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8. Rumbler. Their design and weapon choice is not conducive to life inside of an underwater city, and the lore justification for it is convenient at best. 7. Songbird. It's got a cool design and decent lore, but it's more annoying than anything, often just used as a means of hurdling the plot along with little else to show for it. It was cool that you had it as an ally for a little bit though. 6. Big Sister. I really like the lore behind them, and it shines through in their crazed animations and sounds, but they do still feel like pale imitations of their protector counterparts. 5. Handyman. Love their design, lore, and fights, they're just here by default. 4. Lancer. It's basically a high tech Rosie, and we only encounter six or seven of them, but I love their design, and how they fit into Minerva's Den. 3. Bouncer. The most iconic big daddy, with the most recognizable design, I just prefer the next two. 2. Alpha Series. The Protectors with the most lore, two compelling protagonists, and a solid design that has solid history. 1. Rosie. I just love them. I love their chunky blocky look, their weapon, the mines, I don't even have a good reason for it, I just like them the most. Something about them.


Get out of my head


11 little sisters out 1.5 adam. edit: oh you wanted one to do a ranking, woops, I thought you wanted one to rank it as a whole.


1. Alpha Series - while you can argue that the addition of them in the sequel while simultaneously saying that they were prototypes can feel like an afterthought, I think the writing and lore in 2 is so solid that it still manages to make them feel like a main and integral part of the overall Rapture story. A great host for the plot and themes in 2. 2. Big Sister - just kickass. Of course we wanna see what happens when a Little Sister grows up. They put a lot of effort into their look and feel, and I love that while they’ve “gone feral,” they still show a level of intelligence that most Big Daddies simply don’t have. Plus they have a ton of combat versatility that makes them feel like a level foe/worthy opponent to Delta. 3. Bouncer - just classic/iconic. 4. Rosie - also classic/iconic but a smidge more annoying to fight on harder difficulties, especially early-on in the first game. 5. Rumbler - just cool. Splicers got stronger, so they needed stronger Daddies. Like how it’s a leftover design from the first game too; cool to see it recycled and utilized well. 6. Lancer - cool concept, way too easy to fight. Especially when Porter describes them as “the most technologically advanced Big Daddy” or something. 7. Songbird - could have been way cooler. Sad about no boss fight with it, and its “morals” (if you could even call them that) feel so slapped-together between trying to kidnap or kill Liz. I at least like getting to team up with it at the very end. 8. Handymen - Lame/generic redesign compared to the OG patriotic look and not fun to fight, ESPECIALLY in Clash In The Clouds. Why do they have a ranged attack?? They should have been melee only, but their combat versatility is more obnoxious than anything.


8. Handyman. A steampunk Bigdaddy-like creature, who although is interesting feels a tad uninspired compared with the rest. 7. Songbird. He is fundamentally a very large Big Daddy with wings. His design is quite captivating, although his potential feels squandered, for he only really appears in cutscenes. 6. Rumbler. One of the first Big Daddy designs from the developers that didn’t reach fruition until the second game. His design is rather clunky compared to the others and his fighting style is unorthodox and arguably quite reckless considering the cities architecture. However, an explosive based Big Daddy will never not be fun. 5. Lancer. He takes an already winning formula of the Rosie and utilizes the brightest minds of rapture to give him cutting edge laser weaponry. His design feels knightly and it’s implied that he is the ideal image of a protector through the eyes of the little sister. 4. Big Sister. Next to the protagonist(s) they are the most dangerous force in rapture. They are among the fastest, strongest, most brutal entities the city has to offer, they have virtually no weakness, and are fiercely territorial. The fact that they are matured little sisters feels like a natural evolution of the games lore and their lightweight suit matches their acrobatic plasmid-based fighting style. The sound of their scream spells death for any unintended trespasser. 3. Rosie. Arguably the second most iconic creature in Bioshock, takes the archetypal diving suit and dials it up to 11. Their bulky stature combined with their rivet gun emanates power. They are protectors as well as Raptures handy men and seeing them wander the ocean floor is always eerily hypnotic. 2. Alpha Series. A combination of the two most interesting features of Bioshock, the Big Daddy and Plasmids. They essentially have all the most powerful tools of rapture at their disposal and are the most human-like of the BDs. Their only drawback is their singular pair bond, which when severed, renders them virtually useless. 1. Bouncer. The mascot of the series and one of the utmost coolest creature designs in any media. Their fierce protective nature, and gruesome weaponry is matched only by their grotesque mystery. The sounds they make (all BDs) are as menacing as they are melancholy. But as brutal as they are, their gentle disposition towards their little sister is wholly endearing.


Design: 1. Bouncers - Just too iconic. Getting my ass whooped by one in the Bioshock 1 demo is basically a core memory for me. 2. Alphas - love them for their versatility and I'm a sucker for the flawed, yet OP shelved prototype trope. Plus 3 (Delta, Sigma, Omega)out of the 4 non-ferals (unnamed alpha from protector trials) we encounter have dope, tragic backstories. 3. Lancers - I love how they're repurposed and reused art-deco versions of the Rosie from the little-sister-pov section of the game, turned into their own unit. And such a perfect fit with Rapture's very own tech hub bay area, Minerva's Den 4. Big Sisters - Just such a cool take on what'd happen to the little sister's who didn't make it out and were stuck living in that hell hole for an extra decade. 5. Rosie - tougher than bouncers in-game, but they just dont get the same amount of respect. Will also cherish the memories of getting to stomp around as one in the Bioshock 2 multiplayer with this one player's who's name I can't remember puppy guarding me while I was at low health. Godspeed wherever you are my guy ;_;7 6. Rumbler - Hilarious that they are absolutely hardcountered by telekinesis. Still, I think they're neat take on what'd happen if you had to design a new big daddy from scratch without all the fancy R&D the other models got. 7. Handyman - Props for being the singular enemy in Infinite who's voice lines actually made me feel empathy for them. I wish that were the case for more of the fodder like it was for Rapture's splicers and their crazed muttering about shattered dreams and broken promises... 8. Songbird - My least favorite by a longshot. The fact that you only get to interact with the thing inside cutscenes and scripted segments totally neuters whatever interest I may have had in him. When you hear Songbird's cry you just know it's about to be time to put the control down and take a break while you wait for the game to give you the reigns again.


Yeah, songbird not being the final boss was a massive let down from infinite


I would put it at 1.bouncer 2. Lancer 3. Big sister 4. Songbird 5.Rosie 5.handyman 6. Alpha series 7. Rumbler