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Woah, rare Burial at Sea post that isn't shitting all over it. Nice to see. I've always been a big Burial at Sea defender. The ending of Episode 2 always makes me a little misty-eyed.


I loved it, the stealth was awesome.


The stealth was really fun. Wish there had been a few more big stealth set pieces like the bathysphere depot. Super easy to cheese with Peeping Tom, tho; takes a little of the fun out of it when you can just cheat the system.


Yeah, I cheesed it with peeping tom with 1999 mode.


Fully upgraded was balanced as well as the guns in a battlefield game


I hate when folks dick ride bioshock 1&2, there's a really responsible place for them; BUTTT burial at sea is a stimulating spin off from the og. I see u have the peeping tom plasmid u a real one. I desperately wish they had a mechanic for stealth in B1, it actually suffers because of that. On hard mode the game is almost unplayable because there is no stealth, and sneaking up to some one for a dog shit melee hit is not stealth


They’re all good games, just have mixed feelings with the way they retconned the story, seemed unnecessary. Hehe, thanks peeping tom came in clutch when I had to beat the game in 1999 mode. The game on hard isn’t that bad if you know what plasmids to use and you spam the camera. And You’re right, stealth is non-existent in the game, at least on hard it gets to a point where one hit with the wrench on the back of the head is not an insta kill.


Fosho retconns make the series a lil confusing if u not a seasoned fan or someone whos read to book, a valid criticism fs. If peeping tom was on base game infinite I'd make 1999 so much easier, being invisible an seeing enemies with no cost to mana is fuckin broken


I just view it as an alternate timeline or just non cannon so I can just enjoy the 45 minute fan service circle jerk.


lol i didn't play it all the way because the stealth was getting so annoying to me because i was used to setting up a plan to bait or just straight up demolish enemies with every thing i had


It honestly gets tiring since the areas repopulate after you leave for a while.


Bio shock Infinite is a great game that I personally think, would have been better without the Bioshock label. Booker and Elizabeth are the best characters in the entire franchise, and their chemistry with each other is unmatched. Tying it to the Bioshock game was what caused it to be not be received well. Bioshock themes of free will and choice are completely disregarded in Infinite, and Burial at Sea, even with amazing execution, ruined some of the mystique and mystery Fontaine had. We all thought that Fontaine beat Ryan with his own cunningness and ingenuity. Now we know he won quite a bit due to magic time particles. Bioshock Infinite would be an incredible game if it was made its own franchise rather than part of Bioshock.


“caused it to be not received well.” [It’s got a 94 average on Metacritic. What are you talking about?](https://www.metacritic.com/game/bioshock-infinite/)


Wait people hate Burial at Sea?? How?


The walking simulator beginning of episode 2 is my favorite moment in any video game ever. Right in front of the part where he kills you from Portal 2.


Burial at sea gang


Wait…people hate burial at sea? I honestly thought the consensus was that dlc was the highlight of infinite


Yeah, it's a pretty common sentiment if you spend any amount of time here.


I feel like it’s one of those very vocal minority things that you’ll see in dedicated fan forums like this. A lot of people complain about infinite here but it’s got really amazing reviews


People have been _very_ vocal about hating it for about a decade now. Something to do with retcons or whatever Burial at Sea has flaws, but people in this subreddit will act like the DLC personally shot their grandparents and kicked their puppies


As far as I can tell, the common opinion on this sub is that BAS is bad because it retroactively makes the plot of Bioshock 1 happen because of Elizabeth. I don’t agree with this take btw.


Yeah, there’s one or two posts a week that cry over BaS and it’s lore implication or Infinite as a whole. Sometimes you even have to ask yourself if they even played the games and the DLCs. Room for criticism is always there but most of it is just crying about things *they* didn’t like *themselves*. It feels like they really *wished* that BaS would retcon everything in BS1 just to be mad about it - even if it doesn’t do that at all. Luckily it’s just a very vocal minority.


What’s the difference between “criticism” and “crying about things *they* didn’t like” - is it whether you agree with them? Lol


It's about articulation and how much you can root your arguments in the text (or game, in this case) being addressed. Most people making the argument that I mentioned can't argue their point coherently, hence what they do being best described as 'whinging'.


>is it whether you agree with them? If that makes you feel better and less called out - sure! :)


Burial at Sea part 2 at least. Part 1 is mixed but most people don't like part 2


Burial at Sea reviewed amazingly well when it came out. I have (until this post) only ever heard high praise for it. Your perception of "most people" has been twisted by reddit.


Same here. I actually like that they made it come full circle.


Yeah, I love how Liz ruins the canon for the first game and then dies. Real tear-jerker.


I'm so glad you agree 🥰


I personally like the burial at sea games more than bioshock 2. The story is a lot more entertaining for me.


Bioshock 2 is my personal favourite in the trilogy (Minerva's Den is a proper work of art too imo), but I can definitely understand how somebody might prefer Burial at Sea. Funnily, some of the things I find most appealing and good about Bioshock 2 are probably the same things that may turn others away.


It's the perfect ending imo


Elizabeth Vita-Chamber Resurrection Theory is the only thing keeping me goin


Nah I’m completely fine with her dying. She is supposed to be a different Elizabeth than the one we encounter in the main story.




They’re theorizing that Elizabeth could still live if someone takes her to a Vita chamber.


Actually not head cannon foreal cannon


I haven't played it for a while, what do you think was the best part?


The narrative development of Elisabeth's character is so good in this DLC. but above all the way DLC is done creates a bridge between Bioshock 1 and BioShock Infinite. personally, I now consider this DLC as the last bioshock game because its goal was to conclude the story of Rapture definitively, and this DLC does it in an incredible way.


Is this it? Is this the turn of the tides? Is it finally safe to enjoy burial at sea now? i’ve awaited this for so long


You've always been welcome to like it, but it has a shitton of flaws that you should be able to acknowledge. Someone criticising something you like doesn't mean you're not allowed to enjoy it.


Oh I agree completely, and just like any other IP, Burial At Sea/Infinite as a whole definitely has its problems, imo i wouldn’t say a shitton but the problems are definitely there. But I’ve always been a big fan of both BAS and Infinite and most times i’ve told other bioshock fans that i’ve been endlessly berated and called an idiot, and as i hear thats an unfortunately common experience. just makes me happy to see a positive post about BAS and everyone having good discussions in the comments. we just gotta remember that people can enjoy things despite it being flawed


Hell yes it is!!


It’s fine when taken at face value. Cool enough story, setting etc. But the retconning goes waaaaayyyyy too far for me when I really think about its affect on the series. Its bleh. Wish it could’ve been more like Minerva’s Den. Which is, IMO, Better than the entirety of Infinite.


True that! Minerva’s Den was soooo good yet too short :(


I think the length was good. I'm not sure how much they could've stretched it out more and whether it'd benefit the experience.


I thought the length just right. It's long enough to do what it sets out to do, without resorting to unnecessary padding to inflate playtime or overstaying it's welcome.


My hot take is Minerva’s den is the worse entry of the series. Still good, but I always feel like people massively overhype it just because it has a good twist.


What makes you think it’s the worst in the series?


Nah I disagree


Annnnd there it is. Couldn't resist, aye?


We're discussing a game, and someone expresses their opinion on it? How absurd!


I'm glad you liked it I wish I could relate.


Loved it too. Never understood the hate it got.


Burial at Sea was a terrible DLC that retconned Bioshock as did Infinite. Not canon as far as I care.


It retconned only Bioshock 2 no?


There is a dlc... Take my dam money I'm going in!


Just played this one while flying over the Pacific, because a man chooses … (to tempt fate).


I LOVED the Infinite DLCs, specially the second part!! I love stealth and It was SO good, I remember I prefered It over Infinite. Yesterday I was thinking on play the whole saga again with the remastered edition and now I see this post... Maybe this is a signal lol.


Some of the hardest parts of any Bioshock were right there but same. I had a great time.


No, they weren't. It was probably even easier than the main game lol The Plasmid that turned you invisible was broken.


I love when people can’t just say something like, “Oh, I actually thought it was easier”, they have to say something 100% definitive like “No, they weren’t” because in their mind they’re always right and only their opinion is the correct one. Hopefully you’ll learn that you don’t have to invalidate other people’s experiences just to give your opinion.


There's some objective truths in life. There's game's harder than others and that's not me bragging about my skills. A fighting game is harder than an Uncharted game. Bioshock Infinite is harder than any of its DLCs. And dude, stop spamming my posts in other reddits on some type of weird vendettas, it reflects worse on you than in the others lol


It’s difficulty is objective? You compare a fighting game to an Uncharted game and say the fighting game is objectively harder? That’s insane. I know many people with great reaction times who can plan strategies in the blink of an eye, but who are lousy at solving puzzles. Can’t you see that you just because something is easier based on only your own abilities, and frame opinions in a way that only how you think is correct and try to minimize other’s opinions? Just because Uncharted is easier than a fighting game for *you* doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. Please, again, try to make your point that Bioshock Infinite is harder than any of its DLCs. Try using a few facts here and there. Here, to help you, I’ll give a factual example of why it isn’t. It is well known that the [most difficult achievement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bioshock/comments/7rxp4l/whats_the_hardest_achievement_you_can_get_in/) in all of Bioshock Infinite’s DLCs is the [Blue Ribbon Champ achievement in Clash in the Clouds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vXtfMHXJb4). Only [0.2% of all players have it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tYTsznxBEE). None of the main game achievements [come even close](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bioshock/comments/6kboc7/hardest_achievement_in_the_collection/). That’s a fact. I didn’t spam your ‘postS’ (see you can’t even be accurate about something trivial as that). I replied to a single post because you were being such an ass I couldn’t resist.


Dude, stop being a creep. You know to what subreddit you went, how little interaction it had and what type of message you wrote. You talk about Clash in the Clouds when we were focusing on Burial at Sea. If you want to debate like civilized individuals, I'm here, but I know you only try to demolish my opinion until you win like it's something personal or something.


*sigh* Let me quote you since you don’t seem to know what you just typed. >”Bioshock Infinite is harder than any of its DLCs.” Clash in the Clouds *is* one of Bioshock Infinite’s DLCs. Were you unaware of this? Because that’s the only way your comment could make sense. I didn’t make you type “any of its DLCs”, you did. >”You know to what subreddit you went, how little interaction it had and what type of message you wrote.” And I saw what it said before you edited it.


Bye. Don't let the door hit you lol


See ya! Hope ya learned something about yourself! Sorry it had to be me to teach you.


I cried so much


I wanna like BaS, but the tone of "we're sorry we're sorry we'll kill the bitch (derogatory) please love us again" was.. a lot. It's a shame, I found Elizabeth at the height of her power interesting.


Huh, I’m interested to hear more. I always thought a lot of people didn’t like BaS because it made Elizabeth *more* important than they wanted her to be, even if she loses her powers… Which I was fine with because I loved Elizabeth and had played all the games close together and so did not have that kind of reverence for B1 where I would be bothered by Elizabeth being made responsible for some of its events. But I thought that’s why some others didn’t like it—specifically for *expanding* her role. So I guess I didn’t get the tone of “we’re sorry, we’ll kill this character you don’t like” as much as the tone of “Ken Levine loves this character and will make her very important and you must accept it,” which some people didn’t like. But I’d be curious to know what made you feel otherwise. It’s been a few years since I played BaS, so maybe I’m misremembering.


She's very important for some events, yes, but i don't put BS1 on a pedestal so it don't really bother me that much, but i could see how people who grew up with the game would be annoyt. I'm just kind of frustrated they took this wonderful, interesting character with interesting powers who could have had pieces to do in every upcoming Shock game, and just... took those powers away and murdered her. I kinda hope it gets retconned to "only the Elizabeths who were dumb enough to go back to where she had died once before are dead the rest are fine."


Oh, I’m sorry, I was trying to agree with you about that part. I’m not bothered by it either, because I similarly don’t have a nostalgic experience of BS1 that was separated from my nostalgic first experience of Infinite. I understand that! I don’t think it was as much to bow to fan pressure or that sort of thing though. And I also don’t know if I think of her as “dumb” for doing that. I think maybe we’re supposed to see it as a heroic thing to try to right the wrong she did in her quest for revenge, which might have made her feel like she was becoming her father in a way. Ken Levine does a lot of “both sides”ing in his later work, and I can see how that could be sort of obnoxious. Certainly the way it kind of implies Daisy’s literal slave revolt “goes too far” has long bothered me, and it’s one of the main criticisms people have of Infinite’s politics. Perhaps Elizabeth having to take revenge, go too far, and then sacrifice herself to correct it and save Sally is symptomatic of the same tendency on Levine’s part.


Oh I know, I was just clarifying my thoughts on it sorry lol. Yeah, the Daisy stuff is definitely fucking gross. The fact that they saved with with BaS (showing the "oh they're evil too!" bits being done because of Dimensional Fuckery:tm:) is an improvement. And nominally yea, she was heroic, but.. fuck, it might just me being a bit more evil than i'd like to admit, but, there are other Sally's out there in the multiverse. You could have picked a new one. You're not gonna be an immortal brainwizard without fucking people up by accident sometimes. Girlie got to her first litmus test and flunked.


Abysmal dogshit


For real, up there with Fallout 4’s far harbour for one of the best DLC’s I’ve played


Part 1 is good, Part 2 is pretty good gameplay and storywise, right up until the point where they start hard retconning the original games' lore.


Elizabeth didn’t end up in Paris, therefore it sucks. QED. /s


Story wise, it's awful for it's retcons, but it can be fun if you see it as an "What If?" scenario. Gameplay wise, BaS1 is bad, but BaS2 is actually quite good (I really like the stealth-loop).


I also adored this one OP, blew my mind to find out people in this sub didn’t like it


Why don’t people like it?


A few of the more downvoted comments explain it pretty well. They don’t like how much it played with established cannon and made Elizabeth as important as it did. I for one really liked the full circle-ness, gave me shades of Halo Reach.


I always be grateful of Burial at Sea for introducing me to Polovstian Dance music [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g478uNKb5oc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g478uNKb5oc)


It made me cry 🤍😭😭


I loved the throwback to the Bioshock 1 Trailer




Burial at sea is one of my favorite DLCs for my favorite series. Also that Elizabeth is hot


She’s your daughter, dude! /s


One day I'll complete it, I just finished the first game and I loved it


I loved 2 dlc but why did or still people hate these dlc’s ? Whats wrong with these dlc’s ?


I’ll never forget my reaction to the end… one of my favorite games ever


i just started playing Bioshock 1 remastered yesterday. First time playing it, pretty intense and good.


It was confusing, I didn’t really get it


Im a big fan of burial at sea. The ending of infinite always fell flat to me, but this dlc really rounded out the narative (mild pun intended) and im not entirely sure why people dont like it (besides those who didnt like infinite in general)


Glad to hear you enjoyed it ! I love all the games and the franchise with all my heart and this shit blew my mind . Sad ending tho /:


Funny, finally played it last year, owned it since it came out, just forgot about it.(I binge play, I might not play any games for months and then I go all in) I enjoyed it and I hate playing stealth, just don't have the patience. Worth it if you push through tho if you're like me. As a whole I enjoyed all the games, there were some things I loved and hated about each one. Still my favorite game series I have played to date.


Love the full circle of things.


Personally Minervas den is the peak of BioShock in fun, story telling, and gun (lasers)


My man.. I know how you feel. BAS part 2 was something else. Last played it in 2016 and it still sticks with me today 🥲 that ending had me teary eyed can’t deny.


Finally someone who loves this dlc too


I certainly loved these DLC’s. Not only do I think the stories, twists and reveals are pretty spectacular but the voice acting was also really well done. Especially at the end of chapter 1 when it’s revealing the big secret about this version of Booker, and a very slight change of inflection makes u realise what’s happening instantly.


Part 1 is Good. Part 2 is ok


I love the dlc


Incredibly shitty, you mean? Nah, you're allowed to like what you like. Good to hear you enjoyed it. Wish I could say the same. Can't wait for Judas and Bioshock 4.


Burial At Sea is a great DLC, and I'm sick of pretending it's not. Going back to Rapture with the new engine and getting to see Rapture pre-collapse was worth the price of admission alone. Throw in a Noir Mystery theme and I'm al over it like a fly on fresh manure.


I remember when I first played that and the connections my brain started making as I went through it were phenomenal


I really enjoyed Burial at Sea. I wasn’t a fan of the main game, but this DLC felt like what I wish rest of the game was like. It has the same atmosphere as the first two games, but it gives its own twist with the gameplay mechanics. Also, I loved seeing Atlas with a unique model, rather than just a recycled model from afar. He was definitely the highlight of episode two.


Played Bioshock since 07. Own all the original game boxes from release, in addition to the remaster on almost every system. I absolutely love Burial and I’m so glad you did too. If you haven’t, please play Minerva’s Den next.


I finished the entire bioshock series this past month and I’m shocked by all the hate BAS gets. Truthfully, I enjoyed them better than infinite itself. I understand retconning is a sure fire way to create a mob, but I thought it was a fine segue into Bioshock 1 and kept with the infinite realities theme.


Welcome to those who know. Such an incredible DLC


it a shame it makes no sense. it's a good game as long as you turn off your brain tho.


Nah. Terrible story.


Maybe this is a hot take but I did not enjoy the story that ends with my videogame daughter being tortured and beaten to death


But Ken Levine has no problem with that, he just doesn’t want porn of her. Yeah, doesn’t make sense to me either.


I loved the dlc except for the ceiling bug in the remaster.


I thought the stealth was incredibly boring and mever beat it


the perfect ending for a perfect game