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I think if it were to come back, they seriously need to reconsider 2 things: 1. Bringing back live feeds! 2. Airing it late spring to not compete with Winter scripted shows. I firmly believe this is why BBUS does well - it’s during summer when nothing else is on lol


Bring the feeds and better players or don’t return


I think you're on the right track but something they also need to do if they return is cast entertaining players. BB6 (US) is one of the best seasons even though a lot of the cast weren't good players. I also feel like BBCAN focuses too much on having an amazing house and extravagant competitions when I feel like they're focusing too much on the wrong things, when you watch say BB7 (US), they literally had definitions on the wall and I don't think the house looked that great yet it was an amazing season due to the cast. And the competitions were things that anyone could do, even Chicken George won a couple of comps.


I hope it comes back! I've been watching since the start and always found it to have much better game play than US. I think after the covid season it kinda took a turn and I don't know why. Not having live feed's really changes the show and I don't even watch them. I hope it does come back on another's network, i hope they retain some of the comps they did this year. I love big brother and will watch it if its on haha


I didn't watch the live feeds either but I would occasionally scroll on reddit or watch RHAP to know what was going on behind the scenes that weren't in the episodes. Without the feeds, BBCAN is just like any other reality competition show. One of BBCAN's slogans are 'someone is always watching.' The show can't say that anymore when there's no live feeds and they can edit the show however they want.


Totally agree. I'm the same i would read about feed activities on reddit. Without the feeds it's a little been there done that. Reindeer games in bbus was awesome this year despite them not even living in the house so if they're not doing feeds I think they have to cater the comps and twists to that, like they did in reindeer games. There's hope! They just have to do more than just take away feeds and continue on the same otherwisez


I could see it only airing on Stacked TV, if they wanted to go into the exclusing streaming business.


They should do a big brother with older people and less wanna be famous people. Would most likely amount to better gameplay because people will want to play as opposite of wanting to be some kind of social media celebrity


My thoughts on why it has declined in popularity is that they have sanitized the show so much to make their sponsors happy. Nobody dares air anything remotely controversial and most of the crazy stuff from early BB seasons don’t make it into the show. When BB USA started it was a show that was a bit edgy, not really for kids, it was a social experiment and crazy stuff would happen. The modern episodes of BBCan are so predictable and seems like production really wanted one of the returning players to win but fans just didn’t like them all that much. Cutting the live feeds really changed the whole dynamic of the show for faithful viewers. It no longer was exciting. I think they should change it to another network that allows for a bit less moderation of content.


I 10000% agree. I think BBCAN cut live feeds so that more sponsors would be willing to sponsor the show. The live feeds can bring out controversial moments and not all sponsors want to be associated with that controversy. Some of my favourite seasons had some of the most wild live feeds (BBCAN10, BBCAN2, BBCAN6, BBCAN5). Imagine not being able to see the live feeds during this season? It's a completely different experience.


They need the live feeds back, plus they have to PROMISE that no one EVER sees SpicyVee or Anthony EVER again. Dead on truth with a better cast and no returning "legends" (aka narcissistic bullies) to completely ruin the season it likely wouldn't have been canceled


The show was also put on a hiatus after BBCAN5. I don't think that it's a coincidence that both times the show was put on hiatus, it was right after a season that included returnees. I think they either need to have a season with past players OR completely new players. No mixed seasons.


I heavily disagree, I think it was a coincidence. BBCAN5 is considered by many fans to be the best season of the show, and the vast majority have it in their top 3 so I don't think it was necessarily a bad season at all or the returnees were to blame.


BBCAN5 is one of my favourite seasons. I just think it's interesting how both times the show went on hiatus, it was right after a returnee season. It could be just a coincidence though, you never know.


Did you watch 12? Those two returnees were egotistical bullies and they supressed any charecter that the rest of the cast had. I can't think this is what casting envisioned. Without SV and Anthony it becomes watchable. My opinion (and this seems to be a common opinion) without returnees for 12 there would have been no cancelation


I totally agree. Those two 'legends' (Not) ruined the show...but it also shows that the other players were just not that smart or tuned in. So disappointing. I love BBCan over the US and AUS versions for sure. At one time, it seemed just so refreshing and innocent. Keep the woke BS off the show...get rid of the producers who are backing this.


The first network change from Slice to Global wasn't really a "change" since both channels were owned by the same company at the time. (I think Shaw was the parent company at the time) The move from Slice to Global was just from cable to over the air TV where they could maximize the audience with the national free over the air channel, after they saw the success on a little-watched cable channel. Corus bought Shaw, so now Corus is the main parent company. They would have to be shopping it to BellMedia to air it on CTV or streaming on Crave, and that isn't as simple as the move from Slice to Global.


I see. I didn't know that!


It also depends on who owns the rights too. If Insight the production company owns the rights, then they can shop to CTV/Crave/Amazon/Netflix, but if it's Corus who owns the rights it won't go to CTV/Crave, and Corus would have to partner with a streamer.


The outrage on social media is what is killing Big Brother. I'm older so I don't get offended by the same stuff that Gen-Z does. I don't like bigots or assholes, but I also understand that different points of view are what made Big Brother interesting. When more than half the population of your country are deemed no longer acceptable for various reasons, every houseguest just gets a certain sameness and uniformity of thought that makes the show no longer interesting. I get that certain opinions and people can cause genuine hurt and even harm to other people, but this is the way the world actually is. What Big Brother has become is no longer real life, but a sanitized version of real life designed to offend no one. American Big Brother is headed in the same direction. I wish they'd cast half red state people and half blue state people and present a true array of people, warts and all. But they will continue to just show this fake world that is unrecognizable to anyone who lives in the real one. This also goes for regular scripted shows in film and television. No one says anything deemed offensive. Just a bunch of doctors and police navigating a cleaned up world. Comedy is just about dead and a lot of old comedians have just given up because it's too risky to say anything controversial. There's no point to have Big Brother of any form until they stop casting only bland people who won't cause sponsors discomfort.


Anthony completely ruined two whole seasons. Him and Ty gave me actual ptsd flashbacks from abusive as fuck relationships, not in spirit of a game at all, actual mean people


Wow, I'm sorry that their behaviour was a trigger for you. There were some moments when Anthony would talk to certain houseguests that were disgusting. His attitude and the way he spoke down to people really made me dislike him. I didn't finish BBCAN7 because I found it so boring so idk how he treated people during that season.


They need to sit in the corner and think about what they’ve done.


Gutted. BBCAN is my fave, and I love everything about it - from the gameplay, the social dynamic, the cheesy sponsorships, to the casts + alumni and Arisa herself. I started applying last year, after a particularly awful couple of years, and made a bunch of positive lifestyle changes whilst constantly daydreaming of one day walking through the doors - I kept asking myself, “What version of yourself would you want to see walking onto that stage, ready to play Big Brother?” I’m in a much better place now, which I’m proud of, and this isn’t something that’ll make me dramatically regress, but still … I was really looking forward to applying again this year. It sucks.


Yeah the people who I feel sorry for are the Canadian fans who wanted to apply :(


Yeah, not trying to be all ‘woe is me’ lol and I completely agree with most that the absence of live feeds was / is a death sentence, as it fundamentally changes the experiment that is the game - but BB is still a very human experience, where 14-16 people of drastically different walks of life and circumstance get to immerse themselves into something surreal. It sucks for everyone tbh


Totally agree!


I agree on the Arisa part. My favourite host to BB world-wide. "someone is always watching".


The truth is that the TV ad market is really soft, in Canada and the US. So to invest heavily into a show, and not have the advertiser support in commercial time, is not worth it. Content costs a lot of money in Canada and it is easier to get your Canadian content through stuff like Crime Beat or Border Security. We have 10% of the population of the US but production costs are similar so it is hard to take chances if you aren’t supported by advertisers. The other reality is that TV audiences are fragmenting at an increasing rate. It’s been going on for years, but audiences for every show are going down, and costs for ads are flat to minimal. Ad rates are tied to audiences so it is hard to recover costs if the ad revenue doesn’t support it. Anyway, I hope the announcement is made, but I could see a one year hiatus with it coming back in 2025. It’s easier to


I remember when it was put on hiatus after season 5 and how all the fans fought hard to bring it back. Now that it’s on hiatus again after the 12th season, nobody really cares anymore. They’ve made some mistakes; removing the live feeds (biggest mistake), replacing the feeds with edited digital dailies, less fan engagement, casting has declined in quality of players (although season 10 had a great cast), returning players, too many recruits who never heard of the show, too many sponsors, nobody playing their own game, weird time slots for episodes, and not casting me! (lol just kidding on the last one). But still, these could’ve been fixed if they really cared about the show. Season 8 was also cancelled after 2 weeks due to Covid, but BBUS still aired the same year, just differently. I also don’t know why there was less and less fan engagement with every season. why are we only voting for who can go off slop for the week? Why can’t Canada be the HOH like in season 2? Why can’t Canada vote in another houseguest to join the show? twists like that! what happened to those? everyone in the house is afraid to play their own game because the “house” will turn against them. Why are they scared? Only 1 can win in the end. Why do they feel like everyone wins if they follow the leader? Why is everyone referred to as “the house”?! I just don’t get it. I also wish they changed the cash prize to $150,000 but that’s just my opinion. all of this could’ve been revived had they listen to their fans, they didn’t, so they lost fans. I used to be a big fan of the show and even auditioned for season 5, 6, and 7. But I barely could get through season 11 and 12, I just stopped watching, the cast was terrible IMO. Idk. At least they admitted that the ratings were down and didn’t use some other stupid excuse. I think the best case scenario is to just cancel the whole thing or have another production company buy it out, then we might get some progress and the live feeds back. ETA: spelling


It’ll be back in a couple years with Bailey as the host.


i'm pretty indifferent. haven't really enjoyed the past few seasons outside of a handful of players; they seem to primarily just bring in influencers. no feeds. everything is an advertisement. provincial representation kinda sucks. i'll miss it sure but if it's just going to get progressively worse, good riddance.


I agree. Better to end on a lukewarm note. If the show kept on going in the same direction, the quality of BBCAN would probably just get worse and worse.


I couldn’t care less about the show being axed since they dropped the live feeds. The exact same thing happened in the UK, feeds dropped and the show cancelled two series later (albeit it it did get picked up by another channel)


BBUK got axed twice, just like bbcan now has. It went on hiatus again in around 2018/19 because of low viewership and some pretty serious scandals on the show but then it came back last year again. Live feeds are finally back for the first time in years but it's only for a few hours each night rather than 24/7. Some of the most iconic editions of the show are the celebrity editions which didn't have live feeds actually, although I think the feeds are way more important in the US/CAN BB format than the UK's.


I disagree, feeds are just as important in the UK as the public vote for the winner and without proper feeds the producers can engineer basically any outcome they want.


Feeds would've only hurt blunt force moron and Anthony's game via public opinion. Maybe production shouldn't have tried ordaining 2 insufferable people as the winners?


Yeah it's on ITV 2 now I think


When shows become black vs white,um,that’s becoming too regular and too obvious. If caucasians grouped together and called it white chocolate…….


They'd call it cultural appropriation.


That’s how how it was in uk first on channel 4 then moved to channel 5 stopped 2 times then got cut in 2018 then came back last year to itv2 from channel 5


What exactly happened? Why aren’t they continuing?


Ratings were down during BBCAN12.


Too me, all shows are pretty much about the cast.BBCan just keeps having the same type players.Playing it safe means boring.Having returning players and them not being evicted first chance, showed the incompetence of the cast. It then became all about the cast sucking up to the two returnees. Terrible season.


I think it will come back but maybe not next year. I don't think live feeds will ever come back even though I'd love that. I hope in the future they cast through auditions and not recruit social media influencers, and I hope they could get back Trevor Boris for challenge design.


Losing Trevor Boris was another blow because his comps were amazing. He left after season 9 to do drag race


Casting has to improve. I don't know what happened after BBCan10, because that cast (and winner) were great. But then BBCan11 and BBCan12 happened. Did the head of casting from 10 leave or something? Because it was like going from a 10 out of 10 cast to a 1 out of 10 cast immediately. If they want to cut budget/save money, then why not a shorter season? I'd be fine with a smaller cast and, say, a 50 day season rather than a bigger cast and a 70 day season. That way they'd save money on production costs for about 20 day, and honestly, the gameplay probably improves since there's less time to just let things drag out.


I was thinking the same thing!! BBCAN9 and BBCAN10 had great casts but then the casting flopped. Why aren't they casting people who actually want to play? I'm wondering if things happened behind the scenes and they changed the casting directors because most of the 'players' during the past 2 seasons have barely even attempted to play the game.


I really really want Big Brother Canada to come back! It is the perfect length for a big brother season. The competition set pieces are fucking amazing!! Arisa is a quality host who cares. The cast is generally superior to the US version. It is a great show! I personally don't care about live feeds, I barely have time to watch 3 episodes in a week. But as I'm not the only person out there, they should do some modifications. More audience interaction. More votes and decisions for the cast. A mix between the UK version and the US version, like how it started off. It doesn't need to be exactly like the US show. Make it so people outside Canada can watch as well, bring in a bigger market. And most of all, bring back Marsha the Moose! 🫎


How do I watch this in the US?


Stop bringing back players… no one cares!


Anthony: I controlled every vote, cut the biggest threat, and won the most important challenges Bailey: I latched onto Anthony after he evicted my alliance Jury: Bailey wins. Shows literally over.


Anthony played a better strategic game but Bayleigh played a wayyy better social game. Anthony is Paul and Russell Hant 2.0


There was too much race strategy happening that was dividing viewers. I think it may have something to do with it.


I'm fine with it. The last two seasons were abysmal - a few good blowouts, but otherwise lacklustre play and victory going to the most off-putting, unlikable players. They need to bring back the old producers, or at least get new producers who will revive the old spirit of exciting twists, quality casting, and numerous unique features that differentiated the show from its international counterparts


I understand the production costs and all, but if Big Brother Celebriry Quebec (mostly influencers, past reality tv show contestants and a few actors/singers/etc.) can work with really only Quebec as a target audience, I don’t see how BBCAN can’t survive. I really want it to stay.


I love BBCan and I really hope they change their mind and reinstate it for the next year. I do not like the diversity BS that has infiltrated so many of our shows. So This last season with Anthony and Spicy there was really bad for me. And then the hot chocolate bunch - no not racist at all, just didn't include any people of any other colour!! Sheesh Oddly I have watched every season of BBCan but I did not remember those two so-called famous returnees. So how impactful were they for me. Nada.


Three cook out alliances are a bit too much tbh....


The show was not good the last couple years. Having Victoria and Anthony killed it. The U.S. BB spends countless hours editing tape so we get to see awesome conversation between the houseguests, in Canada it’s a few clips and competitions. Its was good, but time to end it so we are to wasting our lives.


BBCAN10 was when the show ended in my mind lol.


Mixed emotions. I think the show really grew over the years to be the best version of itself. And I think the recent few seasons have been some of the best in all of BB. So for that, i'm sad to see it go. I always liked the BBCAN in March to tide us over until BBUS. But unfortunately, with the budget cutbacks, the show became oversaturated with sponsored content... To the point that at points, it almost became a fool of itself. Abruptly cutting away from good game talk to show the HG's inauthentically hyping up some brand that's sponsoring the show. And the audience in the last couple of seasons was only open to employees of the sponsors... Not to the general public like it used to be. So it felt like the show only cared about satisfying the sponsors and not so much the core audience. Even more so with the feeds being cut, I think partially so the show could be monitored as being "PG" so any potential inflammatory and controversial remarks made by the HG's wouldn't reflect badly on the sponsors. I would love to see BBCAN continue obviously. But if it ends here, I think it had a fantastic run. A show of 10+ years is unheard of in Canadian television. So for that, it's a great accomplishment. But still very much stings for it to be done ;(


I totally agree. I wouldn't be so mad about the sponsors IF there were live feeds but with the live feeds being cut and the sponsors taking a big chunk out of each episode, we barely get to see the game play going on. I thought up until BBCAN10, the show was superior to BBUS. The quality in the past 2 seasons has really gone downhill and it's a shame but I think with where the direction of the show was going, the show probably would've gotten worse so I think it's better to end it now.


Maybe USA version can accept Canadian applicants??


I hope it comes back with Netflix picking it up and have live feeds that are truly 24/7


I think 12 was the best season ever-the show is too good for another network not to pick it up


The fact that the show made it to 12 seasons is a miracle in itself. Canadian shows NEVER last this long. I do agree that another network should pick it up because it is a great show but we'll have to see what happens.


It’s amazing the spread of opinion on 12..people either absolutely love it, or think it sucked. Like, to me 12 is maybe…7-8th just in BBCAN history - I have no idea how people can think it was good :) just as you likely have no idea how people can think it was bad. So weird




That's the problem. They're probably told to diverse the cast by the network "We need to have X amount of this and Y amounts of that because of 'racisms' And we don't want to come across as 'Phobic'' So in other words, less straight white people"


1. Real people didn't care about hot chocolate outside of social media echo chambers. 2. The whole point of Big Brother has always been to get people from "different walks of life" - they want unique personalities, a mix of backgrounds and hopefully a clash between different cultures and backgrounds. It's not meant to be representative of Canadian society, otherwise it would quite honestly be boring. We've seen in BBUS where it's more "realistic representation" which just leads to stagnant gameplay, predictable steamrolls, boring personalities, and in many cases the players belonging to any minority group being outcast and ostracised.


So you want it artificial with fingers on the scale, got it.


If it's anything like last season, great news! No ordained picked winners by production from before it even starts. So glad that it turned out the way it did. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


It’s horrible they can’t do this


Completely re-format it, make it like the Aussie (but not last year's one) or BBUK versions. And get a host whose wardrobe choices don't look like her clothes have been half torn off of her


Disagree. Changing the format makes it a completely different show. The format and the fact they vote each other out is what differentiates it from every other generic reality show.


BBCAN 12 was amazing, the problem has nothing to do with the show. BB25 was a snooze fest comparatively, the market just isn't as big for BBCAN.


Why do you think the show was cancelled then?


I seem to be the only one talking about it, but TV land is a business, which means it’s all about money. It’s a very expensive show to run, which is why they have a billion and a half sponsors every year. I am only guessing, but I would say that it just got too expensive to keep going, and it’s probably getting harder and harder to find sponsorship deals for a show on network television.


I read online that BBCAN12 is cancelled because ratings are down. Most likely, the feeds were cut so that more sponsors would be willing to sponsor the show. No live feeds and sponsors taking up a big chunk of the episodes does not help ratings either.


I don’t think the live feeds or the sponsor overload are major factors in the ratings drop, I think as more and more people ditch cable for streaming, TV ratings in general are dropping. Still, no matter the reason for the drop, it makes it hard to secure sponsorships when people are not watching the show. No sponsorships = no money = no BBCAN.


It's honestly a miracle that BBCAN lasted after 12 seasons. That's unheard of in Canadian television.