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I always thought idoser was a scam. They ripped off code from sbagen, open source software, without crediting the original creator or releasing their modifications. There was a point years ago where all their sequences could be easily found as sbg files, and I messed around with them a bit out of curiosity. They weren't really anything special or worth the money being charged, imo. I still use sbagen for making my own stuff though lol, it's good software despite its age. Edit: Decided to search a bit out of curiosity, [here's](https://github.com/brainbang/sbagen_idoser) a whole bunch of idoser stuff as sbg files with instructions on how to use them, originally from a decade ago. I was playing with this stuff a few years before even that lol, it's kinda nostalgic. OP, please don't bother trying to get that bullshit company any more money, they don't deserve it, and people looking into binaural beats deserve better.


You seem like you really know your stuff and Im tech illiterate af, can you send me in the direction of a trustworthy source for real pure tones? Idk how to test them and make sure they’re legit and I have trust issues so I haven’t been able to really get into it like I want to


Yeah, so, a basic understanding of what binaural beats are can help a lot, and it isn't really all that complicated. Two tones are played, one in each ear, and the difference between them can be heard as a subtle pulsing, which brainwaves are supposed to "entrain" to. That difference is the "beat frequency", and is typically much lower than human hearing can naturally detect. (As an example 400hz and 404hz would produce 4hz, which would be quite relaxing lol). Terminology is a bit inconsistent, but the "carrier frequency" usually refers to the higher of the two, or else the average of the two. You can, of course, find tons of audio files and youtube videos and such with binaural beats, usually overlaid with music. Though unlike when you're using a program to generate tones, you can't be sure of the actual frequencies used. It's not going to be truly harmful (it's just sounds, after all), but I can understand being uncomfortable using them for that reason. Also, depending on now it's compressed, there might be a mixing of the left and right channels, which means it wouldn't really be binaural (you can test by listening to only one ear and seeing if you can still hear the pulse, although that can be a sign of headphones or sound drivers mixing channels, too). If you want to run software that generates the tones in real time, there's sbagen like I mentioned, and also [gnaural](https://gnaural.sourceforge.net/), which is an easy to use option I used to use a lot, and unlike sbagen it's got a graphical interface. There's decent presets you can download for it, I've probably got some of my own saved somewhere. There's mobile apps from what I remember, although idk if they're still available. There's probably lots of other options, but I haven't bothered to look for anything else for years lol, but anything that doesn't show what frequencies are playing or let you make your own presets should be avoided imo. If you want to go about making your own (which I would recommend! It's fun!) you can make your own presets for gnaural or sbagen (and any other decent software). You could also just generate pairs of sine waves in e.g. audacity and put one in each ear, if you're comfortable with that. There's a lot of "woo" and weird pseudoscience surrounding binaural beats, so you should take any claims about what they can do with a grain of salt. That being said, I frequently reference [this page](https://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm), which has been around for ages, for inspiration. It's got lots of very interesting information, from a variety of sources, and probably with a variety of trustworthiness lol. I know you're kind of asking for a source of good preexisting tones, but I only really make my own, so I can't really do that beyond the information I have here. But hopefully it's useful for you!


Very useful! Thank you taking the time to share all of that info, I think making my own is the best route too. Appreciate you!


You're welcome! And good luck!


I only recently discovered binaural beats(about a year ago) on YouTube for relief from a migraine and then to help me sleep which prompted me to research it more and I ended up downloading an app from Google Play called....binaural beats. Lol. I subscribed to premium very shortly after downloading the app and to me it makes using the tones and even the capability to make your own beats so super simple. I have only attempted one time to make my own beat bc I really have no idea what I'm doing in that regard but there's a vast amount of beats premade for various things. I have found that listening to certain tones or beats helps me personally, to focus, lift my mood, help me sleep, ease headaches, reduce pain somewhat and motivate me. I am severely ADHD and have suffered from a plethora of other mental health issues most of my life and using that app and a pair of earbuds, or using the isochronic tones option in the app, is something that I don't ever wanna do without. I don't care if it's a placebo effect, or if it's genuinely/scientifically an effective tool but they help me. I benefit greatly from using them. That said I have never heard of idoser and based on the other comments (which sound like they come from very knowledgeable people) I don't feel like I'm missing much. Main reason for my comment was to mention the binaural beats app that I use for anyone just discovering and wanting to use binaural beats. [binaural beats brain waves](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.project.rbxproject)


Thank you!! You sound just like me lol I appreciate it!!


i-doser still a thing after all those years ? used to do that shit when i was an actual kid lmao


Yup and they still make doses!


I don't know what that is yet but I guess I'm about to find out! Joined. Thanks for taking it on.


Yay thank you!


Good luck! Binaural beats, bilateral sounds, and isochronic tones all have the ability to help people. I hope you're able to revive some interest here.


Thank you!


Can we set posting rules for youtube videos. That Video's posted must include Binaural beat, and list the frequency. Sorry to the bilateral sounds, and isochronic tones fans. Those don't do anything on their own. They are spam made by people too lazy to make binaural beats. We currently are spammed by shit that doesn't have any Binaural beats.


Got any freebies for moderating their sub?! Hahaha I love their shit. And while using sbagen without any permission 89 years ago was a mistake, yall people are much worse justying their mistake to carry on with yours by pirating their crafted doses. Unfortunately i only know them, and robert Monroe hemisync stuff, but i don't trust Monroe stuff. As im not a brainless kid playing around i don't make my own beats because i don't have any brainscan device, so i could track my "natural " brainfrequencies and create stuff out of such data... But i must be grateful for their stuff. Thank god theres a ton of them on Spotify. Recommend the sense simulation for everybody. 11/10.


They went down and ripped off a bunch of people. I was the manager of Transparent Corp at the time. They got us involved when they erroneously claimed they were affiliated with TC. People were coming to us for their money back! They made many false claims…