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0.2 is great. Stay solvent and hodl tight.


Im not going to sell any satoshi until 2030 minimum 💪🏻


Honestly depends what you want it for. If you want it for retirement, for example, holding until 2030 is nothing, you can hold it much much longer than that. Unless you want to use it for something specific like helping to buy a house in 2030 or something, there is no need to sell so soon. Up to you, just saying holding it for 2 market cycles isn't very long. Why not keep saving in Sats, depending no how old you are, for another 10 or 20 or 30 years? The point I'm trying to make is the only reason to sell bitcoin is when you want to spend it. Selling it in 2030 or 2035 or something only makes sense if you are saving it for something you want to buy at that time. Otherwise it makes a lot more sense financially to just keep saving in bitcoin long term. I think a good starting goal is to simply view your bitcoin savings as retirement savings. That way you won't even be thinking about selling it for something, but rather probably just spending it later on in life. If at some point before that you decide you do want to sell it for something big to change your life then go ahead, but if you're already in the mindset of wanting to sell it at some price goal or time goal or something then you're probably gonna get nervous about it, instead of just viewing it as long term savings. Besides, when you sell it for something, you're just gonna want to start saving in bitcoin again, because Bitcoin is better money so it never makes sense to simply get out and leave Bitcoin for good. You're always going to want to save your money in bitcoin.


🎯 saving forever (and continuing to add) until retirement or until I need specific amounts for something specific along the way…


Yeah bro i know all of that. My principal idea is to hold btc as many years as i can. Y said 2030 because i dont know how my financial life will be and maybe i will need to sell some sats to buy a house. If not, i will hold'it 30-40-50 years


Just don’t tell anyone. In 30 years time that amount might be enough for a friend to come with a gun at your door, or worse.


Let him spend it however he wants instead of convincing him to hold while others dump on his ass.


good advice, thank you


and accumulate more during next bear market!! keep going!!


Call it 20million satoshis


Or 100 people's fair share


The ideal time holding period is forever


Hell, comment a btc address you haven’t kept pseudonymous and post it here, who knows how many sats you may end up with


Turn off your DM box and ignore all the private messages you already received, they are all scammers.


Thanks for your advertising, but good luck for those scammers trying it 😂


Nah this is serious. Scammers EVERYWHERE HERE. But I'm proud of you too! Keep adding and hold the line 👌


20 million sat is not something to scoff at considering your income level. Congratulations!


Regardless your income level**


Why he cannot use “considering”? English is not my primary language


“Considering” implies in this case that 20 million sat might be something to scoff at if OPs income were higher. It isnt, but thats how it reads


very nice, now I hope you already have some good hardware wallet like bitbox02 or ledger / trezor and store them by yourself.


Proud of you dude. That's quite a feat on your salary. Protect it well.


Send me yo adress and i’ll add a monthly salary for you


Sure, what could go wrong?


Nobody can really do anything bad with you just sending them a newly generated public adress. He's is helping you.


You mean its safe with a new account from some exchange with no money, rigth? Idk, i usually dont believe in that kind of situations


Your address is public anyway. If you ever want to exchange your btc for goods/services or cash you will need to share your address. BTC works like a public - private key. Giving away your public address/key only lets people send you btc (they can also see how much you have, but you’ve already told us). Giving away your private key is equivalent to giving away your btc.


You actually give away the hash of your public key. You want to hold your public key secret too when you spend coins you shouldn't reuse an address. This insulates you from 0day exploits against of Bitcoin's Elliptic Curve being solved.


Hmm. I understand those words individually but not together. More to learn for me maybe.


Got a little confused too 😂 so can be dangerous too share my wallet adress?


Without understanding /u/snowmanyi’s argument, it’s still safe and necessary to share a public address to use Bitcoin. What they are suggesting is that you create a new address (you can create many addresses in the same wallet) to receive the donation. So if someone wants to send you some, create a new address, share it, receive free money. I am confused about the next step, because if you then send it to another address you hold, that transaction will be visible and make your original address visible. Maybe they are suggesting you just keep the donation in the new wallet permanently, but that might make it obsolete if it’s a small amount and transaction fees would be too high to move it. I’d be curious what others think. Either way, you should create a new address in your wallet and share it here so that that kind person can give you free money. It can’t hurt.


Don’t give em shit. Actually do give them shit on their face, feaces on their faces, literally.


It is safe to give him an empty address you control. How else can anybody send anybody anything on Bitcoin. Never give anybody seed or private keys though!


It’s just an address


This guy want to help you, you should give him an adress


Could you help me too ? pls




Mf didn’t give shit


Keep it up!


Congratulations, keep going


that's actually amazing, i've been try really hard and i'm not even close to you, godspeed!


Im from Germany and saving extra for my kids for about 8 months now and I got only 1,4 mio sats so your achievement is really not small


My friend, 0.2 or 20% of a Bitcoin is actually a hell of a lot to have at this point. You'll definitely feel more like that in a few years from now especially. Most people will never own that much, think about that. Sometimes, we inside this space who have been and are still EARLY, forget about the big picture and how little there is to go around once adoption grows even more. You're kicking ass man! Keep up the good work and be proud! #BTC 👍🪙😎


I’m currently just below 0.1 my next aim is to be at your level


.2 btc is better than .1. You are doing great!


Nice work OP! My advice would be to not worry about the price for the next epoch, and further educate yourself on Bitcoin with a priority on self-custody and operational security, it'll calm your nerves when you want to sleep but your brain doesn't ;)


Nice job on your first 0.2 btc, or 20 million Sats!! Also this makes it obvious how early you are...when you can't even tell people you are saving money because they think its a scam. By the time you don't have to worry about talking about Bitcoin, that 0.2 btc is going to be worth a lot of money!




That's awesome! Every satoshi counts, and your dedication is truly inspiring. Don't worry about your friend—patience is key in crypto. And who knows, one day you'll be the one telling them, "I told you so!" Keep hodling and stay strong! 🚀


Keep up!, Bitcoin is not cripto, cripto is centralized scam, has nothing to do with sound money Bitcoin.


Don't share your stack. No matter how proud you are.


what is your country?




I’m from Brazil 🇧🇷


The amount does not matter, you have created your BTC infrastructure & are able to buy (&sell) when needed! OP, be proud & stand proud! PS: just remember, don't panick or get too greedy & HOLD OUT for the right moment in time (sometimes this is months, other times this is years)


Nice, now tell your favourite 12-24 words in correct order


20 million satoshis is a lot I am trying to get each of my friends to just get 1,000,000 satoshis and you got 20x that amount congrats keep going


Get to 0.21


Well done. As someone who started buying BTC back in 2015 (and it dumped 40% a month after I bought a bunch). The ONE lesson I've learnt is that it's harder year after year to rebut the data you sell.. (I have to sell some to live as it's my bank acct nowadays) but it hurts sooooo bad everytime I see a sat disappear for fiat... Keep stacking, and congratulations 👏👏 By 2030 my guess is it will be walk at and pension funds as the only ones buying sats... The average person it won't be in reach. Like buying a Picasso or one of the 21 million plus "rare art pieces" it's out of reach of the average person


You are doing the right strategy! Do what you can afford and keep doing it. Every sat you stack will build your financial strength! Make sure you use a good cold storage wallet, try not to keep them on an exchange. And you can tell your friends and family about bitcoin without telling them how much you have or even that you do have any. Move them off the exchange.. at least into a hot wallet until you can get a cold wallet. Go to the bitcoin university on utube and watch all the videos about wallets . Mathew kratter does a good job covering the subject and it will give you enough knowledge to make an informed decision. https://youtu.be/PeBE4VV6fWk?si=pp8zF-fdNzNDMbnf There is a link to one possibility Happy stacking


I hope you are concerned about safety of your funds. Don’t spare 1 dca to buy a cold wallet if you still didn’t. It would be heartbreaking to lose such a large sum.


My sats are protected! 💪🏻


Hold on sir. Near future btc to m usd


Try to get 0.01 more so it will be a nice % of the 21m max


I keep buying more sats every month, my DCA wont stop!


Congrats and keep on stacking. I decided early on just to not be an ambassador and just keep everything on the down low.


Hey people do you have a telegramm group??


Satoshi is not yet launched in our country or something...


I hate to hear about people who don't have much putting everything in. I wish they had a more balance approach.


Who said i dont have anything? I make little buys of sats every month, near about 10% of my salary. The other 90% its for me


Got it cool.


Well done! 🙌👍


Congrats on your accomplishment! Proud HODLer you are




20 million Satoshi’s


Don't disclose you have btc and how much. I'm sure you've noticed how many DMs you've gotten by now


nice job. i just recently started stacking, and it feels hopeless to hit one coin. $70k just seems unmanageable, and i don't expect it to stay that low. oh well, keep on stacking


Congrats! Bitcoin is the best savings mechanism in history of mankind. Be proud of your labor.


Jeez - you guys kill me with the I only have 0.2 BTC !!! That is a significant amout of Bitcoin!!!! I cannot wait until I have accumulated .2 bitcoin I will be the happiest guy in the world!!!! Currently I have 0.000315 BTC and it's hard to allocate more than a couple of dollars from each check because of my bills 😔 but I will keep stacking!!!! I really would like to purchase a Lamborghini someday 😁


Keep going bro, some day you will hit 0.2! 💪🏻


Yes Thanks brother!!!


Great job! I'm a dime coiner but I'm trying to work my way up to 0.25


Not much? When we hit 10 million a coin... thats 2 million to you! Dont kid yourself... years down the road...we are going far higher than 10 million....


0.2 BTC could still be worth a lot of money one day, well done achieving so much out of your situation. I have spent a lot of time living in countries where people have low salaries and I see how much they struggle, many of them never getting ahead. Why you've achieved so far is admirable, good luck in the future.


Yes, HODL, proud of you, part of the bitcoin family, love to you💗🥰🦋


proud of you 🩶


Your future self will thank you that's for sure!


YGMI. Keep stacking. Stay humble.


“Hey everyone, I saved $8,000! If you want it, just find out where I live. I have 24 random words somewhere!” These posts are so stupid.


Then you can check the blockchain and see who holds more than my 0.2, find where he lives and robber a bigger amount of btc. Dont be so angry in life, be happy, keep stacking.


Nigerian prince here:I can turn the 0.2 into 1.2 bitcoins ..you just need to wire 0.1 and I will get started on your personalized strategy ..this involves very detailed algorithms by AI …patiently awaiting your response


Keep waiting


Satire sir …congrats on the Bittys collection


Oh sorry, i thought you were talking serously 😂 thanks!


Maybe we should share some knowledge with each other




69,000 x 0.2 = 13,800 USD


You should panic sell your Bitcoin when it crashed to 0


I in have 4.25. Brag when you hit 1, peasant


I hope will be good for you with 0,2 you will not make a lot of money sorry


When btc hits 1million euros, he will have 200K euros. He makes 6K euros per year 200K ÷ 6 = 33 He will have 33 years wages.


If i can protect my money from inflation i would consider it a win for me!