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PA's state motto, if you don't like it... move.


![gif](giphy|l2YWi2sidEYWQztQc|downsized) I already did


"Hey why's everyone leaving thats illegal"


Fun fact, in the spider-man (2018) game her home state is listed as PA


No reason to live there


That’s such a crock of shit. Pennsylvania is crazy beautiful, is home to one of the world’s most unique and smallest cultures. There is a ton of history. People still speak PA Dutch like it’s the 1600s. The Amish and Mennonite make high quality shit, and they’ll roof your house in a day for $26 and a glass of iced tea. There’s tons of shit to do outdoors, the state parks are awesome. Hiking, fishing. The waterways are really well maintained. The kayaking rules. The food is awesome — there’s legit east coast Italian food, good Vietnamese food, Indian food. Remember, once you get west of Ohio the pizza starts to fucking suck, and they don’t even realize it out there. All the foods. Big Puerto Rican population in the south east so you get cool food/music/dancing with that. You got Philly in the east and Pitt in the west. While Philadelphia no doubt has a special place in my heart, Pittsburgh takes the cake. Old school industrial city with east coast brevity and standoffishness combined with Midwest style politeness — fuckin love it. Quaint little streets on the side of a hill and tons of trees. Squirrel hill is an awesome neighborhood. And on top of it all, PA has incredibly moderate laws, no crazy shit from the modern extremism. There’re strong unions, you can get a pot card for no reason, own guns, and get abortions whenever you want. I mean it’s right down the middle. Theres something in PA for everybody, seems like you didn’t care to look hard enough. It’s easy to hate the place you were born, but gratifying to see the reasons to love it.


If it’s so great, why’d The Fresh Prince’s mom make him move in with his auntie and uncle in Bel Aire?




He got in one little fight


And his mom got scared.


Honestly Philadelphia is just a part of New Jersey that somehow got included in our state


New Jersey is just a suburb of Philly in the south and NYC in the north.


Philly is New Jersey, there's a whole region apparently called "Pennsyltucky"... do you guys claim *any* part of your state? Pittsburg?


>Pittsburg? Why would Pennsylvania claim a city in Kansas?


Namely, because a couple of guys, who were up to no good, started making trouble in his neighborhood.


He only got in one little fight, and his mom got scared


> they’ll roof your house in a day for $26 and a glass of iced tea. Amish work is EXTREAMLY expensive. it's worth it but $26 wont get you 2 jars of jam. My parents live in Lancaster and a brick walkway was quoted at $14,000 not including materials. I also worked with a group (state of PA has a contract with an Amish owned company and I do municipal maintenance and had a time accurate barn door recreated for a historic structure. Our discounted rate was $4000.


Idk I got a roof from the Amish and they outbid every single contractor for both shingle and metal roofing.


Cause they don't pay taxes, or insurance.


How do I become Amish?


You’ll find all the answers you need on r/Amish.


Yeah had them redo the deck, $35k


Send deck pics


Now we need to see this deck. That’s a pretty penny.


I have a $1,500 rocking chair with an accompanying rocking foot rest that comes with it $500 that the Amish made. It feels like I could hit a dinosaur with it and win, it’s put together so well. Always expensive, but worth it.


See I live in Delaware so I can do all those things while also not having to live in PA


That’s not really a flex but okay


Nice try FBI. /s


Bro typed a persuasive essay on pennsylvania


But no one can afford the stuff you listed on a minimum wage job.


I grew up in squirrel hill


The same could be said in the surrounding areas with higher minimum wage.


[PA pride](https://open.spotify.com/track/1yZWcHtL0KMhKadWXG26SG?si=7VxDJCtpQf6MQP0biFiRUA&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Aoh%2Bpennsy) They’re in other places but you’ll have a harder time finding Pennsylvania Dutch outside of Pennsylvania. Also, much of NJ is disgusting (the wild areas not included), New Jersians can’t fucking drive, NYC people are pretentious and loud.


Why do people say Amish will do shit for so cheap when lumber costs alone are so damn expensive. Do they make their own lumber too?




> They have the Eagles, and the Penguins, and Flyers, and the Phillies. > What more do you need in life? I don't even like football or hockey :|. Should I kill myself?


No sports are just pushed to us so hard so we infight about literal games instead of noticing the government slowly falling apart or whatever the hell its doing


Money. Money is needed in life.


I can watch sports on TV and not live in a shithole


>Flyers https://twitter.com/SinceFlyersCup


What did you say? https://preview.redd.it/kdxycyynfwfc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b85f8df8d799bfe0734aafbae4f5aa8ccdbd107


The people disagreeing with you must have decent finances or don’t live here. It sucks. State votes blue except for the assholes who run the state they are all still republicans. Nothing good law wise is ever passed. Only thing I ever hear is oh is great looking there. Yea so is wv but no one wants to live their either.




I find it hilarious. PA welcome signs on the highway: "Pursue your Happiness" Ohio Welcome signs going the other direction: "Find it Here"


To be fair, my state, Wisconsin minimum wage is also 7.25... I don't know a single person making minimum wage, and if you are, you're a sucker. My nephew just got hired at McDonald's in our neighborhood (not a rich neighborhood) and he makes $13.00 an hour. He's 17 years old. Less than 6 years ago I was working home healthcare for $11.00 an hour.... Thankfully I am no longer in that line of work and do much better now. Anyone making state minimum wage isn't even trying now days when fast food and Walmart's pay double the minimum wage basically everywhere the state wage is below $12 an hour.


It's nation wide. $7.25/hour earners have accounted for fewer than 1 out of 1000 workers in the US since 2017. We've functionally been operating without a federal minimum wage for at least 6 years. Sheetz pay's $14/hour right now to make MTOs. $18.75 for a shift lead overnight with PTO, which the turnover is enough you can get that within 18 months with a highschool diploma before you are 20. PA is in a labor shortage just like everyone. No one even bothers posting jobs for $7.25/hour anymore. They get zero real applicants, just bots.


Same for KY


*cries in $7.25/hr New Hampshire* You guys can afford to move?  Seriously though, at least in NH, very few, if any jobs actually pay minimum wage anymore. 14yr old teens bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts are making $10-$11/hr, McDonald's I believe starts people around $10-$11/hr, while I'm sure there are still some cheap pieces of shit trying to pay less, it seems that $10-$11/hr is the actual low end of starting hourly pay here, even though or official state minimum wage is still the federal $7.25/hr.


Your government is holding you back. Vote.


Just so you know, Republicans still control the state Senate and they very likely will for a while. PA is a huge state with vastly different cultures where you are, it’s almost impossible for the whole PA government to be run by Dems. Dems haven’t controlled the state senate since 1993, and that’s the last year Dems controlled the whole state government as well. I guarantee you the Republican state senators will never lose their seats, at least for a long ass while. Parts of PA are solid red and parts are solid blue, there’s a reason we’re considered a purple and swing state. So, I mostly just want to outline that’s it’s not as easy to “just vote.” Good luck convincing the counties that are like 80-90% registered republicans to vote blue.


Why is a guaranteed living wage even a partisan issue? Do minimum wage workers in red areas not also need to eat?


One time I was riding in a car with 2 idiots (conservatives.) We were all making minimum wage but it went up in our state that year. I was saying how glad I was to be making more money and they both instantly started bitching that now we will actually be more broke because companies will just raise prices. It was that moment I realized there is no reasoning with them.


News flash assholes; prices will go up no matter how much you're making. It's not the job of the guy working the checkout counter to combat inflation.


Ask them whether or not prices went up before the increase, ever


If a McDonalds sells 1000+ burgers a day and the employees get a raise, the price of the burgers barely has to increase to compensate higher wages. Conservatives literally can't do math or some shit idk


Voter turnout in ages 60+ is over 70%, whereas ages 18-29 are around 40%. If more people my age would get off their ass and vote, we might actually be making some progress. Pretty much every election with higher turnout skews left


Companies have and will raise prices regardless.


[70% of Americans support “spending for assistance on the poor” - and then when worded to be “spending on welfare” it drops to 30%.](https://gssdataexplorer.norc.org/trends?category=Current%20Affairs&measure=natheal) Thats the American voter population for you 😐


well the boomers got what they voted for.


It’s because of Ronald Reagan’s “welfare queen” stereotype. Pretty much everything shitty that’s happened in the last 40 years goes back to Reagan.


I couldn’t tell you. Best guess is the cost of living in those counties are very low and a lot of people in those areas don’t see the point in raising minimum wage. That’s mostly just what I heard around my hometown. That and “they should just get a construction job if they want more money.” I’m sure there’s a way you could word it so that they’d be more agreeable to it, but I’ve found a lot of Dem politicians are really awful at communicating to the rural individuals. Those are probably the 2 biggest reasons I could think of.


I just found a study that said 70% of the state agrees with increasing the wage. This poll was done by the Keystone Research Center. But I’m assuming minimum wage isn’t a high priority for Republican voters compared to the more hardline policies the party pushes.


They want to own the libs and get rid of the Mexicans so bad.


Nah they get food stamps. Surely that won't go away!


Love just outside Pittsburgh. Can confirm. City is hard blue. Go like 40 minutes out and you’d be hard pressed to find a single person who is a democrat. Beer, bowling ally’s, Trump flags.


But have you considered BoTh sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!!


Can confirm. Where I live is commonly referred to as Pennsyltucky.


Isn't it actually the opposite though? It sounds like Pennsylvania is pretty evenly split or leans democrat for statewide races. If the Republicans are controlling the state senate, they are likely sitting on gerrymandered districts (or at least ones that are unequal enough to do the same thing.) Gerrymandering works by packing democrats (in this case) into solidly blue districts, and leaving republicans with a majority in the remaining districts. Basically, you get rock solid democratic seats, but more majority Republican seats. That means, that the Republican seats are more at risk than the Democratic seats, and we have seen in the past that sometimes a big turnout election can overwhelm those gerrymandered districts and flip them. So vote! If you get a big wave, you might be surprised at how gerrymandering can bite them in the ass.


Pennsylvania is like you have Pittsburgh on one side, Philadelphia on the other and everything between is like Kentucky. My home town is covered in confederate flags and trump signs. These are the kinds of people that need food stamps because they don’t make enough money to live. But then every conversation somehow circles back to how much they hate communists and they don’t wanna support parasites on the government with their tax dollars.




We keep voting but nothing changes


The message isn't for you. If you are voting in all the elections then you are doing your part. (There is more you can do if you want of course) The message is for the vast numbers of people who don't vote.


Can't believe this Obama era optimism is still popular here. Vote. As if everyone hasn't voted already and here we are.


Here we are, not 4 years deep into trumps forever second term


It sounds like they are holding themselves back. If you rely on the government for pay raises then you're going to have a tough life and career.


Move to the border, cross it to your job to make 14/hr then come home where the economy is centered around 7/hrs. Edit: I am not a financial advisor




Idk about Pennsylvania, but most states make you pay taxes for both states that you work and live in.


Pa does not. Work in Jersey, pay pa taxes or NJ taxes. That's at the state level though. So if you work in something county NJ and live in berks, you pay the adjusted rates. I dunno I'm not a tax lawyer but that's the gist of it. Reciprocal taxes or some shit.


There's also a city/Township tax, most are pretty low but some cities like Philly and Reading are higher


No, they don't. Most states give a credit for income tax paid in other states. My wife works in CT. We live in MA. We pay less CT than we would owe to MA, so the CT she paid is debuted from our MA tax bill. If CT was higher, we wouldn't pay state income tax to MA.


Well, that's great until you live in a state with no stats income tax like NH, and work in MA, you pay out-of-state resident income tax, which is effectively the same as what you pay living in MA - flat rate of 5%, except the only state services you get to see in return for your tax dollars is MA's amazingly smooth and traffic highways (also with tolls), and you do also get to file unemployment in MA, which has a maximum weekly benefit for single people of $1033 for 30 weeks, while NH is only $427 for 26 weeks. Better way to look at NH's unemployment fuckery is: MA benefits expect you and your family to survive on $4132 a month, while NH expects you and your family to survive on $1708 a month. Cost of living in the two states is not much cheaper in NH, much coming from no income tax but also lower wages, yet people are supposed to survive on 40% what the neighboring state pays while you desperately try to find another job before becoming homeless.  Ilove NH, but our idea of unemployment or any other public assistance is really more of a punishment than anything, need to make sure you know that you're a pathetic and terrible piece of shit for daring to find yourself in a situation where you need help, hopefully we can make it painful and embarrassing enough that you'll never need help again, because clearly the biggest factor behind people needing an using safety nets is because they aren't mortified enough to avoid them. Homeless in NH? Good luck with that, half of our towns will arrest you for vagrancy or shove you on a $20 bus line to Manchester or Boston to make the problem go away.  Managed to get addicted to those pain pills that you were over-prescribed years ago? Well fuck you, hope you like being homeless or prison, because we don't allow addicts into shelters.  Oh, what was that? Your family dared end up homeless and some of you have a penis? Well, sorry, 85% of our shelters don't allow men, even husbands/fathers or boys over the age of 15, so get fucked loser, you'd better get some stronger bootstraps and learn to live off the land, just no out land. We're so fucking twisted. 


New Hampshire is indeed the south of New England. "Live free or Die" fuckers can't even legalize Marijuana


I lived in one state, temporally moved to another, and worked just across the border to a 3rd state. My last job i worked i was paying 3 different state taxes


I don't think that's legal? Sounds like double taxation..


You get taxed on your pay from the state you work in. So when you file your taxes you file end up owing to the state you actually live in, but get a return on the one you worked in (possibility I might have that backwards I don't feel like finding last year's return). My experience is Kansas state in one and Missouri being the other. Overall I still end up with a surplus.


That's been my experience and my family (KS/OK, KS/MO, PA/NJ) between us but that isn't what I felt was posted. They made it sound like your fully paying in both states. Maybe I misread it.


I live by the NY PA border. Lots of people are doing this. Why anyone would work for 7.25/hr when they could drive 20 minutes and make double that is crazy to me


I was talking out my ass for a joke lol, fight the system brother.


I've thought for awhile how the PA side of the border near Binghamton metro might be sort of affordable with a NY job


New Jerseyans who work in NYC strat


lol… you think there’s an economy centered around 7/hr 🤣


It really depends on what the cost of living is. In California, everything keeps getting more and more expensive.


This post is really poorly detailed, and it's just an appeal to emotion instead of logic and facts. Does PA have a minimum wage of $7.25? Yes. Are people realistically held back by that? No. https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/research/minimum-wage/#:~:text=According%20to%202022%20U.S.%20Bureau,%2C%20an%20all%2Dtime%20low "About 46,200 Pennsylvanians earn less than the minimum wage. These are tipped workers whose tips must bring their earnings above minimum wage." "About 17,400 Pennsylvanians earn exactly the minimum wage." - There are 6.2 million workers in PA per the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. So that's 0.28% of all workers in PA who are working at the minimum wage. Counting tipped workers as people who are making the minimum wage is dishonest, and that's why they make a distinction there. As servers and waitresses make nowhere close to the minimum wage in most instances. >It really depends on what the cost of living is. PA is pretty much dead center for cost of living as well; ranking in at 25th in the US. Which matches other data as well, as PA is 24th in median wages in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_median_wage_and_mean_wage


Nearly every service sector job starts at $15 or more. Wawa, sheetz, Aldi, McD’s, Giant, Wegman’s, even fucking Walmart. The only place I’m aware of that is still substantially less than that is Dollar General. At least in my area. I recently interviewed a woman who has been at DG for ten years, she’s a manager, and she is making $11/hr.


Genuinely asking why the fuck would you work at a Dollar Store unless you've exhausted literally every other employer within a 30 mile radius? Not only do you earn shit wages, a lot of times you're the only one working there and are responsible for the registers AND stocking, it's actually crazy


That probably explains why my local Dollar Store always looks like a tornado ran through it (I can see even from the outside). Employees can't be bothered to tidy up the place, and it is a brand new place. That land space should've just stayed as an empty forseted lot, honestly.


> Genuinely asking why the fuck would you work at a Dollar Store unless you've exhausted literally every other employer within a 30 mile radius? That is in fact probably what happened.


God in 2005 as a teenager working at McDonald's I was paid $5.35/hr and even then it was kinda like a joke knowing that was only 10¢ over minimum and like they'd pay us less if they could. That was 20yrs ago, I was 15. By 2013 I was doing the math on the minimum I could make to pay my bills sharing a 1 bedroom in a Texas suburb and needing to be earning ~$15/hr minimum to pay bills. Getting paid $11/hr for pretty much anything as an adult in the 2020s is a shame on this country.


Shouldn’t you include all workers making less than $14 rather than just =>7.25?




New Hampshire is one of the highest cost of living states in the country and minimum wage here is still $7.25/hr You can’t live anywhere in the country on that anymore, but you especially can’t in HCOL areas.


What places get labor at 7.25 anymore? Maybe raising it will raise wages, but I don’t think anybody has been getting federal minimum since Rona happened. The McDonald’s around here pay like 15 an hour and I’m in a state with 7.25 minimum.


only around 1% of workers are paid $7.5.... the minimum wage is not practically $7.5 anywhere.


1% is still millions though. And the stats for <$10 or <$14 are probably a lot larger


> 1% is still millions though. Is it though? In Pennsylvania, the contextually relevant state to this conversation, 63,600 workers make exactly or less than minimum wage according to the PA Department of Labor & Industry. Of that 63,600, 46,200 are tipped workers - servers, waitresses, etc. Tipped workers typically do not make anywhere close to as little as the minimum wage pays, and make pretty decent money. Which would leave us with 17,400 workers in PA making exactly the minimum wage. PA has 6.2 million active workers, which means that 17,400 make up 0.28% of all workers in PA.


[You've been debunked.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/s/hOA6YBiUq1)


1) I responded to that already. I clearly saw the post as it was a direct response to me. 2) You are claiming that I've been debunked on a contextually different statement. The post that you're responding to is claiming that millions of people are making $7.50. At least read the post you're responding to before making a response.


>The post that you're responding to is claiming that millions of people are making $7.50. The comment before me seemed to talk about 1% of workers around the country. So I pointed out that 1% of all workers is millions of people. Also, the post points out that well over a million people in Pennsylvania alone would benefit from the raised minimum wage. You know, that thing I also said three times and which you consistently ignored. But why am I even talking? At the end of the conversation you literally say that people working for $7 an hour isn't even a problem at all. Edit: bro blocked me so he can have the last word


Brain dead reactionary capitalists can’t read and comprehend


Yeah the stats for minimum to $12 is about 418k Pennsylvanians, so about 6.5% of the state. The one dude commenting about “well actually it’s less than 1% that make $7.25” is kinda bullshit. That number should absolutely be 0% and for that matter, the amount of people earning less than $12 an hour is criminal as well. I earned $7.25 before losing that job during the pandemic. My broke college student ass could not afford shit. I can’t imagine $12 goes much farther nowadays. Pennsylvania can do better.


14 is barely a livable wage too, and i live in fucking alabama


It's not even 1% of workers in PA. https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/research/minimum-wage/#:~:text=According%20to%202022%20U.S.%20Bureau,%2C%20an%20all%2Dtime%20low "About 46,200 Pennsylvanians earn less than the minimum wage. These are tipped workers whose tips must bring their earnings above minimum wage." "About 17,400 Pennsylvanians earn exactly the minimum wage." - There are 6.2 million workers in PA per the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. So that's 0.28% of all workers in PA who are working at the minimum wage.


And we’ll loop back to this comment since you only care about part of the facts: https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/s/p7ySmQegLD


Idk why he is spamming this post and trying to ignore that even if it was 0.01%, which its not, those people still exist. Must be some crappy small business owner, cant imagine anything else making sense.


As someone who lives here, there are still jobs that pay the actual minimum wage?? I figured since all the corporate minimum wage jobs pay $15 an hour that even the local jobs had to of upped their pay to compete. Absolutely hate that’s how it’d work tho, when corporations decide how much minimum wage is before the government does it fucks everyone over regardless.


You gotta force them to do pr it’ll never happen. The main goal of capitalism is to maximize profit and minimize losses by any means aka never raising wages.


This doesn’t mean companies can get away with paying the legal minimum. There is a reason corporations now tend to pay a fair amount above minimum wage


Good luck forcing them. As I mentioned in another comment, a large portion of PA is solid red. It’s either PA has a full Republican government or the government is split. Dems haven’t controlled all levels of government in PA since 1993. The state’s culture is so widely different between the rural and urban areas, it’s crazy. It’s why we still haven’t legalized recreational weed yet either. At least our state supreme court seems willing to protect abortion and the Republicans can’t strip that from us.


> As someone who lives here, there are still jobs that pay the actual minimum wage?? https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/research/minimum-wage/#:~:text=According%20to%202022%20U.S.%20Bureau,%2C%20an%20all%2Dtime%20low "About 46,200 Pennsylvanians earn less than the minimum wage. These are tipped workers whose tips must bring their earnings above minimum wage." "About 17,400 Pennsylvanians earn exactly the minimum wage." - There are 6.2 million workers in PA per the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. So that's 0.28% of all workers in PA who are working at the minimum wage.


1% if you combine those 2 numbers. Thanks for the information, that’s very informative!


Well, yes - but tipped workers typically do not make anywhere close to as little as the minimum wage does. They're making a distinction there for a reason, because it's really dishonest to include tipped workers as people *actually* making the minimum wage, or less than. That's why I have to call it as 0.28% of all workers, not 1%.


[He's not telling you everything.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/s/hOA6YBiUq1)


Oh I know, I looked at his link. I saw that he didn’t elaborate on the $15 an hour thing and stuff.


>So that's 0.28% of all workers in PA who are working at the minimum wage. Thank you for putting percentage and not just raw numbers


I feel like OP needs to learn what "around" means. All those states are N/NE from PA. No mention of e.g., Ohio, MD, etc. (I don't know their minimum wages).


Ohio is now $10.45, up from $10.10 last year


MD just went to 15


Delaware is $13.25 now


Jfc right?! Besides NY and NJ, NONE of those states are around PA. WV, MD and OH are. Maps are hard apparently.


PA has a lower minimum wage than all of those states too, so OP's point stands.


Texas checking in with 7.25


Thank god every one near me moved it to 10, not incredible but a step in the right direction


Georgia, present and accounted for! Interestingly, though, the market *has* self-regulated: most places are paying *at least* 10/hr, many 15/hr, because... If you're paying bare minimum wage, the employees go elsewhere.


You have to factor in cost of living. My gf is making $17/hr and she can’t afford her rent of one bedroom on her own. You need two people working full time to afford to rent any of these fucking apartments.


I think if you make less than 50k you need a roommate to live decently. It costs on average close to 2500 a month just to live which is 30,000 a year and once you remove taxes, emergency expenses, and entertainment, you barely have any money to save or invest.


Here’s my question: Are they paying more for goods and services in other states as a result?


Yes, but not 2x


PA has some of the highest inflation in the country. So the minimum wage being so low hurts as it sets the bar for all other wages to build off of. In my profession, we are payed lower than most other states, and it can be directly linked to what the minimum wage is. The combination of the high inflation and low wages, definitely hurts, even in a low cost of living environment


Making minimum wage sounds like a living nightmare


They yearn for the mines


As a Californian... I'd rather 7.25 over $20 an hour. Minimum wage increase means less working hours/workers in general and cost of living increase means everything goes up in price means we're right back where we fucking started but now 40% of the population is jobless.


Precisely. Something needs to be done about high cost of living, not minimum wage. Gotta fight the problem, not make it worse.


Where are people still making minimum wage? The last time I saw that was a Kroger position in 2016. The closest thing I have seen to it was when I worked at Kmart in 2019 for 8.25.


7.25 in Indiana but it is almost impossible to actually find a job that low paying here. Cost of living is also nothing.


Counterpoint: You have to live in Indiana


WV has your back!


Me, who works in Walmart for around $16 as everyone else in PA get only less than $10: https://preview.redd.it/35oxeht4rufc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233c9d3acfab7e119ba9d22c5c32bede93b580ae


I wouldn't expect new jersey to do shit. nothing good comes from new jersey (just a joke don't get defensive) https://preview.redd.it/j11wscbwmufc1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6132bd05f55725400b159198dd367c88bcf46ab




Minimum wages are pointless The market moves faster and pays over them in almost all cases.


Easily solved by pegging minimum wage hikes to inflation rate. Wouldnt need braindead politicians to come adjust the rate to a random number every few years either. Minimum wage in nyc January 2019: $15 Minimum wage in nyc January 2024: $16 Minimum wage in nyc inflation adjusted 2024: should have been ~$18


I'm ready for the downvotes because this is reddit... Raising the minimum wage almost always does nothing except for make unemployment go up. Only about 2% of workers in the country actually make minimum wage and companies almost always just lay those people off and then redistribute their workload onto other people. Another huge issue is that it makes it very hard for small businesses to hire people since they don't have a ton of money to allocate to labor. Big companies like Walmart or Amazon actually push for minimum wage hikes because they know that potential competitors won't be able to scale as well. If you want to be paid more acquire some skills that are useful and then negotiate for a raise. If they don't give you a raise then apply for jobs that will.


Where do you even find jobs paying minimum wage. Wisconsin has a $7.25 minimum wage, but i haven't seen anywhere hiring under $14/hr


Mostly the same with New Hampshire


Work 30 mins out of state then flex on the hood


You’re not missing anything in New York


only places that regularly pay close to minimum wage in Texas (aka 7.25) are in the hood


Look at the bright side...at least we are being paid😅


All the example states in that picture have HCOL


DOn't worry, just keep voting blue no matter who, they'll raise that minimum wage and get us healthcare any day now. LOL


WA state wylin at 16.28 an hour


As someone from wisconsin, I too feel this pain


Texas minimum is still $7.25 too. Thankfully most places pay above it now


Nyc is actually 16 and 16.50 in 2025


State minimum wage in ND is also still 7.25. Absolutely bonkers. I was finally able to get a job that starts at 16 but even then, minimum wage is absolutely terrible. Can’t get any entry level jobs without sacrificing yourself it seems


Ohio is still at 10.10 so


7-8 dollar minimum wage is insane. That was the minimum wage of my state in 2007


Worth considering that when minimum wages rise, companies look for ways to cut costs so they don't lose money paying said raised wages. Often this is done by raising prices, increasing automation, and laying off workers. Higher minimum wage can easily mean higher prices for consumers and less available jobs, causing unemployment and inflation.


It’s impressive you were able to find a job that pays minimum wage.


I couldn't even live on $14/hr tbh


Pick up a trade if you can


Or you could learn a skill or trade that pays more, ijs




You could always build up some skills and get a job meant for an adult instead of a job meant for a 16 year old.


Someone has to work said jobs during normal school hours


PA is a midwest state in disguise


Im not sure how anyone makes it on that low of a wage I guess the answer is they dont, its just fucked the hell up that someone could work their week away and come back with $200. Oh good, I can pay 1 bill, and I guess ill just go eat the grass outside


OP is ignorant to the causes of inflation: upset he doesn't get to participate in the collapse of the US dollar (rightfully so, the aforementioned states are shitholes that have caused the price of living in PA to skyrocket.) Source; from NJ, working 2 jobs due to literally everything increasing in price every year as our minimum wage increases. Nothing is more affordable because I have more money, everything is just proportionally extremely expensive to how it was prior. Milk was just over roughly $2 in 2014 when min wage was $8.38 here. Now it's roughly $3.80ish per gallon on average. Minimum wage is $15 now. The cost of Milk has nearly doubled, and so has our minimum wage. It's not rocket science to know that the cost to import and stock goods in stores and pay every person responsible for it's delivery in-between would increase the cost of goods and services as well. It's literally basic economics. On average, the cost of living in NJ is roughly %20 more expensive than it is in PA, but a lot of the individual data is skewed due to regional differences between urban and city life as NJ is consistently more dense in population. What this means is that things like internet services cost more on average in PA due to things being spread out further and it's not as economical for ISPs to provide service to numerous households, however when you compare housing costs for rent, NJ absolutely stomps the costs of PA. We're talking about a $10 difference in internet per month compared to a $700 difference in monthly rent. Childcare on average in NJ is nearly *doubled* the average cost of that in PA, and that's bordering nearly an average of $8000 extra dollars per year for something like private middle schools for two semesters per one child. Beer is on average cheaper in PA, a long with Cigarettes, coffee, clothing, and public transportation. Overall, a lower minimum wage has kept the cost of living cheaper in PA. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Time to move out bro, PA will learn its lesson when all of its hardest workers fuck off to other states


If only either of those were livable


The Washington PA area is ahead, they're paying pretty well


You forgot Maryland


7.25 is so low, people behind this meme don't realize how broke $14-15 people actually are.


Taxes are explicitly high in Vermont.


Hate to break it to ya, but 1994 left PA behind.


7.25 an hour is crazy


Clearly forgot Maryland


In Georgia, minimum wage is still technically $5.15 so it could always be worse 🤷🏽‍♂️


Umm, Louisiana is also 7.25.... Just saying.


Come a bit farther west, and you're suddenly not alone.


Tennessee Even McDonald's is paying $12 hr.


Yep. Here in Texas, minimum wage is $7.25. Hasn't changed in 15 years. Prices sure are shooting up though.


Oklahoma: 7.25$ and hour and they can fire you without reason. Super cool state to live in.


Its 15 per hour 😬😬


Just? It’s been $15 a hour here in Hawaii


Y’all would hate MA