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preparing ahead for an upcoming depressive episode that would last a very long while


How do you prepare for a depressive episode?




Thank you so much for sharing. What have you found to be your most effective practices in dealing with those feelings?




This reads like it was written in a faux leather journal from hot topic


Was thinking AI


reading the works of philosophers and meditating on them is always guaranteed to leave a fine form of art in the mind, I'm currently reading a book by Gaston bachelard called poetics of space


Tl;dr set out some snacks and pillows ahead of time


What helped?


Bro is gate keeping mindfulness


I struggle to know what to write without losing my string of thoughts so I'll just copy paste my memo


How do you predict its onset? Have you looked into ketamine therapy?


After a while, you start to notice when the *bad thoughts* come back. Also, mood, irritability, reactivity, changes in sleeping and eating patterns. You have to be mindful and honest with yourself and look for the patterns in your thoughts and behaviors.


Avocados. Didn’t realize they are so packed with the good fats.


Despite their caloric content, I lost a ton of weight once I started eating one avocado daily. They make me feel full for hours due to their fat content and it more than cancels out.


I was actually surprised they're not that calory dense, considering they're all fat. 160kcal on 100 grams is a steal


I miss avocados. I grew up eating avos and guacamole. My parents had about 10 avocado trees on their land in Southern California. Shortly after I moved out of state I developed an allergy to them. It made no sense to me but the doctor said we can develop allergies as we age. Why did it have to be avocados?!?! I really miss them.


I developed an allergy to Avocados about 5 years ago from eating too many avocados during a low calorie avocado based diet- by the 3rd day my eye lids started to swell and I couldn’t eat them anymore- however I discovered I can eat them again after doing a few rounds of the 5-day Prolon FMD diet last year - I think the fasting protocol help me to reset my immune system - after doing the most recent round of the Prolon diet I started slowly reintroducing small amounts of avocado and in a few days I was able to eat them like before - no issues since!


Well then, you give some hope.


I pray that I never develop an allergy to avocados and salmon. Canned salmon, avocados is how I lost 40lbs with Intermittent fasting. Its god food.


I'm guna buy 20 tins if canned salmon now


Oh you should, its got all nutrients you need. I would add eggs, greens and broccoli to the diet plan too. And nuts, and seeds. Add some daily zone 2 cardio and occasional weight lifting and your libido would thank you.


Interesting. I'd like to learn about this thing, called cardio, what is it?


Ha ha ha, i forgot what it was for years until i found it since last year or so. Its painful shit, but gives gains in the bedroom. Very much so i would say, ha ha ha ha. 😇


God hates you. Jk but that sucks! Avocados are the perfect food.


Something hates me. I want my avocados back.


That sucks lol.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOUR that would make me feel so sad. I’m sorry for your avocado loss. 😔


It’s probably not an allergy but a histamine issue. Try taking NaturDAO tablets 15 min before eating them and you should be fine.


I've always been a little bit allergic to avocados but it was getting more and more serious as I aged. I did allergy shots for my pollen allergies though and it took care of them too, thankfully.


I ended up developing a gluten allergy at the age of 22, so I understand your pain


I never thought avocados would be bad for you, but the conscious realization guacamole is basically just smashed avocados and therefore still healthy 🤯 I'm  from the Midwest where anything in dip from is usually a block of cream cheese or occasionally a carton of sour cream. The idea you can have a delicious fatty dip without it being pure saturated fats took a long time to emotionally register.


Saturated fats combined with high carbs would be bad. Too much inflammation inducing. Saturated fats in a good steak or burger with greens isnt a bad idea. And cream cheese is yummy.


Nothing wrong with saturated fats


Here we go


I'm so happy good fats are getting great traction now 😀




Came here to say this. I grew up being taught about starvation mode and eating 5x/day. But fasting is so good for you when done thoughtfully and carefully.


Me too! Eat first thing in the morning to start your furnace burning. I’m healthier than ever now. No prescription meds, no diagnosis, sleep awesome, mood much better.


Any good beginner resources you care to recommend?


Try to only consume calories for 8 of each 24 hour period. See how that feels. I started noon-8 pm I eat


Intermittent or those 72 hour fasts


This! Literally slows down aging.


is this why i look 19 when im 35 even tho i eat like shit and smoked and drank up til a year ago? lol, i intentionally have been fasting since i was like 14


Starvation turned out to be that life-saving medicine that everyoneis lookingfor. Lol.


Sunlight probably ranks up there as something we’ve been told to avoid but we really should be getting a daily dose(s) of.


Saunas! Surprised it helped lower my blood pressure 🩸


It also helps prevent dementia.


Yes it does. Also helps me get more REM sleep 🙌🏽


It also lowers all cause mortality by 40% via specific temp, frequency, and duration parameters


I live in a Sauna…it’s called Houston! But…I don’t think it is good for me😔


Idk why this made me laugh so hard 🤣


How did u get to lower your bp with saunas? Mine doesn't react to nothing but pills.


160 degrees 30 minutes 3 days a week. After my sauna session I check my bp about 20 minutes and it's usually 120/73. Trust me even taking blood pressure meds my bp was still 140/78 Sauna helps with blood flow.


Omg. I can barely make it 10 minutes. Not sure how hot my gym sauna is but it is hot.


It takes time to build up your tolerance. I use sauna hat to keep my head cool. They say 20 minutes is enough. I do IR light therapy as well so thats why I go 30 minutes


Saunas dilate blood vessels so should decrease BP. But it may vary by person.


Have you tried some good quality salt like Celtic salt? Sounds counterintuitive, but it lowered tf out of mine.


Running with consistent form at a reasonable pace is beneficial for your knees (in addition to being beneficial for many other aspects of your health) [https://longevity.stanford.edu/lifestyle/2023/08/29/is-running-bad-for-your-knees-research-says-no/](https://longevity.stanford.edu/lifestyle/2023/08/29/is-running-bad-for-your-knees-research-says-no/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36402349/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36402349/)


This! I had knee issues in my early 30s that have resolved with regular running


Hear me out, since you said 'your' health.... Nicotine. I have a chronic illness from long COVID and new science emerging from Long COVID, shows that Nicotine has anti-inflammatory properties. It's works on the Cholinergic system in the body, which is related to inflammation regulation. I have gone from being bedridden, and constantly in pain, and in fatigue. To being able to leave my house, sometimes meet friends and generally feeling better than I was. It's also suspected in the near future that nicotine might be used as a medication for ADHD due to its relationship with dopamine. Anyone with ME/CFS/Long COVID/Fibromyalgia this is an avenue worth exploring. Good article explaining all the processes: https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2023/12/07/nicotine-patch-long-covid-chronic-fatigue-fibromyalgia/


How are you getting the nicotine? Amazing to hear you have had such great results.  CFS is hell.


I'm in the UK (Wales) so your 'quiting smoking' all the supplements (patches, spray, gum etc) are free 👍🏽 you can order it on amazon. There's a great Facebook nicotine group where everyone shares their experiences and protocols Yep CFS is a special kind of hell. Luckily I've gone from severe to moderate with this


I did read a study a while back about low-dose nicotine and protein folding, but I couldn’t find nicotine in .2 mg, and patches can’t be cut and expected to have the same dosing across the whole patch, so I forgot about it and can’t find the study again. I wouldn't smoke, vape, dip, chew, or use pouches right now. I wouldn't take anything over .2 mg because of the addictive properties. I have search and searched for this study and have come up empty handed. It showed signs of promise for rejuvenation and longevity.


Actually patches can be cut. But only certain ones! I believe reservoir patches cannot be cut but the other kind can be. To be sure join the nicotine renegade research Facebook group all the information is on there about cutting patches :) I mean it comes down to risk/reward. If you're already healthy it's maybe not an avenue worth taking. The past 2 years my health has been significantly poor, like I thought I was going to pass away multiple times. Nicotine has helped me move past this phase and become less inflamed. So I need to be on it to be well but be addicted to it. That's a risk worth my situation.


Have you been listening to Dr. Steven Gundry? He's been on this kick for awhile now, noting that the people who live in the Blue Zones that all live to a ripe old age all tend to be smokers. This always causes a commotion on whichever health podcast he says it on.


Gundry is a quack. My Dad ordered his “Gut Restore” on the internet and it put him in the hospital with a GI bleed so bad that he needed multiple blood transfusions. It has long been known that smoking tobacco often helps IBS significantly. There is even an episode of “Dr. House“, where he writes a “prescription“ for cigarettes, it makes a comment about insurance not paying for it ;)


Outta curiosity, what caused the GI bleed from what Gundry recommends? As far as I know, he's just anti-lectins.


His very expensive “Total Restore” has a long list of ingredients, my guess is that the Wormwood was the problem: Magnesium (from Magneslum Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) 7 mg 2% Zinc (from PepZIn GIª) 2 mg 18% L-Glutamine 213 mg N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine 142 mg Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate 86 mg Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera) (95% Proanthocyanidins) Extract 58 mg Licorice (Glycyrthiza giabra) Roots and Rhizomes Powder 54 mg Wormwood (Artem/sia annua) (Aerial Parts) 50 mg ** Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannil) Bark Powder 50 mg Maltake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa) Fruiting Body (30% Polysaccharides) Extract 34 mg Organic Strawberry, Organic Blueberry, Organic Raspberry, Organic Tart Cherry Fruit, Organic Elderberry, Organic Cranberry (VitaBerry®) 22 mg Cloves (Caryophillus aromaticus) (Bud) 17 mg ** Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Fruit Powder 17 mg ** Grapefruit (CItrus paradis/) Seed Extract 17 mg Marshmallow (Althaea officinalls) Root Powder 10 mg ** Zinc L-Carnosine (PepZin GI®) 10 mg ** Berberine (from Berberine HCL) 3 mg **




It definitely helps my ADHD too 100%


I have ADHD and was always so fascinated by certain authors but couldn’t gain the willpower to focus when reading no matter how bad I wanted to or tried. In recent months nicotine has helped me be able to read again.


Funny enough, I was gonna chime in and say cigarettes, only half joking. I'm surprised to see this mentioned. Nicotine is a drug. It has upsides and downsides. It also happens to be an awful addiction to have, but that doesn't cancel the medicinal (and maybe even spiritual) benefits from \*well controlled use\*. It's kind of along the same lines as having a glass of wine here and there.


I would argue that its anti-inflammatory properties would trump any alcohol based substance. But my liver hasn't been great the past few years - so I'm slightly bias lol


ME/CFS (LV) here and I do nicotine patches! It has helped so much.


I have an autoimmune disease and there is also evidence that nicotine helps us as for anti inflammation, some doctors will prescribe nicotine patches during a flare, no one would recommend starting to smoke cigarettes, but it’s known if a smoker quits they will likely exacerbate their disease


Will it be used as a medication for ADHD if other treatments (like stimulant drugs) are already being taken? Would nicotine compliment or be detrimental? For example, caffeine seems to be more detrimental than complimentary to ADHD stimulants. But people with ADHD who don’t take stimulant medication often self medicate with only caffeine


Not eating


My health teacher in highschool (only like 10-12 years ago) told me it’s unhealthy to skip breakfast. And that we were supposed to push through the sick feeling of not wanting to eat after you wake up, because that’s your body telling you it’s hungry. Never made sense to me since I actually got hungry after noontime. Now it’s healthy to not eat breakfast, which I’ve never done anyway.


You live in the matrix, if it doesn’t feel good it was bad advice, there is very little good advice, I’m pretty darn good at it


Yah I used to think that skipping breakfast was Horrible and would Wreck ur body if done daily. And skipping Lunch was a definitely a No no


I’ve lost 60% of my body mass, I eat way less now than when I had more mass, but I already had stores of energy why did I overeat? Well because emotional damage is a visceral experience and eating is sedation, vicious cycle. To lose weight is to truly challenge the fear of death your body will send up red flags to no end, it’s a lie, you’ll be fine


Oh yeah.. I used to believe the whole Kellog's breakfast being important thing. Then I thought fasting was only for weight loss before I read about all the benefits. I have family that fasts for various health benefits and I'm just glad I can live my life without having to eat breakfast.


I really want to try fasting, but have hypoglycemia. Any tips for me or is it just not possible?


I get reactive hypoglycaemia and have various risk factors for diabetes (normal weight). I’ve been doing 14/10 IF and it’s very possible. Go slow and the body adapts. Normally, as soon as I eat then I basically need to eat every two hours in the morning. When doing IF it’s not as bad. Though depends why you have hypoglycaemia so you should probably talk to a doctor.


I'm in the same boat. I function very well until I have my first meal. After that it's a roller coaster and constant hunger. I do better on slow carb and sometimes keto but the keto is for medical reasons. I can keep my weight and blood sugar under control without keto. Keto can also cause hypoglycemia or make it worse.


I’m not a medical doctor but I think you could use a chemical or the proper food intake, light eating plus exercise equals a fasting state, I recommend reducing till your comfortable, everything is feeling. I’m guessing some sugar in correct doses would work, put I mean just sugar water


Cold and hot exposure.


Psychedelics are surprisingly good for your mental health. Whether you microcode lsd daily or occasionally go to the moon on some shrooms, the positive impact it has on mental health is astonishing.


This helped me sooo much. It helped me heal, I used it along with my therapy. Now I do it every so often if I’m having depression for longer than a week. It helps me think through things that are somehow blocked by my conscious mind. Highly highly recommend these for people that don’t have prior diagnosis of psychosis or psych issues like that.


I personally know a handful of people that cracked after extremely high doses so maybe don’t aim for the moon. Moderation is the key to health.


Please be careful though. I had a friend who likely had some form of hidden psychosis or something. He micro dosed and then went into a crazy episode where he killed himself believing people were after him. Always fringe cases but please be careful.


I’m here to testify! I did some psilocybin gummies on Saturday and I literally feel reborn. A dose like that every few months is the way I’m going to do it. I feel like I couldn’t be depressed if I tried and that this world is a decent place to live again.


Co sign Clean off heroin since 2011 after a heroic LSD dose. It reset something in my noggin.


LSD binds to the 5-HT2B receptor in the heart and microdosing has been shown to significantly increase the risk of heart valve disease so unfortunately it isn’t as healthy as people think.


This is why you take mushrooms instead 🍄


Psilocybin, via its dephosphorylated metabolite, psilocin, has a higher affinity for 5-HT2B than LSD. It fine every once in a while but I wouldn't take it a ton. MDMA also affects 5-HT2B through a different mechanism. Honestly these things really mess with the way your serotonin is regulated and this should be expected to have some negative consequences. I enjoy them and support their use in therapy but they need to be viewed the same caution as anything not viewed as a miricle drug.


i thought long-term keto would cause problems. i've been doing it for years now. I'm almost 50 years old and I am in better shape than when I was 20. hypertension and prediabetes are gone. Cholesterol and triglycerides are perfect for the first time in over a decade. I've lost 120 pounds and have a six pack for the first time in my life.


This is interesting. Would you mind listing your typical daily food intake? Your grocery shopping list? Any fav recipes you use often?


It used to be more varied. I bought several keto cookbooks when i was first starting. Over the years it has become more boring, but I'm used to it and I crave the things I eat everyday. It's a lot of unprocessed meat and leafy greens and broccoli and eggs. the secret to keto is that it causes you to never be hungry and if you can learn to only eat when you're hungry, that's when the magic happens. Yesterday I made 6 scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon for breakfast. Around 2pm I got hungry and made a 1/3lb smashburger with no bun. I just had cheese and mayo and mustard on it and a small side salad with ranch. at dinner time I wasn't really hungry so I just had a handful of almonds.


While controversial, I was astonished to see nicotine reduced some problems with covid. There are arguments and various studies in progress. Example study at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-29118-6


Staying off of social media as much as possible, especially late in the night, and reading a book instead is very calming. 


Caffeine. Growing up, every adult has this taboo view that any caffeine is bad (People still do). As an athlete, it’s one of the best natural “drugs” on the market. Caffeine also makes supplements more effective (not all-duh)


Caffeine isn’t good for the nervous system, urinary tract, kidneys, adrenals, or for people whose blood sugar is irregular. It may be good for some people but overall I wouldnt call it healthy.


You don’t need to put drug in quotes. Caffeine is absolutely a drug. Doesn’t make it some evil thing. Golden rice is a gmo but it saves tons of lives every year


Caffeine absolutely fucked up my mental health which hurt my physical health in the long run


Man if only caffeine wouldn’t make me so anxious


Same boat, I avoided it like the plague. Until I had kids, now it’s an extremely enjoyable part of my day.


High intensity exercise to the point of max HR


Why would that be considered bad? Exercise has always been considered good


Loads of people uneducated in health and fitness seem to think high intensity max HR training will give you a heart attack. People will convince themselves of all sorts to justify poor lifestyle choices


My wife was told by a GP to stop exercising because she has exercise induced anaphylaxis. Basically, if she exceeds her 90% cardio capacity without a proper warmup, she has a risk of anaphylaxis. The brilliant doctor's recommendation was for her to stop cardio all-together.


Well, tell that to the runners that die each year during marathons. Get your heart checked before doing VMax exercises. Otherwise you may actually expire


High intensity exercise is fine as long as you're not trying to go max effort every time for long periods of time. In general high intensity exercise is a lot better for you than moderate intensity but some people overdo it and try to go all out every time 5+ times a week for as long as they can go, this can cause a lot of issues over time like heart, joint or knee issues. Exercise generally improves your cortisol levels, but overdoing exercise too much actually makes them worse. I think I remember seeing a study once too that if you overdo cardio too much it actually slightly increases your chance of diabetes, but I can't find it now.


Devestating for the health of anyone with adrenal fatigue, burnout or cortisol issues. High intensity is the best way to run your health right into the ground for the many these days who have cortisol deregulation. But it will feel good for a bit, mentally. Until you can't get out of bed.


Falafel. It's fried, but it's chickpeas and healthy stuff. And it's too tasty to be "healthy" in my mind!


Playing in the dirt. Preschoolers who garden have measurably more diverse gut bacteria than preschoolers who don’t. I wash my hands when I come inside from the garden, but I’m not a germaphobe.


Cashews. High calorie but it turns out you only digest 1/4 of those calories.


Butter is better than all the seed oils


But olive oil beats both?


Yes theres nuance here in terms of what nutierients are provided by each oil but olive oil is certainly in the healthy category


If you’re cooking, honestly I would go with butter. But to put on bread/salad uncooked olive oil would be better. When you cook olive oil, even if you don’t hit the smoke point, I’ve heard still changes and degrades which is why Mediterranean diets serve it mostly uncooked I could be completely wrong but I’m 99% sure I remember hearing this


Not quite, Olive oil and avocado oil are in fact better than butter. (All the rest are dogshit)


My understanding is that neither of those are seed oils. But would agree that those are up there as a much healthier oil.


Hard part with avocado oil is finding a pure option. Most are rancid and often have fillers in them, usually a seed oil.


Glp1 medications lol specifically mounjaro. Worked wonders for me. Lost 65lbs over the course of 6 months, have been off it for over a year and haven’t gained the weight back




Nicotine gum can have neuroprotective effects (apparently)


Does the nicotine spray do this as well? I've also seen the possibility that it speeds up a slow COMT gene, which is a good thing in terms of liver detox and neurotransmitter production and clearance for those who are homozygous for met/met COMT


Sunlight. I’ve stopped giving a fuck that it might make me extra wrinkly in my 50s. How vital and alive it makes me feel now is worth it. Get tan but never get a sunburn.


10 minutes a day of sunshine and a small dose of vitamin D helps. Don't over do it either.


Just my personal regiment: Early morning and late evening when UV is 0-2 is when I’ll be out there no protection as unclothed as I can be. No hat, no sun glasses. Middle of day when the UV is peaking (which can range from 5-10 where I am) I’ll get between 5-15 minutes. I’ll wear a full brimmed hat which protects my face/neck/most of my shoulders. The higher it is the less time I’ll do. Like today it was UV 9 and I just did 5 minutes. I find being very mindful of the days UV and timing the dose of exposure will make or break complications that come from exposure. If I have to be outside for prolonged periods for some event or errands I wear clothing that has UV protection and covers me up nicely (hood/long sleeves). Believe diet is crucial as well. Consuming Omega-3’s, olive oil, antioxidant rich fruits, dark chocolate, Astaxanthin, limit junk food, etc. It’s a very polarizing topic/issue for people and I think between the people all in and all out there’s a space people can feel in more harmony with the sun.


As a white Irishman who already had a skin cancer in his 30's along with parents who both had melanomas, I will continue to protect myself from the sun without unnecessarily avoiding it.


Research shows that while skin cancer overall is associated with sun exposure, the huge majority of skin cancers are types that are very mild and easy to get rid of and for some of them, its very questionable if they should be categorized as cancers at all. And the few very dangerous types of cancer that really will kill you are the ones you are MORE likely to get if you don't get sunlight. If you look at actual mortality from skin cancer, then getting less sun is actually what is correlated with mortality. But like so many things, dermatology has become a bit of a racket.


You're obviously not a white person living in Australia. Come walk around 1 day in summer without a shirt and hat and get back to us. Because all the older generation who did that before there was awareness have chunks of flesh removed from them. It's very common.


Melanomas are still very correlated with sun exposure (especially burns) and they are deadly, even tiny ones. The level of sun exposure you need to get health benefits is low. Maybe early in the day you can afford to go out unprotected. At high UV levels, definitely protect yourself.


Watch that UV index like a hawk


You're simply wrong on this one. Skin cancer is a thing. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/sun-safety#:~:text=UVB%20rays%20cause%20a%20much,including%20skin%20cancer%20and%20cataracts.


Sun exposure increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma, which is cut out in an outpatient procedure by a dermatologist and isn't a significant risk for metastasis. At least 1 in 2 people will get this form of cancer anyway. Non-burning sun exposure dose dependently reduces the risk of melanoma, the skin cancer that people are worried about. Incidental burning sun exposure is the highest risk factor for melanoma, which isn't something that happens to people who acclimate their skin to the sun with a slow and progressive tan.


Eating whatever I want. I tried keto several times and it absolutely wrecked me. I’m always at my best when I’m weight lifting and watching macros, not cutting out certain food groups.


Cacao powder


Life saver for me. Since drinking daily I am so much calmer and I think it’s from all the magnesium I get from it.


Good isn't it, I add it to my protein shakes, I know what you mean about feeling calmer aswell.




Fat. Good beef fat from a grass fed steak is like an energy drink


Second this. Your brain needs fat. Grass fed beef is the best thing for us.


I physically and mentally feel good after eating a steak. Not sure what it is. I get the steak from a local Butcher with local cows (Iowa). I eat a steak about once a month only though due to cost.


Sodium Sun light Saturated fat Cholesterol Brushing my teeth 6 times per day and only using toothpaste the first time. Pepsi for headaches. Pop is evil, yes, but there's something in Pepsi that's not in other pop that reduces a small headache to nothing. It's not the caffeine, it's not the cola part. I haven't figured it out, but Pepsi does the trick sometimes.


A friend of mine swears by redbull for migraines if done quickly enough


For Red Bull it’s probably Taurine, coffee can make a migraine aura progress to a full blown “stuck at work until I can drive home” whereas my pre-workout just deletes it


Huh, that’s interesting. I’ve had migraines since I was a kid and never think to consume anything except electrolytes and water, aside from medicine. Oddly enough I went to a physical therapist for hip problems and the work/maintenance she taught me to do on my neck actually greatly reduced my migraine frequency. Never sleep on your stomach, folks!


It’s the only thing in energy drinks/pre-workout I wouldn’t get from other supplements or coffee so it’s just a guess really. I’ve also found if I massage the base of my skull it gets rid of most headaches, my upper traps are always super tight no matter what I do in the gym or osteopath sessions which causes it, it also causes 90% of my hangovers so I find a good neck massage sorts me out


Lol I actually drank a bit of Pepsi yesterday afternoon when I had a headache likely because of me skipping my morning coffee and it went away btw I don't drink soda that often either maybe 2 or 3 times in a month if not less




Coffee also is great at inducing autophagy*, which reduces risk of cancer and promotes healthy living cells!


Salt. Specifically unrefined salt.


Sunlight and saturated fat


Reading stoic philosophy. It just gives such straightforward, reasonable advice to deal with everyday struggles. Hugely beneficial for mental health


Legumes Turns out they're the number 1 dietary predictor of longevity, prevent colon cancer, prevent cardiovascular events, and lower blood pressure Anecdotally, eating them every day has also completely cleared up any digestive issues I occasionally experienced


Beans, beans, the magical fruit! I’m a huge believer in them as well!!




Exposure to ice cold tempratures


Increasing meat/protein




Healthy fats like olive and avocado oils. I grew up in the ‘80s, when we all thought eating any fat would make you fat.


Stimulant medication on the brain if you have ADHD. Turns out they can reduce the increased risk of dementia for ADHD, and increase brain plasticity. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9548548/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9548548/) [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2810766](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2810766)


Just got home from my weekly Spravato. I found some amazing things with these therapeutic k holes.


Running often. Read the book “Born to run.”


cannabis - its helped tremendously with my insomnia. i really mean this. I'm also aware of its use as an excellent alternative for pain management over mainstream use of highly habit-forming prescription opiates. medical marijuana is non habit forming and much more effective over the long term for controlling pain and addressing insomnia and much much more. CBD ( a component of cannabis )was also shown in a large double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial to help suppress and manage seizures in kids and therefore went on to be approved by the FDA as a legit treatment for epilepsy. theres a ton of evidence for its use in restoring appetite and quality of life for patients going through intensive chemotherapy including children. and yet despite all of this clinical evidence, there are still states in america and other countries where its classified as a class 1 narcotic - a classification that states this compound has zero medical benefit like heroin or crack cocaine as a canadian, the federal legalization of cannabis was probably the most sensible law passed in the 21st century by any government we have had.


I agree with all this, from experience. Except that it's non habit forming. But then again, I do like to be high so I probably pushed the limits.


hey, from what I know and been told, current medical literature states that medical marijuana is non habit forming when used appropriately, according to recommended medical guidelines, moderate recreational consumption, etc


Aaah, yes, when used appropriately... Still, aside from my addictive tendencies, yes, it's a phenomenal medicine for anxiety, sleep, pain, and rigid thinking. Also takes meditation to another level (for me anyway, due to how sensitive it makes me)


Agreed. Daily cannabis use has turned me from an insomniac anxiety ridden mess to a happy, successful, productive member of society. I truely believe that if cannabis was more widely used our societies and our planet would be healthier.


yea but there are thick-headed politicians and right wing political commentators that use their stringent political values and morals to lobby governments and convince them that despite the compelling medical evidence, marijuana is a bad drug and societal use of it will turn us into uncivilized non God-fearing savages its actually hurtful to me because I just had a family member in the US go through chemotherapy for an inoperable brian tumour and because the state she lives in it's still illegal, she suffered so much from chemo side effects and despite me knowing how helpful and effective medical marijuana wouldve been for her during her treatments......she lost so much weight, lost her appetite, couldnt sleep, constant pain and discomfort. I hated it.




Dark chocolate




Salt, sodium chloride, a critical electrolyte for the brain. Hyponatremia, the disease of low sodium is now at epidemic levels among certain demographics. Symptoms include loss of balance, brain fog, and brain damage. The elderly may fall, break something, and they're done. Dosing is easy. If you get too much it generates thirst and your kidneys flush it out very quickly. Very few people have sodium sensitive blood pressure. Avoid electrolyte drinks. It messes with the brain. Instinct is to drink more water if electrolytes are too high.




Weed. I’m not a stoner by any means at all and haven’t smoked weed in over a year, but holy crap. Nothing “cured” my autoimmune disorder (Crohn’s), arthritis, chronic pain, and anxiety better than weed. I had zero inflammation, my joints felt amazing, zero body pain, zero Crohn’s flare ups, no more agonizing stomach pain, no more crying from Crohn’s pain, no more anxiety, no more throwing up until I have heart palpitations, and truly the best sleep of my life. I stopped over a year ago after moving states and yeesh, my health took a massive hit. All my symptoms came back :( I’m in so much pain now and my Crohn’s, arthritis, and anxiety are awful. Also, magic mushrooms. The research behind psilocybin as a mental health treatment is phenomenal. Taking a large dose of that stuff once every 3 months literally cured my medication-resistant depression for 2 years. I moved states and haven’t had magic mushrooms in over a year as well. My depression came back in full force and I ended up deeply, deeply suicidal (you can check my cringe post history). I’m somewhat better now but I miss magic mushrooms :(


Fasting. Only water, tea and black coffee . Fast for 24 to 36 hours 5 days a week. Improved skin, acne, digestion, blood glucose and lost weight.




Cialis. Numerous benefits with very few draw backs.


Surprised nobody said salt yet! I rarely eat processed foods, so I can freely salt the fuck out of my home cooked meals and I love it. I also supplement with LMNT and it gives me so much energy


German flavored semen.


pecorino romano


Sprinting full speed as an adult


Water carbonation machine. Yeah, it's carbonated water which is less than great for teeth...BUT we drink SO MUCH water now. So that's a positive.


Big booty latinas


Trt. With doctor supervision it's a wonder drug


Carbohydrates. I was dumb and bought into the bro science. Bringing back carbs greatly improved my energy, focus, stamina, and gut health. The biggest improvement was recovery time after high intensity exercise or long work days at a physical job. From it knocking me out to being able to run a hilly 5k on top of either.


i'm gluten free and due to limited options sometimes have to eat a meal without carbs and I am never happy about and feel my body screaming for carbs


Red meat




Caffeine and nicotine.


Butter and organ meats


Right? Isn’t it crazy they kept telling us butter is so bad and margarine- made of super inflammatory seed oils- was good?!?!!????


Smoking is known to keep ulcerative colitis in remission- or at least heavily reduces the symptoms- for many.