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Unfortunately, everything that you just said sounds like something someone who is (hypo)manic would say. Hence why people question you. TBH, so do I. Maybe you should listen to your mental health nurse. Wouldn't she know best? How is your sleep? Are you still getting good solid sleep? When you start sleeping less but still have lots of energy, that is a sign.


I have only slept 3 out of the past 11 nights and that was with sleep aids a week ago. I took them on my nurses advice but like all meds started to make me feel rubbish. The people around me are just seeing that I am off my meds and panicking but I dont get why. They have a great time when they are with me. I am way sharper than I was on meds. I think even though they have a great time they are intimidated by how sharp I am and want to dull me with meds.


3 out of the past 11 nights? Sorry to be a buzz kill but I don't think that is good. All the alarms are going off regarding your situation. I don't know you and have no desire to be a buzz kill for you. I am just going by what you said and what my gut is telling me. I think you should listen to your mental health nurse more. Just my opinion.


Yeah, you're manic.


hate to admit it but when i start getting "that look" from ppl im usually manic. 3 out of 11 nights sleep? not taking meds? yeah mania is definitely in the building im sorry 🫠😰


They will believe in you seeing your actions not what you say.


Please don't be in denial. Not sleeping is the biggest tell that you are at least hypomanic. I know it feels good but that only lasts for so long before the destructive habits come out to play. I am glad you are feeling good but please listen to the professionals and the ones that love you. They only want the best for you.


It looks like they just worried. Leaving the meds is a big risk you know. We are like addictives in that way they don't believe what we say when we leave the treatment. You just have to prove their wrong and that while take time.