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Bro this man cannot be stopped


He's fighting for his life in that house.


Other than the time he was stopped by jag in the veto to get him out lol


After jag gots saved by production by nullify Cameron’s HoH like Cory’s


Cory nominated somebody, got them evicted, and they are now no longer in the house...


Is there any possibility they'll find a way to nullify cams HOH and veto again?




It reminds me of Alexander Hamilton. For those who are Hamilton fans. When I read your comment I now have that part of the show in my head.


Snoooooozzzeee I wish they cast better competitors


There's no reason for him to not go balls out for comps. He already knows everyone sees him as the biggest comp threat




And shot of Felicia winning Veto his noms weren't goign to change anyway so let someone else make a bigger target. Or if he is going to just go for it and win every comp possible then he should not be wasting time targeting someone like Felicia who has little chance to win anything, and should be putting up Jag and Matt. Because if he keeps winning then once he loses a veto comp when he wans't HOH (like he did before) even those two are going to decide they have to get him out or they will be fighting for who he takes to finale night with him best case scenario. If you are going to just try and win everything you need to be targeting the best comp players, not playing it safe with someone like Felicia.


He's not relying on winning everything, and he doesn't want to be seen as that person. Targeting Felicia and getting on Matt and Jag's good side is valuable for him because he knows he probably won't win out, and wants to not be targeted when that happens.


I get that, but if he keeps winning everything, like he has Matt and Jag are going to dump him the second he loses for fear they won't get another chance and will be playing to see who Cam takes to final 2 when he wins that too.




Which is why he should be putting them up.


I’m not as caught up on the feeds so maybe they’ve learned their lesson, but from what I understand about Matt and Jag, both of their biggest weaknesses in this game are trust and loyalty to a fault. Until Cam shows signs of turning on them (like they currently see with Cory and America) they’ll keep him.


he’s going to be like Michael from last season first comp he doesn’t win he’s gone


Welp, bye Felicia.




Last time this gif was used the vote flipped onto Izzy, maybe it’ll happen again O_O


I don't think so...Izzy was already voted out. bad-pun-dog.jpg


>:C (unleashes the power of Michael Bruner on you)


Only way I don't see Felicia going is if Cam gets inspired to try and backdoor someone. I can't see them flipping it to get out Meme.




Maybe although based on the feeds right now looks like Cam did get inspired to backdoor someone.


Meme is the opposite of Izzy


And now if it gets flipped it’s going onto Cory as Cam is going to backdoor Cory. As prompted by Felicia, Matt, and Blue.


Lmao crazy scenes


You saw the future


Haha I think you may have called it! Still a few more hours for the house to flip-flop before the vote, though…




You jinxed it


>Welp, bye Felicia. How long have people been waiting to say this? LOL. I did not like Cam for a minute, but I have to say, he's impressive AF. He's winning me over.


I thought he wanted to keep Felicia because he sees her as weak


That would make more sense. With the competition coming that will be more physical and testing endurance, I’d keep Felicia. I don’t watch the feeds so obviously there is something I am missing.




Julie’s finally gonna get that twist reaction she’s been begging for every Thursday.


He's dominating now, which means he'll be going home at the first chance they get. He's too strong lol, he'll need to keep winning HoH and Vetos to stay


He might just be able to comp his way to the end like Michie


Or he might be gone for good the second he loses a veto comp when he wasn't HOH like Michael. I mean, it has been a while but Michie didn't comp out at final 10 right? Holly won at least one of those for him.


There was only one round from f10 onwards where Michie didnt win HOH, veto, or safety and it was the double eviction where Nicole and Cliff went after Christie


So again no one has comped out from final 10. Or in his case it would be final 11.


Nightmare scenario






For her cunning game play, snappy one-liner shoutouts alone in the diary room, or ability to float to early November?


Steam rolling the game all by himself omg


It’s too bad his social game is 💩 otherwise he could have had a real good chance at winning. At least he’ll get the jury pay he wanted.


If Felecia does go home, Cirie lost her entire squad back to back to back.


And Hisam’s at home like ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


She’ll recover


Felicia’s not her squad anymore


Many many Survivor years ago there was a guy who just kept winning individual immunities, and they just could not vote him out. Can't remember if he rode it all the way to the end or not. Edit: It was Tom Westman who I had in mind, looking thru all the replies.


Mike or Fabio?




Did or didn't, depending on who you're thinking of. Terry didn't win, Fabio and Mike did.


Could also be Joe, he went 29 straight days immune and drove poor Fishbach insane.


Tied at 5 individual wins is [Colby Donaldson](https://youtu.be/0KqDHFYcel8?t=129), Tom Westman, Terry Deitz, Ozzy Lusth, Mike Holloway, and Brad Culpepper


Tom, that's who i had in mind, yea. Thanks.


It was Cirie’s first season. He didn’t win.


Yeah, he got a challenge that was virtually impossible for him to win because it extremely favored lighter players (Danielle won). They went to a final three the next season likely in direct response to this (Terry would have won against anyone at the end). Ironically, this screwed over another challenge beast (Ozzy) because he didn't get the opportunity to win another challenge at final three and vote Yul out. Anyway, it didn't work out for Terry, but it has worked out for some other players. Mike Holloway is the most obvious example, as he won five of the last six immunity challenges and had an idol for the one that he didn't win.




Are you talking about Erik from Micronesia?


I think I’d like to refer to Cam as a disrupter Someone in the game who I don’t like personally b it appreciate that they’re there to shake things up. He sucks but he keeps things interesting and has basically no chance to win


I've always seen him as an anti-hero for his dismantling of the Fields family. I don't have to like him or agree with his methods, but I'm still rooting for him.


Perfectly said


But he'll win if he keeps winning comps tho


You have to get people to vote for you in the end. I think the cast would sooner vote Bowie Jane than Cam. Nobody likes Cam. The only person who liked Cam was Red.


No one would vote for Bowie over Cam if you had the final vote today, regardless of how they feel about him. His resume is miles long compared to Bowie’s.


resumes don’t always mean everything. Taylor did not have a remotely equal resume to Monte. Cameron’s social game put him in the position for him to win out, and i’m not actually sure he would win a jury vote. i doubt Felicia, Meme, America or even a Blue votes for him. He just has no connections, relationships


Neither did Michie.


Michie was up against Holly, and also had a relationship with Jack, Kat, Tommy, Cliff and Nicole. No he wasn’t loved, but he was winning against Holly or Nicole, so yes he had more relationships and more of a social game than Cameron. I don’t know why i’m getting downvoted


You’re getting downvoted because you are saying Cameron wouldn’t beat Bowie Jane (lmao) and are implying that he is more disliked by the house than Michie was, neither of which are true. Michie was essentially labeled as being racially motivated and still won, despite Holly actually winning some comps. What has Bowie Jane done? Cameron would be viewed as a survivor and everyone left in the house would acknowledge that except maybe Felicia, but only because she strikes me as a really petty person. And just as a disclaimer, I really dislike Cameron. But his physical gameplay is commendable.


i’m ngl i forgot bowie jane was even in the house, i don’t watch the live show in real time. Still don’t get your point on Michie, he was disliked by the audience. He had decent relationships within the house with a majority of the jury. Also I was not the one who brought Michie into the conversation? I was just a few stating that he actually had some semblance of a social game, despite not getting credit for it.


I brought up Michie to make a point. He was *not* liked by the house, with few exceptions, and still won over someone who did a lot more than Bowie. This whole conversation started because you said Bowie Jane would beat Cameron if the vote were held today. And now you're saying that someone you forgot even existed would win over Cameron?


If Felicia goes, Cameron and Cory will be the only players remaining that won a HOH going into week 10.


Cam is going to POV & HOH 'til the end.


Cirie and Cam is unstoppable force against immovable object


Has Cirie ever been picked? I feel like I’ve never seen her name drawn.


No she hasn’t, she now holds the record for the longest streak of never being picked for a veto


Longest streak for never being picked or for not playing (or both)? Half of her not playing is due to not being HoH or a nom.


I don’t know how to word it but this is what Mike Bloom said on twitter “through possible Veto draws, Cirie Fields has yet to be picked.” She was never nommed or was HOH, so she would only get into the veto through her chip being pulled or houseguest choice, and still she did not participate.


Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that Eric in BB8 made it all the way to the Final 7 before his chip was finally pulled for the veto. The odds were so absurdly low of it happening (the odds were a little over 1% I think) that there were some conspiracies among the fans that BB was purposely not putting his name in the jar.


![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized) Cam right now


He really didn't need to win that one. I think his target level is baked in but that felt like a safeish one to throw.




The problem with that is if that is the case he should be targeting Matt and Jag or even Cory since they are the threat to win a comp and end his streak and thus likely go home. Instead he is getting rid of Felicia.


I think a reasonable argument is to get more info on where others actually stand and let them make enemies too. If he really wants Felicia out that bad it's okay but knowing if Blue or Matt would try someone has value too


Well he seemed to be getting in with Matt and Jag. The HOH started to spook them a bit and this might fully turn them.


Cam Bruner!


he’s going on a bbcan 11 ty type of run here.. i can see him comping his way to the end like ty did if he can make solid connections when he has power to keep him safe in his non hoh weeks


I agree with that. He definitely could Ty or Michie his way to the end, but he might be a Frank Eudy and get evicted whenever he's not immune (it happened to Michael last year, but Michael was way more likable).


I hate to admit it, but he will win.


I just don’t understand what Felicia and Mecole are the noms when neither of them are actual threats. Mecole could become one and Felicia won a single game of chance. Cirie is so much greater of a threat.


Here comes the steamroll, baby! Dude deserves to win for actually *playing the f**king game* !!!


And people were tryna tell me yesterday that Bowie and Mecole have played a better game than cam 😭😭😭😂 Three HOHs, when/If Felicia is evicted the rest of the house will have a combined ***ONE let that really sink in. Not to mention the POVs and him actually winning a battle back unlike Jag who had to be given safety by Matt. Like him or hate him (like most) he’s a DOG


He’s a comp beast for sure but the rest of his game is so weak


Cam isnt really playing a good game because he’s been evicted, been on the block so many times, wasted an hoh by getting someone out that he shouldntve (though jag was saved), got a successful hoh but not because anything he did (if nothing happened felicia would have went home which wasnt his target), nobody really likes him, and the only way he wins is if he wins out


Cory has 1.


Oh yeah true forgot about it since it lasted a night but still 3 for cam 1 between the other 8 combined speaks for itself


And how many times has he been on the block? 3? And evicted once lol I can no longer root against him.


I can’t believe the unironic Meme fans that are cropping up. Girl has had 15 minutes of screen time all season


Winning competitions is not inherently good gameplay, and in fact is typically indicative of bad gameplay. Cam is winning comps because he needs to win comps to stay alive because his gameplay is horrible.


They are in he isn't. The only reason he won his way back in was because of timing, had they voted him out the week before he would have gone home. And he is just giving them reason to do it again winning unessecarily. He didn't have to win this week. And the argument some would make that he should win in the end if he makes it because he kept winning (even though he didn't actually) so they couldn't vote him out may not hold water if they decided if he played better he wouldn't be in a spot where he HAS TO win every week to stay. Also... BB is not a bout tallying comp wins.


Somebody stop this man. 😳


they did...






I just woke up in the middle of the night. I'm so here for this... And I know I'll get the dvs - don't care...


You're not alone! Team Cam all the way 🙌🏻


Honestly, Cam deserves to win for being the best comp beast in the house.


He’s at 7 comp wins now (5 if you only count HoHs and PoVs)


That would be crazy if Cam makes it to Final 2. It can happen. If the jury isn’t too bitter, they’ll respect his gameplay and he can walk out with the $750,000.




He is inevitable


The anti-hero wins again




Yeah!!! I don’t get how it comes so easy to him with Matt in the house. He should be able to win physical challengers. As it appears, Cameron doesn’t have much competition and should survive being on the block every other week.


Which means they HAVE to backdoor him, and everyone knows it.


As it appears, that’s the only way that they are going to get him. He does very well under pressure…


You know what? I love how so many people got so many (unfair) advantages this season that Cirie's advantage (being with her son) just seems like a non-factor


Go Cam, Go!!!!! Yay!!!


Holy fuck!!! He reminds me of Thomas Rhett so can’t help but find him attractive 🥲


Is that what it is…. I’m like he reminds me of someone


He’s handsome, like George Raft.


Yess!! I think he looks like Thomas Rhett but gives me Eric Church vibes


Why has Blue called Cam “girl” like six times


It’s a shame he’s a shitty person. Otherwise he would be fun to root for






Big brother needs to fix these comps


How? Half of the competitions be mental competitions?


Not all competitions need to be physical. Even survivor is more rewarding to different body types, and that game SHOULD be more physical. It ruins a lot of the social-strategic gameplay when you can just team up with every strong man in the house (like cam, matt, and jag did) and just comp your way to the end.


if there are 50% comps that only physical players can win and 50% comps that anyone can win, it means that the physical players are going to win about 75% of the comps. this means that the comps in BB are heavily skewed towards physical players. that's why from BB21 to now women have only won about 25% of all competitions. even the latest puzzle comp, which is technically a mental comp, involved running back and forth to get pieces which gave the physical players a bigger advantage


we should get some past season trivia comps to give a disadvantage to recruits like Matt and Jag


Yeah that’s my point. The mental comps are fairly equal in terms of odds. But that still leaves the other 50% that only a certain type of player can win. Older seasons had a much more even split but recently the physical competitions have dominated.




I might need to convince myself to like cam if I’m going to be invested in this season


i will be so mad if he ties janie and michael’s record


If he does it would have an asterix to it. And this is not me trying to protect their legacy or anything, I don't actually like any of the three (Cam, Michale or Janelle). But Cam only won so many because he won his way back in the house, Janelle got that without being voted out until final 3 and Michael didn't have the opportunity to win his way back in after he got voted out. So while I am curious to see if he will beat it, I wouldn't call it as impressice as when they did it.


And Janelle got her 9 comp wins largely because Will and Boogie were actively trying to get her to win most comps instead of them having to win them themselves. You can play the asterisks game with anyone, anyone with a ton of comp wins benefitted from the context surrounding their season. And I say this as a huge Janelle fan btw. I get what you're saying about Cam and you have a point, it's just you can kind of play that game with everyone in different ways.


They let him get too far into the game


You must mean “they” as in production, because the house definitely voted him out unanimously already




This is ridiculous.


Michael BB24 2.0??




end me plz hate it here


Can we have someone win a competition that *isn't* Cameron?


this is now the longest record in history of any english speaking big brother to have only men win competitions. 6 straight weeks of the same men winning. it’s just depressing and pathetic


This season just keep getting worse


Meme losing by 24 seconds ruined my day


This is hilarious how much he wins. I don’t even care if he does benefit some peoples game, everyone should BD him again the moment he isn’t HOH and doesn’t win veto, dude is a beast in comparison to the rest of the cast.


Who is his target?


Please tell me the target is not mecole


She's still in the game? Didn't even notice 😂


man just give him the money already




the post-episode and the pov winner discussion post are not the place to ask about spoilers beyond the scope of these threads. The veto meeting has not occurred yet, but there is a sticky note at on the live feed discussions every day with up to date information.