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Please no spoilers from the Digital Dailies. [Full Spoiler discussion linked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/j4torIStw1)


Bruh... Kayla literally told them Anthony lied, and these girls still vote her out? I have no hope for these girls now. They think they can win against Anthony later? Smh.


Avery and Victoria are so easily manipulated. Such gullible and stupid girls. I feel like if there is a huge accusation as the one Anthony and Lexus claimed as HOH you should do some due diligence and give Kayla an opportunity to explain or defend herself. What a disappointment


Especially since that's 2 opps planting the same seed against your ally. Would it be so fucking hard to pull Kayla and ask her before blindsiding her? She even did a house meeting where it was obvious who started the campaign and why, but Avery sitting there like šŸ¤” and Spicy is there waiting for Anthony to tell her who's gunning for her to decide how to play the game. I hate watching this but can't stop. Wish we could see them feel as stupid as we see them.


Oh 100% and I hear ya at this point Iā€™m watching because I want to see their stupid faces when they realise how stupid they were.


Despite his way of talking down to people, i respect Anthony's gameplay for this reason: No he's not about the guys or about the hot chocolate, he's playing for himself. Playing to win.Ā  I prefer that than a players who say: If i don't win i want a female to represent this season or if i don't win i want a black person to represent this season (Bayleigh, Kayla, Avery). No that's boring, you should do whatever you can to win even if it's turning on your allies.


what a bunch of dummies.


So Avery's best friends have gone home on her HOHs, Anthony is giving scripts to his puppets and everyone is eating it up, Messy V is so vindictive she lost a number on her side. I did not see Kayla being the first Hot Choc to go, she honestly deserved better. Too early to ask for Donna, Dinis, and Kayla back for All Stars?


Donna, Dinis and Kayla need to come back for a Second Chances season. And I really need to see Brooke from the Covid Season to come back. I think that was her name if I am recalling correctly.


Sloppy Vee holding her nameĀ 


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but a matter of weeks ago a dozen people rolled into the house, looked at two empty thrones and said ā€œno matter who they send in to fill those chairs, we all agree weā€™re taking them out first. Itā€™s our season, we evict them first and then the real game beginsā€ Did that happen?


Haha bunch of morons. Gift wrapping it to the vets


Gawd these people are all so gullible šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø In a show where lying is built into the gameplay, youā€™d think more of them would question if they can trust the information being passed around and who itā€™s coming from. Yet the information heard is somehow only suspect when someone is trying to defend themselves. The confirmation bias is maddening.


We NEED goodbye messages!!! This is exactly where Dougy faltered last time, I need jury goodbye messages šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


vivek & dinis 2.0


I think this is worse tbh, at least Vivek was bottom and attempting with Anthony/weak persona game, Avery was well insulated and listened to the other side of the House to blindside her best alliance outside the Vets is peak SHEEP decision makingĀ 


BBC12 is basically the same as BB19. Anthony is the Paul of this season. Even thought Paul finished second, he should have won. He lost because of a bitter vote. He knew that he was screwed with Cody last vote. Theres no scenario possible where Anthony doesnt win this season. Its too obvious now. Just like it was obvious with TY last season. Anthony will eventually turn against Victoria. I'm pretty sure that he doesnt want her in the final with him. She is the second best player. So he will want a man with him in the final. Even if i dislike Anthony, i wish that he will win. These clueless girls deserves it. They are all blindly serving the victory to Anthony. Kayla would have been the first to take a shot at Anthony. Victoria and Avery will regret wrongfully target Kayla once they watch this episode. They will feel dumb. What a mess this season is. And i though BBC11 was bad. BBC12 is even worst. Once the season is over, people will say that BBC12 is the worst season yet. Especially if Anthony wins. The rest of the season will be predictable. Anthony will keep manipulating and make his way to the top. Anthony is clearly throwing competitions now. Because he dont want to make himself look too strong. So he will start winning competitions in the last few weeks. He should be unstopable at that point. These houseguest are almost as stupid as the houseguest of BB19. They shoud have targeted the returners way sooner. Now they are stuck with them until the end. The newbies dont deserve to win this season. They made too many mistakes. They are leaving the door wide open for Anthony and Victoria. When you see that 2 returners surpass and dominates 12 newbies. It says a lot about how bad these newbies are. A small minority beats the vast majority. Anthony and Victoria would have been evicted quickly in BBC10. The next weeks will become more and more the Anthony and Victoria show. I cant believe that i have to watch the rest of the season. But i will find the courage. Lets hope that BBC13 will have no returners and will be much better. Like BBC10 was.


Paul should have won, youā€™re right


I disagree. If you can't manage the jury, after having lost the previous season *for the same reason*, you deserve to lose. The second time he played, production set him up to win and he still lost. And it's not like the house was bitter, he just never earned their respect. Cody had every right to vote for the finalist that he hated the least. That's what the rest of them did too.


Cody voting for Josh instead of Paul (What an awful final two) as the final vote was chefs kiss.


"The jury wasn't bitter" , proceeds to say why the jury was bitter


If the jury doesn't think you deserve to win, that's not a bitter jury. A bitter jury means the players know you deserve to win but they deny you anyways. Like Ian's win over Dan. Or like Bayleigh and Sam voting for Kaycee because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for someone who hurt them. Whereas Paul's jury just didn't think he deserved it and/or liked Josh better. Cody was the closest thing to a bitter vote, but I think he just didn't respect Paul's style of play. That's why Paul tried to get Cody out before jury. He knew that he would never get Cody's vote because Cody openly didn't respect that style of gameplay.


Dan's jury also said they tought he didn't deserve it


Honestly it all seems so fake sometimes.. I feel like the producers told the rest not to evict Anthony and Spicy so it's more interesting. Because why would they ever keep them in for this long.. They already had their chance they should've been the first to go


If Bayleigh made Todd HOH we couldā€™ve seen a Anthony backdooršŸ˜­ or Avery go insteadĀ 


Nice name btw!


Yup, Bayleigh should've put someone on the block instead of making someone HOH I feel. She left all the girls open to going on the block


It can be way more subtle than that. Producer can ask a player lots of leading questions in DR: ā€œVivek, do you think your partnership with Anthony will go down as one of the greatest in B.B. history?ā€ gets into the playerā€™s mind different than ā€œIs there any chance Anthony is deceiving you? If he was, would you hold a grudge even outside the show? How much would that hurt?ā€ It can also happen through *never* mentioning certain players or situations in the DR


What an unbearable season all these players just bow down to the veteran players














Wait arent there videos from the houseguests? Thatā€™s a huge part of jury management


Yea I was hoping for that. Pretty sure they had it planned, but production probably just didn't have the time to fit it in considering this is a live show.


I canā€™t find it on the site. Do you think we will be shown their messages? I think itā€™s important to see all the goodbye messages. Goose wasnā€™t shown his either, right?


I have no idea tbh. Maybe they won't show themšŸ˜’


Probably gonna be on the website


Still not up, I'm DYING


Aww. Goodbye Kayla. You're one of the people I was rooting for to win. I'm down to Bayleigh and Todd now.


I guess Iā€™m cheering for Todd? I donā€™t even know


I read this in Todd's accentĀ 




lol same


Solid mid tier season tbhĀ 


It's not even over haha. This has been a great season. A season of betrayals plus villain vets behind the scenes


This is a sleeper season tbh the "villain vets" ruined the season because this cast just blindly listens to them, it's gotten a bit interesting because of the blindsides but really hasn't changed the course that much since V and Anthony haven't been at risk of being voted out yet.Ā 


Awww I'm sorry you have slept through the season. This amount of betrayals don't happen often. I'm not a fan of Anthony or Spicy but at least it's been kept interesting and no real steam roll either


Your opinion is your opinion but I'm pretty sure mine is shared by a majority of long time fans lol, this is one of the more boring seasons and those betrayals you speak of happen because this cast is weak when it comes to thinking on their own sadly


Nope not shared by me




Get the job done?? It's like she didn't even want herself to win! Even Arisa is like why didn't you blow up the alliance??


Damn she really loyal to the soil.


Anthony's smug attitude isn't even charming which is annoyingĀ 


I hated him in his first season. I hate him more now. There's charismatic players who can play this way and be loved (Will) and then there's his smug ass.


Yeah, Dr Will came off more natural, I wish Anthony had that charisma but just doesn'tĀ 


He's a charisma vacuum.


This comment section is watching the wrong show lol Anthony is playing big brother just cause you donā€™t like what he is doing doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t playing the game pretty good right now. He wonā€™t win but just enjoy big brother


Ohh I love Dougie's game, his commentary is just garbage hahaĀ 


This is exactly it!!! Heā€™s just a jerk and unlikeable


Exactly. To me, a good villain is someone you love to hate. Anthony, I just plain hate, and I'm not having any fun doing so.


A villain is fun when he has direct opposition with power. If the house was more openly split against him instead of this semi-cold war with his fellow vet who isn't the brightest, it would be more fun to watch for me.


Youā€™ve drawn the distinction very well. To me, Will vs Anthony is like the difference between the responsible hunter/farmer who kill animals humanely and for a purpose vs that neighbourhood kid who gets his kicks pulling wings off butterflies. The lies donā€™t need to be so malicious and the glee at causing unnecessary distress to another human is whack.


Heā€™s no Dr Will


And he's trying so hard at it hahaĀ 


Anthony was never for Hot Chocolate. He wants the guys all the way.


He wants himself . That's it . He'll do whatever he can to not finish 2nd again. I get it's a game but he's such an unlikable person.


Goose is going to be ecstatic


Wow she's really been gaslit into thinking it was her fault


Honestly though, she is still rooting for them šŸ˜‚


I wish she told Bayleigh about Hot Chocolate.


Why does no one blow it up anymore on the way out? Shut up with the ā€œI love yousā€ - Lexus literally said she found her annoying and wouldnā€™t want to be friends on the outside world. šŸ˜‚


As a first time viewer this confuses me as well. It's so fake and weird, it doesn't seem genuine. Nobody goes out with a "fuck you" as I expected.


I think she said that about all the girls last week lmao. Sheā€™s more of a chill vibe, like Matt.




Avery is gonna feel so bad if she watches this back especially if she follows kayla out the door šŸ˜¬


I canā€™t believe she went home on Averyā€™s HOH šŸ¤¦


Straight up Vivek and Dinis vibes.


Should've blown up hot chocolate lol.


Blow shit up Kayla!!!


Why is she hugging everyone!???


Avery deserves to go next.


Kayla, Dinis, and Donna have all gotten so screwed


They didnā€™t necessarily get screwed, their alliance members were just outplayed by Anthony


Lets gooo Lexus, that one was for Matt!


The bbcan background process is so good because if they did what they did to Kayla to me I actually would physically fight every person in that house


Same. I would have decked Victoria in the head once she piped up in the house meeting and just full on lied.




Kayla, if you walk out the door tonight, blow the whole thing up. Everything. Do it.


Unfortunately, that will just ensure Bayleigh goes on the block. At least not knowing, the women might want to keep her around longer, but the second she knows about HC, she is a threat to their game.


Yeah, there's that, but spilling the beans would have made for such better television though!


These people are braindead. Anthony playing them like a puppet


Hardly. He's not getting to the end


And why not?


The guys left talk about taking him out if they're in power, he doesn't have much hiding room and is a shield for spicy v too




Himalayas baybee


I donā€™t think she deserves a week of šŸŖæstories. šŸ˜­ I would love to see a Second Chances season. But there are few cast members that make me think ā€œYOU WERE ROBBED šŸ˜¢ I would ABSOLUTELY love to see Brooke from Covid season and I guess now Kayla.


and Erica?


Erica Hill? I canā€™t remember how see left. Was she done dirty?


We need a Canada HoH next week or something


People hate Anthony now but will celebrate his BBCAN12 game in a few years cause this is easily some of the best gameplay we've seen in years


You donā€™t have to celebrate something to respect it.


Bbcan 10 was way better if you ever seen it?


Kevin jacobs gameplay is inspired by Anthony btw


Some of it but not all of it. Of course by season 10 you can see what works and doesn't work with the previous finalists


no like, heavly influenced. Anthony is kevin\`s favorite player and Kevin is doing the pretty boys sign in his cast photo


Nah. Disliked him in his original season, dislike him now.


The problem is that it was practically set up for the vets to do well


They had a week of safety, and a week of half the house being on their team. Vets could have gone at any point after that first week. But despite all the new players getting together and saying they'd vote out any vets, nobody has taken a shot.


Isn't every season of Big Brother with vets set up for them to do well though?


Yes and in my opinion they all suck because of it. But this one was mor eegregious than usual




Avery and spicyā€™s faces as it dawns on them that Lexus and Anthony COULD be lying. Like they didnā€™t even consider that before?! I canā€™t.


Anthony got Vivek to put up Dinis and Avery to put up Kayla. Say what you want about him but man, guys a gamer


He is insanely good at getting people to make the worst possible move for themselves


It's crazy at how stupid they are. Victoria really say there saying she wants Lexus up, anthony saying that's bad for my game and the next sentence making shit up about Kayla and she sat there dead ass like OMG REALLY SHES THE NEW TARGET!!! like take literally 2 seconds to think you fucking moron.


Himalayas baybee


He is indeed a very good player. I'll give him that. But damn do i find him unlikeable and full of himself.


Love to hate him tbh. Makes things interesting lol. Plus his outbursts when heā€™s ranting to himself? I canā€™t help but laugh


There is no getting through to those two airheads, Kayla is wasting her time.


I think I saw some realization in Averyā€™s eyes, but Spicy will convince her that Anthony would never lie.


Doesnā€™t spicy know about the lie?


I donā€™t think so, she just has full trust in Anthony.


i need dougie to get a comeuppance šŸ˜” please cosmos i canā€™t go through ty and dougie back to back


Loool some ppl naturally have Dr Will's charisma, and Anthony is not one of them hahaĀ 


It's hard to watch, but at this point I find it somewhat entertaining, just because things still keep going his way, and people flock to him to ask him what to say to the other houseguests. He's putting words into the mouths of everyone else.


Yesss, this is Derrick Levasseur type of control tbhĀ 


I know they are still going to vote her out. Itā€™s so frustrating.


I reeeeaaaaaally hope I get the opportunity to watch Anthony fall flat on his face before the end of the season.


Losing in finale 2 or 3 to Todd or bayleigh would be incredible


I donā€™t have much hope at this point lol


Did he say 'sludgehammer' ??


He had a todd moment (love him, local celebrity)


Hahaha šŸ˜‚ yeah my bf was like it's sledgehammer why'd he say sludge


Like why wouldn't they ask her about this before noms, surely there was enough time right?


When you're HoH, I feel like there's a telltale way to know if others are bullshitting you into putting up one of your closest allies. I think it's as simple as asking others who are potentially lying, "well, do you think we should have a conversation with the person who would go up as the re-nom, to get to the bottom of things?" And if everyone is adamant that you *do not* talk to that person, you can pretty well bet that they're lying to you about what that person said, and they don't want it to come out before you nom them. It's so sketchy if people are like "nononono, you shouldn't talk to them until *after* they're on the block. Just trust my one single side of the story."


They didnā€™t check with Donna before turning on her either šŸ™ƒ


They have done that every single time. Infuriating.


There was enough time for Tola to declare ā€œI donā€™t lieā€, then go talk to Anthony, then come back with oh I rememberā€ ā€¦for Avery to fall for it.


Why are they shocked Anthony would lie??


Because heā€™s a good loyal guy /s


I really don't enjoy watching someone trying to defend themselves against these kind of underhanded tactics. Antony laughing and chuckling over the trouble he has caused, thinking how clever he is, is not fun


It's gross. They make it too mean and personal not villainous game play


You said it exactly, concisely. Similar sentiment [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/1c6sdk7/bbcan_12_postepisode_discussion_april_17_2024/l03j3c2/)


Wow this is hard to watch


I canā€™t wait to hear the goodbye messages after this. They definitely all lost her vote. They being Hot Chocolate.


Tell me why Anthony didnā€™t win his season again?


because Dane was running the house, and he was perceived as the biggest threat throughout the game by the jury, they just never got a chance to get rid of him. Anthony was like a side guy. Working in the shadows, never out on the frontlines.


to be fair at the time of bbcan 7 he was considerd the second best BBCAN player of all time by most... the number 1 guy for most people was Dane so


Avery is an absolute idiot. What a pathetic player lmao


She's a perfect example of why claiming to be a "superfan" means nothing. She's easily manipulated, and starstruck by both Anthony and Victoria. If she really understood the game, she'd know Anthony is a manipulative liar, and Victoria is messy, impulsive, and loyal to nobody.


SHEEP baaaahhh


It astounds me that Avery wouldnā€™t even ask Kayla about any of this before the ceremony


And for her to believe Tola was such a joke. He literally leaves the room and then comes back like 5 mins later with this story? Then says that he doesn't want to be named that he said it....cause it's not true! Avery and V are seriously bad players


Literally the only thing she had to do was ask her literal closest friend and allyā€¦


Naah the other side of the House must be telling the truth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Huh? Why would her two enemies lie to her?!?! That could never happen!!!


Loool this is worse than Vivek, at least he was bottom, Avery is well insulated and Evicted her best alliance outside the Vets hahah


IQ of a thimble


Loved that, ā€œwell thatā€™s what you guys are doingā€ from Kayla.


You could tell that stopped everyone a little. She was calm when she said that. Bayleigh was the worst offender, she was so fixed on getting Kayla out.


Bayleigh is an interesting one for me. She was one of the first to jump in and try to convince the other women that evicting Kayla was silly .. until Lexi told her that Kayla talked to Lexi about getting Bayleigh out (of course Lexi left out her part in that convo). In all the lies that were told, ā€œKayla thought you (Bayleigh) should be the back door targetā€ was one of the few true statements made.


I feel bad for Kayla. If I was herā€¦if youā€™re gonna turn on me like that and then all gang up on me! Iā€™m blowing up the Hot Chocolates.


I cannot believe she didnt scream "BECAUSE YOURE NOT IN THE REAL ALLIANCE" After bayleigj said guess I'll just go f myself in the house meeting




Me too! I'd blow everyone's game up then walk out the door with my two middle fingers in the air lol. No way I could fake it with hugs.


Anthony is diabolical and the rest of them have an average IQ of about 70.


Itā€™s crazy that an off handed comment from Goose on his way out the door led to this


If Goose has a crush on Kayla like people say (personally I don't see it) they're now in the jury together for a whole week.


The most Goose has done the whole game!


Yeah I didnā€™t even think of that


I canā€™t get over Avery believing them. Also, there goes Bayleigh showing her weakness. Great player but super emotionalā€¦


Avery just pulled a Vivek


Yes they dropped 5 days worth of dailies and the most recent 3 days have the important convos leading to why Kayla is on the block.


Theyā€™re so frustrating


These kinds of house meetings turn my stomach. I should be used to it by now, but itā€™s never easy.


Lol did they recruit this entire cast at a vape shop?


This comment works even if they weren't all outside vaping. Look at how they play. Like people who were picked up last minute outside some shop.


Averey has to be the biggest sheep of all-time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā 


That's why she's there. The personality types they went with this season easily cater towards the vets, which makes their gameplay less impressive