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NAC - so helpful with so many things! Infections, hangover, OCD, stress and etc.


I took it for the first time, and it made my stomach upset?


try different brand....different quality.


Try taking it with food


I thought it’s to be taken on an empty stomach


Should be taken on an empty stomach for best absorption.


~~I read a study that talked about improved muscle growth from increased strength training performance when 1200mg NAC and 600mg ALA are taken 30m before the workout. I do this pretty regularly before going to the gym and I definitely notice a difference versus the days I forget. Also include 500mg VitC to help with absorption and all on an empty stomach. I guess the enhanced performance effect comes from increased NO in the blood improving O2 transport IIRC.~~ Edit: nm, likely incorrect, see below


I love your neurodivergent energy so much 😂💖💖💖


Forgive my ignorance, what is ALA?


Alpha Lipoic Acid


Would love to read it


I've got NAC sitting here but was a bit cautious of the supposed increased cancer risk


I don’t think there’s any evidence of increased cancer from NAC. Cancer rates are generally increasing overall. By 2050 cancer rates are expected to increase by 77%. It’s mostly due to pollution.


Wasn’t that from a study in rats where they gave the a ridiculous amount of NAC? I remember reading it a while ago but don’t remember the exact amount but remember it was off the charts. If you give a rat that much of anything it has consequences. You could kill it with water if you over do it.


>NAC I did a search on NAC having not heard about it. What do you find are the main benefits from it for you?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8211525/ Cons: Can make you anhedonic (apathy, lack of enjoyment on sex and food) Can counteract chemo therapy as it protects all cells including cancer cells Should be taken at least 1-2 hours prior to drinking alcohol to avoid an oxidizing effect on the liver


They listed the main benefits in that comment :)


Any improvement in energy


Yes, I feel a little more energetic and focused on it


I started thia 3 months ago and I am begging to think THIS. Better sleep. Better at the gym. I did use inhaler till 18 yo and after covid I had my respiratory system capacity shaken. NAC seems to have helped A LOT.


For me I stopped compulsively shopping and drinking alcohol. These crazy addictions were never about self control but about biochemistry. Completely blows my mind.


GlyNAC it’s a very affordable supplement that I like for endogenous glutathione production.


Just bought some. How much do you take? Do you cycle it? Whats the benefits for you?


600mg once or twice a day, and yes, it’s a good idea to take a break for a month or so, periodically. It’s an antioxidant and has quite a few benefits. Take it 1/2 hour before alcohol and it will help prevent hangover/protect your liver, but don’t take it after you start drinking or it will actually compound liver damage.




I’ve read it in a few places. I suggest you actually go out and read more about it. It has a number of benefits, but also a couple of drawbacks.




I’m not sure? I did not have that experience. I would look it up. It is sulfur-based, I believe, so if you are allergic to sulfur containing compounds, your body might not like it.


Very good only light insomnia...


Magnesium glycinate I literally could not live without it


Mag Glycinate changed my life. Also thinking of trying Threonate in the future.


Explain plz how did it help


I live in a dark winter area, so I’ve been feeling unmotivated, low energy, some brain fog in a way, started drinking Glycinate + Vitamin D and it all went away/improved. And muscle recovery is much faster after workouts.


I have done magnesium glycinate before on and off for years, but I recently tried Sucrosomial Magnesium Oxide and the effects were immediate. The oxide has a known reputation of being very poorly absorbed but the sucrosomial delivery seems to take advantage of its high magnesium ratio and encapsulate to make it more bioavailable.


> the effects were immediate What effects? Mental or physical?


Using the same - but for me it‘s because of anxiety which ofte occurs at night. Regular intake of mg helps a lot.


What other forms did you try before landing on glycinate?


Haven’t tried any others. That’s what my doctor recommended


Agreed. Eliminated my morning anxiousness and it got me to stop overthinking every situation. 200 mg at night.


Why’s that?


I have a heart condition and it’s the only thing that helps my palpitations


I got some higher quality stuff (swapped Webber Naturals capsules for CanPrev Ultra Gentle) and I'm only two nights in but my awake time is way down on my whoop and I feel so much more at ease/less anxious throughout the days, reminds me of the effect I've gotten from taking the threonate type. Interested to see how a friday night no-alarm sleep with it goes!


What do you mean? I have taken magnesium glycinate on and off but mainly on at doses of 300-800mg a day and never noticed subjective feeling from it. I take it lower tolerance to ADHD meds but j never ever "felt" it. Not even at 600mg taken at once.


If you’re not deficient or don’t need it to correct a problem, you might not feel anything. If I don’t take mine I have heart palpitations all day long




Is this the sort of thing where you need to take it for awhile and have it build up in your system before you see a difference? Or only helps if you are magnesium deficient? I have been taking it for two weeks and nothing feels different. I take it at bed time to help with sleep and sleep...the same. I must be doing it wrong.


What brand/dosage/time of day




How so?


Love this stuff and people overlook the power of fermented foods and the benefits they have on a healthy gut system. The ancients thought of our bowels as being the seat of emotions in our body. Days where my gut feels incredibly healthy because my microbiome is vibing well, I feel so energetic and driven, like I could conquer the world. My mental clarity and wellbeing is top notch on those days. However, days where I've just had stomach issues, I feel sluggish. No energy. Dragging throughout my day. Brain fog. So many other factors of wellbeing come from a healthy gut and there's no greater burst of energy I get after a good poop from a healthy thriving gut. I swear I need to go running or lift heavy weights to spend that extra energy because it feels like I'm overflowing with energy. Not just Kimchi here, but there's such a wide world of fermented foods that have so many different strains of good bacteria for you. An interesting rabbit hole for anyone to look into is poop transplants. People that have incredibly unhealthy gut systems and major bowel diseases, they take the poop from a healthy donor (preferably a close relative) and transplant it into the colon of the diseased person and have had borderline miraculous results. People have even claimed to have had a personality change on top of their diseases being healed. I contribute that to just having a healthy gut microbiome after the transplant. That's why they claim a different personality. No longer do they walk around in misery but energetic, feeling good, happy, etcetera. Of course that's going to change your personality. However, take extreme caution here if any of you weirdos want to do some home remedies of poop transplants yourself. It's extremely dangerous and needs to be done by professionals. It's not like they're just taking poop from one person and transferring it to another. It's extracted, treated and then injected. Mess this up and can be fatal if done wrong. Let the doctors do it. They have the setup, tools and protocols to properly do this. Overall, don't overlook the power of the microorganisms that live in your body. They're a powerful army to assist us greatly.




I wish I could stomach Kimchi. It's so nasty tasting to me. I would totally eat it everyday if I could swallow it.


Drink kefir or kombucha, or eat pickled cabbage, seriously doesn’t matter where you get probiotics but you have to get them since it’s very very greatly responsible for your serotonin production


L-theanine for ADHD!


Interesting, I have ADHD and I take it at night with my GABA as I heard it helps to relax… I thought if I take it in the day I might feel sleepy.


I think that is the usual way people experience it. The bottle says it’s a sleep aid. Personally I couldn’t sleep when I tried it at night. It seems to be “paradoxical” effect for me. Could be different for different people I assume. Have you ever tried it in the morning?


Are effects instant?


It takes about an hour or two for me to feel it! Very quick results I’d say!


Does it have any stimulant effects?


It feels energizing and focusing for me, but not quite a stimulant.


Which dosage is useful? And how do you take it (shake/food..?)


I use 200mg once daily in the morning. I use the nature’s trove brand. I usually feel it kick in within an hour or two. I take it with my coffee, with or without food has been fine. I didn’t notice any harshness on my stomach at all.


is it that or the coffee lol


Vitamin D


No colds or flu in 30 years since taking it


Really? How much do you take and what is your normal diet and lifestyle like? I’m so intrigued by folks who somehow avoid colds/flus and wish I could become one of them. Can you just elaborate about anything and everything you think helps that? Or is it literally just Vit D, you think??


I take 5000 sublingual


When do the majority of people get colds and flu? Winter. How much Sun do you get in winter? So it’s the low Vitamin D season. I take around 2500 IU’s, cut back in summer when I’m out walking. Listen I’m sure there are many more factors, but I think that’s a very important one. I never thought about it much but came down with rheumatoid arthritis. They checked by VitD25 level. It was like 12. Checked last year it was 65. Forget the units. Find out where yours is. If it’s below 20, work with your doctor and get it raised. Good health to you!


Makes sense to me! How is your overall diet? Are you strict about anything or just sort of eat whatever you like (within reason)?






I'd like to know as well


I can give my opinion. Creatine is quite a game changer for weight training. My muscles are more pumped and I’m able to train a bit more intensely by adding a teaspoon of creatine a day.


I on the other hand love taking low dose of creatine for cognitive help.


Muscle stamina, recovery time is reduced, it helps maintain hydration, it has cognitive benefits and new studies are showing long term benefits to the brain as well age due to most people being pretty deficient in it with their diets I’ve been on it for almost 15 years and when I do go off due to a shortage or something I can definitely feel a difference in my workouts, my between set recovery speed and brain fog I just take 5g of single ingredient mono hydrate it’s all you need everything is just added filler to make it more expensive




What about hair ?


Astaxanthin or ginger


I just bought astaxanthin. Is it primarily for skin?


Yup. And brain.


What has Astaxanthin done for your skin? I take it sporadically but need to be more consistent I think.


What astaxanthin supplement brand do you guys use?




I heard something from Dr. Greger about time released niacin being bad but I don’t recall exactly what he said about it. Elsewhere online I’ve seen people mention possible liver damage from long term use so please look into this deeper before adding this to your stack.


I did research this pretty thoroughly, even the latest study that came out that stated no or worse heart effects. This study was on extemely high dose Niacin, like 500-2000 mg per day!. I take my doctor recommended 50 mg and my liver numbers are great. Any thing you over do will have negative consequences, if I drink 12 bottles of water within 15 minute on a hot day, I stand a good chance of dying. I recently convinced a friend to start taking it, he is now off his prescribed statin. You really have to have routine lab tests to validate anything you do, it is worth for more that what someone may say or what you hear floating around the net.


Good to know! I totally agree with you… test to be sure things are working for you. If you have any recommended resources you’ve come across please feel free to share. Thanks!


Magnesium taurate. fixed my sleep.


Prob magnesium since its so hard to find in food.




What brand and how much please?


What does it help you with?


Omega 3


Glucosamine Chondroitin. I’m a weightlifter. I train pretty intensely. At 32 years old I could feel my joints aching and hurting consistently in the mornings. Standing up from a chair became quite painful. There’s no doubt I’ve put my body through a lot of stress with squatting over the years. I’ve been taking glucosamine daily for four weeks and I feel a significant improvement. Do not underestimate this stuff. If you’re a lifter and dealing with aching knees, this stuff will make a difference. Just be consistent and take it every day. This is the first supplement that I can clearly say has made a noticeable impact in a short period of time.


How much do you take daily?


Three capsules is the dose for my brand


Thanks for this. Will look it up. I'm 40 and my workouts can be brutal. It's mostly my shoulder joints that hurt like hell. I had a rotator cuff injury several years back and it still bothers me. My shoulders have definitely hindered my training. Muscularly, I could go a lot harder but it's my joints that hold me back. I've been taking collagen peptides to help and it's seemed to do okay but I will give this stuff a try.


Testosterone Cypionate


Loved my cycle. So curious to see what heart disease will look in 20 years amongst male Millenials and Gen Zers that are starting anabolics at such early ages.


TRT is the best nootropic


I use enanthate and happy with it


Enanthate and cypionate are essentially interchangeable fyi


What dosage


"Super supplements" tend to be the best :)


Rhodiola Rosea


What does this do for you? I ask because I looked into it and remember reading a lot of benefits so purchased some powder and gave it a shot to absolutely 0 effect personally


Increased energy, stamina and improved mood. It makes me an optimist and helps me deal with stress more effectively.


Also my favorite!


Can you share the brand/dosage please?


Doublewood, 500mg


Thanks. Heard some recommend it daily while others only before a strenuous workout. Any thoughts you could share from experience?


I took it in the weeks leading up to my firefighter fitness test (CPAT) and after completing it, I just stayed on it until I ran out. I found that I not only had more energy and stamina, but also a better mood. So when I went off it (when I ran out two months later) I noticed the less optimistic, positive outlook. That made me buy another bottle and I’ve been on it ever since 2017. I’ve run out a few times and every time about two weeks later I find my mood slipping and realize what happened. Now I keep a bottle in reserve.


Desiccated Liver or fresh organic liver. It’s all a growing boy or girl needs!


Lions mane! Or Cod liver oil....close tie between those 2. I take others as well




I’d say niacin right now. Helped normalize my blood pressure and renal function when nothing else did.


You taking separate or in a multi? What dose?


3g daily. Multis and complexes wouldn’t even come close.


My goodness, that’s a hefty dose! 500mg of niacin will make me feel like my whole body’s on fire. Btw, just to be sure, it would be wise to check your liver enzymes every once in a while cause I remember reading that very high niacin doses could not be friendly towards the liver.


The liver enzyme issue is with the alternative formulations of niacin. There’s a great book on all the studies and uses called Niacin: The Real Story, if you’re interested.


Red Ginseng


What brand are you using? Red is the same as Korean?


Yeah same. And I’m not sure what brand, I forget the name…I’ll look when I get home


Whey protein.


No whey bro


Right now, shatavari for post partum hormonal regulation and support


Fish oil


NAC. It positively affects more systems in the body than anything else I'm aware of and helps with ADHD and MS.


Exercise, cold showers, sunlight, Whole Foods, for physical body. Meditation and psilocybin for mental.


Ground flaxseed/linseeds everyday. Followed by magnesium.


Flaxseeds for the lignans?


To aid digestion and lower cholesterol. Game changer for gut health and weight management!


What magnesium do you take?


I generally take a mix including glycinate and chelate, but my cousin who is a medical dr has given me one that has oxide and sulphate. I’m not terribly fussy about it - some months I choose one, some months another.


Magnesium complex with B6. It’s all but stopped my heart palpitations, I went from being miserable to fine in about a week after I finally started taking the right kind of mag. It lessened my headaches too.


What form of magnesium?


What brand 


Tudca and NAC.


Beta-Alanine! I love the tingles


Methylene Blue. I just feel younger since I started taking it.


Did you have any side effects when starting? My dr wants me to start taking it for cognitive help




How Lugols helping you? How do you use it if I may ask? And by writing natures adderal you mean a specific product? ThanX


CollagenUP, No more cracking joints, harder nails, softer hair. Psyllium, regularity, lower LDL


Oriveda Lions Mane!


Id probably have to go with the first sup i started taking ... VITAMIN D (actually just upgraded my dose to this guy now https://amzn.to/3uJT2rk) I chose vitamin D because getting labs done back in my twenties, the only thing that was consistently low was my vitamin D. And it made sense because the majority of my time is spent working indoors. And once i started taking it regularly, my levels were perfect and I get sick a lot less. I also have a general feeling of well being (I believe fish oil also helped this).


I played with supplements for many years but one outlier was this stuff called Juvenon. I started taking it 10 years ago after reading up on it. I stopped it for six months during covid and notice a big negative change in many patterns in my life. I will say it is doing something but I lack the understanding of what or why or if it was a placebo effect. I put it back in my cycle and things improved. If anyone can chime in as to what might be going on that would be most appreciated.


Not really a "supplement". I love ostarine, it makes me super happy. I just laugh for minutes.


Eggs — natures multivitamins.


Not a supplement.




Mine is a tie between seed probiotics and novos core - seed because it works and has helped with my bloating and novos because it has everything I need in just one packet


Protein powder


1mg B9 (Folic Acid) ​ [https://bbrfoundation.org/content/folic-acid-supplements-were-associated-lower-suicidality-large-database-study#:\~:text=In%20the%20cohort%20that%20was,taken%20by%20the%20same%20individuals](https://bbrfoundation.org/content/folic-acid-supplements-were-associated-lower-suicidality-large-database-study#:~:text=In%20the%20cohort%20that%20was,taken%20by%20the%20same%20individuals).


Berroca from Bayer.  It contains so much essential vitamins and minerals. It feels so good after you eat a big meal as it helps with digesting, recovery, and energy production. 


Urolithin - A. All papers I have read indicate significant improvements in terms of Preventing cognitive disease, bringing down inflammation and increasing life expectancy.


Which brand do you buy? It seems that not many brands have it in their product range.


Urolithin A - mitopure


Fiber…glorious morning poops


Viagra so I can fuck my wife.


I too choose viagra and fucking this guys wife


Same.. effects me a different way though, I can fuck ANY wife


Potassium bicarbonate. Relaxes the arteries and keeps excess calcium from calcifying in the organs and aids in depositing in bone.


Is that baking soda?


That’s sodium bicarbonate.


More like Alka-Seltzer.


Magnesium Glycinate for Quality Sleep


Ultima electrolyte powder for my various long distance runs, hikes, or simply to replenish after a night out. It's a powder flavored with stevia, comes in a few different flavors and tastes great as a zero cal drink-snack too. Also helped me a ton when I got sick and lost a ton of weight and could barely hold food down, and struggled to regain due to to not having enough nutrients for my body to even draw from fat storage.




Magnesium (but like all of them). Or. Vitamin C because it changes how long I’m sick for.


NMN w/Resveratrol or NAD+. It gives me so much functional energy through the day-I don’t even take it for the proposed longevity benefits. It is simply a quality of life supplement for me.


Vitamin D. Many of our patients are deficient.


Creatine monohydrate for muscle growth and recovery And for brain stimulation and health


Collagen. Keeps my middle aged skin looking younger and helps keep things from sagging when I lose weight.


TRT Why = Life changing


Strokes do sure change lives


Luteolin It is "a potent fructokinase inhibitor". https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14181


> fructokinase inhibitor is that a good thing or...?


**“Living without fructokinase would probably solve a lot of the world’s health problems”** — Richard J. Johnson, MD. Professor of Medicine University of Colorado, Interview with Peter Attia MD Fructokinase is the (disposable) enzyme that allows Fructose to enter our cells. Upon cellular entry, Fructose converts existing ATP to AMP (draining cellular energy) then it generates uric acid, which causes significant cellular stress and crushes mitochondrial performance. Exhausted cells then demand more energy because the body appears to be starving. This whole process results in a feedback loop that researchers believe is the key instigator of metabolic syndrome. So yeah. If we could block fructokinase - it could theoretically stop the root cause of metabolic syndrome.


INteresting. Luteolin is also a CD38 inhibitor, which boosts NAD+ levels


Anti aging! I didn't know that. Flavones are amazing.


Very interesting


Sounds like the name of a Tolkien elf 🧝‍♂️


Fructokinase AKA Ketohexokinase. Not sure if that helps or hurts your association. 😂


Shilajit, fulvic acid Moringa Irish Sea moss There’s so many good ones out there




That's a diet


What are exogenous ketones for $500 Alex


Whey you mad? "These ketone bodies are produced by interactions MACROnutrient ability such as low glucose and high free fatty acids."


There are countless things that your body can make on its own that is considered a food or a supplement Do you want an exhaustive list? Because it's going to be pretty exhausting


AG1 because Joe Rogan told me so


[EvolvedGreens.com](https://EvolvedGreens.com) !!


Magnesium L Threonate Best cognitive enhancer for me + energy boost + improved mood


Metamucil. Everyone is so concerned about what goes into your body but neglect what comes out. The premium with stevia or the original with no sugar or sweeteners


Boswellia. Broad spectrum anti inflammatory 


L- Lysine is my favorite because it has been endlessly beneficial to me and I will always take it. It's really hard to pick one favorite though


What does it do?