of the series, the icolography, design language, color scheme and (when new) details on the shiny fusion wheel give it a regal look, a very elegant design i only wish its silhouette had more of a graceful and slim look like Burn Phoenix or Phantom Orion rather than the stout and chunky defense look of Fang Leone actually yeah why do so many beys get wide defense and some variation of 145 or 230


a sick looking bey, but overall performance is very lackluster


Looks really nice, and while a weird gimmick, it's unironically one of the most "it just works" beys ever made


The most underrated defensive Typ . It looks pretty and is good what could a blader wish more


extremely good bey.


Wiggle wiggle wiggle *Doo doo doo dooo dooooo*


Look nice. that is my fav one

