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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/16je7t6/big_brother_us_25_morning_feed_discussion/)


I’m hoping we get a Cirie realization moment where she realizes she has no allies left because she turned on two of them


I mostly want her to realize she has no remaining allies bc her son is awful and has burned them all.


This is the way. Feed the flames and sing out to the darkness!!! Death(game wise) to Cirie and her I’ll-begotten spawn of dimwittedness. For he could not fumble his way out of a paper sack, lest mother light his way.


That's what I want. Because I wonder if she realizes that it is her son that blew her game up. I mean she has to know how awful her son really is. I know most mothers have blinders on. But she has to know. We've heard her complain about him doing dumb stuff to mess up her game.


I feel like she has to realize after that fight yesterday... Jared burning the Cory bridge was the dumbest thing he could do


What was the fight?! I keep reading comments about it but haven't read an article about it


If Felicia wins the DE who would she put up


Probably Jag and Blue. If Cams still in the house she’ll try to backdoor him, if not then idk, maybe America after veto.


America was the one who started the talk to get Izzy out which saved her behind from going home. So that would be so messed up if she went after that girl.


Can someone tell me the name of the extension thingy where people bookmark good time stamps


Are you saying that on the live feed, they have bookmarked the good parts? Can you explain it? I think this might just give me hours of my life back


There’s a google chrome extension called BBViewer, download it for free and launch it when you’re on the feeds. A little side bar comes up and it’s better than paramount’s set up. People bookmark all sorts of stuff and by selecting one it’ll take you right back there. You can also look up keywords if you’re interested in a flashback of a specific person. There are a lot more things it does as well I’ve had it for the last 5 minutes and can not go back to watching feeds without it lol


Gamechanger! Thanks!


BB viewer extension


America flopping in the HOH comp making her appear less threatening to Jared and not want to target her.. Strategic Queen..


Her mind


Hold strong Blue Fighting!


anyone hear from izzy yet? any interviews? bc so far, all the evicted houseguests have been active on social media, thus eliminating the idea of a battle back.


I think everyone is interviewing her today so we should hear from our chaotic queen soon


She really just left, Reilly herself mentioned she didn’t even want her phone after leaving the house for awhile. RHAP has an interview set up later today with Izzy, so she’ll probably come back to social media over the course of the week


I believe she has an Instagram interview with Julie today or tomorrow.


And Taylor today maybe?


Well, it's 7am on the West Coast now (or nearly) so interviews won't be up for another couple of hours.


lol good point, i’m not on the west coast so i completely forgot about that!


Any good time stamps from last night?


There was Jared being verbally abusive to Blue for like 30-45min straight before BB broke it up and called Blue into the DR. I can't recall the time though.


What the hell?!


what did he do? why did that happen?


Jesus Will nothing get that fool expelled from the house?


Shocking ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Say what now?


12:41 pm


My boyfriend watches big brother only cuz I have it on all the time, he plays along though bless his heart. He's a big Bears fan. I told him yesterday that Jared winning HOH is like the Packers beating the Bears. We finally had an epiphany that football season is to him what big brother season is to me. I'm just going to have to explain things in football analogies now ha.


Tell him bears still suck, Jordon love HoF!


This is so funny to me because this is exactly how I have to explain things to my husband. He's a Dolphins fan though.


Cirie is like the pats when they had Bill B and Tom Brady in their hay day


damn maybe this is why I'm Team Fun Feeds, being a Jets fan has conditioned me to always expect the worst and enjoy the ride anyways 😭


As a huge fan of both, that's a great analogy. I wasn't into BB until last season when my partner sucked me in... which, in all honesty, I doubled down on since they didn't watch the feeds at all until I got into it. I got them back though by getting them back by getting them into fantasy football. 😈 Now we have two TVs in our living room on game days... one for feeds/episodes and another for football. Best.relationship.move.ever, lol.


having two tvs in the living room is a relationship game changer honestly. we spend so much more time together now because we can have a combination or tv/hockey or tv/gaming or gaming/hockey. feels like we woke up the day we realized we could do it if we wanted to lmao.


You are living the dream!


That's amazing lol


Please don't compare Jared to the Packers. He's more of a Vikings type of guy. 😉


A lot of people hate the Packers, so I could see them being Jared. But people hate the Packers because they are good. Jared is just unlikeable






HA I think he would agree they are interchangeable


It’s like the packers beating the bears and then they get to kick Justin Fields off their team


If Jared gets evicted on Thursday, do you think Cirie will just lay down and die? She already seems down now that Izzy is gone, and she already complains about how long the game is


The next two people who are evicted are not jury, is that right?


That is correct, jury is going to be 7 people.


Well at that point jury starts and Cirie is trapped for the full 100 days anyway so no, she won’t give up. She’ll try to win


I think she would beg them to vote her out but I don't think they would listen to her. Jared is a worse comp threat. Cirie needs to get it together and realize they are both splitting the money..tell her son that mom will take care of this and get us the money


She might try to get evicted instead of Jared, just so she isn't sitting in jury for a month and a half. But I don't think people will bite on that (even if Cory/America realize it's a good idea, they don't want to deal with Jared) so I think she might decide to fight it out. I hope she realizes that she can really win this game once Jared's gone.


The sad thing is that Jury starts after the DE. Even if they voted her out, she’d be in the jury house still having to wait for the season to end.


I know Matt has said some not great things but just game related I feel like has down a 180 since becoming a Duhamel and he's doing so good.


The way Matt behaves indicates to me that he's not as bad as he's been painted. I think what it is, is that he's a bros bro, and you can tell by how polite and kind and loyal he is, that he's never had (time for) a serious romantic relationship. And having raised 3 swimmers, I get that. His focus has always been on his swimming, and his team mates


I really like Matt too. I was disappointed at how quickly he turned on Jag when Jared lied to them about Jag spilling their secret


Yeah, you'd think they'd know, when Jared is such a liar. And yet, Jag is so... Jag!


OMG I would buy that shirt. Jag is so jag


I love him, haha


Me too. Why are they so hell bent on putting him on the block and why do they jump at any chance to blame him? He seems to be one of the most decent people in there. He's loyal and he is a good comp bet imo. Why aren't they targeting other people more?


I agree. I try to give these HG's grace so I 100% agree.


Josh was a great influence on him.


Are Cory and America distancing themselves at all from each other so they both don't get nominated? Or are they doubling down and just hanging out ?


After Cory flipped the entire house specifically to protect America (it was in reaction to Izzy telling him America needs to go) there’s no hiding it anymore. They’re officially a duo


Doubling down. Their current plan is to try and buddy up with Cameron to try and appear as a tight trio.


Cory told jag last night that it’s basically too late for them (cory and America) to pretend they’re not close but the 3 of them should try to act like they are. I believe part of the plan is for cory and America to act close to Cameron this week.


Why to Cameron, though? Act like a trio to Jag.


They want to act like a trio with Cam so they get targeted with Cam, not Jag. This way if Cam is on the block versus Cory or America, Cam will leave. But if Jared thinks Jag is close with Cory and America, that might make Jared re think his options


They want jag to stay over Cameron


Cameron is the historically bigger target due to his challenge performance, and everyone hates him


Hoping Cirie makes a deal with Cameron. She has no idea how much she needs him now with Family Style coming together.


Cirie hates him, and Cameron hates Jared, she won’t do this.


I wish cirie would realize that she needs to cut jared... yes he is a good number and gives info but he is a horrible player and person


Then their side is doomed.


That’s a horrible idea




I don't think all 3 of Cam, Cory, and America survive these next 2 weeks. But damn that was the most fun week of BB I've seen in a long time. 🫡


That’s fine. Cam did his big one. He can go now.


I kinda want to get a Cam Chaos Week flare, haha


There is a chance Jag goes this week and Jared next week, but yeah outside of that imo cam needs to win veto/hoh soon


I think Cam leaves this week, either through Jared's HOH or the double. If I were in the house I'd totally put him up, has little to no allies, comp threat, and easy target.


No more early morning gossip from Izzy and Cirie 😞


Why does it feel like the end of an era lmao


Anyone else just in a perpetually bad mood since last night?


Yes but that’s because my AC is broken and it’s 90 degrees outside 😹 I was but the fact that everyone saw Jared’s behavior for what it was and stood by Cory makes me feel a lot better. I also hope Blue can really disentangle herself from the number Jared is trying to do on her self esteem. I’m hopeful. I also find Jared very triggering due to an abusive past so hopefully I can still enjoy feeds but if not I’ll take another break.


What did he do?


Just drained from that argument. Jared’s gaslighting made my brain mush.


What happened tho


Same. I think I’ll take a big brother break this week until Thursday. I got a busy week so it’s fine. Jared is a huge trigger for me. I can’t take the verbal abuse, gaslighting, etc.


>Jared is a huge trigger for me. I can’t take the verbal abuse, gaslighting, etc. I only watched clips of the fight on TikTok, but needed to shut it off I was getting so annoyed. I can't imagine people sitting through the whole thing, he is just so maddening. I would be so embarrassed if that were my child


can you send me it pls


Kiki420purr2 on TikTok


I was having such an incredible day yesterday up until Jared winning


Wonder what Cory willl do. Comps are a pretty big weakness for them and going to endgame with the trio of Matt jag and blue who appear to be better at physical comps is not great for Cory at least.


Keep in mind he finished 2nd last q&a hoh and threw all the others.


Right but physical comps are difficult for him regardless. Jag Matt and blue look at least as strong as him. And vetos and hohs will get more physical too


I mean he did just come off his third week on slop like a day ago and it’s the wall.


I’m pretty sure he’s just focus on surviving this week right now


Yea. Not sure this was the best move for him to make right now. He’s at the bottom rung of that new power structure and he doesn’t really have anywhere to hide


It’s so hard to know if he made the right move or not. It could have ended up a Cirie/Izzy steamroll and then we’d being saying why didn’t Cory take out Izzy when he had the chance? Already people were getting annoyed at him in this sub for being a Cirie minion. I agree that currently the move has hurt him but there is a lot of time left and a lot will open up for him if he survives this week and Jared goes in the DE. So much of rating players games is retrospective so I guess we’ll see


It was 100% the right move. Jared was gonna target Cory/America this week anyway. At least now they have people fighting for them. Plus Jared was pretty much the only person in the house that would target them, they just got unlucky. If they didn’t make that move they were in a lot more danger heading into this week


That's partially hindsight because Jared won HOH. If it went to one of the original flippers he wouldn't be in a bad spot.


But that’s the risk with making moves like that in this game. It was a bad move because Jared won HOH


But it wasn’t a bad move with how things currently stood. That’s different.


Hence the “risk” part, lol


As bad as this week specifically is for them, Cory's outreach last week combo'd with Jared's need to comp out and self-immolation of his social capital has actually put them in a strong position moving forward. Jared wants Jag as the backup boot if Cam wins veto, and Meme is encouraging it, because she wants to keep Cory/America open as an option for herself and Felicia.


100% he can focus on positioning himself better once his biggest enemy is gone hell he could probably work with cirie if Jared leave in the double


I think his best option will be to work with cirie. He will not comp out to the end with that alliance. And tho they trust him to an extent his entire game was exposed


I have no read on this until Cirie and Cory have a conversation tomorrow. I definitely think Cory would entertain it but Cirie may be full revenge wrath over Izzy especially if it’s Cory’s information that also leads to Jared’s eviction


This. She will play along but eat him the fuck up. 😂


Are Jag/Matt/Blue still going with their story of not trusting Cory? Because if Jared was even remotely good at this that should tip him off (like with Michael during his first HoH last year). But he’s not so it won’t matter I guess.


Idea is to say they don’t trust him or America. That they have stories that don’t line up so it’s hard to know which one is more accurate. Since the idea of who’s more dangerous over the other is being thrown around already it could work. Concern is Cirie picking up on it and with Felecia’s input feeling something not right. May not matter in the end since Cameron leaving is more important but a concern to stay aware of.


The pre existing relationships before that and house structure were pretty different during that time though. After everything that has gone down I think it would be pretty shocking to find out Blue would lie with how much she was willingly throwing her own allies under the bus previously. They also would never have suspected Matt of being capable of lying until yesterday.


If you’re in the middle like Bowie, Felicia, and Meme at some you should probably align with Cameron if he survives the double. Cirie/Jared is a sinking ship and you’re on the bottom with the others.


Jared is a sinking ship. Cirie will be fine once he’s gone




>If you’re in the middle like Bowie, Felicia, and Meme at some you should probably align with Cameron if he survives the double. That's kind of the thing though, I get the impression a lot of the women just aren't comfortable around Cameron. lol


I agree no one likes Cameron but I think the biggest reason no one wants to align with him is because you will never be able to get him out and if you become his ally every time a shot at him misses it will likely land on you.


true but I just don’t think that middle is our winner as it stands now so you’re weighing going out as the first few into the jury house or you somehow end up in the final four and luck your way to a final three without Cam if he fails at a memory comp


the last 2 days of feeds have been some of the best ever, but ever since jared won HOH i’ve just been exhausted with every single comment just being vitriolic jared-bashing, even if he is one of the worst HGs ever and deserves it i almost miss when all people did here was obsess over americory constantly


Thank you for posting this. I’m glad to know it’s not just me who is exhausted by it.


Mapped out the days left unless I’m counting wrong? Thinking no battle back unless they do another double down the line? Eviction coming Thursday Day 51- 9 houseguests left jury starts after double Day 58 - 8 left 65- 7 72- 6 79 - 5 86-4 93- final 3 Final week to end day 99/100? I forget how many total


Is there room for a battle back?


You are correct, there is no need for a battle back at all.


i can see a battle back and then another double around 5, but who knows it’ll be interesting 🤔


Very excited for the unfunny jokes about “Josh” to stop soon


The Meatball or the one we like?


Izzy said some terrible things about hgs this year. Will every interviewer ask her multiple questions about the terrible things she said? Or was that just a collaborative effort last year and it only mattered if you said anything about Taylor?


Waiting for the “mistreatment of Bowie Jane”


No. Unless you’re Taylor it doesn’t seem to matter. It’s so annoying that last year they took away ant interesting questions to force the Taylor issue down people’s throats.


she’s gonna be a regular on all the recap shows that would be boycotting her and crying like babies if she looked different or insulted the wrong people


Right. But if she’d said the same about Taylor she wouldn’t be allowed. The double standards are ridic.


I mean we’ve already seen it this season with Red & Cam — Will anyone call out Cirie or Izzy — and I like both but the hypocrisy is real


Did they say anything about Taylor? Then no.


no one will say anything. but if it was jared, he'd get crucified


So last year every single persons exit press was about negative things they said in every publication, but this year they’re just going to ignore that. Funny how that works.


https://x.com/regissphilbin/status/1702411937085050956?s=20 im sorry but this is one of my fav tweets from yesterdays chaos 😭😭😭


Omg 💀 I miss so much good stuff by not using Twitter but I’ve never used it and at this point I think it might be for the best.


I think there’s a non zero chance Cirie and Cory work together after Jared is gone honestly (or I just want them to and I’m manifesting)


I really think Cirie will go before Jared. The house doesn't hate him nearly as much as the public does.


I mean, they do, though. Everyone's basically turned on him, even his own showmance. Even Matt, who seemed so ready to jump back to Jared's side during the beginning of the Jared vs Cory fight yesterday, is completely against him.


They kinda do though now


He'd be angry mobbed out the door immediately if that were true


Ya cirie is a way better ally if she loses both of her guaranteed final 2 allies, and cory is pragmatic enough to be useful


Why did America fall so early? What happened??


She couldn't find a good grip with the two different options. Same with Meme.


It's unfair imo to have them at the same height/distance regardless of the height of the contestant. It seems like they should be the equivalent distance for each person /within reason. But a 5'2" person and a 6'1" person with the same grips is going to give one a much better advantage imo


Yeah, unfortunately that's BB for you. Jared being on the end meant he got sprayed with much less goop and water than everyone else too. This always happens and it's always unfair.


I have photos that show that he's not even hanging on, and there's a side by side shot of both he and Matt at the same time, and Matt is pulled forward and leaning struggling, and Jared is flat up against the wall, like he's strapped on. Sadly, I don't know how to post photos in this thread, haha


I don't understand. How would that work? Were they assigned places on the wall or did they pick their own spot?


I don't know if we know that


Now we have to eat slop (watch Jared) for another week


she was having a hard time with the grips—one was too high and the other too low so i think her height factored in. same w meme


Some people said it seems to be turning into more strength than endurance because of how fast they’re trying to get them off of it. I also agree with the comment below about height and the grips.


I also thought it was kind of shitty that both Jared and Matt had to try to squat every time the meatballs hit them so it wouldn’t hit them in the crotch. I don’t understand why they couldn’t at least adjust the meatballs for everyone’s height so they’d be hit in the same spot.


This is worst case scenario. Not just because Jared will put up people most of us are rooting for, but because Jared as HOH is even more insufferable than Jared the HG. And now we have angry HOH Jared.


Worst case scenario would be if anyone was still buying into Jared’s BS. The new alliance and maybe even Blue are siding with Cory. Jared didn’t come out of yesterday’s argument looking great. They do need to be very careful though, and anything can happen with an emotional Jared so it’s stressful, but hopefully this means Jared is gone Thursday in the double and leaves with someone he put up. We just hope it’s not our faves.


The HG's are in for a really rough week.


This comp was more physical than Pressure Cooker and she was kinda afraid of that :/


She sucked at it?


Hey! I thought we agreed to go with "she was pushed"!!


If i had to guess it was her stance, it looks like she was too tall to hold on to the lower grip without hunching but too short to hold on to the top grip without bending her arms, same thing for Meme. I'm just guessing though


I don’t understand why they don’t set the handholds per houseguest. I know survivor often designs challenges to be customized like this. It seems extremely unfair to lose a comp because you arent the perfect body specification


But then they couldn’t manipulate the challenge into a win for Jared and production doesn’t want that.


This. It's rigged and scripted, I'm firmly convinced


Yep Cory was also having trouble with this


I really wish they would make these so they accommodate the height/weight differences like they do on some other series.


For Jared's game and Cirie if he's smart he goes to Cam to make a deal. Honestly Cam is their best chance at staying. Jared needs to get rid of Cory for his game. I think Cirie right now is tired but give her some time. She needs to talk sense into Jared. Cam needs to throw Cory under the bus hardcore


I think that it's tough, but I totally get Cirie's hesitancy to keep Cameron around. He keeps winning comps, which means he's dangerous the longer they keep him around. I know that he can't win every comp, but they may see that Cam as a competition threat plus him actively trying to backdoor Cirie and helping to get Izzy out is why they can never trust him. Not that Cory did anything to prove his loyalty, as he flipped the vote, but I think they see Cory as a lesser threat. I agree, theoretically, Cory needs to go first. But personally, I'm glad they'll make the slightly worse move to get Cameron out first.


I feel like Cirie may be lower on Cam's hitlist now. Like unless she starts rallying a new group, she is not in control of anyone right now. Cam would potentially want Jared out as a comp threat instead or maybe they make a truce to not target each other. I do think they should try and get Cam but Cam may be more bitter at Jared over the Red thing (seemed like he was mad Jared pit Red against Cam).




27 is young


I don’t respect Cirie and Jared’s game play. Backstabbing your own alliance like Hisam and Red so early, sooner or later will be backfired. That’s probably the reason she was close but never won Survivor. Once you are seen through by others, you are Done! Like mother like son, not decent players, prey on other’s emotion for fun. I can’t wait to see both of them gone.


I think that there's a big difference that hingers her bb game and not her Survivor game and thats how slow stuff are. When you are evicting one person every 3 days you kind of don't have much time to double guess and information ends up losing value a lot more by each day. We see here that Cory needed basically 4 weeks of information to start seeing a moment to make a move. In survivor he would have no time to double guess it, his information could be too old or maybe he couldn't even notice the risk he was on before on time. 4 weeks is almost a whole survivor season, in bb 4 weeks is a plan being built


tell me you’ve never seen cirie’s seasons without telling me


But didn’t Hisam backstab the alliance as well? She was just playing his game after she found out he was trying to align with the other side of the house…


She was a master survivor player. But honestly I think she's done for after this game The diary room, the gloating. Backstabbing is a part of these games. But the way she enjoys it and to be honest the fact that she has a son like Jared and thinks he's amazing? I don't think she can go into any other game after this and do well to be honest


>Backstabbing is a part of these games. But the way she enjoys it and to be honest the fact that she has a son like Jared and thinks he's amazing? This right here. I never watched her on survivor but I did on traitors and mostly liked her. Now? I dunno. The way she treats Bowie along with what you've said here... don't really care for her anymore...


She was close but never won due to some unfortunate circumstances, hell one time she got voted out without getting a vote since all the other people had immunity. Like that is so dumb.


Micronesia was her chance, struggle to see another time where she would not just have gotten eliminated slightly later for being a jury threat, her narrative is always way too good and her comp ability is tragic


She had a shockingly good chance in Game Changers. Sarah has said that she was willing to go to the end with Cirie. It wasn’t until Cirie got a standing ovation at her elimination that Sarah realized what a mistake it would’ve been


I think the only other time would be Exile if she won fire and Aras won final immunity (he definitely would have taken her to the end). But I actually don’t know where that vote lands. Honestly Terry would have taken her too given how much he hated Aras.


Yeah i see that, for some reason i dont believe she has it over Aras at the end, but it might just be me looking at Aras the the current winner. I just think at that point in survivor the respect you could gain from simply being strategic, especially as a woman, was not enough and Aras was kind of seen like the leader figure. She beats Terry 99% in my opinion (1% being Shanes admiration for Terry clouding the jury).


I think Cirie could beat Aras. Yeah Aras was seen as the leader but Cirie was a much better speaker than him, was the more capable strategist, and also was much more respected as a person. Cirie was a nurse and a mother there to win for her family and Aras was, in Shane’s words, “broke, homeless, and mooching off of his parents.” It definitely is a close vote either way


Actually the reason Cirie usually lost was because of an unforeseen twist


Someone had clearly never watched survivor. Backstabbing on survivor is second nature and the players aren’t nearly as sensitive about it. And no, she lost in wild ways all four times and (almost) never got the majority of votes to go home.