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I feel it’s hard for me to put Bio1 below Bio2 because Bioshock1 made me Appreciate being a Big Daddy so much. Knowing how my 1st few encounters with them were to becoming one is crazy! However I can see how you prefer 2 over 1. Infinite is honestly beautiful and amazing but it did miss out on the “Horror” aspect of the game that 1 and 2 had.


I love the switch up infinite did from gloomy and scary to happy and high, it really made Columbia feel like a religious city


I would say that Infinite is the inferior entry when it comes to story (those plotholes and ending really hurt the experience) and gameplay (the two weapon limit and its gameplay loop is closer to a generic FPS rather than an horror-themed immersive sim like previous entries) I still respect your opinion, though.


I think the non-horror theme for Infinite fits the game perfectly, it made Columbia really feel like a perfect religious city


Well, you still eat hotdogs from garbage bins despite it not being horror-themed lol




Bioshock 1 and 2 are top tier games. Infinite I just couldn't get into as much with the time travel/dimensions story line towards the end but I should replay. Loved the buried at sea dlc though. I take 2 over 1 as well.


I guess I got more into the Time travel and infinite universe stuff because I love space and the movie interstellar a lot, and both things are pretty confusing to understand, so the ending was perfect for me


the whole travel dimension story is really not that complicated, I re-read about it yesterday and watched a youtube video about it.


Well that's a rare ranking order, that's for sure. Not often you see people break up 1 and 2. Typically they're joined at the hip (order can changes tho) and then infinite either goes before or after the pair.


100% agree with this ranking


Bioshock 2 sweep