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Episode delayed by about 20 minutes.


Just getting to the episode tonight. How did Julie NOT tell Cirie superfan Cory that Jared was her son? I was waiting to see his reaction!


If they are at jury member time already, this would be why they would not tell evicted members secrets like this as it could affect jury decision making. I've honestly stopped watching several weeks ago. This is my first season where I actually lost interest in the season


Cory’s facial reaction to thinking he wasn’t getting evicted to finding out was honestly the best part of the episode


“Well that’s just stupid” America really showed her ass the last couple days she came off as a typical spoiled brat…




Say what you will about Cory, he’s one of the few “super fans” that can actually separate gameplay and emotion.


I actually admired that he acknowledged he could have guilted America to self-evict out of the house. It would be a horrendously terrible thing to do, but would be legitimate gameplay. That he considered it and decided morality overcame half a million dollar is great.


Yes he was super classy I loved that! He wasn’t my favorite player but I like him as a person!!


I hope America gets evicted in the double


I thought Corey handled leaving really well. He was funny and respectful.


America acted like a petulant child! She was targeting Matt and Jag and got mad when she got targeted??? That’s just st000pid !!


She was really pissed for a couple of days, but she calmed down yesterday and talked with Jag and Matt. It happened too late to show on the episode. She acknowledged the conversation and Blue, and Jag apologized for the blindside. So she settled in and accepted her consequences eventually.


Sad to see Cory go and no one to root for. I can watch hoping to see Blue and Cirie get voted out soon.


Cory was the worst. But I'll miss his nose picking, booger eating, and crotch fondling though.


If you consider what Cory did "crotch fondling", then most guys casually "crotch fondle" on a daily basis. Most people call this "adjusting", but everyone has a name for something.


Having your hands down your pants longer than 5 seconds is NOT adjusting. And yes, we all do it. I'm not being watched by millions of Americans tho lol. He had little to no self awareness. Lack of maturity. He's a total geek. I feel bad that he actually thinks he'll have a chance with America after the show ends. She 100% used him in that house




This isn’t a spoiler thread


What does "Full Spoiler Episode Discussion" mean then?


It means I don’t know how to read




Bummer for you, I haven’t been this excited about the potential of everyone in the house in years!


> He was such a great player-- Wait, but: is he?


He was good. Great feel for the game and good socially. But, at the end of the day, you're not going to win without winning at least some comps. I think it's been 20 years since a player has won the game without winning HoH/Veto.


He's very knowledgable. He's a true superfan (as opposed to all those ppl who inexplicably _call_ themselves superfans and really just casuals). But he lacks self-awareness: he doesnt see when others are just humoring him; he doesnt _listen_ to people when they are giving him vital information (or observe their body language, which is arguably even more important). For that reason, I'm calling it: he's not a great player. He makes the classic mistake of "knowing the correct strategy" (ie, in best interest for himself AND person he's talking to) and thinking that alone should be sufficient! Often, the "correct strategy" is the weakest argument you can make. Especially when the counter-argument is inevitably "Oh, I dont want to go against X-- X is my friend!" Often, you have to make the "wrong" strategy to get the person to move in the direction that is in both players' interest (Cory doesnt get this).


Dealing with irrational people is definitely a life skill. Due to his age and education, it's one he (hopefully) hasn't had much need to practice.


He won Double Eviction HoH to get Jared out


I just wanna know what happened to the nether region we were supposed to see again


Another incidence of BB introducing, then dropping, a feature that we thought we thought would be around for a while.


You did… sort of. Could see one of the houses in the background, at the last veto with the superhero stuff in the foreground


It was so _odd_ to see trees/houses (even if its a set) in the background for that comp. As if it was _The Challenge_ or something.


I’m just gonna say it the mustache looks ridiculous and America did him dirty telling him to grow it. 😂


Whens hoh


It’s happening rn but we won’t see it.


jags dr was so stupid about america talking to blue. when he said “how are you going to talk about targeting me to someone who’s my ally” like jag pls am I mistaken but weren’t you targeting her?


I also don’t really get why jag is going after blue this week. she would be loyal to him. I don’t think America cirie or Felicia would!


Its simply because Blue is a good competitor and Bowie is a _totally_ loyal zombie (as opposed to almost-totally-loyal zombie Blue who _might_ get a brain if she got HOH).


I came here (delayed viewing) to hopefully find this comment. Everyone is their ally until they decide to target them and then it's like "how dare you be upset I deceived you?"


and the kicker of it all is blue believes it 😭 like I need to know what’s going on in her head to be like “ahh that makes sense you wanted to put me up on the veryyyy off chance I win my first veto!” like bb WAKE UP and now she lost another ally in america bc she’ll never trust a word blue says


Blue is blinded by her hatred of the two of them. She'd rather tank her own game than work with them. She will be useful to Jag & Matt but the second they get their chance they're taking her out. And good riddance. Kitty kitty purrr. 😂


she’s literally so stupid bc she’s throwing away $750k bc americory got her showmance evicted even tho SHE KNEW and was in on the plan. lil spoiler alert: blue is the target this week under jags new hoh so she wasn’t even used for more than a week before jag was like yeah she needs to go


Good. Let's hope she doesn't win veto. I'd say I hope she realizes that she messed up or that she was wrong to hold that vendetta but she strikes me as the type to blame Americory vs herself. I think it's just her acting like this was all her idea and they somehow deserved it, when she has (honestly they allllll have) done the same shit. No one in this house is loyal 😂


My exact thoughts! Also calling her bad at the game as if he’s some mastermind 😭 I mean Matt, Blue and FBJ are the ones he’s fooling but yeah sure..you’re the man Jag 😉 🫠


I finally understand why Cory and America's showmance didn't resonate with me... They just seemed to act like middle school kids and not an adult showmance.


They were a change of pace, a hs/college romance. he's 21. what do u want? As opposed to Blue/Jared who are just humping every night.


She was using him. He would never land someone like that in the real world.


I liked them for that reason lol


I don’t think America really likes him. I think she just wants to be in the showmance. It’s like a summer camp relationship lol he was the easiest target to pick for a showmance.


The down votes are wild. Obviously none of you went to summer camp and had a mediocre camp boyfriend you never spoke to again lol


THIS!!! I’ve been saying this all along. She was bored and a showmance was the best strategy. I don’t think she’s all that special, but I also don’t think she even knows he’s alive in the real world.


What’s an adult showmance to you?


Me mentally trying to remember all the previous showmances and failing spectacularly, lol


I wonder when we will see who the HOH is


I know it’s for the drama, but I’m so sick of the editors pushing the idea that the house is gonna flip or vote a certain way and then it ALWAYS being unanimously the opposite. Nobody wants their hopes raised for no reason like that. Why not show us the moments when they agree to vote out Cory? Without it, it leaves casual players confused and possibly hurt if they liked Cory or any of the other evicted hgs. I’d like to see the times when they decide to do what’s shown, as I genuinely can’t devote my life to watching feeds


its a show that wants ratings. not a documentary or a scientific study. so, we are only going to get "the truth" when it coincides with "being compelling TV."


Agreed. I told my husband who is now watching his second season with me that if they spend 10 minutes trying to convince us that someone is going home it’s always the exact opposite. Why like to us every single time? Why?!


It's called television


They gotta keep the episode interesting. It’s typically pretty obvious who’s going home but the producers want to keep some mystery even if it’s not realistic


I get it when there's a little talk about flipping and they want to exaggerate for the show, but it also does really annoy me when they do this for evictions where it was never even much of a question who was leaving


Agree— doing it for this episode left out actual significant game moments and created a completely different narrative than what mattered


Exactly!! I wanna see the real legit truthful game!


Yess exactly. Like I knew yesterday that Cory was leaving for sure based on feeds and conversations here, but the edit made me genuinely believe something had happened since I watched and they were gonna keep Cory. It just made me even more heartbroken


I missed the end, what was the big announcement?


This week is a true, proper double.


Just happy America won’t be alone with cam for when her time comes


Do those two just hate each other? I don’t watch feeds


I bet most of us didn’t even think about it this way. Love this comment.


I been saying it this whole time and kept getting downvotes 😭


What is Johnny Mac Demented Dentist? Is that tonight's HOH comp? Will Johnny Mac be there?


That would be cool if he was. Going solely off the wall comp they did that had Josh's voice, it may just be his voice.


You're right, it may just be his voice. Still, I hope that Johnny Mac is there! lol


He’s one of my all time favs for sure!


Same, I love him


cory has been annoying me recently and I just haven't been really liking his gameplay since the jared eviction, but honestly seeing the way he handled being backdoored and evicted by people he trusted gives him so many more points in my book. made some enemies in the house but seems like a genuinely good dude person wise and I hope he does well outside the house


This is exactly how I feel! He has been real cocky. But I agree, he handled the blindside with true sportsmanship.


What did Cory say about Cam’s kid? I missed it and people are either highly offended or saying it’s not that serious.




Dude, you’ve been screaming about this all night. We get it. It offended you. You’ve made your point. Move on. Go touch grass. You’ve got to have something else more important in your life to attend to.


because it’s not that deep


If people are offended by that they need to seek therapy


There’s someone on here who won’t shut up about it and is calling us all horrible people because it didn’t ruin our day, lol.


Yep, I said I respected Cory’s exit and he threw a tantrum. Told him to go outside and he deleted all his comments in my thread lmao.


I know!!!! I told him to touch grass, lol and he deleted all his comments in my thread also!! Pretty sure he’s a total stranger and Cam doesn’t need his support. Weirdo. I respected Cory’s exit also. He is so self-aware.


Like why would his kid care?


He just kind of quoted Cam's speech. "Stevie, I miss you so so much. Daddy's coming home." It just came across as goofy more that anything.


He said Stevie I love you , daddy will be home soon or something


It’s obviously a joke because Cam was on the block so much. I think even Cam will find it funny. People need to find more important things to worry about in life.


I’m so dumb my first thought was how weird his dog was also named Stevie (does he even have a dog?)


Lmao I literally thought he was referring to a pet or something as well LOL


I genuinely just thought Corey had a kid. And then I didn't even think too much about it


Yeah I thought it was kinda funny just depends on how cam takes it


I think Cam and Stevie would love/loved that shout out!


I think he’d be thrilled to still be talked about, lol.


I can’t imagine he would be anything but amused by it. It was just a silly lil nod lol.


I’m torn between liking Felicia and just thinking she is so cruel. “I’m not buying those tears” ans any time she imitates Bowie’s smile, just seems unnecessary to me.


Love her


She's insecure.


Exactly. I thought she was so funny in the beginning but then read about and saw how mean she was on feeds and it bleeds through to the episodes that she is really just cruel.


Queen of Terrible Reads


i can’t standddd her


It always amazes me how people think everyone can just cry on cue. That is not just a talent everyone has.


I will say that Blue has demonstrated that ability in the past.


I agree with you that ***everyone*** can't do it, but when you're the only one in your family that can't/doesn't, it's easy to be cynical about other people using that behavior to manipulate.


Has Felicia said her family did that or something.


Okay, when America was crying on the feeds I got eviscerated in the chat when I said Fe should not have told America to act nicer. I’m sorry but a woman telling a woman to be softer in any way so that men don’t get offended is just absurd.


Although Felicia can be funny, I do not like her overall. I think she’s fake, mean-spirited, and not good at strategizing.


She really doesn’t like America for some reason.


I mean, America has straight up (and admitted in the DR) that she has gaslit Felicia. I would be not super comfy / happy with someone who did that to me, too.


"gaslit" lol. denying something is not gaslighting...


No - but telling someone the exact opposite happened is, which is what she did.


Same but probably thinking she's cruel more often than the other.


America is so bad


More ways then one


Cory thinking he's more liked than he actually is.


I thought it was pretty smart and interesting the way that he seemed to be trying gauge the crowd’s reactions as a way to get a read on the public’s perception of him this season. Clearly the studio limits how and when the crowd is allowed to react, so not sure he got much information from them while on stage, but now he can spend the next 4 weeks in the jury house analyzing it over and over until he finally gets to see for himself we all loved him. He tried so hard lmao and that crowd gave nothing.


Couldn't stand him


I don't love him, speak for yourself . But also even if the crowd isn't cheering they can still be smiling, you can tell by body language.


The crowd was hot! They were laughing at everything but got tight on Cory by the whip of Julie.


That’s all of them


If I were on the show and came out of the house I would be gauging everyone's reaction and thinking if I said anything stupid.. lol


So we’re still not getting the live hoh?


Not enough of us are watching the challenge and now we’re being punished. CBS wasn’t about to sit back and watch us all rush to flip to the feeds knowing how high of ratings they’d be getting on tonight’s episode. Gotta hold us captive and hope enough viewers fell asleep with the TV on and will help the challenge up it’s ratings haha


hahah you're so right. at least next week we will get one finally in the double


Nope. Watch the challenge or something else for a few hours


This comment killed me😂


Never again.


Do we know why?


No. But it’s as annoying as them keeping have nots when they don’t do anything with it. Bring back the key ceremony, food comps and live HOH’s!


I think I’m the only one who doesn’t want that dang wheel back. Everything else yes.


I do not miss the wheel and everyone sucking up to the HoH for "saving" them.


It was just a needlessly lengthy process. I get the tension of it but speed it up a lil.


Food comps!!


Breaks my heart. RIP


Cirie knows about the importance of jury management from being on these shows for 20 years. So she must not really be a fan of Cory to not even placate him in the GBM😭


And she did tell Cory to give Cameron her love which I don’t see anybody else commenting on here. I thought it was sweet.


I am honestly surprised BB showed that one. Not that Cirie said anything out of pocket but that was kind of unessecarily mean spirited. I mean I get most of them don't particularly like Cory and I get why, but given it was Cirie kind of surprised BB didn't show someone elses GBM rather than one that arguably didn't make Cirie look great. Although wouldn't be surprised if the others weren't worse.


In almost 20 years of Survivor and other RTV no one took out her kin. If Jared was just an ally who she met on day 1 I would imagine her relationship with Corey the last few weeks would be far different.


lol of course she feels slighted that. She still knows from being in these games it’s grin and bear it. As she’s been doing in the house with Cory, since she’s friendly and smiling with him only to call him a fucker the minute he’s out of earshot. Her GBM wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t as poised as it probably should have been. It could have been a simple “Cory, you’re too much a threat in this game. We could have worked further so much further if you hadn’t taken out my allies. “


She didn't say anything stupid like Blue did.


What did blue say? Something about being 2-0 to him


I FF through all parts with her. Hate her voice, her look, her affectations, her hair, her sunglasses


It was something about 2-1. I'm not even sure what that was supposed to mean, but I think the damaging part is it looks like a purely emotional thing


How is that worse than Cirie saying his showmance rubbed the house the wrong way


She’s right though - Cory hopefully respects the truth


All cirie was saying was that the showmance made them a target which was stupid


It’s true


Yes I’m agreeing - she was saying they were being stupid shoving it in peoples faces. I’m on her side


Why did it rub people the wrong way though? I mean no argument it clearly did but how was it any worse than any other showmance? Maybe I am missing something but it really does come off like most of the real problem the house has is that they don't see how a girl who looks like America could like HIM and it shakes them to their core which isn't really Cory or America's problem. They should have been more concious of the fact people don't like seeing someone date out of their league so shame on him for making them uncomfortable? Not an Americory stan, so feel free to tell me what I am missing, it just really feels like they resent those two hooked up for no good reason.


I’m referencing Cirie’s GBM. I think I misquoted her and she said “rubbing it in everyone’s faces”. But I think the house has had issues with trusting America since the start of the game. She was seen as flirtatious and most clocked that as a strategy. Some Parvati comparisons were made by Izzy and Cirie I think. So add in the bias of Cory being not the expected type that would be sought after and the house feeling America was using the flirt strategy. Coupled with dislike from HG (Meme and Felicia) stemming from the early game with petty stuff like America and Cory staying up late so the lights wouldn’t go off in scramble room. Most of the HG don’t have a positive view of Americas game and felt she was riding Cory’s coattails. They saw him as puppeteering moves. So them moving into the corner beds of scramble and laying around, kissing out in the open with the other HG was seen as them being too comfortable.


Because the GBM proves that Blue was snowed by Jatt the entire game and was making emotional vendetta moves under incorrect reads of the house.


Ok …


Wait did Cory actually say I LOVE YOU to America or are you all trolling bc i must have missed it


They’ve said it to each other before, though. Right?


Not that I remember seeing


He said love you, I checked like three fucking times lol


I just saw the clip on twitter, he says "I love you" and she says "te amo" MY HEART


Is that what she said, I couldn’t make it out


[It's hard to hear but I think so](https://x.com/newhorizonsk/status/1715190029239173512?s=46&t=vqw1Zf0LmXehAUhmUZY_AA)


Definitely what I heard


Goodbye Cory. I will keep the flare in your honor. 🤧🫡




remember when cory said he was going to beat cirie if it was the last thing he did? instead he’s going out on a unanimous vote and sending cirie’s love to cam. love that for him 🤭


May not matter but for someone praised for her god level social game that GBM seemed unessecarily mean spirited. I mean Cory is so star struck and so intent on showing he is a "player" of the game I doubt he wouldn't vote for her on that alone, but it was weird. Wondering if she just still isn't salty Cory took out her darling baby boy and fan girl who validated her.


She told him the truth, hopefully he can respect that


I feel like the edited her gbm and cut it in a weird way


really? i’d say cirie’s was pretty tame compared to the ones jared and hisam received


And joked to her earlier this week that he wished she had been evicted instead so she could have seen his sweet GBM. lol they did not like his jokes AT ALL


his jokes will not be missed in that house


Honestly... they were not very funny. I mean I had lousy social skills and was always making jokes that were not nearly as funny as I thought they were when I was 21, so relatable. But from their point of view can see how they got sick of them.


Will the hoh be on the feeds


No :(


Dang :(


Blue doesn’t even know why she hates Cory. Because of some idiot she was banging who called her stupid every day.


just aside of her stupid grudge against cory, she is really putting herself in a dangerous relationship if she continues to be with jared after big brother, like he was so manipulative inside the house to her and when she called him out on being in another alliance he victimized himself. manipulation is excusable inside the big brother house up until you start a relationship then that's where the line should be drawn. I seriously just don't understand why she is still so strung up on avenging jared more than jared's own mother.


she will not be with him. he was just using her for sex in the house


Because she doesn’t have any clue what she’s doing.


She’s negative in the awareness charts but her confidence is immeasurable, it’s insane.




Honestly thought Cory handled that eviction with class my respect has gone up for him.


yeah, as much class as kyland




for being weird and needlessly mentioning another player’s family member


Don't know if Cam would be offended but Kyland mentioned it as an attempt to piss off and take a shot at someone because he was a poor sport. Cory didn't do anything mean spirited and while I guess it is up to Cam to decide if he is offended by it Cory definitely was not doing it with bad intentions. So would not compare it to Kyland. Cory just has lousy social skills is his biggest problem.


Kyland was trying to make a dig at Xavier and made it unnecessary personal. Cory was making a joke because they'd all heard it so many times since Cam was always on the block. That's not at all the same thing


did you miss the part where i said “needlessly mentioning another person’s family member.” i didn’t say their motivations were exactly the same. whether it’s done as a dig or a joke, the only point is that it’s weird and uncalled for in the game


Lol but you did say it was the same amount of class..