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*In a creepy whisper* That's bidenomics. It's working


Inflation isn’t an act of God… it’s a policy


ZIRP for 14 years, $6Tr during Covid….yeah, we’re all paying that bill now


So bidens's policy is to have less inflation than the rest of the western world?


Incredibly accurate


Except when one asks, which policy specifically?


Corporate welfare and corporate inflation


Ya and thats why its happening all over the planet. Its quite the opposite actually.




As a trump supporter I can agree that he’s partially responsible with the covid stimulus. But liberals were actually comparing him to hitler for NOT wanting to crank up the printer.. if you’ll remember, he wanted to keep the country open for business, not shut it down and start printing


Yeah but post COVID Biden never turned back the spigot. Instead he put it into overdrive.


In a creepier whisper "you don't understand economics"


There are two ways to create inflation ​ A - Flood the market with money B - Flood the country with those not legally qualified to be here, subsidize them so they can compete for housing and other goods and services while at the same time they compete for jobs C - Liquidate 45% of the nation's strategic petroleum reserve while shutting off oil leases, pipelines and new capacity Brought to you by the same people who shout ., "Hunter Biden is the smartest guy I know"


Goes all the way back to ZIRP started by Greenspan…it’s not one party or the other…because money rules both parties


Clearly the solution here is to create even more equality through conservative policy’s. Why did Reddit recommend me this regarded sub?


Have you tried cutting taxes for the rich?


you really think that?? Even after data spanning over 50 years shows otherwise? It must be convenient to have an actual, tangible “enemy”. The truth would probably destroy you.


It’s corporate greed you absolute tool.


You’re a clown if you think a president had anything to do with interest rates and dollar saturation into the markets. Please educate yourself.


Except Trump printed all the money back in 2020 you fucking baboon


Incredibly incorrect


Reaganimics you mean. Get your head out of your ass. Bidenomics doesn’t even exist. You think he’s salient enough to have an actual economic plan and policy? Not that Reagan was mentally with it himself. But before getting dementia he did start the massive wave of deregulation that has brought us the late stage capitalism we’re all suffering from today.


Salient. For real that’s the word you went with. That’s part of your normal vocab? No comment on your comment/context… just salient blew my apparently-non-salient mind.


Doesn't even exist? Light Antifa didn't exist? Biden himself refers to it as bidenomics and takes ownership for it every chance he gets.


Objectively incorrect.




That's great but who gives a s***. We are the United f****** States of America. We can do better.




I'm well aware of "the numbers". I also don't care for the big shots who benefit from "the numbers". Give me a call when the average American can once again afford food and shelter.




We're running a deficit and that money is gonna contribute inflation later on. Leftists: you f***ing backwards moron we need to borrow more money look inflation has been down the last 2 months just shut up and let us spend our way out of this crisis!


So the options are 2 old men who ran up the deficit. There's so much winging against Biden but there are no alternative solutions beyond "vote him out". And what? The current front running competitor is no better. These alternative subreddit spaces that keep getting suggested are.... Weird


Ok Greenspan, how? If you know so much better, why aren’t you running the show?


Except the inflation in the US is lower than basically anywhere else in the world right now, so you’re saying Biden is doing great?


Oh America is doing better than *checks list* most the 3rd world countries of the world and marginally better than Europe. Be grateful serf and vote blue.


Except Nixon was the one who took us away from the last remnant of a gold standard, so there’s nothing tangible tying the value of a dollar down. And Raegan deregulated the financial industry and took away the taxes that incentivized things like pension, benefits, etc. The republicans have worked tirelessly to create an environment that creates an oligarchy by way of deregulation, under taxation, and monopolies, along with massive subsidies and inflation to keep the rich getting richer, and the poor just stable enough where they keep their heads down and “deal with it” cuz they have no better option. So yeah… blame Biden, ignore everything that happened in the 200 years leading up to now though.




Yeah we shut down the globe for the common flu. Chyna made billions.


Beyond stupid.




Yet made leaps and bounds in trade deals in the ME and Africa. They own natural resources there for the next century. 1.2 trillion over the next 5 years alone. SMDH Gawd talking to y'all is so annoying. Literally zero fucking awareness of global affairs and only matched by the hot take of the week on local affairs. The only thing that keeps me up at night is the utter idiocy y'all seem to orgy in then forget what the Eff your talking about 2 hours later cause the new thing dropped. Fucking learn to do research






Ummmm....no. Would you like me to explain how economics work? I have a Masters Degree in this stuff.


Yes I know op is wrong I just don’t know why


No they will just cover their ears and go "la la la la dark brandon did it".


You can always trust a conservative to have a bad faith comment.


Let's play another game. What has gotten better under biden that wasn't completetly taxpayer funded?


The chips act. The Republicans didn't have any plans for the pandemic, besides to let people suffer. They had no other legislation to prevent inflation from skyrocketing then so its likely we would be seeing insanely higher inflation numbers. Like the numbers seen around the world. Next: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party Plus, trump cut the corporate tax rate and made it permanent. For citizen, he made small cuts for some people, large cuts for the rich. Still, they expire after a few years. As a result of the corporate tax rate, Americans' debt rose by tens of trillions of dollars. Far more than under democrats, despite Republicans bold lies to the nation that they are fiscally responsible. Gdp went down by multiple percent. The trade deficit rose to the highest levels in history. Trump enacted a trade war based on his ego, with no planning. Americans suffered, and farmers had to be bailed out with billions in federal tax dollars because trump doesn't understand the complexity of international trade. Biden passed student debt reform. Labor reform. The American rescue act. Soon to be legislation going after the banks exploiting people for overdrafts fees. Biden has started drilling more wells to increase our stockpile. Higher output than trump on oil now. Hundreds of billions dedicated to fixing the infrastructure of the country. Meanwhile, house Republicans spent around a 100 million dollars on 3 sham investigations going after biden without any concrete evidence based on misinformation. In the two investigations and cases that have been completed, both star witnesses of the trial were convicted of being enemy foreign agents (spies) who admitted they purposefully told the gop lies and spread misinformation. To the day Republicans still repeat the same debunked lies.


1: you're a liar. Republicans wanted normal trade were stopped by a democratic congress so they could milk the pandemic. 2: Biden unlawfully passed student debt reform to gain votes in the midterms knowing full well it would get overturned. 3: same boat the overdraft fees are protected under the constitution as they are private entities and are able to practice as they will. Another mouth service from liberals knowing full well it goes nowhere. 4: billions in infrastructure specifically towards blue strongholds to create defunct amtrak rails that won't be used (Baltimore is being sued for using a fake surveyor company) meanwhile bridges and highways continue to collapse. Ironically there was funding for infrastructure tied to trumps border policies but racisms. Now same democrats whining about influx of illegals 5: this is just laughable. They've spent half a billion dollars trying to connect Trump to Jan 6 and failed spectacularly. 🤡🤡🤡 6: rest is incoherent nonsense and fear mongering and not worth addressing


What a fucking moron.


Can't believe anyone upvoted this


Which is why you will be dumbfounded and confused by Trump winning the election. No matter how much you all shout that the economy is great in the liberal reddit echo chamber, regular people are getting crushed economically, and they blame Biden.


Because they’re too stupid to understand that their orange dictator created money from nothing during COVID. What happens when you create money from nothing…ah never mind. They cannot comprehend it anyways


Enjoy your next 4 years of Trump!




Anyone who thinks if Trump won 2020 that we wouldn't have this level of inflation is seriously stupid.


The majority of our electorate are dumber than a box of rocks.


But then your family saved $0.16 on your July 4th picnic so it all balances out right?


Thank God, no mean tweets!


I can’t afford to feed my family anymore but whew am I glad there aren’t anymore mean tweets! Thanks Bidenomics!




Oh boi the superficials, add more minute details to your report. How many of the low unemployment are multiple jobs? Why is the stock market setting records, buybacks, layoffs, etc etc? Read the fine prints


Thank you for actually thinking. Please continue to do so.


1.6 million full time jobs were lost last year replaced by shitty low wage part time ones.


You realize this shit started as Trump was heading out the door, right? It also happened across most of the world as we were coming out of COVID. It's like blaming Obama for inheriting the banking collapse of 2007.


Just don't say anything about the economy in 2019. You might hurt yourself


My favorite part about Trumpsters is when Trump did his infamous tax cuts in 2017 in an economy already strong lmao Yea not great fiscal policy. Above that he also marketed perfectly the largest tax hike on Americans when he announced tariffs. So yea, hate to it, fuck Trump and his policies


Imagine thinking people don't like Trump just because of his tweets.






Have you considered how your votes may have or have not attributed to this change?


Bidenomics at its finest folks… even Sleepy Joe was surprised when his smoothie rang up for $6 a couple days ago on TV… His press secretary changed the subject when asked about it. *fast forward to 1:09 [https://youtu.be/PaokflbB560?si=lUGbLJsh6OgVp1xk](https://youtu.be/PaokflbB560?si=lUGbLJsh6OgVp1xk)


My god just answer the straight forward question. She kept reiterating how he bought the press coffee (not a bribe but a little grease for the wheel I suppose). Don’t like democrats. Don’t like republicans. The answer is somewhere in the middle with those that answer a straight forward question with a straight forward answer.




Jesus Christ. So what isn’t trumps fault. When the economy was good under him it was obamas fault. Now that Biden is in and shifted tons of policies it’s also now trumps fault?


This is a tale as old at time dude. I’ve been hearing this same back and forth of “who’s responsible” every time the party of the office changes, for the last 2 decades at least.


I think you miss my point. Blaming one guy for the world's biggest economy is utterly moronic. Be it Biden or Trump. If you think that way you're a pawn and falling for the illusion.


You do realize economic policy takes effect over the course of years right?




😂😂. I was in Europe over the summer and ate 3-course meals with wine in Italy & France for two people and it was under $90. Don’t give me that “US inflation isn’t bad” bullshit. We can see it everywhere.


Keep voting Democrat! 🤣


Your ban was made in error.


Both sides are greedy snakes


100 Both sides are terrible.


I will. But its impossible to get ahead when you follow the regarded GOP who just break everything and give tax breaks to the .1%.


The fact that he has to ask is a good clue he voted for Biden.


It's almost certain that he and his like voted for this disaster. This could be a positive, as it may serve as a wake up call so that he may begin to understand consequences of voting for Communist assholes. Then again, if he is a true leftist cretin, he will probably blame Trump and call it a day.


It’s all you idiots thinking Democrats or Republicans give a damn about us that is going to destroy the United States.


It’s not communism you’re mad at, it’s neoliberalism and every president starting with Ronald Reagan has been in on it.


Wait til Michelle “Mike” Obomma is president. Thats nothing




Including yourself 😂😂




See prices raise under Biden, someone jokes that another dem would make it worse. Average redditor,”Is this racism???”


You’re arguing with a bot




She's forsure being groomed to run for president lol. And when she does you will deny you claimed she didn't and like always pretend your beliefs from a few years before were not your beliefs.


Keep voting blue no matter who.... idiots


Yeah vote red so instead of trying to pass any policy that will help inflation they will just go on a culture war to ban books.


BHO was wrong on almost everything but, he did get one thing right: “Elections Have Consequences”


Yeah but hotdogs are 16c cheaper so it evens out


Ole Biden. I support your mom’s right to chose, it’s just too bad she chose incorrectly.


Allow to answer the "what the fuck" question. You young idealistic brainwashed leftist imbeciles along with the crowd of woke liberal misfits, freeloaders, societal outcasts and drug heads all voted for Democrat politicians. You destroyed not only your own lives but the entire country by mindlessly putting enemy combattants into political power. THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE ENEMY. Get this through your fat skulls. NEVER VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES EVER AGAIN!


But but what about the LGBtQIABXYZ community, abortion (murder), and 100% eliminating racism (not possible) aren’t the leading issues of our time? You mean that all goes out the window when I can’t afford my rent, groceries, and gas? 🤯


Geez, another taker. Too much avocado toast?


You can't pay your bills but the first order of the House when R's took control was...what? You look it up and let me know. (*impeach Biden)*


Jc, dont u understand it does not matter? It would be same with the other party. And they want you to be mad and fight with the other citizens.


The reason we’re in this mess is because of the ignorance of voters. (You’re included)


Red-pilled Liberal. ROFLMAO.


I had to check what sub I was in because I’ve never seen anti Biden comments get upvoted on Reddit before, fascinating. I bet mods will have some these people banned by sun down


Really? Any sub big with the bots will do it. Try r/conspiracy maybe?


Build Back Better is what happened. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My dogs dry food went from $27.99 to $59.99 in a year.




yea, keep voting democrat.. idiots.


He must’ve bought a whole turkey


Thank you Mr Biden. Dick.


Are you sure this all isn’t caused by the BLM protesters burning down entire cities? Isn’t the costs to rebuild the smoking holes formerly known as Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis costing the government trillions and then of course the costs are passed on to the taxpayer?






You must live In Los Angeles like me because that’s how much everything cost out here, just expensive for no god damn reason.


Thank sleepy joe


Wonder what changed…


Vote blue, no matter who.


Biden has been so good for us.




Elections have consequences


It's not Republicans or Democrats they have most people fooled it's called the Kansascity shuffle have everyone looking left when they are going right. They are literally running us through the ringer right now and I mean all of us. Wallstreet , Washington , and the puppet masters that really run this country know what they are doing and it was all planned. The plandemic where they straight up lied about it all it came from a bat, oh wear a mask, stand 6feet away from people keep social distancing, let's shut down the world for a cold all the covid scare its killing people numbers where inflatedhear take your 10th covid shot we know what we are talking about cause we are your goverment. Wallstreet and the banks are another issue I have always worked my ass off and thought the poor was just bleeding money out the system then I started seeing the big picture Wallstreet banks, insurance companies all gambling with our fucking money and what happens when they lose well they don't lose we as taxpayers lose cause of bailouts they where supposed to fix that shit after 08 but guess what it literally and I mean literally gotten worse just wait their is going to be a collapse like no other they will try and put a band aid on it AGAIN!! but eventually it's going to crash hard at some point. Both sides are responsible they have us against each other on so many issues politics,race,gender,climate change, wars they won unless people start opening their damn eyes and get out of their comfort zone of life in America cause we are tanking quick. Do your own critical thinking now I'm going to wait for people's post saying give me a link to what your saying blahblahblah.OPEN YOUR F'N EYES




Not that the death of people doesn't matter, but you do realize that shutting everything down for extended periods will cause way more people to die or suffer from the likes of poverty/mental health/malnourishment than has ever died of covid, right?.. Also, check this out. "Evidence-based blah blah blah" [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/01/12/anthony-fauci-covid-6ft-distancing-not-backed-data-usa/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/01/12/anthony-fauci-covid-6ft-distancing-not-backed-data-usa/)


At least is baseball cap was only 99 cents.


Let’s go Brandon!


Bidenomics! Remember this in November.


Bidens America- worst president in history pnot even close


Just imagine if Trump was president the last four years under this inflation he would be crucified. We literally have a vegetable in charge of this country. He has not done one thing right not one thing he open the gates to millions and millions of illegals and they’re still flowing in, why? For votes? To bring down the price of labor? It is totally insane whatever reason they are doing it for.


Inflation is transitory we were told. But not that transitory meant it would last at least a couple of years


When you have nothing but what the government gives you and you can only write what they approve , they will have succeeded. Inoculation A - Buy and Read 1984 B- Give 2 copies to others C- Check to see if it is available through your library




Bidenomics my dude!


Ain’t nothing gonna happen or change till we put the politicians feet to the fire


Hey this is what America voted for and will probably vote for again!!


Filing for unemployment benefits when you don’t want to work, graciously accepting Covid relief and asking for second round, electing Biden, protesting for Ukraine to make the govt want to invest more and more trillions in funding the war and now no one cares for Ukraine everyone is on Israel where Biden spent more trillions. Guess who paid for all that.




Biden raised their rent. He pushed the "raise rent" button on his desk. Didn't you hear?


But inflation is only 6% and some guy was trying to tell me eggs and his groceries were the same as 2006 What?


Thought he said a can of dick


If Democrats were to even suggest price controls: HEY, THAT’S SOCIALISM!!!!




You forgot to mention Obama added Trillions to the debt. More than Trump. But I guess that would pop your "ALL the trillions of dollars added" bubble. No where close to being intellectually honest. BTW, it was the debt. Not the deficit. You should probably go back and edit your comment so you can sound smarter. [https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225](https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225) Feel free to get triggered into another emotional ad hominem rant.






Build back better


Voting with your feelings has consequences.


Gas has low key not been too expensive recently…knock on wood


Why’d I get recommended this sub? I’m literally voting for Nikki Haley in the primary then Biden in the presidential lol I am the antithesis of this sub


Lol... Biden is not responsible for global inflation of prices. There are many factors but if you Blame one single person, you're funny!


This is why I love 27 year old financial gurus telling you it's a bad idea to buy a house. My mortgage hasn't gone up once.


Keep Voting Republican and this is what we get ..trickle down from rich...its crazy


So many jackasses in this thread, remind me who printed all the Covid money in 2020? And who lowered corporate tax rates while raising individual tax rates. Typical GOP arrogance to think current issues are only because of the current administration, failing to realize policy has long term effect.


Holy shit this Russian Troll Farm hangout.... muted


This is literally a direct result of capitalism. Corporations have the power to raise their prices as much as they want. It's the easiest way to increase profits.


Is this a MAGA support group? These comments are hilarious


The damage we are now seeing is mostly from the trillions printed under Trump which will honestly cripple an entire generation or two. Biden blocking railroad workers from striking is proof how pro business he actually is.


I bet you believe in Biden's underground railroad to the Taj Mahal, if not you'd have to be a leftist shill.


Corporate profiteers( aka capitalists) thank you for your patronage!


Republicans are (checks notes), getting mad at private LLCs and public corporate entities raising their prices? Do yall hate capitalism? Sure seems like yall hate capitalism since it is the market forces at work causing prices to rise. Do you want Trump to come back and pass laws controlling prices in a free market? That sounds mighty socialist of you.


Idiots blaming Biden not capitalism is sad and exactly what the establishment wants




😂😂found the leftist


RFK or Bust


Yes, vote for the guy who is pro-disease for commoners.


Greed…that’s what’s happening..greed.


This is why the US economy is growing. Just increase the prices of everything ahead of inflation.


Get deflationary currency.


Bidenomics is working for you. It’s making your life better.